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Celem pracy była ocena liczby i rodzaju spożywanych posiłków w ciągu dnia oraz porównanie wartości energetycznej i odżywczej posiłków w jadłospisach kobiet z prawidłową i nadmierną masą ciała. Badania ankietowe przeprowadzono w grupie 346 kobiet w wieku 18-79 lat (średnia wieku 41,1±13,1 lat). Należną masę ciała posiadało 145 kobiet (42%), a nadwagę lub otyłość 201 kobiet (58%). W badaniach wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający m. in. pytania dotyczące nawyków żywieniowych, w tym liczby zwyczajowo spożywanych posiłków oraz dojadania między nimi. Ocenę ilościową dziennych racji pokarmowych dokonano przy użyciu 24-godz. wywiadu żywieniowego z dnia poprzedzającego badanie. Ocenie poddano z uwzględnieniem podziału na posiłki wartość energetyczną oraz zawartość podstawowych składników odżywczych diety (białek, tłuszczów, węglowodanów), a także cholesterolu i błonnika pokarmowego, wykorzystując opracowany w Instytucie Żywności i Żywienia w Warszawie program komputerowy Dieta 2.0. Wykazano, iż w obu porównywanych grupach dominował model 3 posiłkowy, najczęściej opuszczanym posiłkiem był podwieczorek. Do nieregularnego dojadania miedzy posiłkami przyznawało się 56% kobiet z prawidłową masą ciała i 71% kobiet z nadmierną masą ciała. Wykazano również zaburzenia proporcji w dostarczaniu energii z poszczególnych posiłków, jak i nieprawidłowości w zakresie ich wartości odżywczej, zwłaszcza w grupie kobiet z nadwagą lub otyłością.
The study objective was to assess the number and type of the consumed meals during the day and to make a comparison between their energetic and nutritional value in the diets of women with normal and excessive body weight. A questionnaire study was conducted in a group of 346 women aged 18-79 years (mean 41.1±13.1 years). Normal body weight was noted in 145 women (42%), whereas overweight or obesity in 201 women (58%). The study questionnaire contained questions concerning eating habits, e.g. the number of routinely consumed meals and snacks between them. A 24h dietary recall was taken of the day preceding the examination in order to perform a quantitative evaluation of daily food rations. Taking into consideration the division into meals, the evaluation referred to the energetic value and the content of basic dietary nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) as well as cholesterol and cellulose, using the computer program Diet 2.0 designed in the Institute of Food and Feeding in Warsaw. In the two compared groups, a three-meal model predominated and the afternoon snack was most frequently missed. As many as 56% of women with normal body weight and 71% of women with excessive body weight admitted irregular eating between meals. The proportion in energy delivery from the respective meals was disturbed and nutritional abnormalities were found, especially in overweight and obese women.
Badania miały na celu ocenę czynników środowiskowych wpływających na występowanie nadwagi lub otyłości w populacji województwa podlaskiego. Pod uwagę wzięto rodzinne występowanie otyłości, wiek w którym stwierdzono nadwagę lub otyłość, stosowanie używek, środków farmaceutycznych, rodzaj preferowanego odpoczynku oraz aktywności fizycznej. Stwierdzono, że na występowanie zwiększonej masy ciała mają wpływ zarówno predyspozycje genetyczne jak i czynniki środowiskowe. Występowanie otyłości w rodzinie było czynnikiem ryzyka istotnym statystycznie.
The study was conducted to evaluate chosen environmental factors that may contribute to overweight or obesity among the population of Podlasie. Socio-economic status, physical activity and the use of condiments and medications were assessed. The investigations, treated as preliminary, used questionnaire technique and involved 150 volunteers (132 women and 18 men), aged 18-69 years (women; mean 37.4 ± 12.50) and 18-62 (men; mean 30.0 ± 11.03). In the majority of subjects the first symptoms of obesity appeared in childhood and puberty. Overweight was familial in 69.6% of women and in 11.1% of men (statistically significant risk factor), which could reflect genetic load or similar lifestyle. Frequency and type of recreational and sports activity were evaluated. Over 77% of the subjects examined declared little and inadequately matched physical activity. The knowledge of health state was unsatisfactory and obesity was considered only in cosmetic terms. Prophylactic actions should intend to educate the whole society, propagate healthy lifestyle and to increase physical activity. People with overweight and obesity should tend to normalise body mass and thus to improve metabolic parameters and general feeling.
Oceniono zawartość P i Fe w dekadowych jadłospisach stołówek internatów wybranych szkół średnich. Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o obowiązujące w Polsce normy oraz wytyczne Instytutu Żywności i Żywienia w Warszawie. Wykonano analizę zawartości P i Fe w grupach produktów spożywczych, będących głównym źródłem tych pierwiastków. W analizowanych dietach nie stwierdzono niedoborów P, niedobór Fe wystąpił sporadycznie.
P and Fe content in the canteen decade menus of the chosen boarding-secondary schools was evaluated. The analysis was performed according to the Polish standards and basing on the instructions of the Institute of Food and Feeding in Warsaw. P and Fe values were estimated in the groups of products being the main source of these elements. No phosphorus deficiency was found in the diets analysed, Fe deficiency was sporadic.
W całodziennej racji pokarmowej studentów AMB oceniono zawartość witaminy C, B1, B2, B6 i PP. Wyższą podaż badanych witamin odnotowano w całodziennej racji pokarmowej studentek.
The content of vitamins B1 B2, B6, PP and C in the daily diet of the Białystok Medical University students was assessed. A 24-hour dietary history was taken among 86 female and 42 male students aged 19-22 years. The vitamin supply varied according to students'.gender. The students' menus were characterized by high vitamin C content. Higher supply of vitamins B1 B2, B6 and PP was noted in a daily food ration of female students as compared with male subjects.
It has been shown that glycoprotein and polysaccharide fractions obtained from T. vaginalis cells can be employed as antigens in serodiagnosis of trichomonosis. This refers especially to the polysaccharide fraction because of its easy availability, solubility in aqueous solutions, high diagnostic specificity and sensitivity. It has been stated that the diagnostic value of polysaccharide antigen of T. vaginalis, in occult trichomonosis in men particularly, is higher than the effect of the secretion examination by means of culture, even after the prostatic gland massage.
W pracy dokonano oceny spożycia wapnia i żelaza w całodziennej racji pokarmowej studentów Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku (AMB) w oparciu o 24-godzinny wywiad żywieniowy. Oceniono spożycie produktów będących głównym źródłem tych biopierwiastków (mleko, mięso i ich przetwory).
The aim of the study was to evaluate calcium and iron content in a daily food ration of students of Białystok Medical Academy. The analysis was correlated with the consumption of product groups being the main source of these bioelements in the diet (milk, meat and their products). The study involved 492 students (66% women and 34% men) aged 19—25 years. Quantitative analysis was carried out using the 24-hour recall method. Calcium and iron content in the diet were estimated according to Kunachowicz et al. The results were compared with the standards accepted by the Institute of Food and Nutrition in Warsaw, for people with moderate physical activity. The mean calcium content in the diet of female students was 582.9 mg, while in the diet of male students 802.2 mg. Daily diet calcium content covered 53% and 73% of the safe norm in women and men respectively, the recommended norm being 49% and 67%. Calcium content in a daily food ration of the Białystok Medical Academy students was too low, which was caused by insufficient intake of milk and its products. Mean iron intake in a daily food ration of female students was 10.1 mg/day and of male students 15 mg/day. The difference was statistically significant. Iron supply in men, s diet covered the recommended norm in 100%, while the safe norm in 136.4%. In women iron in diet covered the safe norm in 72.1% and the recommended norm in 56.1%. Differences in iron content in a daily food ration of the students examined are associated with differentiated consumption of meat and its products (high intake was noted in men studying at Białystok Medical Academy).
Przeprowadzona ocena jakościowa sposobu żywienia pacjentów z kamicą żółciową i grupy kontrolnej wykazała wiele nieprawidłowości w trybie żywienia i częstości spożycia wybranych produktów. Przeważająca część ankietowanych cechowało nieregularne spożywanie posiłków, dojadanie między posiłkami. Pacjenci z kamicą spożywali mniej produktów wysokobłonnikowych oraz istotnie więcej produktów wysokotłuszczowych.
The potential causes of diets increased incidence of cholecystolithiasis. The study involved 104 patients with diagnosed cholecystolithiasis and 202 without cholecystolithiasis. The questionnaire technique was used to evaluate risk factors of cholecystolithiasis. Patients with cholecystolithiasis were characterized by low intake of dark bread and wholemeal products, raw fruit and vegetables, and pulses. Women and men with cholecystolithiasis significantly more frequently consumed high-fat foods.
W oparciu o badania ankietowe oceniono częstość spożycia grup produktów w całodziennej racji pokarmowej studentów z nadwagą i należną masą ciała.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the rate of consumption of product groups in a daily food ration of students of the Medical University of Białystok with normal body mass and overweight. The study involved 79 female students and 53 male students. The mean age was 22 years. In the study population overweight was found in 7 women (8.9%) and in 23 men (43.4%). The rate of consumption of groups of food products in a daily food ration was estimated based on questionnaire investigations. Qualitative analysis was conducted using the point method according to Starzyńska. Statistically significant differences were observed between the mean ranges of the consumption rate of the respective product groups in women and men. A daily food ration of female students with overweight more often included half-meat dishes, sweet drinks and coffee, compared to those with normal weight. Men with excessive body mass ate dry pulse and pasta more often than male students with normal body mass. Most menus of male and female students with both normal body mass and obesity received low or bad scores.
The aim of the study was to assess addictions among students in the years 2000-2003. One hundred and thirty students were recruited for questionnaire investigations in the year 2000, 128 and 121 participated in the subsequent years. The age range was 19-23 years. In the study period, a slight increase was observed in the percentage of cigarette smoking among male and female students. Alcohol consumption showed a slightly growing tendency in women. A rise was found in the percentage of both men and women drinking tea and of men drinking coffee. The students involved in the study were neither psychoactive drug- nor pharmaceutic-addicts.
Dokonano oceny poziomu spożycia w żywności wybranych składników mineralnych w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych studentów AMB. W dietach kobiet wykazano niską podaż Ca, Fe i K, a w dietach mężczyzn Ca. Zapotrzebowanie na Na i P zostało przekroczone niezależnie od płci.
The intake level of chosen mineral components was assessed based on daily food rations of students of the Medical Faculty, Medical University of Białystok. The study involved 79 women (61.2% of the examined) and 50 (38.8%) men. The last 24-hour history method was applied. The content of chosen bioelements was calculated using a computer programme FOOD 2. The results were compared to the safe norms recommended by the Institute of Food and Feeding in Warsaw. Low intake of calcium, iron and potassium was revealed in the diet of female students, and only calcium in the diet of men. The consumption of phosphorus and sodium was too high in the case of women, while the supply of sodium, phosphorus and iron considerably exceeded the safe norm in men.
W oparciu o 24-godzinny wywiad żywieniowy dokonano oceny zawartości sodu, potasu, fosforu i wapnia w całodziennej racji pokarmowej studentów (155 mężczyzn i 33 kobiety) uprawiających sport. Odnotowano wysoką średnią podaż Na, K, P w diecie studentów obu płci oraz Ca w przypadku mężczyzn. Zwraca uwagę duża rozpiętość w podaży badanych biopierwiastków, co może sugerować występowanie indywidualnych niedoborów w ich spożyciu.
The content of sodium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium was assessed in a daily food ration of sport- practicing students (155 men and 33 women), based on a 24-hour dietary history. Mean dietary supply of Na, K and P was high in both genders; high Ca supply was observed in men. Worth noting is a wide span in the supply of these bioelements, which may suggest individual dietary deficiencies in their consumption.
W pracy oceniano częstość występowania nadwagi i otyłości wśród studentów Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku (AMB). Zwrócono uwagę na złe nawyki żywieniowe młodzieży akademickiej i zastanawiano się nad ich ewentualnymi przyczynami.
The aim of the study was to assess dietary habits, overweight and obesity among the students of the Białystok Medical University. Results of our own studies and of other authors indicate that the nutrition of those young people was far from optimum. The subjects comprised 492 students of the 3rd and 4th year of the Białystok Medical University (325 women and 167 men). The dietary questionnaire interview was performed in 1997/1998. The frequency of intake of particular food product groups was analysed. The quantitative assessment was based on the results of the 24-hour dietary recall from the day preceding the interview. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from body weight and height. It was found that the majority of the Białystok Medical University students had low-calorie diets. Energy content of 81.9% of the women's food rations and 72.4% of the men's food rations was below the recommended standards of energy requirements. Rich-calorie diet was preferred by 18.1% of the young women and 27.6% of the young men, which was reflected in their BMI values. Correct body mass was noted in 53.5% women and 77.2% men. Overweight was observed in 2.8% women and 19.2% men, obesity was found only in 1.8% men. The men preferred rich-protein low-fat and low-carbohydrate meals. The intake of milk and diary products was unsatisfactory. Meat and its products were consumed daily by over 30% women and 60% men. Fish intake was low (more than 70% students had fish only once a week). Bread was the main source of carbohydrates (whole-grain bread in the women, white bread in the men). Fruits were included mainly in the daily diet of the women. Only 57% men ate raw vegetables. High percentage of underweight was found among the female, and of overweight among the male students of the Białystok Medical University. Numerous dietary imperfections referred to energy value of the diet, irregularity of meal intake, improper proportions of the nutrients. Further studies are necessary to explain the causes of these shortcomings.
Badaniami objęto chorych hospitalizowanych z powodu kamicy żółciowej mających nadwagę lub otyłość. Próbowano ustalić jakie czynniki ryzyka usposabiają do wystąpienia kamicy pęcherzyka i/lub dróg żółciowych. Czynnikiem istotnie różnicującym obie grupy okazały się zwyczaje i nawyki żywieniowe.
Obesity (like age, gender, hormonal disorders, unreasonable diet and some other causes) is a known risk factor of cholelithiasis. The aim of the study was to determine factors which distinguish obese subjects with cholelithiasis from overweight individuals without this ailment. The study involved a selected hospital population. The study group consisted of patients with overweight and obesity hospitalised for cholelithiasis (n=71), while the control group included obese or overweight patients of similar age in whom cholelithiasis was excluded (n=71). Retrospective data concerning risk factors of cholelithiasis were obtained using a questionnaire survey. In the obese women with cholelithiasis, concomitant diabetes and a positive history of familial diabetes were significantly more frequent than in the obese women without that ailment. No statistically significant differences were found among the obese students of both groups in respect of the use of cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, tea, cholesterol-reducing drugs, or the frequency of lipid disorders. In both groups, contraceptives were used by a similar percentage of women. However, childbirth was significantly more frequent among the obese cholelit- hiatic patients. The analysis of dietary habits of the obese patients with and without cholelithiasis showed similar dietary errors leading to obesity, although the consumption of dark bread, cereals, rice, fruit, vegetables and legumes was significantly more frequent among the non-cholelithiatic patients. On the other hand, the consumption of butter, bacon and lard was significantly more frequent in the group of the obese patients with cholelithiasis.
Dokonano oceny zawartości wybranych witamin rozpuszczalnych w tłuszczach (A, D, E) oraz w wodzie (B₁, B₂, B₆, B₁₂, niacyna, foliany) w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych 346 kobiet o zróżnicowanym stopniu odżywienia (145 kobiet z prawidłową masą ciała, 73 z nadwagą oraz 128 otyłych). Dieta kobiet z nadwagą lub otyłością w porównaniu z dietą kobiet o prawidłowej masie ciała charakteryzowała się wyższą zawartością wszystkich ocenianych witamin (różnice istotne statystycznie). Ponadto stwierdzono niższą od zalecanych zawartość w jadłospisach wszystkich badanych kobiet folianów i wit. D oraz wit. E u kobiet z prawidłową masą ciała. Nadmierna podaż dotyczyła witamin B₂, B₆ w jadłospisach wszystkich kobiet oraz witamin A, C, B₁₂ i niacyny w racjach pokarmowych kobiet z nadwagą i otyłością.
The levels of chosen fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) and water-soluble vitamins (B₁, B₂, B₆, B₁₂, niacin, foliates) were assessed in daily food rations of 346 women with differentiated state of nutrition (145 women with normal weight, 73 with overweight and 128 with obesity). The diets of overweighed and obese women, as compared to those with normal weight, were characterized by higher vitamin levels (statistically significant differences). Low dietary contents of foliates and vitamin D were found in all the study participants and of vitamin E in the women with normal body weight. Excessive dietary supplies of vitamin B₂ and B₆ were noted in all the women and of vitamins A, C, B₁₂ and niacin in the overweighed and obese study participants
Celem pracy była ocena zawartości wybranych witamin rozpuszczalnych w tłuszczach (A, E) i w wodzie (B1, B2, B6, B12, C, niacyna) w całodziennej racji pokarmowej osób otyłych nie stosujących diety odchudzającej (201 otyłych kobiet- BMI=32,9±6,2kg/m2 i 60 mężczyzn -BMI=33,4±5,3 kg/m2). Średni wiek kobiet wynosił 45,8 ±12,2 lat, a mężczyzn 48 ± 13,5 lat. Ocenę sposobu żywienia przeprowadzono metodą wywiadu 24-godzinnego. Zawartość wybranych witamin w całodziennej racji pokarmowej oceniono przy użyciu programu komputerowego DIETA2. Podaż witamin porównano z normami na poziomie bezpiecznym dla osób o małej aktywności fizycznej. Zaobserwowano niską zawartość w żywieniu witaminy B1 u kobiet i B2 u mężczyzn. Wykazano, że w jadłospisach osób otyłych (zarówno kobiet jak i mężczyzn) zawartość w diecie na poziomie normy dotyczyła witaminy E, niacyny, ryboflawiny (kobiety), witaminy B6 (mężczyźni). Wysoką zawartość w diecie odnotowano w przypadku witaminy A, B12, oraz witaminy C zarówno u otyłych kobiet jak i mężczyzn.
The study objective was to evaluate the content of chosen vitamins soluble in fats (A, E) and in water (B1, B2, B6, B12, C, niacin, folic acid) in daily food rations of obese subjects, who are not on a reducing diet (201 obese women - BMI=32.9±6.2kg/ m2 and 60 men - BMI=33.4±5.3 kg/m2). The mean age was 45.8 ±12.2 years for women and 48±13.5 years for men. Dietary habits were assessed using the 24h dietary recall method. Computer program DIETA2 was used to evaluate the vitamin content in daily food rations. Vitamin intake was compared with safe levels for subjects with low physical activity. Low intake were observed in the consumption of vitamin B1 in women and B2 in men. Daily food rations of patients with excessive body mass (both women and men) met safe level daily requirements for vitamin E, niacin, folic acid, riboflavin (women), vitamin B6 (men). High intakes of vitamin A, B12, and C were noted both among obese women and men.
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