The article is devoted to analysing the phenomenon of women's football in contemporary world. A situation in various countries are taken into account including United States of America, Brasil and China. The problem of women's access to fooball is considered against the background of emancipation, but also masculinization and sexualization of their identity and bodies.
The aim of the article is to analyse various contexts of passion perceived as an important com- ponent of researcher’s identity. First, passion is confronted with the concept if rationality which dominates the university thinking about research. Second, passion is considered in relations to in- trinsic and extrinsic motivation. Next, the author concentrates attention on factors which limit the passion development: present commercialization of research as well as their permanent indexation and evaluation, re-locating the researcher’s energy on permanent reporting and detailed juridization of academic reality. At the end the possibility of passion in contemporary research is optimistically confirmed by the idea of academic community and academic freedom.
The aim of the article is to analyse various contexts of passion perceived as an important com- ponent of researcher’s identity. First, passion is confronted with the concept if rationality which dominates the university thinking about research. Second, passion is considered in relations to in- trinsic and extrinsic motivation. Next, the author concentrates attention on factors which limit the passion development: present commercialization of research as well as their permanent indexation and evaluation, re-locating the researcher’s energy on permanent reporting and detailed juridization of academic reality. At the end the possibility of passion in contemporary research is optimistically confirmed by the idea of academic community and academic freedom.
The article is aimed at describing two examples of man’s dream about totality. In the introduction, the author considers the concept of a universal library and definitive book. The first part includes an analysis of various existential conceptions of total library, and first of all, Borgesian, presented in his famous text “Library of Babel” as well as his concept of Aleph as a universal point with its access to the whole reality. Also, the catastrophic idea of a universal library created by Kurt Lasswitz is presented. The second part of the article is devoted to the concept of a definitive book. Here the famous text written by Borges “The Book of Sand” is considered. Besides the author presents the idea of universality included in the Enlightenment encyclopedias as well as the scientific Biblia project developed by Novalis. In the last part of the article, a comparison is made between the physical library and the virtual library.
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The article concerns the phenomenon of commercialization of the modern university, and especially its two primary functions: research and teaching. On one hand, the author analyzes such phenomena as the marketisation of academic knowledge, which becomes a “commodity for sale”, and scientists, because of the dependence of the big bussines are forced to give up their passion for seeking truth. On the other hand, the learning process is shown in the context of the prevailing reductionist phenomenon of “supermarketization”, where the student becomes the client and the university is transformed into a big department store.
The article is devoted to the concept of beauty and aesthetics in mathematics. It first analyses the assumptions of rationality and objectivity of mathematics. In the second part, the article addresses the beauty and aesthetics in mathematical thinking and indicates profound skepticism in their validity. It likewise reconstructs the aesthetic dimension of Einstein’s theory. At the end, the author considers his own approach to aesthetics of theory in social sciences.
The aim of the article is to reconstruct the emerging patterns of controlling people in contemporary institution which is connected with creating the spaces of empowerment. The management of people is ensured through concertive control the essence of which is related to mutual „watching” of each other by the teams members. At firstsight the concertive control is much less oppressive than in the past direct top to the bottom control. However, in practice it is more effective control as institution aims and values are realized by people which feel to be empowered thanks to lack of direct presence of top managers. In concertive control workers do not seem to be aware that they are only of an instrument of top managers’ power.
The article contains a reconstruction of the struggle for linguistic dominance in global science over the centuries. In the beginning, the author presents various contexts of the role that Latin played in science in previous centuries. Then he presents the importance of French and German in this regard and the reasons for their decline. In turn, he analyzes the phenomenon of the dominance of English in contemporary global science; from its genesis through its increasing status to nearly its monopoly. What follows is the discussion of the controversies related to the primacy of the English language in scientific discourse: the accompanying epistemological and cultural invasion related to Anglo-Saxon values and the marginalization of native languages. The author also shows the distortion of content, ideas, thoughts and style when translating scientific texts from native languages into English, in order to adapt them to the assumptions of Western culture. However, there are also the views the essence of which is the conviction that publishing in English allows scientists to participate in global science and gain global visibility, as well as those that assume that modern scientific English has got rid of its imperial values and has a neutral nature, it is simply a form of international communication. In conclusion, the author expresses his belief that regardless of the language of publishing, scientists can maintain such values as passion and academic freedom.
The article analyses two kinds of theft for pleasure: shoplifting and joyriding. Both are connected with stealing which is not aimed at getting money or fulfilment of real-life needs. The origin of both can be found in orientation, especially of young people, towards risky behavior, excitement and achieving status as well as visibility in the peer group. Shoplifting is more typical of women, who steal items like cosmetics or underwear for personal use. During joyriding, young men from lower classes want to express their masculinity. They steal cars to ride without any specific aim and ultimately destroy the vehicles. These phenomena are considered against the background of changes in contemporary culture and especially the content disseminated by mass media.
The article includes considerations on different version of lifelong learning in contemporary culture. Four approaches are analysed. The first one is classical, connected mostly with adult education,. In the second, lifelong learning is incorporated in neoliberal vision of man and society and is treated as a way of permanent change of one’s knowledge and skills to be competitive in a job market. Third approach relates to the role of popular culture in shaping man’s identity by developing ability to accept and quickly forget enormous numer of stimulus from mass media and consumption area. The core of last approach includes the conviction that just man’s passions are the best and deepest drive for permanent personal growth.
The understanding of academic freedom is the key to analyse both the essence as well as the functioning of the western university. Scientists and publicists, on one hand point out that the idea of academic freedom lies in the heart of political and academic struggle for the future of the university, on the other hand they agree that this freedom needs to be protected. In this article I attempt to answer numerous questions concerning the essence of the university including: What is freedom and what are its forms in the view of the commercialization of the market of educational services and research?
Rozumienie wolności akademickiej stanowi klucz do przeanalizowania zarówno istoty, jak i funkcjonowania zachodniego uniwersytetu. Naukowcy, publicyści wskazują, z jednej strony, że pojęcie wolności akademickiej znajduje się w sercu politycznej i akademickiej walki o przyszłość uniwersytetu, z drugiej zaś, że należy ją chronić. W artykule próbuję odpowiedzieć na wiele pytać dotyczących istoty uniwersytetu Czym zatem jest wolność, jakie są jej formy w aspekcie komercjalizacji rynku usług edukacyjnych oraz badań?
In the article author discusses the relationships between education and social stratification. The theories of meritocracy and credentalism are analyzed and a special attention is paid to the opposition between their interpretations of the equality/inequality dilemma. Then the R. Turner’s concepts of social mobility and E. Hopper’s concepts of social creation of aspiration are presented. In the second part of the article the phenomenon of overeducation and diploma in ation is considered as well as a case of higher education in Japan as a factor of social stratification in this country.
The article is devoted to analysis of relationship between Dutch way of playing soccer, so called “total” soccer and Dutch identity. The origin of total soccer is presented as well as its features with aggressive way of play and permanent exchange of players' position. The comparison of total soccer with architecture of Amsterdam as a total city is made. Also, the political context of soccer concerning the soccer games with Germany is considered.
In his article the author considers the paradox of soccer appropriation in the United States. It is rejected by majority of Americans at the professional level as they prefer football, basketball and baseball. However, at the recreational level soccer is used by middle class and upper middle class as a form of their status confirmation and for cultural reproduction. The symbol of such an approach is analysed – the „soccer mom” as a person who considers soccer as a very valuable exercise experience for her daughters and sons.
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The article is devoted to analyzing the North American attitude towards soccer. American arguments against soccer are presented against the background of prevailing tendencies of world globalization. Also, the essence of soccer is confronted with the American version of masculinity, symbolized by aggressive American football.
The article is devoted to the role of monographs in university humanisties and social sciences. The various contexts of the main problem are analysed with the special attention to the academic promotion and the „writing as a thinking” thesis. At the end the pedagogical role of the bookas a source of linea thinking is considered.against the backgroung of the growing dominance of virtual culture.
The article is devoted to analysis of the relationships between the identity of scholar and her/hisresearch discipline. The historical, cognitive and social contexts of disciplines is considered againstthe background of the university scholar identification. Besides the following issues are dicussed inthe article: institutionalization of the discipline, the role of epistemic communities, changing bordersof discipline, multidisciplinary approach to research, language of disciplines, status of disciplines andthe meaning of academic freedom.
The article includes an analysis of the reconstruction of social functions of contemporary university with the category of uncertainty assumed as the axis of narration. A number of contexts were presented of creating a trajectory of uncertainty disintegrating both the identity of individual professors and the university as an institution. They include, inter alia, the creation of new forms of competition between individuals, scientific disciplines, and higher education institutions, as well as strategies of assessment which reduce the identity and activity of academics to points, strategies of permanent reporting and specific mcdonaldization of the didactic and research functions of a university. At the end, a question was posed regarding the possible ways of acting of the university and professors in the age of uncertainty.
Tekst zawiera analizę rekonstrukcji społecznych funkcji współczesnego uniwersytetu, przy czym jako oś narracji przyjęto kategorię niepewności. Przedstawiono szereg kontekstów tworzenia trajektorii niepewności dezintegrujących zarówno tożsamość poszczególnych profesorów, jak i uniwersytetu jako instytucji. I tak omówiono między innymi wytwarzanie nowych form rywalizacji zarówno między jednostkami, dyscyplinami naukowymi, jak i placówkami edukacji wyższej. Zaprezentowano strategie wskaźnikowania, które redukują tożsamość i działania akademików do punktów, strategię nieustannego sprawozdawania, jak również swoistą makdonaldyzację dydaktycznej i naukowej funkcji uniwersytetu. Na zakończenie postawiono pytanie odnoszące się do możliwych sposobów działania uniwersytetu i profesorów w epoce niepewności.
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