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The article points out the phenomenon of pretence in education of students with disabilities. Activities, which are assumed to help equalization of educational opportunities for students with disabilities – but in effect that is not achieved, were discussed. The author indicates possible causes of selected sham activities and she suggests solutions that can help reduce the pretence in the field of special education.
The legal treatment of disability affairs carries in itself an inherent contradiction due to the nature of modern society and free-market economy. On the one hand both the historically developed notions of essentialism and on the other the particular-functional definition of manhood drawing its roots from the established democratic order and market economics are present simultaneously. However, within the current order of things there is an unbridgeable divide between them. Nevertheless, with the progression of time there is a slow gradual shift discernible away from the functional definition with the parallel strengthening of the essentialist approach. This shift is further exaggerated by the more widespread acceptance of the rights of self-determination and the provision of opportunities for the disabled, the emergence of social self-determination in case of a population subgroup living under special conditions. For the proper interpretation of the currents in the evolution of legal treatment of disabled people it would be indispensable to institute a proper social-discourse analysis, which, however, exceeds in scope its narrowly defined task.
Families raising children with disabilities face many everyday problems. They are or accepted, or sometimes rejected by the society or the society is indifferent to them. The presented research attempts to identify how families raising children with various disabilities cope in everyday life and how they perceive their problems and how their children are treated by other people. Research results indicate that apart from psychological and emotional support for the surveyed families, material support is important because maintaining the family at additional costs related to rehabilitation, specialist medical care, buying medicines and appropriate medical equipment hinders their daily existence.
Dexterity and abilities are a sign of human growth. Lack or deficiency thereof, which is typical for people with disabilities – may lead to significant deficiency of activities of such persons in society. In the article the author describes the new technologies which are useful for people with disabilities. Attention is drawn to the availability of various technologies and devices on the market and for people with disabilities. The article describes, among others, speech generating devices or eye-trackers, which can help persons with various types of disability e.g. deaf or immobile persons.
The article analyses research data and scholarly approaches to the study: of problems of parents arising from their child’s illness; the emotional states of parents raising a child with developmental disabilities; stages of emotional experience related to the birth of a sick child. The family as an integral unit has to face various situations determined by the social impact of the child’s disease or impairment, as well as emotional and psychological reactions of the parents to it. Being aware of the psychological stages singled out in the grief theory helps professionals: to understand the reaction of the family of a child with developmental disabilities; realise when and how it is best to intervene, flexibly apply the theory of stages, and account for the specific characteristics of a particular family and individual reactions to such shocks.
In the United States, up to 50% of new teachers leave the profession within 5 years (Smith & Ingersoll, 2004). This unacceptable level of sustainability of the profession is of concern to both teacher preparation institutions and the local education agencies. This paper looks at one factor that may impact the sustainability of current teacher preparation models: attitudes toward inclusion of students with disabilities in the mainstream classroom. Participants in the study were currently enrolled in 3 different phases of a teacher preparation programmes at a regional university in the United States. A survey was administered at the beginning and at the end of the semester. Results indicate that students become progressively more negative toward inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom yet continue to support the social value of having all students in a general education setting. Results from the survey are presented and implications for practice are discussed.
Osoby niepełnosprawne mogą napotkać jeszcze wiele barier, zarówno tych architektonicznych, jak i społecznych, które utrudniają im normalne funkcjonowanie. Osoby niepełnosprawne poruszające się na wózkach inwalidzkich nadal napotykają wiele trudności, podobnie dzieje się w przypadku osób niewidomych czy niesłyszących. Dla wielu z nich każdy dzień jest nie lada wyzwaniem, przed którym muszą stanąć, aby móc normalnie funkcjonować oraz włączać się aktywnie w nurt normalnego życia. Bardzo często zdarza się, że owe bariery stanowią przyczynę braku aktywnego uczestnictwa osób niepełnosprawnych w życiu publicznym, korzystania przez nich z przysługującym ich praw, a nawet braku jakichkolwiek wyjść, na spotkania ze znajomymi. Osoby niepełnosprawne często zniechęcone ciągłymi utrudnieniami wycofują się z życia, większość swojego czasu spędzając w domu. Dla osób sprawnych czynności dnia codziennego są błahostką, natomiast dla osób niepełnosprawnych mogą być ogromnym problemem. Napotykane na co dzień przeszkody w postaci utrudnień, architektonicznych, dezorganizują oraz hamują osobom niepełnosprawnym dojście do samodzielności czy rozpoczęcie satysfakcjonującego życia.
People with disabilities may still encounter many barriers, both of architectural and social character, which make it difficult for them to function properly. Disabled people in wheelchairs still face many difficulties, and so do people who are blind or deaf. For many disabled people, every day is a challenge against which they must stand up to be able to function normally and join actively in the mainstream of ordinary life. It often happens that these barriers prevent them from participating actively in public life and meeting their friends or make exercising of their rights more difficult for them. People with disabilities are often discouraged by numerous difficulties and they withdraw from life, spending most of their time at home. Ordinary activities become problematic for people with disabilities. Obstacles in the form of barriers (architectural and others), encountered by them on a daily basis, disorganize their lives and block them access to independence and stand in their way to a fulfilling life
The main argument of the article is the statement that the barriers of social activity and professional work for people with disabilities pile up when she or he lives in the countryside – in rural areas can be observed the accumulation phenomena impact on social marginalization. This article aims to analyze the socio-economic, communications, institutional, environmental and social obstacles that limit social participation of people with disabilities. Negative and marginalizing characteristics of the rural environment is first and foremost a low economic level, architectural barriers and difficulties in access to educational infrastructure, social and cultural data communications. The effect of this are unrealized rules of normalization of people with disabilities living in a village in areas such as education, work and leisure activities. Disparities between urban and rural areas in this field decides with fewer opportunities of development and social integration of disabled villagers.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the sports background, personality dimensions, attitudes, and social competencies of adult head coaches and young assistant coaches involved in the German Einfach Fußball (Just Soccer) program, which promotes the participation of pupils with intellectual disabilities in soccer/sports and society. Methods. The study recruited 28 head coaches and 29 assistant coaches who completed a questionnaire battery of standardized instruments (NEO Five-Factor Inventory, Interpersonal Reactivity Index, Social Self-Efficacy) as well as self-developed instruments. Analysis of the data involved descriptive and inferential statistical procedures. A descriptive comparison of the assistant coaches with a normative sample of males aged 16-20 years was performed. Results. The head coaches were found with little soccer/sports experience with persons with disabilities prior to participation in the Just Soccer program. However, the majority were familiar with these persons through personal/vocational contacts. Overall, the head coaches were differentiated by formal coaching levels and playing backgrounds, with very few holding any additional formal qualifications in special education. The assistant coaches presented below average scores in the analyzed five personality dimensions when compared with the normative sample. Their attitudes and social competencies did not change during their 8-month involvement in Just Soccer. Conclusions. The findings highlight the important role of the coaching staff in the success of the Just Soccer program. Coaches involved in such activities should be familiarized with needs of people with disabilities, be stress-resistant, and possess a balanced set of personality traits. In addition, the results suggest that such individuals should be coaches/players from conventional soccer clubs instead of special school physical education teachers.
The number of disabled persons in Poland currently amounts to 5 mln and it has one of the lowest indicators of employment on the European scale, which does not exceed 23%. From the 483 thousand professionally active persons, 33% work outside of the sheltered labor market (GUS, 2011). In reference to the above, the author has chosen as a subject of research the efficient and attractive tools to support the employment of persons with disabilities from the perspective of enterprises on the open labor market.
W Polsce spośród 5 mln osób niepełnosprawnych (gdzie blisko 2,2 mln stanowią osoby znajdujące się w wieku produkcyjnym), uczestniczących w życiu zawodowym jest jedynie 0,5 mln. Co więcej, różnica proporcji osób niepełnosprawnych pracujących na otwartym rynku pracy w stosunku do pracowników niepełnosprawnych pracujących w ZPCh zarejestrowanych w SODiR, w ostatnich latach wynosiła aż 30/70. Państwo polskie wykreowało od lat 90-tych szereg instrumentów w zakresie wsparcia zatrudniania osób z niepełno sprawnościami. W zamyśle twórców instrumenty te mają stanowić skuteczne zachęty szczególnie dla otwartego rynku pracy. Autorzy artykułu próbują odpowiedzieć na pytanie: dlaczego pomimo szerokiego wachlarza instrumentów wspierających zatrudnianie ON wciąż mamy do czynienia z niezwykle niskim wskaźnikiem wykorzystywania kapitału ludzkiego tych osób na otwartym rynku pracy.
Background Virtual reality (VR) has the potential to be a powerful tool in promoting empathy towards inclusion, particularly for individuals with impairments such as mobility difficulties, vision deficits, or autism but also about pregnancy, which can create temporary difficulties. By immersing users in simulated environments that replicate the experiences of those with different abilities, VR can create a sense of understanding and empathy for those who face challenges in their daily lives. For example, VR experiences can simulate the experience of navigating space as someone with a mobility impairment, providing a new perspective and appreciation for the difficulties that others face. Similarly, VR experiences can simulate the experience of vision impairment, pregnancy, or autism, providing a window into the challenges faced by those with these conditions and fostering empathy and understanding. Material and Methods During the development of this study, field experts were consulted to ensure the robustness of the methods employed. Then, questionnaires were specifically developed to explore disabilities and challenges related to inclusion and were administered to a large population. Additionally, guided interviews were conducted with individuals who possess specific impairments to gather first-hand insights. Results The results obtained from the questionnaires and interviews provide a comprehensive overview of the inclusion challenges that necessitate attention and resolution. By drawing on the expertise of both experts and individuals with lived experiences, a holistic landscape of inclusion challenges has been established. Conclusions The VR emerges as a powerful tool for promoting inclusion and fostering understanding among individuals. Its capacity to create immersive experiences that facilitate empathy has the potential to reshape society into a more compassionate and empathetic one. By leveraging the unique capabilities of VR, we can bridge the gap between different perspectives, fostering greater understanding, acceptance, and inclusivity.
In the postmodern era, the virtual space is used to document (consciously or unconsciously) the lives of individuals in digital spaces available to an unlimited number of recipients. The article raises the question of how contemporary forms of communication about personal life and attitudes towards reality in the form of blogs go beyond traditional autobiographical documents, such as diaries or memoirs, typically intended for a narrow audience? The study selected content from internet blogs written by individuals with disabilities, as a special group of authors who, despite the limitations resulting from their own disabilities, carry out self-presentation projects in the network. Qualitative analysis, taking into account the achievements of sociological research in the field of personal documents and various forms of diary writing, includes the content of the texts, the ways of constructing narratives, and the authors' methods of reconstructing socio-cultural worlds in the selected blogs.
W epoce ponowoczesnej przestrzeń wirtualna wykorzystywana jest do dokumentowania (świadomego lub mimowolnego) życia jednostek w przestrzeniach cyfrowych dostępnych dla nieograniczonej liczby odbiorców. W artykule zadano pytanie o to, na ile współczesne formy komunikowania o życiu osobistym i stosunku do rzeczywistości pod postacią blogów wykraczają, poza przeznaczone zwykle dla wąskiego grona, tradycyjne dokumenty autobiograficzne, takie jak pamiętniki czy też dzienniki? Do badania wstępnego wybrano treści blogów internetowych prowadzonych przez osoby z niepełnosprawnościami, jako szczególnej grupy autorów i autorek realizujących, pomimo ograniczeń wynikających z niepełnej sprawności własne projekty autoprezentacyjne w sieci. Analiza jakościowa uwzględniająca dorobek nauk socjologicznych w zakresie badania dokumentów osobistych i różnych form pamiętnikarskich, obejmuje zawartość treściową, sposoby konstruowania narracji i autorskie metody rekonstrukcji światów społeczno-kulturowych przez twórców wybranych blogów.
In a society whose economic mechanisms are based on the principles of a competitive economy, the prosperity of a family depends primarily on its members engaging in gainful economic activities. A special category represents those families are composed of people with disabilities [2]. These families have greater economic problems than others due to the inability of people with disabilities to carry out productive and poor financial support from the state. Usually these people are guided by their degree of disability to the institution in which they can recover some or all outstanding capabilities and where they can carry out useful according to their abilities [2].
W społeczeństwie, którego mechanizmy ekonomiczne oparte są na zasadach gospodarki konkurencyjnej, dobrobyt rodziny zależy przede wszystkim od jej członków, prowadzących gospodarczą działalność gospodarczą. Szczególną kategorię stanowią te rodziny, które składają się z osób niepełnosprawnych [2]. Rodziny te mają większe problemy gospodarcze niż inni, ze względu na brak osób, zdolnych do prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej i braku wsparcia od państwa. Zazwyczaj ludzie ci są kierowani, ze względu na stopnień ich niepełnosprawności, do instytucji w których mogą oni rozwijać niektóre możliwości i gdzie mogą oni podejmować działania użyteczne, według swoich możliwości.
Osoby z poważnymi niepełnosprawnościami, takie jak upośledzenie umysłowe i zaburzenia ze spectrum autyzmu nie uczestniczą w otwartym, konkurencyjnym rynku pracy w takim stopniu jak osoby pełnosprawne lub osoby z innymi niepełnosprawnościami. Szansą dla tej grupy jest zatrudnienie chronione. To podejście do integracji zawodowej osób ze znacznym stopniem niepełnosprawności jest akceptowane na całym świecie. Jego realizacja odbywa się poprzez integrację osób niepełnosprawnych oraz stałe wsparcie: ze strony rządu lub samorządu. W artykule przedstawiono ramy prawne dotyczące zatrudnienia chronionego w Polsce i Grecji oraz sposoby jego realizacji wraz z odpowiednimi porównaniami i wnioskami. Wyniki wskazują na potrzebę bardziej precyzyjnych i kompleksowych ram prawnych dotyczących zatrudnienia chronionego w Polsce i Grecji. Tu na pierwszy plan wysuwają się alternatywne sposoby integracji zawodowej osób z poważnymi niepełnosprawnościami, takie jak programy zatrudnienia wspomaganego. Zatrudnienie wspomagane wydaje się jedynym, skutecznym i efektywnym sposobem na podjęcie pracy zarobkowej na równych zasadach przez osoby, które mają szczególne trudności w znalezieniu i utrzymaniu płatnej pracy na otwartym rynku pracy. Czy zatem koncepcja zatrudnienia wspomaganego ma szansę stać się komplementarnym narzędziem w aktywizacji zawodowej osób z niepełnosprawnościami w Polsce i Grecji? Z pewnością w obu krajach niezbędne są nie tylko stabilne źródła finansowania dla działań aktywizujących osoby z niepełnosprawnościami, ale również odpowiednie regulacje prawne oraz projekty systemowe.
People with severe disabilities, such as severe mental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders, do not participate in the open, competitive labor market to the same extent as people without disabilities or other forms of disability. Sheltered employment is an internationally accepted approach for the vocational integration of people with severe disabilities, which introduces integration in sheltered workplaces mainly with other people with disabilities and ongoing support from the Government or self-government. Therefore, sheltered employment can be defined as the employment of a person with a disability under particular conditions. This paper presents the legislative framework regarding sheltered employment in Poland and Greece and the ways sheltered employment takes place in each of the two countries with the corresponding comparisons and conclusions. The results show a need for a more precise and more comprehensive legislative framework on sheltered employment in Poland and Greece. Alternative options for the vocational integration of people with severe forms of disabilities, such as supported employment programs, need to come to the fore. Supported employment seems to be the only effective and efficient way for people who have particular difficulties in finding and keeping a paid job in the open labor market to take up paid employment on an equal basis with other people. Does the concept of supported employment have a chance to prove itself on Poland and Greece’s open labor markets and become a complementary tool in the vocational activation of people with disabilities? Legislative regulations, system projects, and stable sources of financing are necessary for both countries.
Artykuł przedstawia propozycję zadań doskonalących obszary edukacyjno-zawodowe w systemie edukacji i na rynku pracy. W artykule wskazano, że w procesie przygotowania zawodowego osób z niepełnosprawnością należałoby uwzględnić potrzebę utworzenia kompleksowego systemu specjalistycznego, który zwiększyłby wskaźnik zatrudnienia i aktywności zawodowej na otwartym rynku pracy. Wskazuje, że wprowadzenie zmian oraz doskonalenie obecnych rozwiązań w zakresie zatrudnienia i rehabilitacji zawodowej oznacza większy udział osób niepełnosprawnych w życiu zawodowym, jak i społecznym. Aktywność zawodowa osób niepełnosprawnych rozwiązuje podstawowe problemy środowiskowe, integrację i odbiór niepełnosprawności w życiu społeczno-zawodowym. Zaprezentowane w artykule zagadnienia przedstawiają rozwiązania doskonalące system wsparcia osób z niepełnosprawnością, a także potrzebę przystosowania systemu edukacji zawodowej do otwartego i elastycznego rynku pracy. W artykule wskazano na dysfunkcję systemu w zakresie przygotowania zawodowego osób z niepełnosprawnością oraz potrzebę współpracy wielu podmiotów lub utworzenia ośrodka wsparcia, który na zasadzie zadań pomocowych wspierałby osoby z niepełnosprawnością w procesie edukacji, rehabilitacji zawodowej, zatrudnienia i aktywności na rynku.
The article addresses the problems related to vocational preparation, which is the crucial factor of professional activity of people with disabilities. It shows that professional activity of disabled people depends upon qualifications obtained during the process of vocational preparation, and in particular upon skills and professional interests. It also depends on commitment and motivation for work as well as cooperation of disabled people and the community. The article suggests tasks improving educational and vocational areas in the education system and in the labour market. It is also shown that in the process of vocational preparation of people with disabilities, the need to create a comprehensive specialist system, which would increase the rate of employment and professional activity in the open labour market should be taken into account. It is pointed out that introducing changes and improving existing solutions in terms of employment and vocational rehabilitation means a larger participation of disabled people in working and social life. Professional activity of disabled people solves basic community-related problems such as integration and reception of disability in working and social life. Theoretical issues presented in the article show solutions improving the system of support of people with disabilities as well as the need to adjust education system to the open and flexible labour market. It is important to improve the process of vocational training as it will make the situation of disabled people better thanks to acquired knowledge and skills, which are in demand in the local labour market. It will make it easier for people with disabilities to find a job, stay in the structure of employment and increase their motivation for professional development and active job searching. The article points out a dysfunction of the system in terms of employment of disabled people in the adjusted labour market. It also indicates the need for cooperation of several entities or to create a support centre, which will offer assistance, and therefore, increase the number of employed disabled people in the open labour market, and on the other hand, enhance their motivation for professional development and active job searching.
This article explores contemporary approaches to the understanding and interpretation of the formation of inclusive society. The focus is on the investigation of the everyday experiences of individuals who face various limitations in their living conditions such as limited opportunities, special needs, and disabilities. The paper highlights the importance of considering the unique aspects of subjective time when systematically analyzing the functional characteristics and existential mechanisms of an inclusive society, which constitutes the living environment for people with disabilities. It points out that the temporal intentionality of a mentally challenged individual manifests in a unique form of ordering, synchronization, and existence within various phenomena and events within the individual’s mental imagery and inner experiences. The authors emphasize the necessity to differentiate two primary stages in an individual’s perception and understanding of their actual existence—the evaluation stage and the stage of identifying prospects. The study shows how intentional temporality inherently transforms into individual time, revealing the peculiarities of internal experiences and the unique aspects of an individual’s mental imagery. These are integral steps in the formation of a system of social events that are marked within the individual consciousness. The novelty of this study lies in the examination of intentionality within the framework of a disabled person’s subjective time, a characteristic that is fundamentally individual yet resonates with the collective daily consciousness of disabled individuals within an inclusive micro-society.
Content available remote Zastosowanie Klasyfikacji ICF do oceny zdolności do pracy
Istotą orzecznictwa o niepełnosprawności powinno być przełożenie zmian jakościowych (diagnozy lekarskiej – rozpoznania choroby, wady, urazu i stwierdzonych objawów patologii) na ocenę ilościową, określającą: 1/rodzaj i stopień nasilenia upośledzenia czynności (wydolności) poszczególnych narządów czy układów (aspekt biologiczny) oraz 2/możliwość przystosowania się organizmu do tego upośledzenia lub jego poprawy w wyniku rehabilitacji i leczenia, w odniesieniu do zdolności uzyskiwania przychodu za możliwą do wykonywania przez nich pracę (aspekt socjalno-zawodowy). Autorzy artykułu, wychodząc z założenia, że klasyfikacja ICF jest sposobem na ujednolicenie podejścia o orzekaniu o niepełnosprawności, definiowanej przez niezdolność do pracy, a także o potrzebie rehabilitacji zawodowej, opracowali model oceny zdolności do pracy z zastosowaniem Międzynarodowej Klasyfikacji Funkcjonowania, Niepełnosprawności i Zdrowia (ICF). W artykule przedstawiony zostanie model oraz weryfikujące go wyniki badań.
Decision about disabilities should be made based on medical diagnosis about diseases, defects, injury (qualitative changes) and translate it on quantitative assessment defining: 1/kind and degree of handicap of physiological function (biological aspect); 2/possibilities to adaptation to disabilities or improvement in result of rehabilitation and treatment, with reference to ability to perform work (social aspect). Authors of articles coming from, that ICF classification is manner on uniformity of approach for decision about disabilities and vocational rehabilitation they have processed model of ability to work based on international classification of functioning, disabilities and Health (ICF). Model and results of research verifying this model will be presented in article.
intelektualną. Zaprezentowano wybrane projekty, które spełniają przyjęte w opracowaniu kryteria tego typu badań. Dokonano analizy ich znaczenia, opierając się na perspektywie indywidualnej (osoby z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną) oraz grupowej (niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie jako grupy). Przedyskutowano kwestię organizacji badań włączających, wskazując na ich podstawy paradygmatyczne oraz założenia etyczne.
The article’s subject is an analysis of research involving people with intellectual disabilities. It presents a few selected projects that meet the criteria for this type of research used in this study. Their significance is analyzed based on an individual perspective (of a person with intellectual disability) and a group perspective (of people with intellectual disabilities as a group). The article discusses the issue of conducting inclusive research, pointing to its paradigmatic basis and ethical principles.
The aim of the article is to make people reflect upon changes which appear in the contemporary museums with respect to the visitors with disabilities. The author emphasises that people with various disabilities present a need to participate in cultural life. She explicitly determines the obligation of cultural institutions towards this particular recipient and points to the relevant legal regulations which define this particular duty. She further describes the selected good practices in the country, showing at the same time the direction of changes which nowadays museums should undergo in order to become institutions which promote the culture of inclusion. Simultaneously the author tries to analyse the concept of openness or its absence towards people with disabilities by an attempt to answer the title question: restrictions or organisational malaise?
Each day, the Google search engine is used to perform millions of searches by users around the world looking for relevant information. A lesser known service by Google is Google Trends, which allows to examine the popularity of certain keywords, or more precisely - shows trends at a specific time and in a specific area regarding the given word. The article presents various methods in which Google Trends can be incorporated to study the phenomenon of disability by researchers, including sociologists, psychologists, special education workers or welfare politicians. These methods do not only concern observing trends, but also studying the cyclical nature of phenomena, contexts in which specific concepts appear, and changes in the language that describes various disabilities.
Codziennie wyszukiwarka Google jest wykorzystywana miliony razy przez użytkowników Internetu na całym świecie do poszukiwania potrzebnych im informacji. Mniej znana jest darmowa usługa firmy Google pod nazwą Google Trends, która pozwala na zbadanie popularności słów kluczowych (haseł, fraz), a ściślej – pokazuje trendy w określonym czasie oraz na określonym obszarze. W artykule zostały przedstawione różne sposoby wykorzystania Google Trends przez naukowców badających zjawisko niepełnosprawności, socjologów, psychologów, pedagogów specjalnych czy polityków społecznych. Sposoby te związane są nie tylko z obserwacją trendów, ale też badaniem cykliczności zjawisk, kontekstów, w jakich pojawiają się określone pojęcia oraz zmian w języku, którym opisuje się niepełnosprawność.
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