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Variation in the activity of stearoyl-CoA desaturase enzyme and endogenous precursors of unsaturated fatty acids in cow's milk during grazing season. The aim of this study was to determine variation in the activity of stearoyl-CoA desaturase enzyme and endogenous precursors of unsaturated fatty acids in cow's milk during the grazing season. The study was carried out in 10 certified organic farms The major criterions of choosing organic farms to the experiment were as follows: obtaining certificate for at least 5 years and abidance of the organic farming standards, possessing a herd of Black and White Polish Holstein-Friesian cows (numbering more than 30 cow. The highest concentrations of CLA cis9, trans11 isomer, TVA and LA in milk fat has been reported in June, slightly lower in July and August. While the lowest level has been recorded in May, at the beginning of grazing period. Significant correlations between MUFA and SCD (r2= 0.828 p<0.01) has been recorded. We concluded, that monitoring of SCD activity can be used as a tool to achieve high unsaturation of milk fat, during grazing period.
Wpływ okresu wypasu pastwiskowego na poziom indeksu enzymu stearoilo-CoA desaturazy i jego endogennych prekursorów nienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych w mleku krowim. Celem pracy było określenie zmienności w aktywności enzymu 9 desaturazy SCD i koncentracji endogennych prekursorów nienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych w mleku krów w okresie wypasu pastwiskowego. Badania przeprowadzono w 10 certyfikowanych gospodarstwach ekologicznych. Główne kryteria wyboru gospodarstw ekologicznych do eksperymentu to: posiadanie certyfikatu od co najmniej 5 lat i przestrzeganie standardów z ekologicznej produkcji, utrzymywanie minimum 30 krów rasy polskiej holsztyńsko-fryzyjskiej w stadach. Najwyższe koncentracje: izomeru CLA c9, t11, TVA i LA w tłuszczu mlekowym wykazano w czerwcu, nieco niższe w lipcu i sierpniu. Natomiast najniższe poziomy zaobserwowano w maju, w początkowym okresie wypasu pastwiskowego. Wykazano istotną korelację (p≤0,01) między MUFA i SCD (r2=0,828). Podsumowując, monitorowanie aktywności SCD może być użyteczne jako narzędzie w celu zwiększania nienasycenia tłuszczu mleka pozyskiwanego w trakcie wypasu pastwiskowego.
Eight winter spelt wheat varieties were cultivated under ecological system in the south Slovakia during 2005-2007 growing seasons. Nutritional parameters and macroelements composition were influenced by the variety and weather conditions. High content of proteins, fat, soluble fibre and ash was found in Altgold, Ostro, Rubiota. Spelt varieties were characterized with high content of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and sulphur. Antioxidant capacity was 30% higher in winter spelt varieties as compared with Tr. aestivum. Spelt, as an ancient crop can find its place particularly in organic, health and specialty food markets.
W latach 2005-2007 na południu Słowacji prowadzono uprawę ośmiu odmian ozimej pszenicy orkiszowej w systemie ekologicznym. Wartości odżywcze oraz skład makroelementów uzależnione były od rodzaju odmiany oraz warunków atmosferycznych. Wysoką zawartość białek, tłuszczu, rozpuszczalnego błonnika i popiołów wykazały odmiany Altgold, Ostro, Rubiota. Odmiany pszenicy orkiszowej wykazywały ponadto wysoką zawartość potasu, magnezu, fosforu i siarki. Zdolności przeciwutleniające pszenicy orkiszowej była o 30% wyższe w porównaniu z pszenicą zwyczajną. Pszenica orkiszowa, uprawiana już w starożytności, może znaleźć szczególne zastosowanie w przypadku rynku produktów ekologicznych i zdrowej żywności.
Strawberry fruits (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) are valued by consumers for their high nutritional qualities, taste and visual values. In this work the literature review was made about the influence of different factors on sugar, organic acids, vitamin C, poliphenols and antocyanins content in strawberry fruits. It was found, that selection of strawberry cultivar combined with agricultural practices have the essential meaning to obtain the required yield parameters.
Owoce truskawki (Fragaria x ananasa Duch.) są cenione przez konsumentów dzięki wysokim wartościom odżywczym, walorom smakowym, a także wizualnym. W pracy dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa na temat wpływu różnych czynników na zawartość cukrów, kwasów organicznych, witaminy C, polifenoli i antocyjanów w owocach truskawki. Wykazano, że niezbędnym warunkiem zapewnienia wymaganych parametrów jakościowych plonu truskawek jest dobór właściwej odmiany i lokalizacja pola w połączeniu z odpowiednimi zabiegami agrotechnicznymi.
Oleje roślinne stanowią wartościowe źródło niezbędnych nienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych, witamin rozpuszczalnych w tłuszczach oraz wielu cennych składników bioaktywnych. Niestety, to co stanowi ich największą zaletę, w niesprzyjających warunkach może być ich największą wadą. Trwałość olejów, jak i ich jakość żywieniowa, determinowane są między innymi przez skład kwasów tłuszczowych. W artykule dokonano oceny wpływu dodatku tłoczonego na zimno oleju z nasion pomidora na jakość żywieniową i stabilność rafinowanego oleju rzepakowego i słonecznikowego. Badania wykazały, iż tłoczony na zimno olej z nasion pomidora stanowi źródło wielonienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych (PUFA 59,2%), a jego dodatek do olejów rafinowanych wpływa zarówno na zmianę profilu kwasów tłuszczowych, jak i na wskaźników jakości żywieniowej. Zmiany zawartości heksanalu w olejach (rzepakowym – 1,62 mg/kg; słonecznikowym – 7,40 mg/kg; z nasion pomidorów – 11,06 mg/kg) w czasie przechowywania świadczą o zaawansowanych zmianach oksydacyjnych.
Vegetable oils are valuable source of essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and many other valuable bioactive compounds. Unfortunately, the greatest advantage of oils, may be their greatest disadvantages, especially in unfavorable conditions. The stability of vegetable oils and their nutritional quality are largely determined by the fatty acids composition. This article, analyzes the effect of the addition of coldpressed tomato seeds oil on nutritional quality and stability of conventional rapeseed and sunflower oils. Our research has show, that cold pressed tomato seeds oil is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA 59,2%), and its addition to refined oils affect both the fatty acids profile as well as nutritional quality indexes of refined vegetable oils. Changes in hexanal content in oils (rapeseed – 1,62 mg/kg; sunflower – 7,40 mg/kg; tomato seeds – 11,06 mg/kg) are the result of advanced oxidative changes.
W artykule zaprezentowano informacje dotyczące wyrobów typu islandzkiego określanych jako skyr, które stanowią jedną z innowacji w segmencie produktów mlecznych na polskim rynku. Celem pracy była analiza preferencji konsumenckich dotyczących wybranych wyrobów typu islandzkiego z wsadem owocowym oraz próba oceny, czy wyroby tego typu są akceptowane przez konsumentów. Dokonano szczegółowej analizy składu wybranych do badań produktów, pochodzących od trzech różnych producentów. Wykazano różnice między nimi wykorzystując metodę trójkątową oraz zbadano preferencje konsumentów stosując metodę skalowania. Wyniki badań wskazały, że badane produkty różniły się między sobą istotnie, pomimo iż należały do wyrobów tego samego typu. Były one atrakcyjne dla konsumentów pod względem sensorycznym i mogą stanowić wartościowy składnik diety, głównie z uwagi na zawartość białka, witamin oraz minerałów.
In this work the information regarding Icelandic type products known as skyr, which are one of the innovations in the dairy products segment on the Polish market was presented. The aim of the study was to analyze consumer preferences regarding selected Icelandic type products with fruit input and to try to assess whether products of this type are accepted by consumers. A detailed analysis of the composition of products selected for testing from three different manufacturers was performed. Differences between them were shown using the triangle method and consumer preferences were tested using the scaling method. The results of own research indicate that the tested products may differ significantly, even though they belong to products of the same type. These products are attractive to consumers in sensory terms and can be a valuable component of the diet, mainly due to the content of protein, vitamins and minerals.
Oviposition behaviour is recognized as an ecologically significant trait in insects. Since herbivorous insect females have a potential to lay eggs on unsuitable host species, it is hypothesized that this behaviour may be the first step in host-range expansion. The most intriguing phenomenon, found in some insect species, is the ability of females to lay eggs on unsuitable places if hosts are unavailable; this behaviour is termed ‘egg-dumping’. Egg-dumping can be adaptive plastic response in environments where hosts, either preferred or less suitable, may eventually become available. Transgenerational effects of this behaviour presume changes in larval feeding experience on different host species. Also, diverse larval experience may induce alterations in oviposition behaviour. To test whether egg laying behaviour of adult females can be modified by larval experience, we performed the experiment on two laboratory populations of Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say). First population (P) is housed in the laboratory on the common bean for 200 generations, whereas the second population (C) is derived from the first but has been raised for 197 generations on chickpea, a novel and less suitable host for larval development. In order to analyze differences between short-term and long-term effects of larval experience on eggdumping, both populations have been exposed to each host seed for one generation. The results of the study show that females from P population lay eggs more frequently in the absence of seeds when developed on chickpeas, compared with P females reared on beans. By contrast to P females, in C population, larval experience has no significant effects either on the number of dumped eggs or on the frequency of dumper females. These results demonstrate a significant inter-population diversification of phenotypic plasticity in egg-dumping behaviour depending on larval host experience. In other words, modification of oviposition behaviour, as a consequence of a long-term larval nutritional stress, can evoke previously unrecognized transgenerational effects.
The study was conducted to determine the effect of propagule size and nitrogen levels on the growth and rhizome yield of ginger. The nitrogen source was from Tithonia compost (TC). Three propagule sizes were tested (20, 30 and 40 g) and seven nitrogen levels (0, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140g kg N/ha). The experimental pots were laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Data were collected on growth parameters (plant height, number of leaves, leaf length and leaf width); rhizome yield components (number of tillers and rhizomes, and rhizome weight and length); and proximate composition (crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), total lipid (TL); Total Ash (TA), Starch and water soluble extract). Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and significant means were compared using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) (P≤0.05). Propagule size, N levels and their interactions significantly (P≤0.05) influenced most of the parameters assessed. In most cases, the use of 30 and 40 g planting material gave similar results. Plants nourished with 140 kg N/ha significantly and consistently outperformed other nitrogen levels. Crude protein obtained from 40 g propagule size was significantly (P≤0.05) higher than other tested propagule sizes. The rhizome yields of fertilized plants were significantly higher than the control plants. Rhizome yields ranged from 1.67 t/ha in 80 kg N/ha to 3.71 t/ha in 140 kg N/ha. The establishment of ginger with 40 g planting materials and its nourishment with 140 kg N/ha enhanced growth, rhizome yield and proximate composition of the plant.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of rye flour extraction rate on the protein amino acids content and protein quality indexes (chemical score, CS, protein efficiency ratio, PER) of traditional rye bread and ginger cake and to compare them with conventional wheat bread. Rye flour with extraction rates of 1000 g/kg and 920 g/kg (F-1000 and F-920, respectively), were used. Amino acid content was determined by HPLC and protein quality indexes were calculated. The results showed that contents of non-essential amino acids (NEAA) were not much affected by flour extraction rate in rye bread and ginger cake since only Asp and Ser were higher in F-1000 rye bread and Arg and Pro in F-1000 ginger cake. In regard to essential amino acids (EAA), only Thr and Val content was significantly higher (P≤0.05) in F-1000 rye bread, on dry weight basis. In addition, rye bread formulated with whole rye flour exhibited a higher content of total EAA than wheat bread (P≤0.05). Regarding protein quality indexes, CS values were quite low in breads and ginger cakes, being Lys the limiting amino acid. However, estimated PER values were similar among wheat and rye breads, and slightly lower for ginger cakes. Hence, whole rye flour should be considered as an approach to improve the nutritional quality of traditional rye-based products.
Phenolic compounds were extracted from buckwheat and buckwheat groats into 80% acetone (v/v). The crude extracts were separated with Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography into low molecular weight phenolic compounds and tannin fractions. The tannin fractions were characterised by colour reaction with vanillin/HCl reagent, ability for protein precipitation as well as SE-HPLC method. Chelation of Cu(II) and Zn(II) by tannin fractions was determined by reaction with tetramethylmurexide (TMM) whereas Fe(II) chelation was investigated by forming complexes with ferrozine. The tannin fractions obtained from buckwheat and buckwheat groats gave similar results in vanillin test; A500/mg was 1.04. Also results obtained using precipitation method were comparable. SE-HPLC chromatograms showed that in tannin fraction of buckwheat groats polymers with molecular weight ≥ tannic acid were present. On the chromatogram of buckwheat tannins peaks were shifted to lower molecular weight compounds. Tannins of buckwheat were stronger chelators of all metal ions tested (Fe(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II)) than tannins of buckwheat groats. Ions of copper were chelated the most effectively; 1 mg of buckwheat and buckwheat groats tannin fractions added per assay bound 86.0% and 72.9% of Cu(II), respectively. Buckwheat tannins used in the test at a level of 2.5 mg/assay bound approximately twice more Fe(II) than the same addition of buckwheat groats tannins. Zn(II) was chelated to the lowest extent, 17.2% was bound by buckwheat tannins and 13.5% by buckwheat groats tannins (5 mg of tannin/assay).
Ekstrakty acetonowe z gryki i kaszy gryczanej rozdzielano na kolumnie wypełnionej żelem Sephadex LH-20 na frakcję niskocząsteczkowych związków fenolowych i taninową. Frakcje taninowe scharakteryzowano za pomocą reakcji z waniliną, zdolności do strącania białka oraz metodą SE-HPLC z zastosowaniem kolumny TSK Gel G2000SWXL (TosoHaas). Kompleksowanie jonów Cu(II) i Zn(II) przez taniny oznaczano w reakcji z tetrametylomureksydem (TMM). Chelatowanie Fe(II) badano wykorzystując reakcję barwną kompleksowania ferrozyny. Wyniki testu z waniliną przeprowadzonego z frakcjami taninowymi z gryki i kaszy gryczanej były podobne; wartość A500/mg wynosiła 1,04. Również w metodzie strąceniowej obie próby wykazały zbliżone do siebie rezultaty. Rozdział SE-HPLC tanin z kaszy gryczanej charakteryzował się obecnością polimerów o masach cząsteczkowych większych lub równych masie cząsteczkowej kwasu taninowego. Na chromatogramie frakcji taninowej z gryki piki były przesunięte w stronę mniejszych mas cząsteczkowych. Frakcja tanin z gryki wiązała więcej wszystkich testowanych jonów metali w porównaniu z frakcją tanin z kaszy gryczanej. Obie frakcje tanin najefektywniej chelatowały jony Cu(II). Frakcja tanin gryki dodana do próby w ilości 1 mg związała 86,0% jonów miedzi, natomiast frakcja z kaszy gryczanej – 72,9%. Dodatek 2,5 mg/próbę tanin gryki wiązał ponad dwa razy więcej jonów Fe(II), niż taka sama ilość tanin z kaszy gryczanej. Jony cynku były najsłabiej chelatowane. Frakcja tanin gryki (5 mg) kompleksowała 17,2% a tanin kaszy gryczanej – 13,5% jonów Zn(II).
Przedstawione w artykule badania dotyczyły wpływu 1-MCP na zmiany zawartości niektórych związków biologicznie czynnych w przechowywanych owocach pomidora. Pomidory odmiany Faustine F1 były zebrane w stadium dojrzałości: „zielone wyrośnięte” i „czerwone”. Owoce traktowane 1-metylocyklopropenem (1-MCP) w stężeniach 1,0 μ·L-1 i 2,0 μl·L-1 oraz kontrolne – nie traktowane, przechowywano w normalnej atmosferze w temperaturze 12,5°C i 20°C przy wilgotności względnej powietrza 85-90%. Bezpośrednio po zbiorze i po 4 tygodniach przechowywania, wykonano analizy zawartości likopenu, witaminy C i polifenoli. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na istotny wpływ traktowania 1-MCP oraz fazy dojrzałości owoców na zawartość wymienionych związków chemicznych w owocach pomidora.
Experiments on the influence of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) on the quality of tomato fruit were conducted. Tomatoes of cv. Faustine F1 were grown in field condition and harvested at two stages of maturity (mature green and fullred) were treated after harvest with 1-MCP in concentrations of 1.0 μl·L-1 or 2.0 μl·L-1 for 21 hours at 20o C. Than stored for 4 weeks 12.5°C or 20°C and 85-90% RH. Lycopene, phenolics and vitamin C contents before and after storage of the fruit were analyzed. Contents of lycopene, vitamin C and phenolics was significantly dependent on 1-MCP treatment and stages of maturity.
Malnutrition of varying degrees has been associated with feeding infants with unwholesome and poor quality complementary foods. Therefore, the aim of this study was to produce complementary foods from quality protein maize (QPM) using the processes of malting and fermentation. The resulting flour was blended with processed soy bean fl our at a ratio of 70:30 (maize: soybean). The nutritional qualities of the complementary foods were assessed biologically using animal feeding experiment to determine the growth rate, feed intake, protein quality parameters, haematological properties and rehabilitation potentials. The results showed that the protein efficiency ratio (PER) and food effi ciency ratio of the malted QPM fortifi ed with soybean were 2.44 and 0.24, respectively, which was the highest among the formulated diets and compared favourably with casein (2.5) and commercial diet (2.3). The QPM-based diets had a better biological value (>60%) and true digestibility (>60%) than the products from normal maize. The packed cell volume of the samples ranged between 23.00 (basal) and 46.00% (soy fermented normal maize). The QPM-based diets enhanced the quick recovery of protein starved/depleted animals better than the NM-based diets. Moreover, the addition of soybean further boosted the ability of the diet to rehabilitate the animals. The best result was seen in the group of rats fed with soy-malted QPM. The use of QPM in complementary food formulation gave better results and could alleviate the problem of protein and energy malnutrition, thereby reducing the mortality rate among infants.
The present invention was undertaken to study and determine the effect of potassium metabisulphite (6%) and potassium sorbate (350 ppm) treatments on the nutritional quality of osmotically-dehydrated, infrared- and microwave-blanched dried mango slices (local cultivars “Chaunsa” and “Fajri”) stored for the period of 6 months under ambient conditions. The studied parameters included physical characteristics such as water activity, non-enzymatic browning, and color values, chemical parameters such as moisture, ash, fi ber, acidity and content of proteins, sugars, vitamin C, total carotenoids, and sensory attributes such as appearance, fl avor and texture. Vitamin C content in osmotically-dried mango slices was higher than that of IR and MW blanched dried mango slices but the content of vitamin C of both cultivars was lower than of the fresh mango samples (Chaunsa: 135 mg/100 g, Fajri: 94 mg/100 g). Signifi cant loss was noticed in total carotenoids content of both the cultivars with passage of time because of their susceptibility to oxidative loss caused by dry heat. No growth of yeast and mold was detected in potassium sorbate-treated dried mango slices due to their preservative effect. From the point of view of the composition and sensory quality, dried mango slices of both the cultivars have excellent nutritional qualities.
The nutritional quality of cereals, including rice, would be improved by increasing the lysine content. Experiments were designed to test whether cell lines and plants could be recovered from in vitro selections. Mutants of rice recovered from inhibitory levels of lysine plus threonine and S(2-aminoethyl)cysteine from anther-derived calli were regenerated and characterized at the whole plant, cell, and enzyme level. These procedures produced plants with 15% higher lysine in milled grains than the starting cultivar and provide excellent materials for basic studies in cell selections, lysine biochemistry, stress-related biochemistry and gene isolations. A tissue culture line is now available that exports protein more efficiently than the wild type cells and provides materials for the study of mechanisms of expression of the recessive gene(s) conditioning the enhanced lysine phenotype.
Najistotniejsze zagrożenia zdrowotne w produkcji drobiarskiej związane są z zanieczyszczeniami mikrobiologicznymi (S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium, C. jejuni), pozostałościami zanieczyszczeń chemicznych i leków oraz zanieczyszczeń fizycznych. Podjęte w kraju programy zwalczania salmonellozy wywołują pozytywne zmiany. Nastąpił również wzrost popularności drobiu i jaj z ekologicznego chowu. Drób produkowany w systemie certyfikowanym typu „Label Rouge" odpowiada potrzebom klienta, z równoczesnym zagwarantowaniem iż specyficzne jego cechy są efektem proceduralnych metod ich uzyskiwania oraz urzędowego nadzoru. Regulacja jakości żywieniowej mięsa drobiu i jaj polega na wzroście udziału w lipidach tkankowych oraz w żółtkach jaj polienowych kwasów tłuszczowych ɷ (n)-3, w wyniku stosowania diety zawierającej nasiona lnu oraz tłuszcze rybne oraz dodatkowo witaminę E. W wyniku selekcji genetycznej, strategii żywieniowej oraz użycia środków farmakologicznych można zredukować cholesterol żółtka do 30%. Przeprowadzone w ostatnich latach liczne badania żywieniowe nie potwierdzają zależności pomiędzy wzrostem poziomu tej substancji w krwi a spożyciem kilku jaj dziennie.
The most essential health risk of poultry products is associated with microbial contamination (S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium, C. jejuni), residue of veterinary drugs and chemical pollutions and also with physical contaminants. The programme of salmonellosis eradication undertaken in our country result in positive changes. The increase of demands of poultry and eggs from ecological farming has been observed. Production of poultry in certified system of "Label Rouge" meet customer needs, with simultaneous guarantee that its specific features are an effect of procedural methods of obtaining them and of official supervision. The regulation of nutritional quality of poultry meat and of eggs bases on increase of ɷ (n)-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in lipid tissue and in egg yolk, as a result of application of diet containing seeds of flax, fish fats and additionally vitamin E. It is possible to reduce amount of cholesterol in egg yolk up to 30% by the genetic selection, proper nutritional strategy and usage of pharmacological specifics. The numerous nutritional research conducted in the last years do not confirm the dependence between increase of cholesterol level in blood and consumption of few eggs a day.
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