Warzywa spożywane są najczęściej w stanie surowym. Znaczna zawartość w nich metali ciężkich może być szkodliwa dla zdrowia ludzi. Celem pracy było ukazanie zawartości metali ciężkich w przetworach warzywnych, które pojawiły się w obrocie handlowym na terenie Krakowa. Badania wykazały, że średnia zawartość Pb i Cu nie przekraczała dopuszczalnej wartości, natomiast zawartość Cd i Zn przekraczała ją nawet 3-4-krotnie. W pojedynczych próbkach zanotowano podwyższoną zawartość Ni i dość znaczną ilość Fe.
Vegetables are mainly consumed without cooking. Too big heavy metals contents in them may be harmfull for human health. The goal of this work was investigation of heavy metal contents in vegetable products, which appeared on trade market in Cracow region. The results showed that average contents of Pb and Cu didn't exceed threshold values, but Cu and Zn contents exceeded these values even 3-4 times. In single samples decreased content of Ni was noted and quite high quantity of Fe.
The objective of the research was to determine the impact of the pasteurization process of raw material and of the type of packaging on the survival rate of probiotic bacteria in bio-yoghurts from goats’ milk during storage. The bio-yoghurts investigated were manufactured from goats’ milk using a container method. The milk under processing was centrifuged and normalized to a fat level of 2%. Next, it was pasteurised at a temperature of 95 °C during 5 min and at 90 °C during 10 min, after which it was cooled to 40 °C. The cooled milk was inoculated with DVS ABT1 inoculants added. The bioyoghurts were thermostated (controlled) in containers at a temperature of 40 °C (+/-1 °C) until they reached a pH level of 4.7. Then, they were cooled again to a temperature below 20 °C and poured into 4 different packagings made of polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PEHD), and glass (G), each of a capacity of 200 cm³. The bio-yoghurts were subsequently stored in the dark for 21 days at temperatures ranging from 2 to 5 °C. The presence of probiotic bacteria in bio-yoghurt was determined 12 h after the bio-yoghurts were manufactured, and on the 7th, 14th, and 21st day of storage. In total 240 samples were analysed. The applied packagings did not statistically significantly differentiated the count of bacteria in bio-yoghurts manufactured from goats’ milk, except for the Str. thermophilus bacteria count that changed only on the 14th day after manufacturing. The statistically significant impact of the pasteurisation temperature of raw material was found in the case of the L. acidophilus count immediately upon manufacturing. A lower pasteurisation temperature of goats’ milk had a favourable effect on the growth of bacteria, and in such bio-yoghurts the population of all the bacteria was higher. It was found that irrespective of the applied pasteurization temperature of raw material and of the type of packagings, the count of individual bacterial genera was at a level significantly higher than 10⁶ cfu/ml, which ensures that the milk drinks studied achieve the therapeutic minimum. Thus, expanding the production of goat milk bio-drinks can enhance the assortment of healthful diary products available in the market.
W pracy podjęto próbę analizy głównych czynników warunkujących konsumpcję mlecznych napojów fermentowanych oraz określenie konsumenckich preferencji uwzględniających wybrane cechy jakościowe i wyróżniki marketingowe tych napojów, na przykładzie populacji studentów Krakowa. Badania wykonano metodą ankietową wśród losowo wybranej grupy studentów. Stwierdzono, że mleczne napoje fermentowane są powszechnie kupowane przez 87,8% badanej populacji studentów, przy czym ponad połowa respondentów nabywa te produkty częściej niż raz w tygodniu. Częstotliwość zakupu napojów zależy od płci i dochodów respondentów, nie jest natomiast determinowana wykształceniem, wiekiem ani miejscem zamieszkania. W hierarchii czynników decydujących o zakupie mlecznych napojów fermentowanych najważniejsze okazały się: trwałość (51%) oraz wartość odżywcza (37%). Zaufanie do producenta odgrywa w tej hierarchii umiarkowane znaczenie. Aż 93% respondentów usytuowało opakowanie na najniższym miejscu w hierarchii, co wskazuje na przyzwyczajenie do dobrej jakości opakowań występujących na rynku. Czynniki marketingowe typu: znak firmowy oraz reklama mlecznych napojów fermentowanych mogłyby wpływać na decyzję zakupu tych produktów przez studentów, o ile wystąpiłby czynnik nowości produktu, wyrób będzie się charakteryzował wysoką jakością, a w reklamie i w akcjach promocyjnych, kierowanych do tego segmentu konsumentów, zdrowotność (w tym trwałość i wartość odżywcza) będzie wyeksponowana na pierwszym miejscu.
In this study, it was attempted to analyze main factors determining consumption of fermented milk drinks and to identify consumers' preferences for some selected quality properties and marketing characteristics of those drinks. The study was based on a population of the students in Cracow; their representatives were randomly selected, and, then, polled using standard questionnaires. It was stated that fermented milk drinks were commonly purchased by 87,8% of the students polled, and over a half of them bought those drinks more often that once a week. The purchasing frequency of fermented milk drinks depends on the sex and income of the respondents, and it is not determined by education, age, nor by place of residence. As for the hierarchy of factors deciding on the fermented drink purchasing, the shelf life (51%) and nutritional value (37%) appear to be the most important. Confidence in the manufacturer plays only a moderate role if compared with other factors. As much as 93% respondents place packaging at the lowest place of the factors' hierarchy, and it is the evidence that consumers are used to a good quality of drinks packaging present on the market. Marketing factors such as trademark and adverts promoting fermented milk drinks could impact the student's decision to purchase them, provided the following requirements are met: a product is regarded a novelty on the market, it shows a really high quality, and its healthful properties (including its enhancing shelf life and nutritive value) are stressed in the first place in adverts and promotional actions addressed to this particular consumers' segment.