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Analiza sytuacji podażowopopytowej na krajowym rynku ryb w latach 2020-2021 wskazuje, że sektor ten utrzymał wysoką dynamikę wzrostu obserwowaną przed okresem pandemii. Tylko w początkowych miesiącach największych obostrzeń i zaburzeń łańcuchów dostaw w handlu międzynarodowym odnotowano spadki wyników na poszczególnych poziomach rynku, ale straty te zostały szybko odrobione w drugiej połowie 2020 r. Zakłady przetwórstwa ryb osiągnęły 352 mln zł zysku netto, co było wynikiem tylko nieznacznie gorszym od uzyskanego w rekordowym dla branży 2015 r. Wolumen produkcji wyrobów rybnych zwiększono o 4,7%, wartość eksportu o 9,2%, przy 1,7% wzroście popytu na rynku krajowym. Trendy te kontynuowane były w 2021 r., ale skokowy wzrost kosztów produkcji i ogólne czynniki inflacjogenne obserwowane od końca trzeciego kwartału oznaczają kolejny trudny okres dla funkcjonowania tej branży przemysłu spożywczego.
An analysis of the fundamentals of the domestic fish market in the period of 2020-2021 indicates that the sector maintained a high rate of increase observed before the CO VID-19 pandemic. Some decline in sales was observed at the first stage of the pandemic when due to imposition of certain measures, severe distortions along the domestic marketing chain and international trade occurred. However it was promptly worked out in the second half of 2020. Fish processors generated PLN 352 million in net profits, which was only slightly lower than the record level achieved in 2015. With an increase domestic demand by 1,7%, the volume of production increased by 4,7% and the value of exports by 9,2%. These trends continued in 2021. However, the dynamic rise of the production costs and rising inflation, implies a next difficult period in front of the sector.
Polskie przetwórstwo ryb utrzymało dynamikę wzrostu zwiększając wolumen produkcji wyrobów rybnych. Podaż ryb i przetworów rybnych na rynku krajowym przekroczyła 0,5 mln ton. Mimo wzrostu spożycia ryb i produktów rybnych (13,33 kg/osobę/rocznie) wciąż poku-tuje błędne przekonanie, że ryby morskie, szczególnie bałtyckie mogą zagrażać zdrowiu konsumentów. Analiza dostępnych danych przeczy tej tezie, wskazując na fakt, że ryby poławiane przez polskich rybaków spełniają niezwykle rygorystyczne normy zarówno krajowe jak i wspólnotowe.
Polish fish processors maintained the dynamics its growth dynamics by increasing the production of fish products. The supply of fish on the domestic market allocated 0.5 million tons. Despite the increase in consumption (13.33 kg/ person/ year), there is still a misconception that sea fish, especially Baltic fish, may pose a health risk to consumers. The analysis of the available data contradicts this thesis, indicating that the fish caught by Polish fishermen meet the extremely stringent Polish and EU standards.
Horseshoe crabs have survived until Holocene, but their persistence beyond the Anthropocene is challenged by drastic environment changes that entail impoverishments and the resultant unusual growth sizes. Previously, allometry via morphometric ratio was introduced to classify horseshoe crabs into normal-abnormal growth. However, the descriptive size and weight analysis indicated a considerable portion of Tachypleus gigas with normal allometry. This error was caused by the median sorting of values. Therefore, the same data was treated with correlation before generating a linear equation. By being sexual dimorphs, these arthropods actually have gender-specific morphology indicators which could generate a functional allometry. Since the assessed arthropods were mature, the 19 % yield of smaller female T. gigas was possibly due to degradation effects from poor diets or stress. Yet, for this population, an added risk was female-only harvest. Perhaps, close sizing to male counterparts could be perceived a survival strategy by the female T. gigas. More evidence is needed to strengthen this opinion but for now, this assessment method is novel for accurate allometry assessments in the species with sexual dimorphism. Overall, capture fisheries could have negative impacts and when made severe by sex-specific harvest, the unaccounted practices could collapse sustaining populations.
Maritime and coastal areas are the lifeblood of many countries, being essential to their well-being. They provide trade routes, regulate the climate, and supply both organic and inorganic resources, along with energy, a crucial requirement for living and recreation. However, there are emerging disparities and barriers in terms of marine exploitation. On the one hand, existing and evolving technologies and knowledge allow better utilization of the sea, while on the other hand, the cumulative effect of human activity leads to conflicts of interest and to a deterioration of the marine environment. This article aims to consider the impact of changes in the world economy on the evolution of the fishing fleet, including the characteristics of vessels produced in consecutive years. We also attempt to determine the most common type of vessel presently operating in the world fleet. A number of external factors impact the organization and operation of the world’s fishing fleet, including economic, geographical, and political factors. The strength of each factor varies depending on the conditions in which the fleet operates. Also, we would also like to establish to what extent efforts aimed at energy demand reduction have affected the characteristics of the current fleet, determining the scale and direction of change, while also identifying any relevant constraints and limitations. The intention behind this paper is to discover the size and structure of the fishing fleet and whether it is changing as a result of environmental transformation. With this objective in mind, we have outlined a review of the literature and used statistical methods in order to carry out a comparative analysis of the size and structure of the world’s fishing fleet.
The Tachypleus tridentatus (Chelicerata: Xiphosura) is an arthropod that usually displays high site fidelity by restricting its distribution to natal vicinities. Briefly, shore perturbation from boating (Kudat), electric, cyanide and bombing (Kunak) and tourism (Semporna) in Sabah can impair the T. tridentatus growth and produce sexually mature adults with unusual size. The 8-point morphometry of Tachypleus tridentatus from Kudat (Sulu Sea), Kunak and Semporna (Celebes Sea), produces the final output constituting accurate size classification for the species. Meanwhile, T. tridentatus are sexually dimorphic (p = 0.968–0.989), where male T. tridentatus (from Kudat) has prosoma width (27.75 ± 2.68 cm) and weight (1050 ± 610 g) in smaller ranges when compared to the female (33.27 ± 4.68 cm; 3020 ± 1480 g) using the same comparison. In addition, the T. tridentatus populations from Kunak (prosoma width: male = 28.91 ± 1.48 cm, female = 29.44 ± 5.47 cm; weight: male = 800 ± 275 g; female = 2550 ± 155 g) and Semporna (prosoma width: male = 21.73 ± 1.34 cm, female = 24.42 ± 1.36 cm; weight: male = 485 ± 306 g, female = 1320 ± 640 g) differed site-wise. The descriptive statistics (average and standard deviation) relate 7.1–23.0% of T. tridentatus with negative size class. However, the applied statistics using stepwise analysis and regression curve (r2 = 0.566–0.833), relates 30.4% of T. tridentatus with negative size class. Considering weight to produce 100% T. tridentatus with positive size class, it is biased because some crabs are gravid with eggs and if attained unpaired (male and female), they may have recently fed. Therefore, the prosoma (male), interorbit (female) and telson lengths are identified as most appropriate for the size classification of T. tridentatus. Thus, the findings provide a novel baseline for conservation studies that monitor symmetrical and unusual growth in the T. Tridentatus wild stocks.
In this article, a systematic solution for mitigating the DFG (Derelict Fishing Gear) problem has been presented using an example of a DFG wreck operation. The planning process has been described in detail and the influence of ghost net recovery on the marine environment has been shown. The research was performed on selected wrecks found in the Polish economic zone and the method consisted of scanning the sea bottom using 2D sonar. Based on the information obtained by the sonar, the ghost nets were later retrieved using a creeper (in cases where the ghost nets were lying on the sea bottom) or with the help of divers (in cases where the nets were sitting on the wrecks). The results have shown that, taking into consideration the research area of the Baltic Sea, the presented method will be satisfactory in most cases.
The purpose of the research is to find the reasons that led to unusually high profitability in Russian fisheries in 2014-2016. The analysis showed that the main driver of profitability growth is the growth of domestic prices for fish and fish products, which outstripped the overall food inflation. Governmental support for fishing led to a rapid increase in fishing rent, which was almost entirely appropriated by fishing companies. But such a basis for the growth of Russian fishing is unstable in the medium and long term.
Czynnikiem kształtującym krajowy rynek ryb w 2016 r. były głównie wysokie ceny zakupu wielu gatunków ryb na rynku światowym, w tym rekordowe ceny łososi. Wpłynęło to na pogorszenie sytuacji ekonomiczno-finansowej przedsiębiorstw przetwórstwa rybnego, ale nadal była ona bezpieczna. Zmniejszenie zysku i rentowności nastąpiło przy znaczącym wzroście zarówno wartości sprzedaży krajowej, jak i przychodów osiąganych z eksportu bezpośredniego. W 2016 r. ryby, owoce morza oraz ich przetwory należały do najszybciej drożejących grup produktów żywnościowych. Wyraźna poprawa sytuacji dochodowej ludności pozwoliła jednak na wzrost konsumpcji ryb w kraju. Niekorzystne uwarunkowania cenowo-kosztowe przetwórstwa ryb w Polsce wystąpiły także w pierwszej połowie 2017 r., a wzrostowa tendencja cen surowców importowanych została zahamowana dopiero w trzecim kwartale ub.r. Wpłynęło to prawdopodobnie na dalszy spadek rentowności przetwórstw ryb w Polsce w całym 2017 r. O dobrych perspektywach sektora przetwórstwa ryb świadczy jednak kontynuacja procesów konsolidacyjnych oraz dalsze inwestycje, w tym zagraniczne.
In 2016 the domestic fish market was driven mainly by high world prices of numerous fish species, including record prices of salmon. High prices led to deterioration in economic condition and financial standing of fish-processing industry; however, the position of the branch was still safe. A decline in profitability overlapped with rising sales value on the domestic markets and the sales value in direct exports. In 2016 the dynamics of fish and sea food prices was the highest one among food products. In spite of that considerable improvement in consumers’ incomes allowed for a rise in their consumption. Unfavourable situation as regards cost-price conditions in Poland was continued in the first half of 2017. The growth in the prices of imported fish and sea food was hampered barely in the third quarter of 2017. Therefore, in the whole 2017 a decline in the profitability of fish processing is expected. Nevertheless, the continuous processes of consolidation along with further investments (including foreign capital) create good outlook for the branch.
The paper presents the situation of hydro-meteorological fisheries protection in terms of institutional, formal and law regulations. It presents the most important types and sources of weather information for the needs of fisheries.
Dla krajowego rynku rybnego 2012 r. był okresem stabilizacji i dochodzenia do względnej równowagi po skokowym wzroście cen surowców – zarówno bezpośrednich (ryby i owoce morza, oleje, warzywa itp.), jak i pośrednich (energia, paliwa, gaz). W konsekwencji wiele podmiotów przetwórstwa ryb miało problem z utrzymaniem rentowności produkcji, co wpłynęło na przyspieszenie działań restrukturyzacyjnych i konsolidacyjnych w branży, zwłaszcza wśród największych firm. Wiele z planowanych działań nie doszło jednak do skutku lub zostały przesunięte w czasie, potwierdzając trudność i złożoność funkcjonowania tego rynku. Zysk netto firm przetwórstwa rybnego (101 firm, które wywiązały się z obowiązku sprawozdawczego i przesłały wyniki do Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego) w 2012 r. wyniósł 105 mln zł i był porównywalny z wynikiem osiągniętym rok wcześniej, ale o 60% mniejszy niż w rekordowym 2009 r. Utrzymuje się jednocześnie wysoka dynamika wzrostu przychodów ze sprzedaży (do 7,2 mld zł), zarówno na rynku krajowym, jak i uzyskiwanych z eksportu.
Year 2012 was the year of domestic fish market stability and achieving a relative balance after a sharp increase in prices of raw materials, both direct (fish and seafood, oils, vegetables, etc.) and indirect (energy, fuel, gas). As a result, many fish processing companies had the problems with maintaining the production profitability, what affected a speeding up of restructuring and consolidating actions in the industry, especially among the largest companies. Finally, many of the planned operations did not take place or were postponed, confirming a difficulty and complexity of this market (101 companies that obeyed a regime on statistical reporting and sent data to CSO). In 2012, the net profit fish processing companies was equal to PLN 105 million and was comparable to the result, achieved in the previous year. However, it was 60% less than in a record high 2009. At the same time, the revenues on sales of fish, processed fish products and seafood continue an upward trend (up to PLN 7.2 billion), both on domestic market and those coming from exports.
Przetwórstwem ryb w Polsce zajmuje się obecnie ok. 300 firm, z czego 246 ma uprawnienia do handlu produktami na rynku unijnym. Wytwarzają one 6,6 mld zł przychodów, co stanowi nieco ponad 4 % wartości przychodów osiąganych ze sprzedaży przez cały sektor rolno-spożywczy, i zatrudniają 19,6 tys. osób. Mimo stosunkowo niewielkiego znaczenia, branża ta jest przykładem jak rozwijać biznes oparty na niszowych produktach i ich sprzedaży na rynkach zagranicznych, przy ograniczonych możliwościach zbytu w kraju. Polskie przetwórnie rybne stały się w krótkim czasie jednymi z największych producentów i eksporterów w Unii Europejskiej przetworów ze śledzi oraz ryb wędzonych. Dużą przeszkodą w dalszym rozwoju okazały się jednak drogie surowce.
There are about 300 companies, dealing with fish processing in Poland, of which 246 are entitled to trade on the EU market. With the employment of 19.6 thousand of staff, the companies generate revenue of 6.6 million PLN which accounts for over 4 % of total revenue generated by the entire agri-food sector. Despite relatively insignificant importance the fish-processing branch can be considered as an example how to develop business having limited possibilities of sale on the domestic market. In a short time, Polish fish processors have become one of the largest producers and exporters of hearing products and smoked fish in the EU. However, high prices of raw materials have proven to be a serious obstacle for further development.
Wartość przetwórstwa ryb w Polsce osiągnęła w 2008 r. rekordowy poziom 5 mld zł i była ponad 2-krotnie wyższa niż przed akcesją do Unii Europejskiej. Rozwój sektora determinowany jest przede wszystkim przez eksport produktów na rynek wspólnotowy, gdzie sprzedajemy głównie wędzone łososie, przetwory ze śledzi oraz filetowane dorsze (2/3 wartości eksportu). Popyt krajowy, mimo tendencji wzrostowej jest nadal stosunkowo mały. Przetwórstwo ryb oparte jest w większości na surowcach pochodzących z importu, co uzależnia jego opłacalność od światowej sytuacji popytowo-podażowej oraz kursu walutowego.
In 2008 the value of fish processing in Poland reached a record level of PLN 5 billion, which was double as much as prior the accession to the EU. The development of the sector is primarily determined by exports to the EU market where smoked salmon, processed herrings and cod fillets are traded (roughly 2/3 of the export value). Despite an upward tendency, domestic demand is still relatively small. Fish processing is mostly based on imported raw material, which makes the sector dependant on the world market situation and the exchange rate.
Content available remote Sustainable Exploitation of Biological Populations
For a system of nonlinear difference equations that models the dynamics of exploited biological populations, a locally optimal periodic solutionis constructed. If this solution is unstable, a stabilizing feedback in the harvesting is introduced. The method is applied to an age-structured population model in fishery as well as to a host-parasitoid system for which the number of hosts and the number of introduced parasitoids shouldbe minimized.
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