Proces wzbogacania tłuszczu mlecznego i jego wysokotopliwej frakcji (tt. 41°C) w NNKT prowadzono za pomocą enzymatycznego prze estryfikowania tych tłuszczów olejem słonecznikowym, w obecności lipazy Lipozyme RM IM. Stosowano różne proporcje molowe reagentów. Triacyloglicerole (TAG) z surowców i produktów przeestryfikowania izolowano przy pomocy chromatografii kolumnowej. Określono skład kwasów tłuszczowych oraz strukturę otrzymanych triacylogliceroli. Stwierdzono, że w strukturyzowanych TAG tłuszczu mlecznego, przy stosunku molowym reagentów 1:1, zawartość kwasu linolowego (Cl8:2) wzrosła z wartości wyjściowej 1,2% do 32,6%, a sumaryczna zawartość kwasów nasyconych spadła z 67,7 do 40,0%. Natomiast w przypadku przeestryfikowania frakcji tłuszczu mlecznego olejem słonecznikowym zawartość C 18:2 wzrosła, w zależności od zastosowanych proporcji reagentów 1:1 lub 2:1, odpowiednio z 0,9% do 31,2%, lub do 22,4%, a ilość wszystkich kwasów nasyconych obniżyła się odpowiednio z 72,5 do 42,3 lub 55,1%.
In this study, the supplementation of milk fat and its high- melting fraction (mt. 41 °С) with essential fatty acid was conducted. Milk fat was enzymatically interesterified with sunflower oil in the presence of lipase (Lipozyme RM (IM), Novo Nordisk S.A.) specific for sn-1,3 position of triacylglycerol (TAG) using different mole proportions of the reagents. TAGs were isolated from substrates and products of interesterification using column chromatography. The structures of the isolated TAG were determined using enzymatic hydrolysis method. Fatty acids in the isolated TAGs as well as in the sn-2 MAGs, which were products of enzymatic hydrolysis, were analyzed using gas chromatography method. The results showed that the content of linoleic acid (CI8:2) in the milk fat after interesterification increased. At the mole proportions of reagents of 1:1, the content of C 18:2 increased from 1,2% to 32,6%, whereas the content of saturated fatty acids decreased from 67,7 to 40,0%. In case of interesterification of fat milk fractions, in relation to the mole proportions of reagents of 1:1 and 2:1, the content of C 18:2 increased from 0,9% to 31,2% and 22,4% respectively. Whereas the content of saturated fatty acids decreased from 72,5% to 42,3% and 55,1% respectively. Butyric acid in the initial and interesterified fats existed only in sn-1,3 positions.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Affective spectrum disorders are a group of affective-, anxiety-, and stress-related syndromes which present a number of overlapping features. These relatively common syndromes are potentially life threatening and are associated with a high morbidity and mortality of individuals in the developed countries. Stress has been shown to be an important factor in the pathophysiology of affective spectrum disorders. The aim of the present study was to determine how the repeated neck restraint stress influences the behavior of the mice. We tested whether effects of the repeated stress depend on the number of daily restraint sessions. We also measured blood levels of ACTH and corticosterone. METHODS: C57BL/6 male mice were exposed to 1, 3, 7, 14 or 21 daily neck restraint sessions lasting 10 minutes. Control animals were subjected to manual handling. On the next day after the last restraint or handling depressive-like symptoms were evaluated using the tail suspension test (TST) and anxiety-like behavior was examined using the elevated plus maze (EPM) and open field test (OF). Plasma levels of corticosterone and ACTH were measured using the immunoassay kits. RESULTS: The data obtained so far suggest that mice subjected to 3 neck restraint stress sessions display a significant increase in the immobility time in the TST and enhanced behavioral signatures of anxiety in EPM and OF. After 7, 14 and 21 restraint sessions we observed a gradual decline of the behavioral response to stress, however depressive and anxiety signs were still present. Behavioral consequences of restraint stress were correlated with alterations in the ACTH and corticosterone level. CONCLUSION: These results shed a light on physiological mechanisms of the stress response and may lead in future to new therapies for depressed and/or anxious patients. Support: Jagiellonian University (project SET), Polish National Science Center grant no. 2013/09/D/NZ4/00592
Badano wpływ kapusty surowej i kiszonej na ochroną tłuszczu (smalec lub olej rzepakowy) przed utlenianiem podczas długotrwałej obróbki cieplnej. Stwierdzono, że głębokość przemian jest związana z rodzajem tłuszczu (zwierzęcy lub roślinny) i czasem procesu. Obecność kapusty chroni obydwa tłuszcze, a zwłaszcza smalec, przed utlenianiem. Wykazano, że wpływają na to zarówno przeciwutleniacze obecne w kapuście, jak i warunki obróbki termicznej, które ograniczają dostęp tlenu do tłuszczu. Lepsze właściwości przeciwutleniające podczas ogrzewania tłuszczu wykazywała kapusta surowa.
The cffcct of raw cabbage and sauerkraut on protection of fats (lard and rapeseed oil) against oxidation during long heat treatment was studied. The process was carried out for 6 hours at 100±5°C. Samples of fats were withdrawn every 1.5 h for analysis of peroxide value and composition of fatty acids. It was affirmed that the intensity of transformation of fats depends on the type of fat (i.e., animal or vegetable) and time of heat treatment. The presence of raw cabbage or sauerkraut protects both fats, especially lard, against oxidation. It was shown that the antioxidants in cabbage as well as conditions of heat treatment affect oxidation because they limit the access of oxygen to fats. Raw cabbage showed better antioxidative properties than sauerkraut during the heat treatment of fats.