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Content available Zeit und Tempus
The aim of this article is to present the phenomena of time and tense which are strictly connected with each other and in some European languages are used synonymously. However, the German language makes a clear distinction between them. The lack of accordance between a tense’s name and its function often results in the fact that one tense expresses not only the present, but also the past or even the future, like the German tense Präsens. Lexical figures articulating temporal relations and Modalfaktor indicating the likeliness of a sentence’s content should be taken into consideration by temporal interpretation of a statement.
The article concerns the distribution of time as an important dimension of inclusive education. The major thesis of this study is comprised in the statement that two concepts of inclusive education most often distinguished in expert literature create the basis for different interpretations of the distribution of classroom time. In the first part of the text, the author presents characteristic features of two concepts of educational inclusion as well as some selected ways of approaching the significance of time in the form of education discussed. These issues have been viewed in the context of John Rawls’s two principles of justice. The essence of the study is the presentation of the results of some studies on the time devoted to individual work with a disabled learner in the mainstream class. These results have been briefly discussed and interpreted in the context of the assumptions of the different concepts of educational inclusion examined in the text.
According to the microgenetic stance, each following instant of perception gradually grows out from the each preceding one and is essentially a continual part of it. It is difficult to exclusively differentiate past, present and future in perception, because in the currently experienced mental reality past, present and future overlap, with no very clear borders in between. However, in the practical domain these theoretical underpinnings remain useless unless we support them by specific experimental data about the more or less precise values of measurements characterizing the real-time constraints and ranges within which the microgenetic perception unfolds. Here, the general theoretical picture of perceptual microgenesis will be supplemented with some simple data on the quantitative aspects of actual microgenesis. I will review some experimental measurements of perceptual microgenesis such as the real-time values of microgenesis, typical orders with which different characteristics of the same object/event unfold, arbitrariness with which the objective order is transformed to a subjective order, the phenomenon of proactive facilitation. Microgenetic stance will be discussed also in light of the issue of neural correlates of consciousness.
Based on a framework consisting of postmodern theories of heterotopias, spatial pastiche, schizophrenic temporality and postmodern speed, this paper seeks to identify cinematic features in the works of the American director David Lynch, which exemplify time and space in postmodernism. Michel Foucault's theory of space will trigger the whole problematic of the time-space relation. This is followed by a discussion of Fredric Jameson's concepts of spatial pastiche and schizophrenic temporality and of the involute interaction between the two
The objective of this study is to reflect on the Spanish time expressions that function as deictic elements. Deixis is a phenomenon strictly related to aspects of a pragmatic nature since it depends on the situational context in which the participants of the communicative act are. We want to search, discover and describe the pragmatic conditioning that determines the appearance and operation of this type of element in Spanish. Our idea is to demonstrate that in time deictic expressions the semantic content is not enough for speakers to use these expressions properly. It is necessary to resort to information that exceeds the level of meaning and find guidelines for the good interpretation of the expression in the situational and personal context. The group of time deictics is not heterogeneous from the formal point of view. It includes simple elements (for example, adverbs) and more or less complex elements (noun and prepositional phrases). We will focus on this second group and, above all, on the nominal constructions that include determinants and temporal adjectives since in this type of structure each constituent element performs a different semantic-pragmatic function and only the combination of these allows us to discover the definitive value of the set.
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From time to time we ask ourselves about the status of our discipline. Th e answers to the questions regarding the methodology of history, the epistemology of history, the theory of history depend on the theoretical presuppositions of the researcher. Th e expectation that there is a single paradigm of research in the history of historiography requires the recognition and consent that there is one single mode of refl ecting on history. In this article, I argue that the history of historiography can be understood as history of historical thinking in all its contexts.
Content available remote Time and its Philosophical Implications
The conception of time, presented by St. Augustine, unites within itself the physical-philosophical views of Aristotle, and its own psychological view concerning the lived experience of the flow of sensory impressions from the past towards the future. H. Majkrzak (1999) underlines, in Augustine, the existential moment of time. The time of a human life is limited: it is situated within borders stretching from the day of birth to the day of death. This faithful and precise representation of the Augustinian conception of time, nevertheless brings the reader up against a problem: What value does it have today?
Celem artykułu jest opisanie i sproblematyzowanie fenomenu wstecznej narracji filmowej. Filmy takie jak „Happy End“, „Zdrada“, „Dwie przyjaciółki“, „Miętowy cukierek“, „Memento“, „5x2“ czy „Nieodwracalne“ w różny sposób funkcjonalizują chwyt odwróconej chronologii sekwencji. Jego rolą jest nie tylko stymulowanie aktywności odbiorczej, lecz także redefinicja, czy też dekonstrukcja konwencji gatunkowych oraz form identyfikacji widza z bohaterem. Nowatorstwo strukturalne i samozwrotność tych filmów sprawiają, że ich interpretacja musi uwzględniać także „fikcyjne doświadczenie czasowe“ (Paul Ricoeur). Autorka bada wsteczną narrację z perspektywy poetyki historycznej i form recepcji. Artykuł zawiera analizę sposobów, w jakie odwrócona chronologia sekwencji przedstawia kwestie epistemologiczne oraz opozycję przyszłości i przeszłości. Kontekstem analitycznym artykułu są narzędzia wypracowane przez narratologię (Mieke Bal) i teorię neoformalno-kognitywną.
The aim of the article is to describe and problematize the phenomenon of reverse film narration. Films such as „Happy End“, „Betrayal“, „Two Friends“, „Peppermint candy“, „Memento“, „5x2“ or „Irreversible“ use the technique of the reverse sequence of events in different ways. Its role is not only the stimulation of the reception by the audience, but also a redefinition, or perhaps deconstruction of genre conventions and forms of viewer’s identifications with the protagonist. The structural innovation and self reflexivity of these films mean that their interpretation must also consider fictitious experience of time (Paul Ricoeur). The author reflects on reverse narrative from the perspective of historical poetics and forms of reception. The article contains an analysis of ways in which reverse sequence chronology presents epistemological matters and the opposition between the future and the past. The analytical context for the article is provided by the tools developed in narratology (Mieke Bal) and neoformal-cognitive theory.
Тhis article analyses Macedonian phrasemes with zoonymic component denoting time. Zoonyms mainly came from surrounding environment which was expected having in mind the fact that man often reaches for something that is well known to him in an attempt to understand something far and abstract, such as the category of time. What distinguishes the analyzed units from the rest of the phraseological material with zoonymic components is their relative neutrality, bearing in mind that in general the zoonymic phrases are negatively colored. Such neutrality is due to their semantics, as well as to the fact that they show the characteristics and animals behavior as they are in reality
The paper concerns the question of establishing such a time ontology that would enable to depict in a precise manner changes in discontinuous, turbulent environment of enterprises. It is necessary if one wants to build a temporal analytical model of this environment, capable of indicating the most important changes, their reasons, directions and effects, as well as their influence on enterprise’s operations. It is indispensable to take into account the features of the environment being analyzed, and to properly adjust the ontology of time. In the paper an ontology of time is proposed, that is well suited to depicting and analyzing the turbulent economic environment of an enterprise. The main aim of the paper is to analyze the specific features of economic realm, which determine the time structure, and to present a proposal of time ontology suited for economic analyses.
Content available remote Drugie życie budynków
W artykule rozpatrywane są kwestie zamiany funkcji w budynkach - zarówno tych łatwo, jak i trudno przekształcalnych. Poddano analizie zjawiska wpływające na prędkość zmian budowlanych.
In the paper are consider the issues of conversion functions in the buildings - both: easy and difficult to transform. There are analyzed the phenomena affecting on the speed of construction changes.
School is a complex system, inseparable from the specific context of here and now. Each day involves immersing in the course of particular events which are the result of multiple interactions at school. Time is what binds all the events taking place at school, and the category of time makes multi-level and multi-aspect analysis of school reality possible. The aim of the article is to reflect on the author’s own practice of phenomenographic studies of daily school time, to show the doubts occurring as part of the studies and to present the decisions taken. The text is the analysis of key elements of planning the studies, carrying them out and analyzing the results.
Content available Kairos a fotografia
Problem of time was widely discussed in Greek antiquity. Numerous definitions of time indicate that the phenomenon was not clear to the ancient people. Kairos was among of them. It described the unique moment, which was bringing to a halt normal course of time and allowed a change to happen. And nowadays, Kairos is still considered as faint moment that if not captured, disappears irretrievably. This paper analyzes the connection between Kairos and the contemporary art medium – photography, which main idea is to catch and hold the very special moments.
Content available Tenses, Dates and Times
This paper presents a theory of utterance content that is neutral with respect to some of the key issues in the debate about the proper semantics of tense. Elaborating on some ideas from Korta & Perry (2011), we defend a proposal according to which utterances of both temporally specific and temporally unspecific sentences have a systematic variety of contents, from utterance-bound to incremental or referential. This analysis will shed some light on the contribution of tense to what is said by an utterance.
Content available Tenses, Dates and Times*
This paper presents a theory of utterance content that is neutral with respect to some of the key issues in the debate about the proper semantics of tense. Elaborating on some ideas from Korta & Perry (2011), we defend a proposal according to which utterances of both temporally specific and temporally unspecific sentences have a systematic variety of contents, from utterance-bound to incremental or referential. This analysis will shed some light on the contribution of tense to what is said by an utterance.
The main objective of this paper is to show the differences and similarities in the use of demonstrative forms in Polish and Spanish, which arise not only from differences paradigmatic (Spanish ternary system vs Polish binary system), but also pragmatic context. With the help of electronic corpora the author tries to answer the question of what factors influence the conceptualization of these deictic expressions in both languages.
Metallic material fell over a wide area around Morasko, as is unambiguously shown by the large number of iron lumps of different size, with characteristic Widmanstetten structures and troilite inclusions. Apart from meteorites, metallic micrometeorites and magnetic spherules are also present. An explosive impact dated as around 5 000 years ago not only delivered material, but also led to the formation of meteorite craters. The time of fall is proved by palynological, radiometric and luminescence methods. It seems likely that a second fall of metallic meteorites occurred at Morasko about 2 000 years ago, though without geomorphological effects. The presence of extraterrestrial magnetic material, in combination with the geological and geomorphological effects of its fall, make the Morasko area a highly interesting and important natural sit. Only less than 20 documented sites worldwide where such a complex record exists.
In this paper the importance of the history of the philosophy of nature for this field of philosophy is examined. It is also shown why the history of philosophy in science (philosophy of nature) is important for Polish philosophy. Next, some selected issues of the historiography of this field are examined. It is suggested, that an interesting perspective of investigations is the one, which shows the development of the Polish philosophy of nature from the point of view of the development of philosophical reflections on the issue of time in the period 1900–1939.
W artykule poddano analizie znaczenie filozoficznej refleksji nad dziejami filozofii przyrody dla rozwoju współczesnej filozofii przyrody. Wskazuje się również, dlaczego historia filozofii przyrody jest ważna dla polskiej filozofii. Następnie analizom poddano wybrane zagadnienia związane z historiografią dziejów filozofii przyrody. Zaproponowano również interesującą perspektywę badań, jaką jest ujęcie dziejów polskiej filozofii przyrody w latach 1900–1939 z punktu wiedzenia rozważań nad zagadnieniem czasu.
Content available remote Oszczędne gospodarowanie czasem we współczesnym mieście
Żyjemy w czasach wielkich dylematów. Z jednej strony pragniemy, aby miasto zapewniało nam komfortowe warunki życia, z drugiej mamy świadomość, że odbywa się to kosztem narastającej degradacji otaczającego nas środowiska oraz deprecjacji naszych zdolności doświadczania czasu i przestrzeni. Współczesna przestrzeń miej ska jest definiowana nie tylko przez formę, funkcję, ale też przez czas, który w związku z zacieraniem się poczucia odległości staje się coraz ważniejszym wyznacznikiem orientującym nas w przestrzeni. Równocześnie towarzyszy nam przeświadczenie, że mamy tego czasu coraz umiej, że wpadliśmy w pułapkę przyspieszenia. Reakcją kompensacyjną stają się próby opracowania strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju miast, wykazujących konieczność oszczędnego wykorzystywania zasobów naturalnych i kulturowych, zapewniających człowiekowi poczucie tożsamości oraz oszczędnego gospodarowania czasem, co mogłoby pozwolić na odnalezienie wytchnienia i harmonii wewnętrznej w powolnych przestrzeniach miejskich, oswobodzonych z tyranii czasu.
We live in the times of great dilemmas. On one hand, we would like the city to provide for comfortable living conditions; on the other hand, we are fully aware of the fact that it proceeds at the expense of the increasing degradation of the surrounding environment and the depreciation of our abilities to experience time and space. A contemporary urban space is defined by its form and function as well as by time which is becoming a significant determinant orienting us to space in connection with the fading sense of distance. We are also convinced that time is running out, that we have fallen in the trap of acceleration. Strategies of sustainable development of cities - indicating a necessity to consume natural and cultural resources in an economical manner and efficient time management for man which will enable him to pause for breath and find internal harmony in slow urban spaces - are becoming a compensatory reaction.
R.L. Epstein and E. Buitrago-Díaz aspire to present a vitally new approach to temporal logic, an approach based on the idea of absolute truth-values. They claim the existing approaches are confused and incoherent, and contain a significant number of nonsenses. The alleged problems are generated by truth-values being relativized to positions in time. The fundamental incoherence consists in some confusion between propositions and their schemata. Epstein and Buitrago-Díaz have formulas be simply true or false and describe fixed areas of time. I endeavour to show that all objections Epstein and Buitrago-Díaz raise to existing temporal logic are misunderstandings. The calculus they present is easily reconstructable in existing calculi, so there is no new approach here. However, the calculus is correct and may be of some interest in logic.
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