Over the last decades higher education became a crucial factor increasing the chances of employment. Additionally, the dynamics of changes on the labour market requires a variety of vocational skills from an employee. A contemporary employee ought to incorporate the necessity of work change and retraining into their vision of employment. Labour market analysts point out that people even with good, but narrow qualifications, have potentially the lowest chances of finding a job. If one takes the fact of disability into consideration, these chances are clearly minimising. The key question which should be answered is whether higher education takes an important place in the life plans of people with disability.
The article raises the issue of the young generation’s striving for the realisation of its potential and talents as well as the use of development opportunities in the context of both favourable and unfavourable conditions of the social-cultural reality. The problems resulting from the axionormative chaos, differentiated opportunities, and changes in all of the areas of life that the contemporary youth wanting to appear on the societal arena is struggling with are also indicated in the article. The considerations oscillate around the categories of identity, needs, existential dilemmas and self-improvement as well as the goals and life plans of young people.
Adult residents of social care homes for people with intellectual disabilities are a group of people who are rarely asked for an opinion, even about themselves. What are their plans and wishes, what do they dream about, how often do they dream and what are the characteristics of such dreams? In this article I will try to analyse the above issues using the material collected through narrative interviews and open interviews conducted in this group.
Adult residents of residential homes for people with intellectual disabilities are a group of people, who are rarely asked for opinion, even i fit comes to their own case. What are they future plans and wishes, what do they dream about, how often do they do it and what is the characteristic of those thoughts. In this article I present an attempt to annalize those topics using material I colected through narrative and nondirective interviews.
The study addresses itself to the following question: What is the connection between life plans of juvenile correctional facilities pupils and parental attitudes presented by their parents? Diagnostic survey was used as the method of this study. Elements of descriptive and inductive statistics were applied as methods of statistical analysis. The research includes Questionnaire for retrospective assessment of parental attitudes by Mieczysław Plopa and Questionnaire for studying life plans of adolescents by Beata Górnicka. In the light of the presented research it can be concluded that there is a relationship between educational and professional, material and living, family and personal plans, as well as those concerning free time, and the parental attitudes displayed by the parents of the surveyed boys. It is recommended to cooperate with pupils’ parents as far as possible. Undertaking cooperation enables to rebuild relations between parents and pupils, which were lost due to difficult situations.
Problem badawczy przyjął postać następującego pytania: Jaki jest związek pomiędzy postawami rodzicielskimi prezentowanymi przez rodziców wychowanków (ocenianymi przez badanych) zakładów poprawczych resocjalizacyjno-rewalidacyjnych a ich planami życiowymi? Metodą wykorzystaną w badaniach był sondaż diagnostyczny. W zakresie metod analizy statystycznej posłużono się elementami statystyki opisowej oraz indukcyjnej. Do badań wykorzystano Kwestionariusz retrospektywnej oceny postaw rodzicielskich autorstwa Mieczysława Plopy oraz Kwestionariusz do badania planów życiowych młodzieży autorstwa Beaty Górnickiej. W świetle zaprezentowanych badań można stwierdzić, że istnieją zależności pomiędzy planami edukacyjno-zawodowymi, materialno-bytowymi, rodzinnymi i osobistymi oraz dotyczącymi czasu wolnego a postawami rodzicielskimi prezentowanymi przez rodziców badanych chłopców. Wyniki badań wskazują na to, że warto pracować z rodzinami wychowanków, na ile tylko jest to możliwe. Podjęcie współpracy pozwala budować więzi w relacji wychowanek – rodzic, które w wyniku wielu trudnych sytuacji zostały zerwane.
Artykuł dotyczy części badań realizowanych wśród uczniów i studentów z pogranicza polsko-czeskiego (powiat prudnicki, nyski i opolski po polskiej stronie i kraj morawsko-czeski po stronie czeskiej) w ramach projektu z euroregionu Pradziad. Celem teoretycznym projektu było poznanie stylu i jakości życia mieszkańców pogranicza czesko-polskiego, ich planów życiowych i tożsamości, na obszarze działalności euroregionu Pradziad, a także wiedzy młodych mieszkańców pogranicza o życiu i problemach sąsiadów z zagranicy. Celem praktycznym projektu było uzmysłowienie roli jakości życia dla funkcjonowania społeczeństwa poprzez popularyzację zagadnienia (konferencja, publikacje) oraz możliwości wzbogacania wiedzy młodych mieszkańców. W artykule zaprezentowana jest tylko część badań, która dotyczy opinii respondentów na temat planów życiowych w kontekście pogranicza polsko-czeskiego. Analiza ta dotyczyła jednego z pytań szczegółowych badań: Jakie są plany życiowe uczniów i studentów z pogranicza polsko-czeskiego? Wyniki badań przedstawiają deklaracje związane z planami pozostania w ojczyźnie, postrzeganiem swojego miejsca zamieszkania czy też dostrzeżeniem różnych walorów własnych miejscowości i krajów. W analizie danych zastosowano metody statystyczne związane z testowaniem statystycznej istotności różnic między zmiennymi testem Chi-kwadrat (x2).
The article concerns a part of the research carried out among learners and university students from the Polish-Czech border area (Prudnik, Nysa and Opole counties on the Polish side and Moravian-Czech district on the Czech side) within the Pradziad Euroregion Project. The theoretical aim of the project was to get to know the lifestyle and quality of life of the inhabitants of the Czech-Polish border area, their life plans and identity, as regards the activities of the Pradziad Euroregion, as well as the knowledge of young borderland inhabitants about the life and problems of their neighbours from abroad. The practical aim of the project was to raise awareness of the role of quality of life for the functioning of the society by popularising the issue (conferences, publications) and the possibility of enriching the knowledge of these young inhabitants. This article presents only the part of the research that deals with respondents’ opinions on life plans in the context of the Polish-Czech borderland. The analysis was focused on one of the specific questions of the research: What are the life plans of pupils and university students from the Polish-Czech borderland? The research results refer to the declarations related to plans to stay in the homeland, perceptions of the respondents’ place of residence, or perceptions of the different qualities of their own towns and countries. In the data analysis, statistical methods related to testing the statistical significance of differences between variables with the Chi-square test (x2) were applied.
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The following article focuses on life aspirations found out among university students of pedagogy faculties in Poland, Latvia and Belarus. The aim of the research was to answer the following questions: How the respondents assume their current educational work experience based on their knowledge? Whether they find it necesary to gain further education for their professional needs? What is the hierarchy of their life aims? What is the respondents attitude towards their own future plans? Do they discuss their future plans with close friends? What personality features and social-demographic factors influence differentiation of life aspirations among university students in individual countries? The research was carried out during scientific internship period in 2016 among 246 respondents in total. The method of diagnostic survey with the use of the author`s questionnaire of auditorial survey was used and the analysis of the material was conducted with the support of SPSS programme.
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