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Analiza danych z piśmiennictwa z ostatnich 10 lat, dotyczących oceny sposobu odżywiania młodzieży wykazała wiele nieprawidłowości, co może mieć wpływ na zwiększenie ryzyka wystąpienia chorób na tle wadliwego żywienia w późniejszym okresie życia.
The dietary survey among adolescents (11-15 years old) performed during last decade in Poland are not representative for national level. The analysis of data obtained by 24-h recall in different regions showed that contribution of dietary fat to energy intake was too high (37-42%), while contribution of proteins (10-11%) and carbohydrates (47-52%) too low. The intake of proteins, fibre, calcium, magnesium, copper and iron (especially among girls), vitamin C and niacin did not meet the recommended levels. The results suggest that girls are more likely to have risk of nutritional deficiencies than boys as well as adolescents from rural area than from towns. Inadequate intake of nutrients during adolescence can increase risk of dietary related diseases in later life.
Omówiono i porównano sposób żywienia kobiet w wieku rozrodczym, uwzględniając ich stan fizjologiczny (nie będące w ciąży, ciężarne, karmiące). Wady w żywieniu kobiet są podobne, przy czym spożycie produktów i składników odżywczych przez kobiety ciężarne i karmiące w mniejszym stopniu jest zbilansowane z zaleceniami i normami niż przez nieciężarne.
Results of dietary intake evaluation of 234 women aged 17-39 living in Łódź area have been reported. Three physiologically different groups of women were studied: nonpregnants, pregnants in their second trimester and breat-feeding (4-6 weeks after delivery). The 24-h food intake recall method was applied. Independent of the physiological status, the average intake of most food products among all women was below the recommended values. The greatest discrepancies between the recommended and actual intakes were noted among the breast-feeding women. The main faults in the nutrition of the women, independent of their physiological status, were: high energy intake from fat, low energy intake from carbohydrates, low intake of polyunsaturated acids, minerals and vitamins. Changed physiological status (pregnancy, lactation) was not accompanied by changes in the dietary habits of the women.
tom 56
nr 4
Kobiety z nadwagą lub otyłością popełniają wiele błędów żywieniowych. Większość kobiet (80%) nie ogranicza spożywania produktów zawierających cholesterol Połowa respondentek nie zwraca uwagi na zawartość soli, cukru w produktach spożywczych. Produkty typu „fast food" oraz tłuste mięsa często znajdują się w diecie ankietowanych.
The aim of the project was to research the nutritional habits of overweight and obese women. The group under investigation consisted of 100 randomly chosen women from the region of Małopolska. Their diet turned out to be inconsistent with proper nutrition. The majority of the women (80%) confessed not to reducing the cholesterol intake. About 50% of the researched did not pay attention to the food products containing the salt and sugar. Fast-food products and fat meat were commonly. The women were aware that their diet was not proper from the nutritional point of view.
Ocena sposobu żywienia 290 studentów, przeprowadzona metodą wywiadu, z ostatnich 24 godz. przed badaniem wykazała, że wartość energetyczna oraz zawartość składników odżywczych, z wyjątkiem tłuszczu, żelaza i białka ogółem, w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych, nie wypełniały zalecanej normy.
The dietary assessment of the Wrocław University of Medicine male students had been based on the 24h recall method. The interviews were carried out in 1993-1994. The interviewed group comprised 140 students in 1993 and 150 students in 1994. Data were collected from each subject once during the first and second quarter of each year. The results demonstrate some dietary deficiencies. The average daily diet rations of the male students failed to provide sufficient energy and were characterized by the deficit of all nutritional components except total fat, iron and protein, and the proportion of the energy obtained from fat was 35.1 %, far in excess of the recommended optimum. The students consumed insufficient amounts of cereals, milk and other dairy products, butter, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, and dry legumes.
Celem pracy była ocena zwyczajów żywieniowych studentów Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu. W badaniu ankietowym zdecydowano się na celowy dobór próby. Do analizy danych ankietowych wykorzystano test Ch2. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają, iż większość studentów nie odżywia się prawidłowo. Najczęstszą nieprawidłowością jest nie regularne spożywanie śniadań przed wyjściem z domu, jak również nieregularne lub wcale nie spożywanie drugich śniadań w pracy lub w przerwach między zajęciami. Również spożywanie obiadów przez dużą grupę badanych było nieregularne. Przyczyną takiego stanu jest prawdopodobnie brak prawidłowych nawyków żywieniowych wśród młodych łudzi. Pośpiech młodych ludzi oraz ograniczone środki finansowe są przyczyną spożywania, przez większość badanych studentów; tylko obiadów jednodaniowych, najczęściej przygotowanych we własnym zakresie. Podstawowe produkty takie jak mięso, ryby; drób, mleko i przetwory mleczne oraz owoce i warzywa większość badanych studentów spożywała przynajmniej raz w tygodniu lub częściej. Duża grupa badanych (zwłaszcza kobiety) deklarowała częste spożywanie słodyczy.
The aim of a paper was an assessment of Wroclaw University of Economics students nutritional habits. Purposeful sample group selection was opted in this surrey. The method Ch2 was used to analyses questionnaire data. Obtained results confirm, that most of student don't nourish properly. Irregular breakfast before leaving home is the most frequent incorrectness, as well as irregular second breakfast or resignation from second breakfast at work or on classes breaks. Dinners consumption for large group of polled was irregular too. Lack of proper nutrition habits among young people is the cause of this state. Young people haste and limited finance causing that most of polled. Students consume only one course meal, mostly preparing by themselves. Basic foodstuffs i.e. meat, fishes, poultry, dairy products and fruits and vegetables or more often. Large group of students (especially women) declared eating sweets to often.
Ocena sposobu żywienia przeprowadzona metodą wywiadu z ostatnich 24 godzin przed badaniem wykazała szereg nieprawidłowości w sposobie odżywiania się studentów - mężczyzn. Średnia całodzienna racja pokarmowa studentów pokrywała ich zapotrzebowanie energetyczne, dostarczała wystarczające ilości białka, tłuszczu, żelaza i witaminy C, natomiast nie pokrywała ich zapotrzebowania na węglowodany, wapń oraz witaminy: А, В1 i B2. Procentowy udział energii z tłuszczu w posiłkach badanych studentów wynosił 35% i znacznie przekraczał zalecenia.
The dietary assessment of he Wrocław University of Medicine male students had been based on the 24-h recall method. The interviews were carried out in 1991-1993. The interviewed group comprised 15 students in 1991, 16 students in 1992 and 17 students in 1993. Data were collected from each student for 10 consecutive days during the first and second quarter of each year. The total number of collected inteviews was 960 (48 students x 2 quarters x 10 days = 960 interviews). The results demonstrate a number of dietary deficiencies. The average daily diet rations of the male students provided sufficient energy, protein, fat, iron, and were vitamin C, but failed to provide sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, calcium and vitamins A, B, and B2. The share of the energy obtained from fats was 35%, far in excess of the recommended optimum. The students consumed insufficient amounts of cereals, milk and other dairy products, vegetables, fruit, and dry legumes.
W pracy oceniano wartość energetyczną dziennych racji pokarmowych oraz zawartość głównych składników odżywczych u osób z nadwagą lub otyłością rozpoczynających pracę w grupie wsparcia otyłych. Stwierdzane błędy żywieniowe dotyczyły niewłaściwych proporcji w spożyciu białka, tłuszczów, węglowodanów, cholesterolu pokarmowego i błonnika.
Nutritional condition and dietary habits were evaluated in people with excessive body weight or obesity. As much as 100 volunteers (91 women and 9 men) who had just joined a group for body-weight-control were examined. Daily food rations of the volunteers were assessed by 24-h recall covering the day before the interview. Overweight was diagnosed in 33% women; the remaining patients were obese. It was noted that BMI used to assess nutritional condition did not provide a reliable method for the classification of overweight and obesity. In 3 women with overweight and in one with obesity (as classified by BMI), the increased body weight was found to be due to the increase of non lipid tissue (muscles), as determined by the BIA method. Food rations of the patients with overweight or obesity were also analysed. It was found that in the majority of the examined women (69.2%), the rations did not satisfy the daily energy requirement, while the rations of the men usually comprised high-energy foodstuffs (66.7%). Protein intake was higher than usual in 83.5% women and 77% men. Their diets were characterised by high levels of animal proteins. Dietary intake of fats was lower than normal in 50% women, and the daily intake of dietary cholesterol was below 300 mg. Dietary intake of carbohydrates was lower than normal in 91.2% women. High carbohydrate content was noted in 55.5% men. Intake of dietary fibre was lower than normal 58.2% women and 33.3% men. The results of this study show abnormal contents of the major food components in the dietary rations of people with overweight or obesity. Improper proportions of the major dietary components may contribute to overweight and obesity.
Oceniano sposób odżywiania kobiet w okresie ciąży. W dietach kobiet w ciąży stwierdzono wiele nieprawidłowości: zbyt niskie spożycie warzyw i owoców, białka. Tylko 27% ankietowanych wprowadziło do diety kwas foliowy, a 17% produkty bogate w żelazo. Prawie wszystkie respondentkipiły mleko i ograniczyły spożycie kawy
The aim of the project was to evaluate diets of pregnant women. The research, whose tool was a voluntary questionnaire, was undertaken in 2005, among a group of a hundred randomly chosen pregnant women ranging in age from 23 to 32. A great degree of inappropriateness of their diets was revealed: too low intake of vegetables, fruit, dairy produce, proteins. Of all the women surveyed, a low percentage introduced folic acid (27%) and products rich in iron (17%) into their diets. The women stated that they both had limited coffee intake and started drinking milk.
Dokonano oceny jakościowej sposobu żywienia (metodą punktową wg Bielińskiej i wg Szewczyńskiego) kohorty studentów AMB. Wykazano, że większość jadłospisów była niepoprawnie zestawiona, dominowały posiłki węglowodanowo-tłuszczowe.
Our questionnaire study involved a cohort of students (86 females and 42 males). The aim of the study was to assess the frequency of consumption of selected groups of products and qualitative assessment of menus according to the Bielińska and Szewczyński classification. Most women had type 3 meal for breakfast, men consumed type 2 most frequently. Most students did not have anything for lunch. Dinner of every other male and female student consisted mainly of potatoes (or rice, macaroni), meat and vegetable salad (type 5), while every tenth student ate type 8 or 9 meal. Students preferred bread, cereals and sweets for afternoon snack (type 1), and type 1, 2 or 3 for supper. More than half of the students had meals classified according to the Szewczyński classification as abnormal (class III and IV).
W pracy oceniano czynniki żywieniowe mogące mieć wpływ na zwiększoną masę ciała u badanych osób z woj. podlaskiego. Zwrócono uwagę zarówno na zły skład ilościowy dziennych racji pokarmowych jak i błędy dotyczące niewłaściwych zwyczajów i zachowań żywieniowych.
A hundred and fifty volunteers (132 women and 18 men) with overweight and obesity were examined using questionnaire survey. The mean age was 37.4 (± 12.5) years for the women and 30 (± 11.03) years for the men. Their daily food rations and dietary habits were analysed. It was found that the diets of 78% surveyed women did not satisfy their daily energy requirements. Food rations of 50% men were energy-rich. Protein intake of the subjects was higher than the recommended safe maximum value in 76.5% women and 83.5% men. Fat-rich food rations were noted in 31.1% women and 66.7% men. Carbohydrate-deficient diets were recorded for 81.8% women and 66.7% men. Only 23.4% women and 22.2% men had 5 meals daily. Most of the surveyed people experienced strongest sensation of hunger in the evenings. As much as 97% had snacks between meals. Approximately 50% used to eat something at night hours. Highly processed food was most common. Only 10.6% women and 11.1% men controlled their daily energy intakes. These results seem to indicate that inappropriate dietary habits and disturbed proportions between the nutrients may enhance overweight and obesity.
Ocena sposobu żywienia przeprowadzona metodą wywiadu z ostatnich 24 godzin przed badaniem wykazała szereg nieprawidłowości w sposobie odżywiania się studentek. Średnia racja pokarmowa kobiet nie pokrywała ich zapotrzebowania energetycznego, nie wypełniała norm na składniki odżywcze z wyjątkiem białka zwierzęcego, a udział energii z tłuszczu znacznie przekraczał zalecenia. Studentki spożywały za mało produktów zbożowych, mleka i jego przetworów, ziemniaków, warzyw i owoców oraz nasion roślin strączkowych.
The dietary assessment of the Wrocław University of Medicine female students had been based on the 24-h recall method. The interviews were carried out in 1991-1993. The interviewed group comprised 16 students in 1991 and 16 students in 1992 and 1993. Data were collected from each student for 10 consecutive days during the first and second quarter of each year. The total number of collected interviews was 940 (47 students x 2 quarters x 10 days = 940 interviews). The results demonstrate some dietary deficiencies. The average daily diet rations of the female students failed to provide sufficient energy and were characterized by the deficit of all nutritional components except animal protein, and the share of the energy obtained from fats was 37%, far in excess of the recommended optimum. The students consumed insufficient amounts of cereals, milk and other dairy products, vegetables, fruit, and dry legumes.
Określono częstość spożycia grup produktów spożywczych z uwzględnieniem typu fast food w grupie 247 uczniów w wieku 15-18 lat, mieszkających w środowisku wielkomiejskim (Warszawa). U znacznego odsetka młodzieży stwierdzono kształtowanie się niekorzystnego wzorca spożycia żywności, z dużym udziałem produktów typu fast food.
The study was carried out in year 2004. The respondents included 247 adolescents aged 15-18 ys (127 girls and 120 boys), living in Warsaw (urban environment). The regularity of meal consumption and place of eating as well as frequency of consumption of selected groups of products were analyzed. Most adolescents (84.2%) declared eating at various fast-food restaurants, whereas just about 1/4 of respondents was having their meals in lunchrooms. For almost 50% of girls and 60% of boys the fast-food meals were consumed quite often. The observed diffrences in products consumption suggest that many adolescents develop unfavourable eating patterns which might lead to various diet-based diseases in later life.
Przeprowadzona ocena jakościowa sposobu żywienia pacjentów z kamicą żółciową i grupy kontrolnej wykazała wiele nieprawidłowości w trybie żywienia i częstości spożycia wybranych produktów. Przeważająca część ankietowanych cechowało nieregularne spożywanie posiłków, dojadanie między posiłkami. Pacjenci z kamicą spożywali mniej produktów wysokobłonnikowych oraz istotnie więcej produktów wysokotłuszczowych.
The potential causes of diets increased incidence of cholecystolithiasis. The study involved 104 patients with diagnosed cholecystolithiasis and 202 without cholecystolithiasis. The questionnaire technique was used to evaluate risk factors of cholecystolithiasis. Patients with cholecystolithiasis were characterized by low intake of dark bread and wholemeal products, raw fruit and vegetables, and pulses. Women and men with cholecystolithiasis significantly more frequently consumed high-fat foods.
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