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Purpose: To assess the frequency of food intake as a source of dietary fibre and saturated fatty acid intake in terms of preventive health care for women and men of the baby boomer (BB), X, Y, and Z generations. Design/methodology/approach: The research instrument was a survey questionnaire administered through the computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI) method using Google Forms. The survey was conducted from February to March 2023. The survey included 204 respondents between the ages of 19 and 60, residents of Gdynia. Purposive group selection was used. The results of the survey are presented as the percentage distribution (percentage) of each evaluation (% of indications). A chi-square test with Yates correction was used to determine the effect of gender and age on lifestyle, dietary style and frequency of dietary fibre and saturated fatty acid intake in the study groups. Findings: Analysis of the consumption of selected food groups by respondents showed that gender and age influenced the lifestyle and type of selected food products consumed by adults, and therefore the attainment of individual nutrient requirements, and the risk of chronic noncommunicable diseases. It is satisfactory that the level of fat intake among the surveyed group of respondents was at an appropriately low level. On the other hand, the inadequate and very low intake of dietary fibre among women and men remains a concern. Research limitations/implications: The research has certain limitations. The results obtained are not representative and cannot be generalised to the population of women and men of the baby boomer (BB), X, Y and Z generations in Poland. Practical implications: The present study is part of health risk management and health promotion in the Polish population. It is important that adults (in Poland) pay attention to the impact of the products they consume on their health, since the lack of a balanced diet and an excessive supply of simple carbohydrates and saturated fatty acids carries a risk of reducing their quality of life. It is essential to conduct research monitoring the dietary behaviour of various population groups to evaluate the need for preventive actions to ensure health and better safeguard the mental and physical condition of current and future generations. Social implications: The research is part of health risk management and health promotion in the Polish population. Originality/value: The research adds to the knowledge of adult eating behaviour from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals.
A rational diet is of particular importance today. The increasing pace of life and intensive work are important factors determining the quality of nutrition. Nutritional awareness is one of the main determinants of the appropriate diet. In order to understand the subtleties of the definition and essence of nutritional awareness, it is necessary to realise its close relationship with lifestyle, health, economic status and mass culture. The aim of the study was to assess the awareness and nutritional behaviour of Polish consumers. The research was carried out using the diagnostic survey method, I.e. the author’s questionnaire. The research has shown that the respondents know the principles of rational nutrition, although they do not always adhere to them, and the choice of food products is largely determined by the price and brand of the product. Respondents are familiar with the concept of “nutritional awareness” and believe that it has a huge impact on health.
Moda na żywność wygodną i szybką do spożycia spowodowała, że konsument nie zwraca uwagi na jakość i wartość odżywczą posiłku, a jego głównym zadaniem jest zaspokojenie głodu. Niestety ostatnie dwa lata wymusiły zmianę nawyków żywieniowych i społecznych, co poniekąd wyzwoliło nowe trendy lub pozwoliło sięgnąć po znane, które obecnie przeżywają swoj renesans. Jednym z takich trendów jest idea „Slow Food”. Okres pandemii doprowadził do nieoczekiwanej i gwałtownej zmiany zachowań ludzi, co było powodem wprowadzenia nagłych zmian, zaczynając od trybu pracy ze stacjonarnego na zdalny, kończąc na nowym modelu zakupów spożywczych i kontaktów towarzyskich. Wpłynęło to na wiele aspektów życia społeczeństwa, dlatego postanowiono ocenić oddziaływanie pandemii na nawyki żywieniowe i postrzeganie ruchu „Slow Food” wśród polskich studentów. Uzyskane wyniki badań potwierdziły znaczący wpływ pandemii SARS-CoV-2 na zmianę nawyków żywieniowych studentów, szczególnie zmiana trybu nauki i pracy studentów. Potwierdzono ponadto, że idea „Slow Food” nie jest dobrze znana wśrod studentów polskich uczelni, przy czym niewielka grupa badanych wie, jakie są cele organizacji oraz to, czym zajmuje się flagowy projekt „Arka Smaku”.
The trend towards food that is convenient and quick to consume has resulted in the fact that consumer does not pay attention to the quality and nutritional value of the meal, and its main purpose is to satisfy hunger. Unfortunately, the last two years have forced a change in eating and social habits, which in a way triggered new trends or allowed to reach for the well-known ones that are currently experiencing a renaissance. One such trend is the idea of “Slow Food”. The period of pandemic led to an unexpected and rapid change in people’s behavior, causing sudden changes, ranging from stationary to remote work to a new model of grocery shopping and social contacts. Such large changes in the way of functioning affected many social aspects, so it was decided to check how the pandemic affected eating habits and the perception of the “Slow Food” movement among Polish students. The results of the study confirmed a significant impact of the SARSCoV-2 pandemic on changing students’ eating habits, especially the change in the students’ work and study habits. Moreover, it was confirmed that the idea of “Slow Food” is not well known among students of Polish universities, with a small group of respondents knowing what the aims of the organization are and what the flagship project “Ark of Taste” does.
Content available remote Mobile applications and eating habits among women and men – Polish experiences
Introduction: The use of mobile applications in phones has become fashionable in Poland for several years. There is an increasing number of people who derive their dietary knowledge from the computer software. Objective: The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of mobile applications on eating habits among men and women working in a corporation. Material and methods: 210 employees of a corporation from Gliwice participated in the study in Poland. Conclusions: The respondents showed that when using computer software, their number of meals and the intervals between them improved. The frequency of consumption of vegetables, fruit, and fish is at an appropriate level. It can be presumed that the next step will be posting the results of the change in healthy lifestyle on social media. Informing friends on social profiles about the progress resulting from the change of physical activity or eating habits is gaining popularity. Most often this takes the form of messages posted on Facebook or Instagram. There is an element of competition and mobilization of other community members to change or improve their lifestyle.
The aim of the poll was to evaluate the knowledge of women and men on the impact of proper diet on the course of a neoplastic disease. The study was conducted in April 2014 among 100 people aged from 18 to 61, of which 89% suffered from malignant neoplasm, and 11% from benign neoplasm. Basing on the obtained results, the research hypothesis has been negatively verified: men and women have a low awareness of the impact of diet on the course of a neoplastic disease, because 62% of the patients confirmed the change in the daily diet to a healthier one after disease diagnosis. However, it seems essential to increase consumption of saltwater fish by people with cancer and to introduce appropriate training programs for patients and their families on dietary management.
Celem przeprowadzonego badania była ocena wiedzy kobiet i mężczyzn w zakresie wpływu właściwego sposobu żywienia na przebieg choroby nowotworowej. Badanie przeprowadzono w kwietniu 2014 roku w grupie 100 osób w wieku od 18 do 61 lat, spośród których 89% chorowało na nowotwory typu złośliwego, a 11% na nowotwory typu łagodnego. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników zweryfikowano negatywnie postawioną hipotezę badawczą: kobiety i mężczyźni mają niską świadomość w zakresie wpływu sposobu żywienia na przebieg choroby nowotworowej, ponieważ 62% pacjentów potwierdziło zmianę codziennej diety na prozdrowotną po zdiagnozowaniu u nich choroby. Niezbędne jednak wydaje się zwiększenie konsumpcji ryb morskich przez pacjentów onkologicznych oraz wprowadzenie odpowiednich programów szkoleniowych dla chorych i ich rodzin z zakresu postępowania dietetycznego.
Celem przeprowadzonego badania była ocena potraw dzieci w wieku szkolnym w stosunku do wybranych produktów spożywczych. Badanie przeprowadzono w 2014 roku w grupie 140 dzieci w wieku od 9 do 12 lat uczęszczających do Szkoły Podstawowej nr 43 w Gdyni. W pracy posłużono się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego. Badano preferencje dzieci w stosunku do 41 produktów spożywczych i potraw. Stopień akceptacji danego produktu oceniono w oparciu o 3 stopniową skalę, a poszczególnym odpowiedziom przyporządkowano odpowiednie rangi. Do grupy produktów o wysokim stopniu akceptacji przez dzieci w wieku od 9 do 12 lat zaliczono napoje słodzone i produkty wysokoprzetworzone, takie jak: pizza, hamburgery i frytki. Dzieci chętnie spożywają produkty o wysokiej gęstości energetycznej, co może w przyszłości przyczynić się do rozwoju chorób dietozależnych. Wskazane jest podjęcie działań edukacyjnych w środowisku rodzinnym oraz opracowanie i wdrożenie strategii w celu zapobiegania niewłaściwym zachowaniom żywieniowym u dzieci w wieku szkolnym.
The aim of the poił was to assess consumption preferences of schooł-age children towards the selected products and meals. The poił was conducted in 2014 among a group of 140 children aged from 9 to 12 attending the Primary School No. 43 in Gdynia. The diagnostic poił method was used in the project. Preferences of the childn towards 41 foodstuffs and meals were studied. The degree of acceptance of a specific product was assessed on tj basis of a 3-grade scale, and appropriate ranks were assigned to individual replies. Soft drinks and highly processed products, such as pizza, hamburgers and French fries were classified in the group of products with a high degree of acceptance by children aged 9 to 12. Children willingly consume produd with high energy density, which may develop diet-related diseases in the future. It is recommended to introdu educational activities in a family environment and to develop and implement strategies to prevent the incorri nutritional behaviour in school-age children.
Content available remote Zachowania żywieniowe i preferencje dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
Dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym kształtują nawyki żywieniowe, na które rodzice/opiekunowie wpływają w sposób szczególny. Celem przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych było uzyskanie opinii na temat zachowań żywieniowych dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, ich preferencji oraz znajomości wybranych produktów. Zachowania żywieniowe dzieci w wieku 3 i 4 lat oceniono na podstawie informacji uzyskanych od dzieci i ich rodziców. Częstotliwość spożycia owoców, warzyw, mięsa, mleka i ich przetworów wśród badanych była zróżnicowana. Prawie 40% dzieci spożywało owoce raz dziennie lub rzadziej, 30% dzieci nie potrafiło odróżnić warzyw od owoców. Dzieci spożywały mięso i jego przetwory równie często jak mleko i przetwory mleczne. Ryby, ciemne pieczywo były spożywane rzadko. Tylko 10% dzieci zdaniem rodziców nie spożywało słodyczy i słonych przekąsek, 30% spożywało je, kiedy chciało lub kilka razy w tygodniu. Wśród najbardziej lubianych owoców były truskawki, warzyw – marchew, zaś wśród najmniej lubianych owoców były winogrona, a warzyw – rzodkiewka.
Pre-school children formed their eating habits, on which parents/guardians can affected in a particular way. The aim of the survey, using questionnaires, was to obtain opinions on the pre-school children food behavior and preferences and familiarity with selected products. Food habits of 3–4 years old children were evaluate on the basis of information obtained from the parents and the children themselves. Frequency of consumption of fruit, vegetables, meat, milk and their products in the children vary. Almost 40% of children consumed fruits one time per day or less, 30% of them could not distinguished fruits from vegetables. Children ate meat and dairy products as often as milk and milk products. Fish, dark bread were consumed rarely. Only 10% of children does not consume sweets and salty snacks, 30% consume such products when they want, or several times a week. Among the most popular fruit were strawberries, vegetables – carrots, among the least like fruits were grapes, vegetables – radish.
Content available remote Ocena nawyków żywieniowych młodych konsumentów z województwa pomorskiego
Nawyki żywieniowe stanowią o stanie zdrowia, samopoczuciu, kondycji fizycznej i psychicznej organizmu oraz postrzeganiu sylwetki. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena wiedzy dotyczącej nawyków żywieniowych młodych konsumentów z województwa pomorskiego. Badania wykazały, że 21% młodych konsumentów pozytywnie oceniło swój sposób żywienia, a 26% stwierdziło brak zdrowego odżywiania. Nie ograniczało spożywania tłuszczów 32% ankietowanych mężczyzn, a 48% wszystkich ankietowanych nie ograniczało spożywania soli. Wśród zadowalających stwierdzonych tendencji znalazła się deklaracja częstego spożywania owoców przez respondentów. Do palenia tytoniu i picia alkoholu przynajmniej raz w tygodniu przyznawało się 10% badanych. Jedna czwarta badanych deklarowała konsumpcję posiłków bezpośrednio przed snem, a 12% przyznawało się do spożywania posiłków w odstępach godzinnych. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały między innymi, że wiedza badanych na temat prawidłowych nawyków żywieniowych nie jest zadowalająca.
Eating habits are vital for health, well-being, physical and mental condition, and for perception of bodily shape. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of eating habits of young consumers of the Pomeranian Region, Poland. The results indicated that 21% of the interviewed young consumers positively assessed their diet, whereas 26% reported that they were not eating healthy. 32% of men reported that they did not limit their fat consumption and 48% of the respondents did not limit their consumption of salt. Among the identified satisfactory trends was a reported frequent consumption of fruit. 10% of the respondents admitted smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol at least once a week. One in four respondents reported consumption of meals shortly before bedtime, and 12% reported eating meals at hourly intervals. The study indicated, among others, that the respondent current knowledge about healthy eating habits is not satisfactory.
Content available remote Assessment of the eating habits of a selected group of school age children
The purpose of the research was to assess the eating habits, nutritional status and level of physical activity of a selected group of children. Empirical study was conducted with the use of an authorial questionnaire – survey in May 2013 in a group of 100 parents of children aged 6–9 years attending grades 1–3 of primary school in Gdynia. Eating habits of children were found to be beneficial in terms of regularity and the number of meals consumed, consumption of the first breakfast at home and a second breakfast at school and the lack of snacking in the course of time spent in front of a computer and a TV. As unbeneficial were considered eating habits of children in terms of snacking between main meals during the day and too short time of consumption of last meal before bedtime. It was found that the structure of consumption of individual food products is not compatible with the recommendations of the Institute of Food and Nutrition on low consumption of fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, leguminous plants, fish and high consumption of sweets. This trend may be the cause of shortage of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3.
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