In this volume of the International Journal of Research in E-learning, authors from different countries are trying to answer the following question: what should be the university / school of the 21st century? Among other things, it should be open to innovation – not only in the world of technology, but also in relation to teaching and learning processes. Personalisation of teaching / learning should take place – a student is in the centre of the university / school of the 21st century. Another desirable feature is highly qualified staff, open and prepared for lifelong learning. One of the pillars of preparing new generation specialists should be STEM education, internationalisation of higher education, and mobility. The present volume includes seven articles gathered in three chapters.
The 10th edition of the International Scientific Conference DLCC2018:Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Distance Learning ( was held under the theme “E-learning and smart learning environment for preparing the specialists of new generation” and included reports from the IRNet project.The conference was held on 15–16 October 2018 in Wisła. It was organised by the Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science at the University of Silesia inCieszyn. The co-organisers were: the University of Ostrava (the Czech Republic); the Silesian University in Opava (the Czech Republic); the Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia); the Twente University (the Netherlands); the University of Extremadura (Spain); the Curtin University in Perth (Australia); the Borys Grinchenko Kiev University (Ukraine); the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Russia); the Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University (Ukraine); Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland; Polish Pedagogical Association, Branch in Cieszyn; Polish Scientific Association of Internet Education; IADIS – International Association for Development of the Information Society; and SEA – Polish Academic E-learning Association.
The EU not only provides funding, but also has launched several policy initiatives and interventions on the digitalisation of education, outlined, for instance, in “Europe 2020 Strategy,” “Digital Agenda for Europe,” “Agenda for New Skills and Jobs,” “Innovation Union,” “Opening up Education: Innovative Teaching and Learning for All through New Technologies and Open Educational Resources,” “DigComp 2.0: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens,” “A European Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organisations,” “A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe,” “New Skills Agenda for Europe: Working Together to strengthen Human Capital, Employability and Competitiveness,” Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, and “Strategic Framework – Education and Training 2020.” Furthermore, contests such as European Digital Skills Awards for outstanding projects contributing to digital skills development have been launched. The authors from ten countries try to consider and analyse the contemporary topics and modern trends in the fields of internationalisation of higher education, IT competence, and intercultural competences development in conditions of the digital world. The present volume includes seven articles gathered in three chapters.
The research presented in the article seems to confirm the assumption that e-learning and ICT development contribute to the quality of educational services, to the development of information society competences and to the increased competitiveness of institutions of science and education. E-learning participants aim at: increasing comfort in the scientific and educational process; lifelong learning goals; the personalization of education; the formation of new scientific and educational cooperation and intercultural competence; self-fulfilment in education and work; increased openness of the scientific and educational environment; and enhancing self-organizational effects which support the sustainable development of the university environment. The research was conducted at the University of Silesia within the framework of IRNet project.
This paper focuses on students’ research ability to use information and communication technologies to carry out information activities in their professional field. The results of studies on personalized and adaptive learning, based on the consideration of learning styles were analyzed. Based on the statistical analysis of the pedagogical experiments some recommendations were formulated for technology training for teachers and students, to improve efficiency training.
The paper presents a synopsis of the evolution of methods and techniques up to the digital age and characterises the main aspects of behaviourist and constructivist models in order to study the development of new advanced pedagogical tools and methods in education science in constructivist environment. For the purpose of the study, an analysis of the technological evolution during the last decades and its impact on education science was made, with a special focus on virtual teaching and learning. The practical outcome of the study was a series of online seminars and workshops, prepared by the international team of the IRNet project. The keynotes and workshops were held during DLCC2017 Conference (Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Distance Learning, subtitle: Effective Development of Teachers’ Skills in the Area of ICT and E-learning) at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. Video presentations and an automatic translation are available at:
Artykuł przedstawia przegląd ewolucji metod i technik nauczania aż do ery cyfrowej. Podaje charakterystykę głównych aspektów modeli behawiorystycznych oraz konstruktywistycznych w celu zbadania rozwoju nowych zaawansowanych narzędzi i metod pedagogicznych stosowanych w naukach o edukacji w środowisku konstruktywistycznym. Dla potrzeb badań dokonano analizy ewolucji technologicznej, jaka zaszła w ciągu ostatnich dekad, oraz jej wpływu na edukację, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wirtualnego uczenia się i nauczania. Praktycznym rezultatem badańbyła seria seminariów i warsztatów przeprowadzonych online, które przygotował zespół projektu IRNet. Wystąpienia i warsztaty odbyły się w ramach przeprowadzonej w 2017 roku konferencji DLCC(Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty nauczania na odległość: efektywne kształtowanie umiejętności nauczycieli w obszarach ICT oraz e-learningu).
The introduction of information and communication technologies constitutes one of the conditions for higher education development as well as a catalyst for enhancing ICT competences of all those involved in the educational process in order to form their 21st century skills. The article presents experience in the implementation of flipped learning in Ukraine and Poland. It also describes scenarios and collaboration tools for students’ practical activity, provides examples of learning objects representing resources for independent study and research, and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the proposed model.
The article focuses on the internationalisation of education and competences approach in the digital world as viewed by experts from different countries: the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, Russia, and Ukraine. The article aims to provide opinions, views, and reflections on important topics addressed by the IRNet project and DLCC2017 Conference participants.
Autorzy artykułu koncentrują się na umiędzynarodowieniu edukacji oraz podejściu opartym na kształtowaniu kompetencji w edukacji w świecie cyfrowym. Omówione zostają różne spojrzenia na problem zaprezentowany przez ekspertów z Holandii, Polski, Turcji, Rosji oraz Ukrainy. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie poglądów, opinii oraz refleksji na ważne tematy, do których odnieśli sięuczestnicy projektu IRNet oraz konferencji DLCC 2017.
This article, prepared by an international team of researchers from different scientific areas connected with ICT, e-learning, pedagogy, and other related disciplines, focuses on the objectives and some results of the international project IRNet ( In particular, the article describes research tools, methods, and a procedure of the Work Package 7 “Dissemination of the Project Results,” that is, objectives, tasks, deliverables, publications, and implementation of research trips in the context of the next stages and Work Packages of IRNet project – International Research Network.
Artykuł ten został przygotowany przez międzynarodowy zespół badaczy reprezentujący różne obszary nauki związane z ICT, e-learningiem, pedagogiką oraz innymi dyscyplinami. Tekst skupia się na celach oraz wybranych wynikach międzynarodowego projektu IRNet ( Szczególną uwagę skoncentrowano na opisie narzędzi, metod i procedur badawczych wykorzysta-nych podczas realizacji Pakietu WP7 „Rozpowszechnienie wyników projektu”, to znaczy na celach, zadaniach, rezultatach, publikacjach oraz realizacji wyjazdów naukowych w kontekście kolejnych etapów oraz pakietów projektu IRNet.
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