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Artykuł przedstawia krytyczną diagnozę wybranych aspektów ukazujących jakość dzieciństwa w Polsce opartą o analizę określonych warunków funkcjonowania dzieci w Polsce. Skoncentrowano się głównie na warunkach środowiska rodzinnego ale także częściowo odniesiono się do ogólnych parametrów funkcjonowania dzieci w społeczeństwie. W oparciu o dostępne statystyki dokonano krytycznego opisu warunków dzieciństwa w Polsce, a w szczególności: możliwości funkcjonowania dzieci w środowisku rodzinnym, warunków socjalnych dzieci, przemocy i zaniedbywania dzieci w rodzinie oraz parametrów ogólnej jakości życia dzieci w społeczeństwie. Starano się ukazać zagrożenia zaspokajania potrzeb rozwojowych polskich dzieci, ale także sformułować rekomendacje ukazujące kierunki potrzebnych działań.
The paper presents critical diagnosis of chosen aspects that describe quality of childhood in Poland on the base of analysis of some conditions of functioning of children. The main area of the analysis became some features of family environment, but some general conditions of functioning children in society also were taken into account. On the basis of different statistics a critical description of conditions of childhood in Poland was made, particularly through describing possibilities of functioning in a family, socio-economical conditions of children, child abuse and neglect, and some parameters of general quality of a life in a society. The article is an attempt to show threats of children’s developmental needs fulfilment, but also to present recommendations describing directions of needed actions.
Artykuł podejmuje temat ochrony dzieci przed krzywdzeniem w Polsce w kontekście prezentacji jej warunków formalnych występujących w naszym państwie, jak i postaw społecznych Polaków w zakresie aprobaty dla wykorzystywania przemocy w wychowaniu dzieci. Ten drugi wymiar ilustrują badania opinii publicznej nad aprobatą vs. dezaprobata dla bicia dzieci realizowane w roku 2011 i 2012. Całość prezentacji kończy dyskusja nad wynikami badań oraz rekomendacje dotyczące potrzeby edukacji społecznej na temat problemu przemocy wobec dzieci.
The paper presents the topic of child abuse in Poland in the context of formal circumstances that exist in our state in this matter as well as social attitudes towards using violence in child-rearing. That perspective illustrate results of research on social attitudes towards child abuse from 2011 and 2012. There is also a discussion on these results and some recommendations to a better social education in Poland on child abuse problem at the end of the paper.
Przedstawiany artykuł jest próbą ukazania bezpośrednich skutków wejścia w życie w 2010 roku nowelizacji prawa w zakresie przeciwdziałania przemocy w rodzinie, z punktu widzenia specyficznej ofiary przemocy w rodzinie, jaką jest dziecko. Przyjęto, iż w sposób najbardziej rzetelny sytuację obrazują działania podejmowane w praktyce społecznej środowisk lokalnych – gmin, czyli w bezpośredniej bliskości dzieci ofiar przemocy w rodzinie. Przeprowadzone na losowych jednostkach terytorialnych (gminach) badania kwestionariuszowe pokazały, iż w rok po wejściu w życie nowelizacji, działania polegające na wypełnieniu ustawowego obowiązku opracowania gminnego programu przeciwdziałania przemocy w rodzinie zostały w większości gmin wypełnione w stosownym czasie, jednakże realizacja działań praktycznych takich, jak zapewnienie wsparcia ofiarom przemocy i organizacja poradnictwa w zakresie przemocy domowej, a także organizowanie specjalnych programów w stosunku do rodzin z problemem przemocy wobec dziecka, nie przedstawia jak na razie zbyt satysfakcjonującego obrazu. Na podstawie analizy określonych aspektów stanu działań gminnych sformułowano rekomendacje dotyczące intensyfikacji działań.
The paper presents immediate consequences of law concerning family violence reformation, which was done in 2010, from the child as a victim perspective. It was assumed that the most precise picture of the effects of the new act, is the one of the local activities - undertake by districts, because of the direct proximity to the family violence victims. The undertaken research of random chosen districts (with the use of a questionairy) showed, that a year after new regulations, law activities (act obligations) were fulfilled in majority of Polish districts, whereas the practical ones such as: organizing institutions of support for victims, institutions of counselling or special programmes for families with the problem of child abuse, are satisfied, yet. On the base of the result of this special survey some recommendations are proposed .
Intersectoral cooperation is widely recommended strategy in child protection. However despite many efforts to develop it, the real picture of intersectoral collaboration still is not enough satisfying. Researchers identify many factors that are obstacles to its development. Based on the analysis of the practice some models for constructing and improving intersectoral cooperation are suggested. The aim of the paper is to present main barriers of this collaboration as well as to present an example of a functional model that helps to construct intersectoral collaboration in a local environment.
Współpraca międzysektorowa jest szeroko rekomendowaną przez badaczy i ekspertów strategią ochrony dzieci przed przemocą. Jednakże pomimo wysiłków jej rozwijania, rzeczywistość współpracy wielosektorowej nadal pozostawia wiele do życzenia. Badacze identyfikują wiele czynników hamujących jej rozwój. Na podstawie analiz praktyki, postulowane są też modele usprawniające współpracę międzysektorową. Zamiarem prezentowanego artykuł jest na podstawie przedmiotowego dyskursu badawczego ukazanie głównych barier rozwoju owej współpracy, jak też zaprezentowanie przykładowego i funkcjonalnego modelu konstruowania takiej współpracy w środowisku lokalnym.
Content available remote Przemoc w wychowaniu… w polskim wydaniu. Postawy rodziców wobec kar cielesnych
The worldwide discourse on the problem of corporal punishment presents the discussion and results of research that gives the evidence of serious harm that CP does. In this light the need of intensive efforts to eliminate corporal punishment as the most frequent form of violence against children is strongly emphasized in the last years. Among different activities dedicated to stop the problem research on various indicators correlated with the use of corporal punishment are recommended. One of them is social acceptance of violent behaviors in relationship with a child. Due to this recommendations also in Poland proper research has been done in order to get a diagnosis of social attitudes towards corporal punishment. This paper presents some results of the research of the year 2017 commissioned by the Ombudsman for Children, which was the 7th edition of the monitoring of social attitudes on violence in upbringing that has been continued since 2011. The below presentations focuses on results of parents as a group of the general population. Additionally parents were asked also about their own behaviors towards their children, as an attempt not to assess directly the range of the use of corporal punishment by them but to get the picture of the another face of their attitudes toward the problem. In the face of the results it can be said that the picture of parents’ approval of violence in upbringing must be regarded as problematic and needing determined interventions. The most problematic is the level of the acceptance of these behaviors, which often are not clearly named in a public space as violence like spanking. The level of the approval of violence toward children among Polish parents should beregarded as a negative context of child well-being in Poland which definitely conduces to the existence of violent behaviors in everyday rising practices and the harm experienced by children.
W artykule na tle ogólnej refleksji nad historią używania kar cielesnych przedstawiono wyniki badań surveyowych przeprowadzonych w ramach monitoringu postaw społecznych wobec przemocy w wychowaniu, który realizowany jest przez Rzecznika Praw Dziecka. Ukazuje postawy Polaków dotyczące aprobaty vs dezaprobaty zachowań przemocy wobec dziecka, jakimi są klapsy i tzw. lanie, poziom uznawania kar cielesnych w wychowaniu oraz obraz występowania i rozmiary przemocy w wychowaniu w świetle ujawnień rodziców. Uzyskany obraz pokazuje zarówno stosunkowo wysoką aprobatę społeczną przemocy w wychowaniu, jak i jej występowanie w praktyce wychowawczej polskich rodzin.
Against the background of general reflections on the history of corporal punishment, the article presents findings from surveys conducted within the monitoring of social attitudes towards violence in parenting, carried out by the Children’s Ombudsman. It discusses Poles’ attitudes of approval vs. disapproval of violent behavior towards children, such as spanking or smacking, the level of acceptance of corporal punishment in parenting, and the prevalence of such violent behavior as reported by parents. The research has found a relatively high level of social approval for violence in parenting, as well as its actual presence in Polish families’ parenting practices.
Research concerning children and childhood has been developing on the background of the evolution of different narrations (discourses) about a child. After the Convention on the rights of the child, narrations on the children’s rights and then about child well-being and the quality of children’s life became the very meaningful. As a consequence, a new type of research on childhood has been developing which has some specific foundations as for the object and procedures used. In the paper an attempt to expose main methodological assumptions of the new paradigm is presented, the role of subjective treatment of children in research and some patterns of childhood studies. This paradigm is dedicated to pedagogues, especially social pedagogues, as the way of researching childhoods close to their perception of studies as socially engaged and as interdisciplinary in the spectrum of exploration.
The main goal of the presented article is to form basic aims of research on the problems of family violence in the local community. In order to do so, an analysis of various international and national documents has been made as they are sources of standards applicable to local research on family violence. Adopting the perspective of the social sector as an essential one to counteract the phenomenon, and at the same time, to carry out research on the problem, four basic aims of research were suggested by the author: establishing the picture of the problem of family violence, working out the context of its incidence, recognizing and monitoring the possibility to reduce it in a local environment and the assessment of the effectiveness of applied solutions, programmes and means.
Koncepcja obywatelstwa dzieci jest „produktem współczesności, jednak o korzeniach sięgających przede wszystkim korczakowskich poglądów na dziecko i jego możliwości oraz relacje z dorosłymi. Dzisiaj koncepcja obywatelstwa dzieci promowana jest instrumentami politycznymi ale także poprzez rozwijający się teoretyczno-praktyczny dyskurs, który obejmuje liczne wątki tematyczne. Artykuł jest próbą charakterystyki najbardziej widocznych wymiarów oraz wątków tematycznych owego dyskursu.
The concept of children’s citizenship is a product of nowadays, but its roots reach Korczak’s ideas on child, his abilities and his relations with adults. Today the idea of children’s citizenship is promoted by various political instruments, but also through developing theoretical and practical discourse, which contains different topics. The paper is an attempt to describe the most popular themes of the discourse.
In the contemporary world social participation of children is seen as an idea that should be implemented at various social levels. The idea itself is understood multi-dimensionally – as various social activities, including the participation in decision-making processregarding children’s matters. Today in a discourse on children’s participation its collective dimension is accented, which means social participation and access to social and civil goods of children as a social group. In the discourse on participation, which has been developing dynamically since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, various theories are used as a background against which children’s participationis considered and justified. The paper presents an outline of this problem and current tendencies in the discourse.
The paper presents the evidence based practice approach to eliminate violence against children. Here, the official ban of all forms of violence is seen as a very effective and needed means. But on the other hand, the ban is seen as a first step, because other activities are needed to eliminate corporal punishment. Today actions often come from analyses of effective practice. The paper presents main foundations of the modern strategies to stop corporal punishment, coming from the analysis of one example of such an initiative – the international cooperation that aimed at finding out effective practice in several countries in Europe where the ban has been already introduced.
Artykuł przedstawia partycypację społeczną dzieci – rozumienie oraz charakter dyskursu naukowego w kontekście spostrzegania sytuacji dzieci jako dyskryminowanych społecznie w dostępie do różnych praw i aktywności społecznych i obywatelskich, w tym szczególnie prawa do uczestniczenia w decyzjach społecznych. Na tle analizy społecznej ekskluzji dzieci w minionych wiekach autorka pokazuje rozwój i zmianę w społecznym i obywatelskim statusie dzieci jaka dokonuje się w społeczeństwach demokratycznych. Wskazuje na podstawowe znaczenie Konwencji o prawach dziecka i innych dokumentów w konstruowaniu tej zmiany oraz w prezentacji, a także wyjaśnianiu współczesnego rozumienia zakresu i poziomu możliwej partycypacji społecznej dzieci. W artykule ukazano też pogłębione znaczenie idei partycypacji społecznej dzieci na tle teoretycznego dyskursu tej problematyki. Autorka ukazuje dynamikę i ewolucję podstaw teoretycznych owego dyskursu, wskazując na przekierowanie z koncepcji dziecka aktora społecznego, dziecka zdolnego do działania społecznego, jakie dominowały jeszcze na początku tego stulecia, na teorie demokracji liberalnej, teorie nierówności, partycypacji obywatelskiej, teorie polityczne, teorie zarządzania oraz teorię uznania. Efektem jest rozwijanie się aktualnego dyskursu o partycypacji społecznej dzieci oraz promowanie jej implementacji społecznej jako działań niwelujących dotychczasową dyskryminację społeczną dzieci.
The paper presents social participation of children – understanding of the idea and the character of the scientific discourse on it in the context of perceiving children as socially discriminated in their access to social and civic rights and activities, particularly the right to participate in social decisions. On the basis of analysis of social exclusion of children in the past centuries the Autor presents the change in social and citizen status of children that has been taking place in democratic societies. The Autor indicates on the crucial meaning of the Convention on the rights of the child and other documents in building this change and in explaining contemporary meaning of the idea and of the range and the level of possible participation of children. In the paper the very deep understanding of the idea of children’s participation based on the analysis of theoretical concepts is also explained. The Autor presents the dynamics and evolution of the theoretical background of the discourse on children’s participation and indicates on process of change: from theories of a child as a social actor and a child as able to act in social affairs, that dominated in last decades towards theories of liberal democracy, theories of inequalities, citizen’s participation, political theories, theories of governance and the theory of recognition as current theories that are used in this discourse. Finally, the development of today’s discourse on children’s participation and the promotion of its implementation in social practice are seen as crucial factors in elimination and counteracting social exclusion of children.
Childhood and childhood are socio-cultural constructs whose form has changed in social history and in cultural-geographical space, conditioned by a number of different factors. The interdisciplinary discourse contains numerous proposals for systematizing these constructs based on various specification criteria. The article proposes a general systematization of these constructs in the perspective of their timeliness. The changing image of the child and childhood is of primary importance for the character of social and educational relations between children and adults. It has moreover caused a transformation of the image of research relations. Since the idea of children’s rights came into being, a new paradigm of research – childhood studies – has been developing, characterized by a specific ontological and epistemological dimension as well as its own approach to methodological solutions. These aspects are discussed and presented in the second part of the article.
The paper presents the problem of corporal punishment in Poland in the light of social approval of violent behaviours towards children and social attitudes towards activities counteracting the problem of the use of corporal punishment in upbringing. On the background of the brief presentation of world research proving negative consequences of corporal punishment, and in this context, underlining the meaning of corporal punishment and the need of the intensive actions against the problem, the role of research on social attitudes towards it is accented. Based on this, in the paper some aspects of the report of the Polish Ombudsman for Children on social attitudes towards violence in upbringing from year 2017 are presented. In the light of several indicators that show: the level of social acceptance of violent behaviors in relationship with a child, treating beating children a method of child rising and social awareness of the ban of corporal punishment and the assessment of the law as well as attitudes to others actions, the paper presents considerations about the level of the social acceptance of violence against children, which is seen in Poland and on that ground also rather sad conclusions about the risk of the use of violence in everyday raising practice but also a risk of violence toward a child in its serious forms that harm to health and life of a child. The end of the paper presents the thesis promoted in the world about the possibility of decreasing the problem of child maltreatment by lowering the social acceptance of mild forms of violence. This direction is seen as fundamental in many recommendations and programs undertaken to end violence against children as a global task designated in Sustainable Developmental Goals Agenda 2030.
The paper describes the results of the survey focused on the social attitudes towards violence in upbringing made in 2015. The survey is a means of monitoring violence against children carrying out by the Ombudsman for Children since 2011. The research findings reveal a declining tendency in violence in upbringing acceptance over the study period. However, the violence in upbringing acceptance among the Poles remains at a high level. The survey shows that too many Poles consider beating children to be an effective method of upbringing and that too many parents use spanking and beating in their everyday relations with children. The final part of the paper concentrates on the possible solutions to stop using corporal punishment in Poland.
The article presents the development, directions and areas of scientific research conducted by scholars at the Department of Social Pedagogy at the University of Silesia in Katowice from the beginning of the Department’s existence (1980/1981) until 2018. The conducted analyses emphasize first of all the expansion of research areas and the successive formation of the so-called “school” of social pedagogy characteristic of our academic centre. The areas of interest of the Department’s research staff correspond to the cognitive and research needs resulting from the current socio-cultural transformations that are significant for the course of socialization and upbringing processes. The results of scientific research have been reflected, among others, in scientific publications (monographs and articles), and the titles of the most important ones are given in the article.
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