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Background. It is necessary to ensure a variety of nutrients in weekly menus in kindergartens according to the recommendations and standards currently in effect. It is also important to follow the energy value of macronutrients, which is usually carried out by the relevant institutions quarterly in every kindergarten. However, the quality of menus in relation to the representation of different types of food is not monitored. Objective. The aim of this study was to estimate the quality of meals in relation to the representation of different types of food in state and privately owned kindergartens in one of Zagreb district in Croatia. Material and Methods. Weekly menu’s daily meals served in kindergarten groups for children (4 - 6 years old) were analysed and compared with the Croatian Health Care, Hygiene and Balanced Diet Programme for Children in Kindergartens and with Food Plan Standards for Children in Kindergartens - Menus and Standards. The studies were performed in state and privately owned kindergartens in Zagreb, district Maksimir. Results. Except in the serving of dairy products, which were in comparison to the proscribed standard overrepresented, other foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, pulse were underrepresented. Grains, except in a smaller number of servings, were statistically underrepresented in state owned kindergartens in comparison to the privately owned ones. The largest discrepancy was shown in the low number of fish servings, equally so in the state and privately owned kindergartens. Conclusions. In recent years strides have been made to harmonise menus provided by kindergartens with standards based on scientific research on the prevention of obesity. However, further harmonisation of “old” and “new” foods intended to achieve a more substantial balance of the consumption of certain foods and the adequate amounts of their nutritional values is necessary.
Nutritional value of fats in a whole day's rations of persons of non-workmen's standing, was investigated. Fat content going beyond the recommended limit by more than 50%, and exceeding, as a rule, the fat energy portion by 40%, was found in rations under test. Predominant group was saturated and monounsaturated acids. Polyunsaturated acids content was low and amounted up 7% of total fatty acids sum. Saturated/mono- and polyunsaturated acids ratio was noted to depart considerably from that recommended at the P:S value = 0,13. The content of hypocholesteremic acids (essential fatty acids) was found to be several times lower than that of hypercholes- teremic-proaggregative acids which occurred in equivalent amounts. The lowest (from hitherto noted) energy portion from essential fatty acids (amounting to 1.9%) was observed in a whole day's rations of male subjects under investigation. Indices of fat nutritional value under test, were differentiated according to sex of subjects under investigation, and time od year on which experiments were carried out.
Przeprowadzone badania wykazały niezadowalającą jakość żywieniową tłuszczu występującego w CRP pracowników niefizycznych. Zalecane normy dla zawartości tłuszczu były przekroczone o 50%. Ilość energii z tłuszczu w CRP z reguły była wyższa od 40% przy udziale energii z NNKT równym 1,9%.
Ocena sposobu żywienia 290 studentek przeprowadzona metodą wywiadu z ostatnich 24 godz. przed badaniem wykazała, że wartość energetyczna oraz zawartość składników odżywczych, z wyjątkiem tłuszczu, w badanych całodziennych racjach pokarmowych nie wypełniały zalecanej normy.
The dietary assessment of Wrocław University of Medicine female students had been based on the 24-hour recall method. The interviews were carried out in 1993-1994. The interviewed group comprised 140 female students in 1993 and 150 in 1994. Data were collected from each students only once. The results reveal some dietary deficiencies. The average daily diet rations of the female students failed to provide sufficient energy and were characterized by the deficit of all nutritional components except fats, and the share of the energy obtained from fats was 35,2%, far in excess of the recommended optimum. The students consumed insufficient amounts of cereals, milk and other dairy products, meat, butter, potatoes, vegetables and fruit carotene-rich, dry legumes.
Nutritional value of representative, drawn by lot, full day's food rations of students residing in the Wielkopolska region, was found to be differentiated and conditioned by the year's season and the sex of subjects. Subsequently to the ignorance of rational feeding principles, the degree of realization of recommended nutritional standards was unsatistactory. In rations under test, an oversupply of fats, and deficiency of protein, vitamins, and mineral components, except phosphorus, was observed. The need for a change of nutritional practice of the investigated population, is stressed.
Na podstawie badań laboratoryjnych i porównania uzyskanych wyników z obliczonymi wykazano, że wartość odżywcza całodziennych racji pokarmowych młodzieży akademickiej niekorzystnie odbiega od zalecanych norm. Wykazano ponadto, że wartość ta uzależniona jest zarówno od płci jak i pory roku.
The objective of this inquiry study, carried out in the midst of intellectuals from 21 to 64 years old, was to define the nutritional value of full day's food rations taken by this population. The degree of realization of recommended standards relative to fundamental nutritive components and selected mineral elements and vitamins, was specified. Well-marked deficiencies resulting from the restricted supply of protein, niacin, ascorbic acid, calcium, iron, and magnesium, were found. In rations under investigation, an oversupply of fats at the level determining their energetic value, was also observed.
Dokonano ankietowej oceny sposobu odżywiania się osób dorosłych wykonujących pracę umysłową a pochodzących ze wsi, miasteczek Wielkopolski oraz Poznania. Wykazano niską wartość odżywczą spożywanych racji pokarmowych, wyrażającą się nadmierną podażą tłuszczów przy jednoczesnym niedoborze pozostałych składników a zwłaszcza mineralnych i witamin.
W grudniu 2000 r. CIS, będący Punktem Kontaktowym ds. Komisji Kodeksu Żywnościowego FAO/WHO w Polsce, zorganizował konferencję mającą na celu upowszechnienie wiedzy o pracach Komisji Kodeksu Żywnościowego. Kodeks Żywnościowy (Codex Alimentarius) jest zbiorem norm żywnościowych, uznanych na forum międzynarodowym. Omówiono rolę i znaczenie tej Komisji, dokumenty kodeksowe, procedurę ich tworzenia i akceptacji, ochronę interesów konsumenta na tle prac kodeksowych oraz nowe obszary działania KKŻ. Prace KKŻ stanowią podstawę do harmonizacji światowego prawa żywnościowego.
CIS (Central Inspectorate for Standardisation) organised in December 2000 the conference, which had the aim to propagate the knowledge about the works of Codex Alimentarius Committee. Codex Alimentarius is the collection of alimentary norms that are recognised on the international forum. There are discussed the part and importance of this Committee, the documents and their creating and acceptance procedure, consumers interest protection and the new spheres of the Codex Alimentarius Committee activity. The works of Committee are the base for World alimentary law harmonisation.
Nutritional value of fats in a whole day's rations of persons of workmen's standing, was investigated. Fat content going beyond the recommended limit on an average by 30%, at the fat energy portion being on a level of 38%, was found. Mutual relationship of saturated acids to mono-, and poly-unsaturated acids, was found to depart considerably from that recommended at values: P:S = 0.14, and 2S-P = 29,2. Dominant group was saturated and mono- unsaturated acids. Polyunsaturated acids content was low and amounted up 7% of total fatty acids sum. The content of acids with hypercholesteremic and proaggregative properties was observed to stand several times higher than that of essential fatty acids. The energy portion from essential fatty acids (amounting to 2,16%) was found to be one of the lowest value noted among the population hitherto investigated.
Wartość żywieniowa tłuszczu występującego w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych pracowników fizycznych nie odpowiadała istniejącym zaleceniom żywieniowym. Zawartość tłuszczu była wyższa od zalecanej o ponad 30%, dostarczając ok. 40% energii w CRP. Udział energii z kwasów niezbędnych (NNKT) w CRP wynosił 2,1%.
Alimentary rations under test were found to be rich in fat. Fat energy proportional portion exceeded, as a rule, the recommended value by about 30%. At the same time, acidic composition of fat under test was wide of the optimal one. Predominant group was saturated and monounsaturated acids (occurring in similar amounts), however, polyunsaturated acids content amounted to about 11 % of total fatty acids sum. Energy proportional portion from essential fatty acids, in a whole day's rations, was found to be higher than necessary minimum (3%); on the other hand, it did not cover the recommended standard for subjects advanced in years (4%). Value P:S was noted to correspond with an average european diet. Portion of acids with proaggregative properties was higher than hypercholesteremic acids content.
Przeprowadzona ocena wartości żywieniowej tłuszczu wykazała bogatotłuszczowy charakter badanych racji pokarmowych. Dominującą grupę stanowiły kwasy nasycone i jednonienasycone, które występowały w zbliżonych ilościach. Procent energii z NNKT był wyższy od niezbędnego minimum 3%; jednakże nie pokrywał on zalecanej normy dla tej grupy wiekowej.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące zawartości wapnia i fosforu w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych dzieci w wieku od 0,5 do 14,6 lat ze środowiska wiejskiego województwa bielskiego i środowiska miejskiego województwa katowickiego.
Calcium and phosphorus content in daily diets for children of the range from 0.5 up to 14.6 years was examined. Children from Bielsko district lived in villages near Żywiec and from Katowice district lived in city Bytom. Results are grouped according to: domicile (city-village), age range (0.5-1.0, 1,0-1.5, 3.5-4.5, 6.5-7.5, 11.4-14.6 yeras), in the range 11.4-14.6 also according to sex, and according to qualitative evalution of diet (adequate, poor and inadequate). As can be seen from the presented results amounts of the two elements in the daily diets for children are incompatible with recommended nutritional standards. Discrepancies increase when age of children increases and when qualitative evaluation of the diet decreases. The calcium: phosphorus ration in diets for children is also anomalous with the exception of the age range 1.0-1.5 year.
Niedożywienie, stany chorobowe, pooperacyjne oraz infekcje uważa się za najczęstsze przyczyny występowania niedoboru mikropierwiastków. Niedobór cynku wpływa na wystąpienie i przebieg wielu chorób u osób dorosłych i starszych. Jedną z metod zapobiegania niedoborom tego mikroelementu jest odpowiednia jego podaż w diecie. Podano normy zapotrzebowania na cynk oraz wskazano produkty żywnościowe, które są jego najlepszym źródłem.
Malnutrition, diseases, surgical states and infections are regarded to be the most important reasons of the occurrence of micronutrients deficiency. Zinc deficiency influences on the occurrence and course a lot of diseases in adults and elderly people. One of the preventive methods of the zinc deficiency is its adequate supply in a diet. Daily requirements for zinc and food products being the best sources of zinc are given.
Przeprowadzone badania całodziennych racji pokarmowych (CRP) wykazały statystycznie istotne różnice w wartości energetycznej oraz bezwzględnej zawartości tłuszczu Procent energii z tłuszczu w badanych racjach nie różnił się w sposób statystycznie
The reported study deonstrated differences of the energy value and fat content between daily food rations. The recommended energy values of daily rations were generally complied with in all groups, but the groups of mental workers and retired workers these values were exceede. The per cent of energy from fat in food rations in all groups was evidently too high exceeding the recommended value by 30%, on average.
W posiłkach przedszkolnych badano wartość energetyczną i zawartość składników odżywczych metodą analityczną i obliczeniową. Stwierdzono, że posiłki dostarczały dzieciom energii i większości składników pokarmowych w ilościach wyższych niż zalecają normy.
The energy value and content of nutritive components in nursery school meals have been evaluated by analytical method and calculated by Nutritionist IV computer program with Polish data base. A significant correlation between analysed and calculated values has been observed. An average nursery school meal covered recommended intake of iron, calcium, zinc, vit. B1 and % of energy from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. An average nursery school meal covered above recommended intake of total energy and % of energy from saturated fatty acids, proteins, fats, cholesterol, carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potasium, phosphorus, copper and vitamins A, E, C, B2 і B6. Only the average content of vit. PP and % of energy from mono - and polyunsaturated fatty acids in analysed nursery school meals has been below the recommended intake. The results indicate that there is a tendency to supply energy and some of nutritive components in nursery school meals above the recommended intake.
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