This article explores the nuanced landscape of formal, informal and non-formal learning, transcending traditional educational boundaries. It scrutinizes the pervasive influence of unplanned learning throughout the lifespan, challenging the conventional emphasis on formal settings. Informal learning is a fundamental process in human development that persists throughout one's entire life. Both informal and non-formal learning are intricate yet highly impactful phenomena. The dynamically changing needs of society contribute to the increasing popularity of informal and non-formal learning as vital sources of knowledge and skills, driven by adaptation processes. The scale and impact of this phenomenon generates significant interest among contemporary researchers, governments, politicians, and educators, especially in the field of adult education. The lack of clarity in defining these terms may have serious consequences for further research and analyses. While a common understanding of these learning types is presented, it appears inadequate given the complex nature of the phenomenon. Theoretical models based on a learning continuum and gradation are deemed more appropriate, leading to relevant consequences for research approaches. The article delves into theoretical movements emphasizing context, learning outcomes, and recognition, suggesting a learning continuum for a nuanced view. It critically engages with complexities, emphasizing the contextual nature of formal, non-formal, and informal learning distinctions.
The effectiveness of American corporate education in the knowledge economy is ensured by the diversification, variability and flexibility of forms, methods and learning technologies, the choice of which largely depends on the purpose, objectives and content of learning, individual characteristics of the learners, material base and financial support of the learning process. Our analysis shows that these methods and technologies are highly interactive, innovative and practice focused, which ensures a high quality of training and its compliance with the needs of today’s global market. Both traditional and electronic learning methods are widely used, though a tendency has been observed over the last ten years to the decrease in the percentage ratio of traditional classroom training hours and the increase in the percentage ratio of technology-based learning hours. The use of technology-based learning methods is rapidly promoted in view of the increasing mobility of employees whose learning needs cannot be met in the traditional classroom only and this process is accelerating in the context of further globalization of the economy. Internet and intranet technologies in American companies create conditions for distance learning of employees. Flexibility and accessibility of e-learning technologies also provide for extensive use of new methods of non-formal learning: mobile learning, social networks, e-coaching, corporate blogs, corporate online libraries (wikis) etc.
Open educational resources (OER) have been identified as having the potential to extend opportunities for learning to non-formal learners. However, little research has been conducted into the impact of OER on non-formal learners. This paper presents the results of a systematic survey of more than 3,000 users of open educational resources (OER). Data was collected between 2013 and 2014 on the demographics, attitudes and behaviours of users of three repositories. Questions included a particular focus on the behaviours of non-formal learners and the relationship between formal and non-formal study. Frequency analysis shows that there are marked differences in patterns of use, user profiles, attitudes towards OER, types of materials used and popularity of different subjects. The experience of using OER is fairly consistent across platforms in terms of satisfaction and impact on future behaviour. On the whole, non-formal learners surveyed were highly positive about their use of OER and believe they will continue to use them. With regards to this making formal study more likely some degree of polarization was observed: some believed formal study was now more likely, while others felt it made this less likely. On the whole, while non-formal learners are enthusiastic about using free and online resources, the language and concept of OER does not seem to be well understood in the groups surveyed. A range of findings relating to OER selection and use as well as differences between repositories are explored in the discussion.
Celem tego artykułu jest ocena oddziaływania modeli pozaformalnego uczenia się na wzrost wiedzy w organizacjach. Aby go zrealizować, autor najpierw przedstawia swoją pracę, a następnie przechodzi do analizy koncepcji pozaformalnego i nieformalnego uczenia się, koncepcji formalnej edukacji oraz różnic między nimi. Następna część artykułu dotyczy zapobiegania kryzysowi, którego obecnie doświadcza społeczeństwo w obszarze wiedzy i edukacyjnych oddziaływań, oceniając kulturę organizacji uczenia się. Są one najważniejszym czynnikiem, który należy wziąć pod uwagę, aby zrozumieć odpowiedzialność przypisaną do uczenia się. Przed omówieniem i ostatecznym zamknięciem przeprowadzonej oceny w artykule znajduje się rozdział poświęcony omówieniu stosunków istniejących pomiędzy modelami uczenia się i uczącymi się organizacjami. Ważne jest podkreślenie, że celem tej analizy jest właśnie ten rozdział. Analiza przeprowadzona jest w oparciu o prace P. Senge oraz E. Schein, jak również dokumenty UNESCO.
This paper seeks to assess the impact of non-formal learning models in the increment of knowledge within organizations. In order to achieve this, it introduces the work which is presented herein and proceeds to analyze the concepts non-formal and informal learning, formal education as well as the differences that exist among all of them. The next part of the paper preempts the crisis society is experiencing today in terms of knowledge and educational influences by assessing the culture of organizations of learning being the most useful factor to consider in order to understand the responsibility assigned to learning. Before discussing and ultimately concluding the assessment conducted, there is a section of the paper dedicated to discussing the relationship existing between models of learning and learning organizations. It is prudent to note that the purpose of this analysis is this particular section. The analysis elements are based on P. Senge’s literary work as well as E. Schein’s. There is also reliance on papers from UNESCO.
Procesy takie jak starzenie się społeczeństwa oraz brak siły roboczej i ich konsekwencje dla rynku pracy i gospodarki skłoniły Unię Europejska (UE) do podjęcia działań, które mogą doprowadzić do poważnych zmian w procesie edukacji. Polegają one na wprowadzeniu w państwach członkowskich zgodnych ze sobą krajowych systemów kwalifikacji, które wsparłyby realizację idei uczenia się przez całe życie. Problem poruszony w artykule dotyczy tylko części tych działań, tj. walidacji uczenia się pozaformalnego i nieformalnego. Celem artykułu jest próba pokazania, że wprowadzanie systemu walidacji w Polsce zgodnie z wytycznymi UE jest nieadekwatne do potrzeb rynku pracy i bezzasadne. Dubluje bowiem istniejący już system i nie przyczynia się do powstawania nowego kapitału ludzkiego, a zatem jest także kosztowne, ponieważ podnosi koszty inwestycji w kapitał ludzki. Może ponadto zwiększać zakres biurokracji. W pracy wykorzystano metody badawcze w postaci analizy dokumentów i danych statystycznych, rozwiązania problemu w oparciu o konstrukcje myślowe oraz metodę interpretacji humanistycznej. Wykazano, że proponowany przez Unię Europejską system walidacji uczenia się pozaformalnego i nieformalnego opiera się na błędnej koncepcji kapitału ludzkiego i nie jest procesem jego tworzenia. Stanowi on natomiast potencjał rozwoju biurokracji. Ponadto jego aplikacja na gruncie polskim jest nieadekwatna do potrzeb edukacyjnych Polaków i może przyczynić się do zasadniczych i szkodliwych zmian w całym systemie edukacji.
The processes such as an ageing population and lack of manpower and their consequences for the labour market and the economy have led the European Union to take actions that may lead to major changes in the process of education. They rely on the introduction in the Member States of harmonised national qualifications systems which would support the implementation of the idea of lifelong learning. The problem tackled in the article deals only with a part of these activities that is the validation of non-formal and informal learning. The author tries to show that the introduction of the validation system in Poland in accordance with the EU Guidelines on validation is inadequate to the needs of the labour market and unfounded. It duplicates the existing system and does not contribute to the creation of new human capital. It is costly because it raises the cost of investment in human capital and is a potential for increasing bureaucracy. The author used the research methods in the form of analysis of documents, analysis of statistical data, solution to the problem based on the mental construction and method of humanistic interpretation. The author concluded that the system of validation of non-formal and informal learning proposed by the European Union bases on an incorrect conception of human capital and is not a process of its creation. It poses instead a risk for the development of bureaucracy. In addition, its application in Poland is inadequate for the educational needs of Poles and can contribute to substantial and harmful changes throughout the education system.
Problematyka niniejszego artykułu wpisuje się w nurt rozważań dotyczących rozumienia kultury popularnej jako obszaru uczenia się człowieka dorosłego. Przedstawione treści odnoszą się bezpośrednio do postrzegania muzyki popularnej jako źródła refleksji nad podstawową kategorią andragogiczną – dorosłością. Natomiast punktem odniesienia jest refleksja nad albumem muzycznym The Dark Side of the Moon grupy Pink Floyd, który jest postrzegany jako droga (jedna z dróg) do (z)rozumienia istoty dorosłości i przygotowania się do niej. Intencją przygotowanego tekstu jest nie tylko chęć podzielenia się własnymi przemyśleniami dotyczącymi wyżej wymienionej tematyki, ale przede wszystkim zainteresowanie czytelników albumem The Dark Side of the Moon grupy Pink Floyd i zaproszenie ich do refleksji nad dorosłością – refleksji zainspirowanej muzyką.
Subject of this paper is part of the discussion on pop culture as an area of non-formal learning of adults. The author refers directly to perception of pop music as a source of reflection on the main andragogical category – adulthood. The refer- ence point is Pink Floyd’s album The Dark Side of the Moon, presented as one of the ways to understand and prepare to adulthood. The text is intended not only to share author’s reflections regarding the above men- tioned subject but, first of all, to interest readers in the album The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd and invite them to music-inspired reflection on adulthood.
The shift to distance learning in foreign languages teaching has further emphasized the need for communication and interaction set in a context close to authentic experience. The starting point of the research was the assumption that a new classroom practice developed during the pandemic –the “language space bridge” – contributes to the development of language education and influences the improvement of intercultural competence. This article is based on a study of the “language space bridge”, a non-institutional educational platform running between 2020 and 2022 and set up by an international team of foreign language teachers collaborating under an Erasmus+ project. The article discusses theoretical aspects of intercultural communication and forms of training. A description of the research process is followed by the presentation of the didactic process itself. Having conducted an in-depth analysis of the evaluation questionnaires completed by the students and teachers, the authors conclude that the new educational platform might be a way to improve intercultural competence for both students and teachers.
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