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W roku 1985 z inicjatywy grupy profesorów reprezentujących różne dyscypliny związane z robotyką i automatyką powołano zespół Naukowo-Dydaktyczny Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej dla przygotowania odrębnego kierunku studiów Automatyka i Robotyka, który uruchomiono w 1987 roku. Obecnie jest on prowadzony na jedenastu krajowych uczelniach technicznych (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Politechnika Białostocka, Politechnika Gdańska, Politechnika Łódzka, Politechnika Koszalińska, Politechnika Krakowska, Politechnika Poznańska, Politechnika Szczecińska, Politechnika Śląska, Politechnika Warszawska, Politechnika Wrocławska) na dwudziestu wydziałach. W referacie przedstawiono analizę aktualnych programów nauczania, podsumowano osiągnięcia i podjęto próbę określenia perspektyw dla kierunku studiów Automatyka i Robotyka.
This paper presents a curriculum in robotics and automation in the years 1986-96. Starting from the academic year 1986/87 programme in robotics was regulary realised in some faculties of Technical Universities in Poland. Now on 11 Technical Universities and in 20 faculties (mechanical, electrical and electronics) the robotic specialization is presented.
Naszkicowano pomysł wirtualnego laboratorium energoelektroniki, w którym sprawdzenie układów i wykonywania pomiarów odbywa się na drodze symulacji komputerowej. Jako oprogramowanie przydatne do takiego laboratorium określono zmodyfikowany pakiet symulacyjny TCAD.
tom Z. 18
W artykule niniejszym przedstawiono rolę i znaczenie architektury w nauce. Ukazano ją zwracając uwagę na podobieństwa i różnice w relacji do nauk ścisłych i humanistycznych. Określono miejsce architektury w nauczaniu na uniwersytecie, politechnice, akademii sztuki i w warunkach pełnej autonomii.
The paper presents the specific role and meaning of architecture in science and its structures. Differences and similarities have been shown in relation to both the sciences and humanities. The place of architectural education at different levels of educationnal system i.e. universities, technical universities, arts academies and lso in the case of full educational autonomy has been discussed.
Content available remote Edukacja w zakresie automatyki i robotyki w polskich uczelniach technicznych
W roku 1987 uruchomiono na polskich uczelniach technicznych odrębny kierunek studiów automatyka i robotyka. Obecnie kierunek ten prowadzony jest na dwudziestu dwóch wydziałach dwunastu krajowych uczelni (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Politechnika Białostocka, Politechnika Gdańska, Politechnika Łódzka, Politechnika Koszalińska, Politechnika Krakowska, Politechnika Opolska, Politechnika Poznańska, Politechnika Szczecińska, Politechnika Śląska, Politechnika Warszawska, Politechnika Wrocławska). W artykule przedstawiono rozwój kierunku kształcenia, przeprowadzono analizę aktualnych programów nauczania, podsumowano osiągnięcia i podjęto próbę określenia perspektyw dla kierunku studiów automatyka i robotyka w Polsce.
In 1987 the new branch of education so called "Robotics and Control Engineering" started in Poland. At present this branch is operating at the 22 Faculties on 12 Technical Universities (Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow, Technical Universities in Białystok, Gdańsk, Gliwice, Łódź, Koszalin, Cracow, Opole, Poznań, Szczecin, Warsaw and Wrocław). In this paper the experiences collected in the last 12th years are presented. The analysis of the existing curricula as well as the prospective for the future are given.
tom 2
The article was prepared to encourage teachers to use this modern educational tool, i.e. a multimedia disk, on the entrepreneurship lessons. There are an introduction and a conclusion as the supplements to this article, which consists two main parts. In the first one a detailed structure of the CD is presented. The second one, that is more extensive, discusses the main kinds of the resources on the disk (movies, animations, simulations, exercises and tests). This study, in easy ways, shows how to use the disk and the resources it contains. The article gives practical advices that help to implement the CD disk into the teaching process; it present, how to use the particular resource on the particular lesson. It tries to prove, that using CD by Nowa Era Publishing House, notably enhances the efficiency of the entrepreneurship lessons.
Content available remote Nauczanie spawalnictwa w Politechnice Warszwskiej w latach 1951-2001
tom R. 73, nr 8-9
Content available Współczesny uczeń obrazem rodzinnych problemów
Omnipresent globalism greatly influences educational reality, which appears to be a place of many challenges, chances and threats. Nowadays, computers become “subject” quicker than ever, and a student interacts with it much more intensively than with a teacher. Globalization becomes, to some extent, a part of the life of the subject of education. At school, which is full of global trends, a student absorbs the preferred style of thinking and acting. Today’s teacher must be aware of the changes that shape the profile of a student in a school of the 21st century. The article describes negative elements in the profile of a global student. Depicting the profile of a 21st century’s student, the author also presents opportunities for the student’s development (global spaces of development, cultural exchanges, and enlarged chances for comprehensive development).
tom 254
Student that is well prepared for today's job market has not only encyclopedic knowledge, but also the ability to find needed information and apply it in practice. During the teaching process emphasis should be placed not only on statistical models and theories but most importantly on the practical applications of quantitative methods in the field, with which students meets in his daily and further, business life. It is crucial to make student interested in the topic of the lecture, which is one of the factors determining assimilation of knowledge. Linking lecture with economic or social life will be attractive to the student and allow him to better understand the statistical prob- lem he is faced with. An example of such a relationship can be represented by a gambling model as a platform of teaching statistical methods. Such a model is attractive to the student because of the subject it covers, causing studying it with great accuracy and enthusiasm, which shows a young university students that thanks to the statistical sciences is possible to harness every aspect of life, even that which by definition involves uncertainty.
tom 1
Istotnym celem nauczania w szkole zawodowej jest rozwój zawodowej kompetencji działania. Szkoły zawodowe wnoszą duży wkład w kwalifikację zawodową. Przyczyniają się w równym stopniu do formowania osobowości, jak do tworzenia kwalifikacji użytecznej na rynku pracy...
tom 3
This paper presents results of review and didactical analysis of some multimedia discs published with handbooks for Basis of Entrepreneurships” for high schools, their internet casing and chosen thematic internet services. On the base of his own research the author presents some changes needed to better use the information technology in schools especially for teaching and learning “Basis of Entrepreneurships”.
tom 2
The subject of entrepreneurship needs an affective attitude of a teacher who: - besides he or she has got great knowledge about the subject he/she is at the same time careful about good and achievements of his or her students, - he or she has got knowledge about the teaching - learning process, - he or she knows different methods and ways of working. This kind of the teacher is a reflective and experienced person. He knows not only „what?” should be taught but also „how?” and „why?”.This teacher accepts behaviours that are described by Schoen, and he aims at the professional perfection. He thinks teaching of Entrepreneurship is a permanent process which is connected with him and his students. During every stage of learning process, teacher plays the roles: an organizer of a teaching process, a tutor, a carer, and an adviser who helps students to find new ways of a personal development. /diagram 1/ The teacher has to assume the teaching aims which come up to requirements of educational and examination standards. It is explained in a the diagram 2. The article does not deal with teaching in a comprehensive way. It is only a focus on methods and techniques of work with a student while using a script „Etyka i korupcja w biznesie” (Ethics and Corruption in Business). The methods and techniques are based on NLP- neuro-linguistic programming of student’s work. It is based on teaching by experience that is D. Kolb’s cycle. You will understand better both issues if you look at diagram 3 and 4. The most important for understanding the essence of the teaching by experience is acquainting readers with teacher, s and learner, s duties (diagram 5 and 6). On the next pages of the article there are some practical hints about using active student methods: brainstorming, map of thoughts, importance hierarchy triangle, fish skeleton, panel discussion. If you illustrate and schematically show the teacher above methods it will be easier for him to select them with a syllabus and lesson organization. At the end of the article there is an outline of a two-hour lesson. During the lesson, students will be able to acquire skills of distinction some different basic ideas and ethical and unethical behaviours in business. Learners will know laws and institutions that protect a society from corruption and corrupting. The outline shows not only the order of the lesson, but describes in details the teacher, s and students, behaviours. For every operation we weed specified time. It suggests the sources of information that can be useful while we are executing the syllabus during the lesson. There are presumable learner, s achievements after the lesson. There is a game Bingo titled „Are You Contaminated by Corruption?” in the enclosure.
tom 1
Jednym z celów nauczania podstaw przedsiębiorczości jest próba przekształcania systemu kształcenia w polskich szkołach tak, aby przekazywana wiedza miała w większym stopniu charakter aplikacyjny. Celem jest również przybliżenie młodzieży problematyki przedsiębiorczości, którą należy rozumieć nie tylko w kontekście zakładania firmy, podejmowania działalności gospodarczej, ale przede wszystkim uświadamianie i nauczenie młodych ludzi, że przedsiębiorczość to między innymi...
Although the approaches and methods of foreign language teaching have been changing, the problem of correcting oral mistakes is rather not discussed frequently in the literature. Researchers and practitioners agree that errors should be corrected/eliminated immediately in the learning process. However, there are still many doubts concerning when, in what way and by whom learners' errors should be corrected. The present article tries to examine the most common problems related to the problem of error correction in teaching speaking.
Omówiono rolę, cel i formy ksztatcenia w zakresie geotechniki w Polsce i w Europie. Podano zakres tematyczny geotechniki na różnych kierunkach studiów. Naświetlono rolę komputerów, internetu i nauczania interaktywnego w edukacji geotechnicznej.
Subjects fields and forms of education in different study directions are given. The function of computers internate and interactive education of geotechnic technique are suggested.
The classic model of evaluation consists of three levels: analysis of the orders of the training program, methods of measure progress in achieving objectives and analysis of the results of education. In the case of teaching Demography, regardless of the scope, the objectives of education refers to the understanding and proper application of concepts, knowledge of the construction of individual measures and their ability to use and, sometimes, their calculation, indicating the sources of statistical information on population relevant to the issues to be taken, knowledge of factors influencing the individual demographic processes and analyzing the experience of individual processes. Students have the knowledge and skills gained in other subjects so it is necessary to carry out the diagnostic evaluation. The scope of formative evaluation is to provide information about the current degree of the knowledge and skills of students. The paper will be presented to methods of evaluation at each lavel of learning, including the final assessment as a summary of the results of the student's work throughout the course.
tom 3
The subject presented during the conference is The Multimedia Techniques in the Teaching Basis of Entrepreneurship’. The topic was presented with a case study of multimedia classes titled I Plan Promotional Campaign of My Business’, carried within the educational project „My Student, a Businessman With Rank”. The aim of the summary was to present activating methods of teaching with the use of Information Technology on Base of Enterprise classes. Practical use of multimedia programs and of Internet thematic sites, gives young people a chance to gain the ability to use a computer for searching necessary information. Furthermore it gives an opportunity to search, order and take advantage of information to solve a problem. The paper is an example of good practice in teaching and it confirms thesis, that it is possible to teach and to learn with enjoyment.
Content available Nauczanie multimedialne
Obecny postęp techniczny w wielu dziedzinach doprowadza do tego, że wiedza w ciągu pięciu lat w 50% ulega zmianie. W tej rzeczywistości szkoła i nauczyciel muszą nadążyć za tak gwałtow-nymi i szybkimi zmianami. Uczeń nie powinien zdobywać wiedzy encyklopedycznej. Powinien korzystać i wykorzystywać komputery oraz inne zdobycze współczesnej techniki, tak aby w jak najkrótszym czasie i jak najlepiej mógł zdobyć potrzebną mu wiedzę i kompetencje. Szkoła powinna jak najpełniej go do tego przygotować. Bardzo ważną rolę pełnią tutaj komputery i multimedia.
The current technological advances in many areas leads to the fact that knowledge within five years of 50% change. In this reality, the school and the teacher has to keep up with such a violent and rapid changes. The student should acquire encyclopedic knowledge. Should enjoy and use computers and other advances of modern technology, so as soon as possible and as best he could to get him the necessary knowledge and competence. The school should as much as possible to prepare for it. Very important here is the role of computers and multimedia in technical education.
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