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Tested hypothesis derived from J. L. Holland’s (1997) theory of vocational choice: relations between combination of levels personality dimensions (Consistency, and Differentiation) and three work related personal variables (Self-Control, Acquiescence and Pragmatism). Holland’s Vocational Preference Inventory – VPI (Polish version 1998 by Nosal, Piskorz i Świąt-nicki) was used to identify consistent-inconsistent and differentiated-undifferentiated vocational patterns. Measures of Self-Control and Acquiescence were also computed using the VPI. Wojciszke’s The Pragmatism Scale (derived in part from the Self-Monitoring Scale and based on M. Snyder’s – 1974, 1979 – theory of the pragmatic and principled selves) was used to identify level of Pragmatism. Ss were 100 person, 66 women and 34 men, ages 23 to 61 years (M = 34,86,SD = 10,88) with higher level of education. They represented conventional and social types of vocation. Ss’ scores on VPI inventory using cluster analysis were grouped into three combinations of personality profiles – Consistent/Differentiated, Inconsistent/Differentiated, and Inconsistent/Undifferentiated. By using clusters as independent variables was found that Inconsistent/Undifferentiated profiles had the lowest Acquiescence scores and Consistent/Differentiated had the lowest Self-Control scores. Inconsistent/Differentiated profiles were associated with the highest Pragmatism.
Employability, understood as a set of achievements – skills, knowledge, personal qualities – that make graduates employable and successful in their profession, is more and more often a subject of research, both in the context of improving the educational offer of universities, as well as examining the quality of life and professional satisfaction of graduates. Employability is differentiated from employment – the state of having a job. In today’s unstable job market where temporary contracts and protean-type careers dominate – equipping graduates with the resources to effectively change or modify their career path is crucial. The paper aims to present the psychometric proprieties of a Polish adaptation of the A. Rothwell and Arnold Self-Perceived Employability Scale. The final version consists of 9 items and has good psychometric properties. The study of the perceived employability of students provides important knowledge regarding the graduates’ competencies, and it is an important factor in modifying the educational offer at universities and planning graduates’ satisfying careers in the contemporary unstable job market.
Content available The Significance of Career for Individuals
Professional career has become an increasingly frequently chosen subject of theoretical research based on numerous sciences, such as psychology, sociology, economics, pedagogy, and management. Constantly emerging, new theories of professional development provide a new perspective on this issue. A plethora of contemporary transformations obliges an individual to take responsibility for his or her own professional biography. If every person carries out a career, regardless of its quality, and if that career lasts for the person’s whole lifetime, both throughout the period of professional activity and the time of preparation preceding it, one can presume that the choice of career requires reflection and in-depth conceptual considerations, which proves its significance for the subject.
Content available Psychologia kariery – rys historyczny
One characteristic of professionals is that they reflect on the nature of their discipline. Attention to the history of one’s discipline is an important way of doing this. The article reflects efforts to trace the historical roots of vocational theory. It locates some recognizable modern concepts in ancient civilizations (Eastern Mediterranean and Chinese), in a 10th century Iraqi, in late Renaissance Spain, in the mid 1700’s and 1800’s. It also discusses similarities between several ideas about the choice of an occupation that are echoed in contemporary career counselling theory as for example informed choice and person-occupation congruence.
The paper presents assumptions and needs for establishing a new major in social work. Development and promotion possibilities of academic staff have been considered to be significant. Academic career paths and possibilities created by this very major have been discussed.
W artykule poruszono problem kariery nauczyciela akademickiego w zakresie pracy socjalnej
The scientific discussion about the phenomenon of career rarely concerns teachers, therefore in the review of the book titled Kariery zawodowe nauczycieli. Konteksty – Wzory – Pola dyskursu by Hanna Kędzierska, published in 2012, I pay attention to the interesting approach to this issue, proposed by the author. The broad context of teachers’ professional activity constitutes an opportunity for reflection on the consequences of the political transformation for the ethos of the teacher’s work in modern times.
For several years we have watched worsening demographic situation of our country. Fever children are born and fewer people choose legalization of their relationships There are a lot of arguments to explain such a situation. Problem of appropriate work is worth special attention. It is hard for the young people to find decent job for decent salary. The main study objective is showing what kind of values are the most important in Poznan students’ life. The study attempts to determine what, according to the youth’s opinion, is the sense of life through the value identification. Usually there are several important ones, the rest remains complying.
W artykule zaprezentowano model przebiegu służby oficerów Wojska Polskiego. Badania dotyczące modelu zostały podjęte w 2012 roku. Przez kolejnych kilka lat zostało opublikowanych szereg artykułów prezentujących obszerne wyniki badań. Prezentowany artykuł jest zwieńczeniem prowadzonych prac badawczych. Ponadto proponowany model (po drobnych modyfikacjach) można wdrożyć do innych grup dyspozycyjnych.
The article presents a model of the course of service of officers of the Polish Army. Research on the model were taken in 2012. Over the next few years it has been published a series of articles presenting the results of extensive research. The article is the culmination of research conducted. At the same time it should be noted that the described model was presented at scientific conferences (Military Academy), which was received with great interest. In addition, the proposed model (with minor modifications) can be deployed to other groups disposable.
The aim of this article is to indicate selected possibilities of analysing the construct of proactivity. This goal was achieved by referring to selected definitions and the concepts of proactivity and by discussing a research project aimed at recognizing the proactivity of students towards their professional career. To measure the level of proactivity, the Scale of Proactive Behavior in Career was used, which includes four types of proactivity: general, cognitive, in building a support network and in building psychological comfort. The independent variables in the research were: taking on professional activity during studies, using services offered by a Career Office and a career counsellor. 271 students from four Polish universities took part in the study. The highest mean score was on the general proactivity scale, followed by the proactivity scale in building a support network, the scale of proactivity in building psychological comfort, and the lowest on the scale of cognitive proactivity. These means differ statistically. The conducted analysis also proved that the level of proactivity is statistically significantly differentiated depending on whether the respondents used the Career Office or a career counsellor. The conclusions from the analysis were discussed in two perspectives – diagnostic and methodical.
Technology development has changed many aspects of human life. Adjusted usage of social networks tends to be significant, especially at the moment of transfer from studying to professional employment. Researchers claim the significance of Internet tools for planning and starting a career. However, they simultaneously emphasize the growing need to understand this field, which deserves more respect. Background descriptions serve as the basis for the main objective of this article, to verify the utility of the prepared tool and to assess the aim of joining Facebook and networking in general among Polish students.
Holding a chief position in an organized hierarchy means accepting a wide range of duties. What it leads to is a prolonganization and adaptation of the working time as well as its pragmatization as far as the time (e.g. private time, leisure time) not directly connected to the individual’s job is concerned. The need to subordinate, for not to call it incorporate all the other spheres of life into the business actions leads to “temporal tensions” emerging between discrepancies previously autonomous. The author of this paper reconstructed these tensions by showing different strategies and peculiar neutralizations which are used by managers in order to diminish or solve the tensions. The methodology of grounded theory has been applied to analyse the collected material (narrative interviews). The outcomes of the research result from very detailed and arduous analyses of 35 managers’ life-stories according to symbolic interactionism paradigm.
Wzmagające się procesy globalizacyjne oraz towarzyszące im zjawiska, związane zwłaszcza z rozwojem społeczeństwa informacyjnego i wielokulturowego, zwiększone możliwości przemieszczania się ludzi na duże odległości oraz przemiany w zakresie form i treści pracy stwarzają duże możliwości realizacji kariery zawodowej w wymiarze międzynarodowym. Zwłaszcza na europejskim rynku pracy roboczej stworzone zostały duże możliwości pracy dla Polaków po wstąpieniu naszego kraju do Unii Europejskiej. Zniesienia uległy bariery w zakresie przepływu kapitału, usług jak i siły roboczej. Funkcjonowanie osób migrujących zarobkowo stanowi przedmiot analiz w prezentowanym opracowaniu. Oparto się na dotychczasowych badaniach empirycznych.
The growing globalization processes and the accompanying phenomena, especially in connection with the development of the multicultural information society, increased mobility over long distances and transformations in terms of form and content of the work create great opportunities to pursue career goals internationally. Especially in the European labor market, large job opportunities were created for Poles after the accession of Poland to the European Union. Barriers to movement of capital, services and labor were abolished. The functioning of economic migrants is the subject of analysis in the presented study. It was based on existing empirical research.
It is talented employees who create organizational capital. This assumption is a source of academic discourse and a real problem facing the organization in its operations. Retaining workers who have a strong influence on current and future organizational market conditions in a company constitutes a considerable difficulty. Theoretical and empirical studies on the retention of talented individuals fail to provide sufficient practical solutions or suggestions. This is mainly the result of a lack of consensus in the organizational understanding of talent. The retention of talents may be increased by suitable prospects of career development, for example. The aim of this article is to present insights into existing theoretical and practical solutions in the career development of talented individuals. It is the correlation between the referent for talent and solutions in talent management, with an emphasis on career management, that is the research subject of this article. The results received structure the various issues in this field and provide suggestions for organizational practice.
Pracownicy utalentowani stanowią kapitał organizacji; jest to podstawa zarówno dyskursu akademickiego, jak i realny problem działalności organizacji . To zaś co stanowi istotny problem to utrzymanie w organizacji zasobu o tak silnym wpływie na jej aktualną i przyszłą kondycję rynkową. Refleksja teoretyczna i stan badań nad retencją pracowników utalentowanych nie dają satysfakcjonującej odpowiedzi ani sugestii dla praktyki w tym zakresie. Wynika to głównie z braku konsensusu w organizacyjnym rozumieniu talentu. Retencja talentów może być wsparta ofertą rozwoju kariery. Celem artykułu był wgląd w istniejące teoretyczne i praktyczne rozwiązania dotyczące zarządzania karierami utalentowanych pracowników. Problemem badawczym uczyniono natomiast poznanie relacji pomiędzy desygnatem pojęcia talent a rozwiązaniami w zakresie zarządzania talentami z naciskiem na zarządzanie ich karierami. Uzyskane wyniki porządkują badany obszar, stanowiąc równocześnie sugestie dla praktyki organizacji.
Content available remote Szymon Kossakowski. Dzieje jednej kariery
Straipsnį sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje pristatomi Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės paskutiniojo didžiojo etmono Simono Kosakovskio biografiniai duomenys, ypatingą dėmesį atkreipiant į jo veiklą Baro ir Targovicos konfederacijos metais. Pagrindinės aptariamos valstybinės bei visuomeninės raiškos sritys – tai politinė veikla, karyba ir diplomatija. Antroje straipsnio dalyje mėginama įvertinti S. Kosakovskio veiklą ir jo karjerą Abiejų Tautų Respublikoje, suprasti šios istorinės asmenybės sprendimus nulėmusius faktorius, apibūdinti tradicionalistų politinės grupuotės nuostatas. Straipsnyje pateikiama daug naujos archyvinės medžiagos, stengiamasi diskutuoti su įsigalėjusiais istoriografijos stereotipais.
The article consists of two parts. The first part presents biographical data about the the last Grand Hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, especially his activities during the time of the Bar and Targowica Confederations. Primary emphasis is on the political, military, and diplomatic aspects of his career. The second part tries to analyze and evaluate his activities and career in the service of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, to understand the factors which helped determine his decisions, and to describe the attitudes of the traditionalist political group. The article contains much new archival material and challenges entrenched historical stereotypes.
Career Management System is one of the essential elements of the strategy. In the era of knowledge economy human capital is particularly important when it comes to getting a company's competitiveness. Design at Career System is based on a number of correlated elements that the company more efficient and easier management of human resources, both from businesses and employees but management careers within the organization requires commitment on both sides. Companies now recognize the importance of this activity, but not all can adapt to the prevailing trends. The article presents the issues of career management as part of corporate strategy in the context of theory and practice. The topic has been developed based on the results of the research a career management system by a foreign company. This allowed to make observations on how many achievements of Polish scientists is universal.
One of the most fundamental principles which underpins the functioning of Western societies is the gender binary system, based on the eternal division into men and women as well as their social and biological predestination. Critiques of the binary system claim that there is an apparent lack of symmetry between the polar opposites constituting the binary system. The male-female dichotomy appears to be asymmetrical since the binary opposition is viewed as unequal: females are dominated and controlled by males and forced to perform less significant, minor (less valued) social roles. Binarism refers to identity and social roles, as well as to physical attributes of females and males. The consequence of binarism on the realm of physicality is the view that a woman is obliged to constantly improve her attractiveness so that she could be “won over in an impressive way” by “the best possible partner”. The main aim of this article is examination of social anxiety over the effects of women’s emancipation, which is believed to give rise to the masculinization of females, particularly those who have achieved social and professional success, and aspire to (or have already acquired) a high social status, income, or professional position. The theoretical considerations are confronted with results of the qualitative research related to female managers' identity.
Aim: Under the supervision of the Department of General and Vascular Surgery of Poznan University of Medical Sciences, a questionnaire was distributed online or as a paper version to medical students (MSs) in order to better understand the attitudes towards surgery as a specialty and to determine the reasons why students do and do not choose vascular surgery as their career path. Materials and methods: The questionnaire was distributed online or as a paper version to MSs in the 3rd, 5th, and 6th year of the PUMS 6-year M.D. program. It provided the data on the year of study, grade point average (GPA), sex, age, respondent’s specialty choice, 33 questions with responses on a 1-5 Likert scale (1 was the least important reason and 5 was the most important reason), and 2 questions with socres between 0 and 4. A total of 136 Polish MSs of PUMS completed the survey. Results: For MSs who choose vascular surgery as their career path, “endovascular capabilities of vascular surgery” and “higher income possibilities than a general surgeon” were the most important reasons. The “poor availability of work in other places than the vascular surgery department of your choice, few such clinics in the region” was the most important reason not to choose vascular surgery. A role of gender was also noted - 13% of male MSs classified gender as an “important factor”, in contrast to 60% of female MSs. Conclusions: The findings of this study might help to develop better strategies to attract future trainees to surgical specialties, particularly vascular surgery, and improve work environment.
Results of research of career orientations of pupils of professional educational institutions are presented in article. Career orientations are cornerstone of formation учащимичя plans of professional career. Following the results of diagnostics dynamics of development of career orientations during training in professional educational institution is revealed.
Content available remote Nowe elementy w biografiach zawodowych młodych Polaków. Zarys problematyki
The aim of the article is to answer the question if and to what extent the young generation of Poles has accepted the models of professional career which include qualities characteristic for post-modern labour market, i.e. unemployment episodes, incomplete and insecure employment and unusual forms of work. The analysis of quantitative and qualitative data facilitated obtaining the answers to the question. Quantitative data comprised the data from two editions of the research: Lubuskie Social Survey (Lubuski Sondaz Spoleczny) / 2005 and 2009, and the research on unemployed graduates in Lubuskie Tri-City / 2007. Qualitative data included: in-depth interviews with inhabitants of Lubuskie Province on social and individual consequences of unusual forms of employment. The analysis of results shows that young people, despite the awareness of unemployment or incomplete and insecure employment, seek occupational stability and obtaining a contract of employment of indefinite duration in the nearest future. For the people who are well-educated and well-qualified, and who are demanded in the labour market, it is obvious to do some unusual work and create in such a way their professional career. What is more, they believe that such a situation gives them the sense of opportunity to decide about their career.
The orientation of a contemporary society towards a global career creates the need of rebuilding the frames of human activity and innovation. The most important is active participation and cooperation in a reality undergoing a permanent change. Conceptualization of quality new apprehension of career issues as an individual’s possession indicates a many-sided character of a contemporary discourse, which combines implications of an interdisciplinary dialogue and creates the need to review theoretical reflection about the way of understanding career and conditions, as well as indicators of its formation and construction. The „prodevelopmental orientation” is a remedy for a contemporary human being to be oneself again in this situation in the world of careers. In this attitude towards the definition of „a career”, one underlines importance of constructing (not choosing) a career for designing a quality of life.
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