Nanodiamonds are diamond particles measured in nanometers. The ideal nanodiamond molecule should have surface ability to bind with many organic groups. They are also susceptible to chemical modifications. Nanodiamonds due to their biocompatibility and low toxicity, can be used for biological materials or in medicine. They can also be used as drug carriers and as covalent and electrostatic binding to the active biomolecules. This review describes the chemical modification of nanodiamond powders. This research work aimed and gain new knowledge, understanding and interpretation of the phenomena occure during the chemical functionalization of nanodiamond powders. An observation and an analysis of the mechanisms of chemical bonds formation or physical interactions will broaden the knowledge in this field. An examination of the impact of organic groups on the nanodiamond surface and onto its physical and chemical properties contribute to the selection of the best method of modification. An implementation research allows to broaden the knowledge in the field of chemical surface modification of nanodiamonds powders.
Prześledzono wpływ kompleksu ethoxyquin -palmitynian askorbylu (EQ-PA) na proces utleniania oleju wiesiołkowego. Stwierdzono, że jest on skutecznym przeciwutleniaczem w stęż. 0,1%.
The aim of this work was to assess antioxidant activity of the complex ethoxyquin-palmitoyl-L- ascorbis (EQ-PA). The tested material was the evening primrose oil. The peroxidation reaction was UV-stimulated. The intensity of the process of oil deterioration was assessed from the following indices: epihydrine aldehyde content, iodine, peroxide, anisidine and Totox values, and UV absorption spectra for the 1% solutions in cyclohexane. The examined compounds were found to behave as antioxidants at concentration 0,01 - 0,1%. Stronger effect was observed for the 0,1% EQ-PA.
Nitrogen compounds, as an essential component of many reactions occurring in living organisms, become the object of an extensive research. These compounds became the focus of interest after the properties of nitric oxide, currently the best known nitrogen oxide, had thoroughly been studied [1–3]. Recently, particular attention has been paid to nitroxyl (HNO/NO–), which is the product of one-electron reduction of NO• [4]. Formation of nitroxyl in vivo is still controversial. It seems that this compound could be formed by the reaction of S-nitrosothiols with other thiol proteins (e.g. GSH), directly through the nitric oxide synthetase (NOS), through the oxidation of hydroxylamine by the peroxidase activity of heme proteins or as a result of reduction of nitric oxide NO• [ 5, 6]. Nitroxyl is a liable compound due to dimerization, so it is necessary to use its donors in experiments. Angeli’s salt which forms HNO at physiological pH is the most commonly used donor [7]. Moreover, Piloty’s acid, cyanamide, diazonium diolates or a group of acyloxy nitroso compounds are also used. There are some difficulties with detection of nitroxyl in biological systems. So far, nitroxyl was indirectly identified by detection of N2O, a product of HNO dimerization. Presently, nitroxyl is an object of intensive studies aiming at finding techniques of its direct detection. Recently two such techniques have been designed: one using the reaction of HNO with triarylphosphines, and the other with BOT1 (staining agent) complexed with copper ions, which gives fluorescent signals revealing HNO in living cells [8, 9]. Nitroxyl turned out to have great pharmacological potential [10, 11]. It was demonstrated that this compound affected the activity of many proteins reacting with their thiol groups [12, 13]. Moreover, HNO/NO– influences the contractility of blood vessels and therefore has inotropic and lusitropic effects on myocardium [14]. Nitroxyl seems to be very promising in treating cancerous diseases as it inhibits the activity of an enzyme involved in the process which is the most important for cancer cells – glycolysis [15].
Jednym z najciekawszych proszków węglowych jest nanoproszek diamentowy uzyskiwany w procesie detonacji, albowiem posiada rozwiniętą powierzchnię warstwy diamentu, którą można udoskonalać poprzez modyfikacje chemiczne. Idealna cząsteczka nanodiamentu oprócz wysokiej kompatybilności z układami biologicznymi powinna charakteryzować się również niską toksycznością oraz zdolnością powierzchni do łączenia się z wieloma grupami organicznymi - biomolekułami w celu uzyskania nowych właściwości, co cieszy się ostatnio dużym zainteresowaniem. W związku z tym podjęto próby chemicznej modyfikacji powierzchni. Zmierzano do otrzymania dostatecznie funkcjonalnych nanodiamentów, wyniki zostały przedstawione w niniejszym artykule.
One of the most interesting carbon powders is diamond nanopowder obtained in the detonation process, because the diamond surface layer has developed, which could be improved via chemical modifications. The ideal nanodiamond molecule except the high biocompatibility with biological systems should also have low toxicity and surface ability to bind with many organic groups - biomolecules in order to obtain new properties, which have enjoy a lot of interest lately. Therefore, attempts were made to chemically modify the surface. Seeks to obtain a sufficiently functional nanodiamonds, the results are presented in this article.
Purpose: The use of carbon nanoparticles in medicine is increasing due to their high biocompatibility. Nanopowders are one of the best materials which can be used in medicine on medical implants and surgical tools. DPP (Diamond Powder Particles) obtained by different methods which can be expected to affect their properties, including biocompatibility, were compared. The aim of the present study was to compare the biocompatibility of Diamond Powder Particles (DPP) obtained by detonation method and graphite on the basis of their interactions with human endothelial cells. Design/methodology/approach: The effect of nanodiamonds on cell proliferation HUVEC-ST and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) was studied. We used FT-IR Spectroscopy attributive chemical function groups. Findings: In this subject the material characterization of nanodiamond powders and influence on endothelial cells. Practical implications: Biological research with endothelial cells and nanodiamond powder are the introduction to application in human’s treatment. Originality/value: Nanodiamond powders with chemical modified surface.
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The aim of this study was to assess the changes of the bioelectric activity of the selected muscles and their impact on the functioning of the shoulder joint in people with impingement syndrome. The study covered 58 subjects aged between 24 and 85, who were treated for impingement syndrome in the years 2004-2006. The average duration of the disease was 40 months. The following muscles were tested for bioelectric activity using surface myography: deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, greater pectoral and biceps brachii on the healthy and the diseased sides. A significant drop in activity of the deltoid and the infraspinatus muscles on the diseased side was observed. The following muscles showed comparable activity on both sides: the supraspinatus, latissimus dorsi and the greater pectoral muscle. The activity of the biceps brachii muscles grew during resisted movements. The drop in the activity of the deltoid and the infraspinatus muscles on the affected side is an important factor responsible for changes of the active mobility of the shoulder and for the development of instability of the shoulder joint. A similar activity of the latissimus dorsi, greater pectoral and biceps brachii muscles on both sides indicates a development of the compensatory mechanisms and the role of those muscles in the dynamic stabilisation of the shoulder joint.
Węgiel jest podstawowym budulcem organizmu tzw. pierwiastkiem życia, stąd dążenie do wykorzystania jego substytutów (produktów) w aplikacjach biologicznych. Takim badaniom poddano proszek węglowy otrzymany metodą chemicznego osadzania z fazy gazowej w polu elektrycznym częstotliwości radiowej RF PACVD (Radio Frequency Chemical Vapour Deposition). W niniejszej publikacji scharakteryzowano proszek węglowy RF PACVD, przedstawiono jego bioaktywne właściwości oraz próby jego uszlachetnienia poprzez modyfikacje chemiczne i plazmochemiczne.
Carbon is basic building materials of the so-called organism with element of the life, from here aspiring for exploiting his substitutes (of products) in biological applications. Such tests have been obtained using carbon powder chemical vapor deposition in an electric field of radio frequency RF PACVD. This paper characterizes the RF PACVD carbon powder, presents its bioactive properties, and attempts at refinement through chemical modification and plasmo-chemical.
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