The aim of the article is to discuss the teacher's activity when working with a mentallydisabled pupil, also suffering from ADHD, at a special elementary school. Possible causesof ADHD are approached in the paper, providing guidance for elementary school educatorsin their work with pupils in special schools, in special classes, as well as in the intact educationalenvironment of regular schools. The article presents opportunities to approach individualswith mental disabilities and ADHD symptoms at school and at home, in the familyenvironment. At the same time, attention is drawn to the possibilities of educational activityand the adaptation of the educational environment to pupils in school and out-of-schoolfacilities. The article describes situations when the symptoms of the syndrome can improve,at the same time improving educational results.
Vzdelávanie sa dá považovať za ozložitý interaktívny proces, kde na seba pôsobia edukátor a edukant. Ovplyvňujú a obohacujú sa o nové poznatky a skúsenosti. Pri vzájomnom pôsobení a odovzdávaní si poznatkov nám nemôže stačiť len verbálna rovina. Moderný edukátor musí pracovať s modifi-kovanými poznatkami pri zvládaní žiakov s rôznym druhom a formou post-ihnutia. Zároveň pracuje s celou radou didaktických pomôcok, ktoré edukan-tom priblížia predkladanú problematiku. Takéto využívanie pomôcok sa tiahne celým prierezom vzdelávania už od minulých čias, kedy musíme spomenúť učiteľa národov Jána Ámosa Komenského a jeho mnohých predchodcov.
Dziecko, które pojawia się w życiu rodziców i wychowawców, jest wielkim darem. Należy ciągle objawiać wartość tego cennego daru, który jest zarazem wielką tajemnicą. Dziecko, aby mogło należycie się rozwijać, potrzebuje przede wszystkim akceptacji i miłości. Obecnie często wypacza się rolę małżeństwa i rodziny, a także − nawet wśród wierzących chrześcijan − niszczy się ich pierwotne znaczenie. Pragnienie Boga jest wpisane do serca człowieka, ponieważ człowiek jest stworzony przez Boga i dla Boga. Bóg nie przestaje człowieka przyciągać do siebie i jedynie w Bogu człowiek znajdzie prawdę i szczęście, których ciągle poszukuje. Największym przejawem ludzkiej godności jest powołanie człowieka do wspólnoty życia z Bogiem. Dziecko już od swego narodzenia musi być wszechstronnie formowane, aby wyrosło na silnego moralnie i wartościowego człowiek.
A child who enters life as parents and educators is a great gift. It is necessary to constantly discover the value of this precious gift that is also a great mystery. Baby for its healthy development needs to be accepted and loved above all. Nowadays, it distorts the fundamental importance of marriage and family. Increasingly, the faithful Christians and destroy their original meaning. The desire for God is inscribed in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God. God does not cease to attract man to himself and only in God finds a man of truth and happiness that constantly looking for the ultimate reason for human dignity lies in man's vocation to communion with God. The child must be since its birth molded versatile that from it grew a moral and respectable man who once stand as family and social life, will be able to care for themselves, will be able to distinguish good from evil, beauty from bad taste and will was able to positively used in personal and family life.
Aim. In a qualitative empirical exploration, the authors use case study research to identify opportunities for re-education of specific learning disabilities in two cases. They identify and analyse the methods and organisation of teaching and the intervention plan for change. They evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention procedures and highlight specific practical experiences of educators in working with pupils. Methods. The study analyses and interprets the risk of specific learning disabilities, identifies specific learning disabilities. In an empirical qualitative investigation, the authors use case studies and case studies that highlight two types of specific learning disabilities. Results. The studies confirm that specific developmental learning disabilities affect the lives not only of the pupils themselves, the parents, but not least the educators in the teaching process. The authors analyse and identify specific re-education methods in the implementation of the teaching process, pointing out the difficulty of solving the problem and unlearning special educators. Conclusion. The authors point out the need for selection of different methods of re-education of learning disorders on the basis of the individuality of the pupil, but also on the basis of different forms of solving problem areas in terms of recommendations of the special educator and the actual implementation of the teaching process by the educator.
Aim. The main goal is to identify not only the religion of the Roma ethnic group, but also their relationship to God, and their experience of faith in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. In the contribution, the authors point to the perception of the personality of the priest as a spiritual shepherd, but also as a figure who leads them to a moral and Christian life. Concept. This scientific study thus points to the classic experience of spiritual life in various selected situations, and identifies the importance of a pandemic situation for a person’s Christian life. Methods. The study deals with several aspects of experiencing the spiritual life of the Roma community, and points out and identifies their thoughts about life during selected social activities. The authors point to important studies that show the connection between the pandemic situation and the issue of faith and religion in the Roma community. Results. The study confirms that the pandemic situation had an adverse effect on experiencing spiritual life in the Roma community, but we can state that Roma carry on their spiritual life despite all the measures in their individual, family community, with the support of other community members. and a priest. Conclusion. The scientific and professional contributions in this study point to the inner experience of spiritual life in the community through individual and family relationships, and the presence of a priest who is supposed to lead the Roma to a spiritual life in accordance with morality.
Aim. The aim of this study is to discuss how important the so-called Hausväterliteratur genre was in the education and spirituality of (not only) aristocrats in the Early Modern Era. Concept. This article will introduce the Hausväterliteratur as a literary genre that strongly influenced the spirituality and morality of its readers –householders, administrators of property, and their wives. Methods. The method applied was text analysis. The social history method based on research of the primary sources was also employed. Results. The study confirms that the treatises of the so-called Hausväterliteratur genre, kept in high numbers in European libraries in the Early Modern Age, carry a certain type of spirituality which calls for “true Christian life” following what was often a Protestant pattern (exhortation for frequent reading of the Bible). Conclusion. Most of these books outline an ideal of the Christian life, characterised by the establishment of an order within the “household”, or “house”, i.e., the family in the broader sense, including both the manor owner and those closest to him as well as all his subjects and servants.
Thesis. Today’s students are very much influenced by globalisation and advances in technology. This has brought about some changes in the attitudes and perceptions of the new generation of students which are worthy of attention. The present study aimed to shed light on one such shift of focus and explored Iranian literature students' preferences for either reading or watching the movie adaptations of literary works. The second aim of the study was to examine the reasons for their preferences and to analyse them to see where they originated from. Concept. To this end, a mixed methods design was used in which the quantitative data was gathered through a questionnaire from the University of Mazandaran English literature students (N=141). In the questionnaire, their tendencies towards either watching movies or reading literary books was explored. Based on convenient sampling, for the qualitative data, a semi-structured interview was conducted with 5 students from each category to find the reasons behind their preferences. The data from the interviews were transcribed and then content analysed. Results and conclusion. The results showed there existed a higher tendency towards movie watching (58%) among these students. Content analysis of the students’ responses to interview questions also revealed some factors affecting their inclination towards movie watching. The main reason for such a tendency was mentioned to be time constraints. Oher reasons were disclosed which will be reported in the article. The implications of the study will also be discussed fully under conclusion.
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