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Content available remote Application of LEDs in road lighting
There are more and more LED luminaires for road lighting at the market. Some of them are road luminaires only by their name. Creation new construction of LED luminaires well fulfilling their aims needs proper knowledge and skills owning as well as accuracy and foresight greater than used in designing equipment with traditional light sources. Implementation of standardisation claims in lighting designing realised by LEDs luminaires doesnt guarantee that realised lighting will be correct.
Na rynku pojawia się coraz więcej diodowych opraw oświetlenia drogowego. Niektóre z nich oprawami drogowymi są tylko z nazwy. Tworzenie konstrukcji nowych LEDowych opraw oświetleniowych dobrze spełniających swoje zadania wymaga posiadania stosownej wiedzy i umiejętności oraz wykazanie się starannością i przezornością większą niż przy projektowaniu opraw z konwencjonalnymi źródłami światła. Spełnienie wymagań normatywnych w obliczeniach projektowych oświetlenia realizowanego na oprawach diodowych nie gwarantuje, że zrealizowane oświetlenie będzie prawidłowe.
Content available remote Indicatrix of diffusion measurement with the use of matrix luminancemeter
Indicatrix of diffusion measurement methods always took lot of work and time. Data collecting can be faster and easier by using the matrix luminancemeter. Materials databases making can be automatized by new solution. Method based on the matrix luminancemeter needs identification of measurement misstatements and rating of accuracy.
Dotychczasowe metody wyznaczania wskaźnikowej rozpraszania były bardzo pracochłonne i czasochłonne. Stosując matrycowy miernik luminancji można tok zbierania danych zasadniczo uprościć i przyspieszyć. Proces tworzenia bazy danych o materiałach konstrukcyjnych opraw oświetleniowych można dzięki nowemu rozwiązaniu w znacznym stopniu zautomatyzować. Metoda wymaga jednak identyfikacji źródeł błędów pomiarowych i oceny powodowanej przez nie niepewności wyników.
tom nr 4
Utrzymanie oświetlenia ulicznego jest jednym z najważniejszych ustawowych zadań samorządu terytorialnego. Pochłania ono znaczną część budżetów poszczególnych jednostek, w szczególności tych najmniejszych. Z tego powodu poszukiwane są rozwiązania pozwalające na zredukowanie kosztów eksploatacji urządzeń oświetleniowych.
tom nr 3
Instalowanie urządzeń oświetleniowych, wykorzystujących diody elektroluminescencyjne, jest obecnie traktowane jako wyznacznik nowoczesności, przejaw świadomości ekologicznej i oznaka bycia "trendy". Trzeba jednak dobrze rozważyć, czy ich stosowanie naprawdę jest uzasadnione, czy przynosi rzeczywiste oszczędności w zużyciu energii, a także czy to się opłaca. Pozytywna odpowiedź na wszystkie te pytania powinna być przepustką dla LED-ów do świata oświetlenia energooszczędnego.
nr 4
Zaproponowano system prozdrowotnego żywienia w polskiej gastronomii łączący w systemie informatycznym zalecenia żywieniowo - dietetyczne mierzone w składnikach z recepturami opracowanych potraw, prowadząc do powstania banku prozdrowotnych receptur dla wybranych diet. W systemie uwzględniono zabezpieczenie zdrowia konsumentów przez stosowanie systemu HACCP, które w połączeniu z bankiem receptur tworzą bazę danych kapituły hasła i znaku „Tu zjesz zdrowo”.
Paper presents idea of introducing specific dietary guidelines into catering through informatic system which produces bank of receipes for selected specific diets. HACCP system is also introduced via award system which allows to mark catering unit with formula and „logo” „Healthy eating here” providing it introduces receipes and HACCP in operation. Award system is responsible for control, promotion and advice to caterers applying for and bearing logo and formula „Healthy eating here”.
Content available remote Zapis właściwości świetlnych LEDowej oprawy oświetlenia drogowego
Drogowe oprawy LEDowe charakteryzują się często bardzo wymyślnymi kształtami i znacznie większymi gabarytami niż oprawy tradycyjne. Z tego powodu nie można ich traktować jako punktów świetlnych. W obliczeniach symulacyjnych stanu oświetlenia na drogach konieczne jest uwzględnienie przestrzennego rozmieszczenia poszczególnych źródeł światła a bryłę fotometryczną oprawy przedstawiać jako zbiór składowych brył zaczepionych w różnych punktach w przestrzeni.
Lot of LED luminaires used in road lighting often have more complicated forms and visible grater dimensions than traditional ones. So, tey can not be treated as lighting points. In computer aided designing LED road lighting, it is important to take into calculations location in luminaire each of light sources. Light distribution of whole luminaire should be shown and used as a collection of component light distribution placed in some places.
Omówiono nową technologią produkcji chłodzonych posiłków „sous vide" ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem parametrów procesu oraz bezpieczeństwa mikrobiologicznego przy stosowaniu tej technologii
As chilled precooked dishes show limited to 3-5 days shelf life several additional factors have to be applied to extend it up to 21 or even 42 days as is sometimes allowed for sous vide technology products. Those factors comprise high higienie standards for raw materials and premises as well as technological steps and parameters that efficiently destroy microbial contamination, and do not allow for recontamination or bacterial growth. Such steps include precooking which also means pasteurisation in high vacuum or anaerobic atmosphere in sealed pouches, blast chilling, low temperature storage parameters as well as high temperature of reheating process and quick serving procedures. Paper specifies parameters for each technological steps and presents microbiological requirements for final products. Sous vide technology allows for good quality and high nutritional value in soups, meats in souces and stewed vegetables. It is used for individual consumer in chilled „ready to eat" line dishes in supermarkets and supplies such dishes for catering units.
Content available remote Nowoczesne wyprawy tynkarskie w systemach ETICS
tom R. 21, nr 10
W artykule omówiono rodzaje i właściwości tradycyjnych i nowoczesnych tynków cienkowarstwowych. Podano wymagania i dokumenty dotyczące tego typu rozwiązań. Przedstawiono także perspektywy rozwoju tych produktów na rynku materiałów budowlanych.
The article discusses the types and properties of conventional and advanced thin-coat plasters. The requirements and documents applicable to such solutions are identified. Also, development perspectives are shown for these products in the construction materials market.
tom nr 2(55)
Safeguarding the constitutional order is one of national security areas. The scope of this protection is large and includes the sphere connected with the institution of power and procedures to create it in democracy conditions and also human rights and citizens protection. Binding laws, Constitution in particular regulate the relations in this area. The scope of the constitutional order protection objects is also large and includes judicial, executive and legislative bodies. Therefore the protection of the constitutional order as a national security component may be the subject of research in regards to bodies’ and services’ tasks and authorities. The article presents special services’ role and tasks and their constitutional authorities in the area of safeguarding constitutional order. This problem gains importance in Polish conditions as special services' organisation underwent essential changes in recent years. Basing on the Polish special services’ current position in the organisational and legal structure, a thesis has been formed of a leading role of Internal Security Agency in safeguarding the constitutional order, with the appearance in this area the role of Military Information Services. It has been proved that in the area of special services’ activities directed to protect the constitutional order, tasks connected with secret information protection gain more importance. Protection and control function connected with filling the services’ role of protecting the state distinguishes the role and legal position of special services. Attention is drawn to the fact that in order to accomplish tasks to counteract and prevent threats for the state constitutional order, special services have the constitutional powers to undertake operational reconnaissance actions and as far as the Internal Security Agency is concerned - investigation and inquiry activities.
Content available remote Suwerenność państwa w warunkach globalizacji
tom nr 3(52)
Currently it is often said and written about a national state crisis. The symptoms of crisis phenomena are also visible in social order disturbances in western democracies. They are accompanied by an enormous technological advance – the result of information technology revolution. Social patterns of life and work dating back to the industrial era are now re-evaluated. The values of family life and community are often replaced by individualism. Also national state institutions face these changes. The author of the article analyses the conditions of this process in relation to the components of the classical definition of the state: the territory with the population inhabiting it and sovereign power. The territory has been recognised as one of the state sovereignty prerequisite. The changes in this relation have been pointed out. We observe armed conflicts the aim of which is not a territorial expansion. A broader understanding of the security notion, not necessarily connected with a military threat, influences the perception of a territory as a variable that conditions the sovereignty of a state. Qualitative and quantitative enlargement of the threat (danger) phenomenon is particularly visible, which is connected with improving means of waging war, violence escalation in public life, terrorism, new areas of poverty, technological lateness, social stratification, symptoms of losing human control of natural environment. In the analysis concerning changes of population factor that creates modern states, the notions of inhabitancy, nationality and citizenship have been characterised. The function of contemporary national state government has been described in the context of the state ability to ensure security on its own territory, ensuring guarantees of capital influx, supporting economic initiatives. The mentioned above phenomena that show the changes in the traditional areas of the state sovereignty allowed forecasting a possible direction of changes. There have been pointed out changes in the state sovereignty that will be accompanied with growing stratification in highly developed countries. Another important variable defining the relations between the welfare and backwardness will be a growing disproportion in economic development in different parts of the world. If this process is not stopped soon, then the growth of migration, culture mixing, integration processes can be forecast and also accompanying threats for western civilisation countries such as the growth of crime rate, aggression among culture enclaves and nationality groups. New forms of war and peace characteristic for globalisation era accompany the changes in the national state sovereignty.
Content available remote Digital recording of photometric data for multisource luminaires
On the ground of the overview of multisource luminaire constructions, with the emphasis on LED solutions, the need to formulate the recording of photometric properties of the luminaires, of considerable size and non-uniform distribution of the field of luminous beam generation, was perceived. The alternative method of photometric file organisation, including diverse luminous flux distribution for each point of a luminaire, was introduced.
W oparciu o przegląd konstrukcji opraw wieloźródłowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rozwiązań z diodami elektroluminescencyjnymi została sformułowana potrzeba zapisu właściwości świetlnych opraw o znacznych rozmiarach i nierównomiernym rozkładzie pola generowania promieniowania świetlnego. Zaproponowana została alternatywna metoda organizacji pliku fotometrycznego uwzględniająca zróżnicowany rozsył strumienia z poszczególnych punktów oprawy.
Content available remote Zagrożenia porządku konstytucyjnego
tom nr 4(53)
A modern state undergoes the pressure of changes that create globalisation and its accompanying processes that are identified in information technology category. They have economic, social and political character. The idea of these processes interaction is to create new forms of economic activity and thus the system of values that change the social structure, question the existing so far role of the state, influence its organisation and position towards other bodies. As constitutional order is identified with the state, one is authorised to see the threats to this order in the context of changes that the institution of national state, as a basic form of the organisation of the society and the subject of international relations, is currently undergoing. The protection of the constitutional order of the state, as a subject of the activities of the bodies of the state, is an area where numerous challenges and threats are identified. Counteracting them excesses the limits of the possibilities of the state. The supranational nature of factors that change the role and position of the state results in the necessity to adapt counteractions into the challenges scale. This counteraction, directed to adapt the system of norms arranging the social life, must be held together with the co-operation with partners on the international arena. The growth of the factor of co-dependence in shaping the security policy of the state is visible. In Poland the changes to perceive the constitutional order and its protection take place in the conditions of European integration. In the article there have been identified changes that the area of constitutional order undergoes, relating to Polish conditions, and particularly the most essential threats and challenges for the functioning of the state in this respect.
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