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Długoterminowa Strategia Renowacji Budynków przyjęta przez Rząd RP w lutym 2022 r. [1] określa skalę niezbędnej termomodernizacji budynków mieszkalnych na co najmniej 30% istniejącego zasobu. Nowelizacja Dyrektywy UE o Charakterystyce Energetycznej Budynków precyzuje dokładniej cele ilościowe i jakościowe renowacji budynków, stawiając coraz większe wyzwania dla sektora budowlanego w kontekście oszczędzania zasobów naturalnych i ludzkich wykorzystywanych w budownictwie.
Purpose: The study was conducted in order to identify positive and negative factors in the manager's function. The study gives the insight of the management style in the enterprises which is used define the role of the manager. Design/methodology/approach: A survey was conducted by the method of questioning among 12 enterprises. Findings: Research reveals that about 97% of enterprises due to the managerial glitch and by adopting unethical management practice went bankrupt. This evidence reveals the importance of role of the manager in the company. Research limitations/implications: The results of the study show that the presence of a flexible method of management as well as the desire to change is an indicator of effective management. Practical implications: This paper depicts the proper coordination of managers with their subordinates and it can also assist the managers in order to develop their approach towards personal management. Social implications: Building a trusting atmosphere has the potential for effective development of both a manager and a subordinate, thereby leading enterprises to economic growth. However, it should be taken into account that the creation of a trusting culture in an organization requires additional research. Originality/value: The article has cognitive value for managers. The results can be used as a manual for senior managers to manage the team and to build organizational culture.
Podstawą opracowania planów zapotrzebowania na siłę roboczą w przedsiębiorstwie budowlanym jest plan produkcyjny, obejmujący przewidywany do realizacji portfel zleceń. Planowanie przebiegu realizacji zleceń z wykorzystaniem metod harmonogramowania pozwalających na analizę przebiegu realizacji procesów pod względem czasu i wykorzystania zasobów pozwala na ocenę wpływu wielkości zatrudnienia na terminowość realizacji poszczególnych przedsięwzięć. W artykule przedstawiono model matematyczny problemu harmonogramowania przedsięwzięcia z ustalonym terminem dyrektywnym (zilustrowany przykładem), obejmującego procesy powtarzalne, pozwalający na określenie racjonalnego poziomu zatrudnienia brygad roboczych.
The basis for the development of labor demand plans in a construction company is the production plan, including the expected portfolio of orders. Planning the course of order execution with the use of scheduling methods that allow for the analysis of the course of the execution of processes in terms of time and resource use allows for the assessment of the impact of the number of employees on the timeliness of the implementation of individual projects. The article presents a mathematical model of the problem of scheduling a project with a fixed directive deadline (illustrated by an example), involving repetitive processes, allowing to determine a rational level of employment of work brigades.
Content available Industry 4.0 and socio-economic evolution
The ongoing revolutionary socio-economic changes are particularly evident in the context of implementing the principles of Industry 4.0, aiming to enhance two categories: the efficiency of actions taken and productivity, influenced by the increasing level of process automation. The utilization of robots, automation, and virtual reality are elements that not only characterize the economic practice environment but also the daily life of individuals. The observed situation provided the impetus for conducting survey research, focusing on exploring the functioning of individuals in the environment of new technologies. Information was obtained regarding the knowledge of selected technological solutions among Poles, their understanding of their essence, and the predicted further evolution/regression in this domain by the respondents. The acquired empirical data, reflecting the researched reality, appear to align well with the results of literary studies concerning technological processes and their associated social consequences. Poles have shown awareness of the existence of advanced technologies in various sectors of the economy and daily life, and they more often expressed favorable positions towards the utilization of innovative solutions-recognizing them as convenient and facilitating various tasks. This study provides an opportunity to present the initial and selected conclusions regarding the gathered material.
Trwające rewolucyjne zmiany społeczno-gospodarcze są szczególnie widoczne w kontekście wdrażania zasad Przemysłu 4.0, którego celem jest zwiększenie efektywności podejmowanych działań oraz produktywności, pod wpływem rosnącego poziomu automatyzacji procesów. Wykorzystanie robotów, automatyzacji i rzeczywistości wirtualnej to elementy, które charakteryzują nie tylko otoczenie praktyki gospodarczej, ale także codzienne życie jednostek. Obserwowana sytuacja stanowiła impuls do przeprowadzenia badań ankietowych, skupiających się na badaniu funkcjonowania jednostek w środowisku nowych technologii. Uzyskano informacje dotyczące znajomości wybranych rozwiązań technologicznych wśród Polaków, ich zrozumienia istoty tych rozwiązań oraz przewidywanej dalszej ewolucji/regresu w tej dziedzinie według respondentów. Uzyskane dane empiryczne, odzwierciedlające badaną rzeczywistość, zdają się dobrze korespondować z wynikami studiów literaturowych dotyczących procesów technologicznych i ich związanych z nimi konsekwencji społecznych. Polacy wykazali świadomość istnienia zaawansowanych technologii w różnych sektorach gospodarki i życia codziennego, a także coraz częściej wyrażali pozytywne stanowiska wobec wykorzystywania innowacyjnych rozwiązań, uznając je za wygodne i ułatwiające różne zadania. Niniejsze badanie daje możliwość przedstawienia wstępnych i wybranych wniosków dotyczących zebranego materiału.
This study aims to explain the indicators of human resource productivity management in Kerman executive agencies. It is a descriptive, correlational as well as a developmental study purposefully conducted as a survey in the field of human resources. The sample includes 30 experts in the field of management and administration. It was obtained by purposeful sampling method and included 524 employees of the Kerman executive agencies that were gathered by stratified sampling method. Two questionnaires were used by the experts to confirm the validity and reliability of the model and one questionnaire was used to answer the questions. The validity and reliability of all questionnaires were confirmed. AMOS and SPSS statistical software were used for data analysis. The 42 subscales of human resource productivity management are summarized in 5 factors (individual, organizational, complementary organizational, occupational, and extra-organizational). It is an applieddevelopmental study considering the simultaneous identification of factors related to human resource productivity in line with the development indicators and can be used by all executive agencies throughout Iran.
System motywacyjny, a zwłaszcza wartości i postawy, jakie premiuje, wpływa na sprawność działania pracowników, ich zadowolenie z pracy oraz realizację celów przedsiębiorstwa. Jeżeli będą oni odpowiednio motywowani, będą zaspokajane ich potrzeby, a odpowiednie warunki pracy spowodują większe zadowolenie. Żeby te cele realizować, należy podjąć inicjatywy mające na celu usprawnienie działania pracowników oraz podwyższenie ich satysfakcji z pracy. Właśnie dlatego doskonalenie systemu motywacyjnego to nadal aktualny i ważny temat w naukach o zarządzaniu i jakości. Jednym z elementów zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi jest motywowanie pracowników, które stało się przedmiotem badań. Ich celem były ocena i doskonalenie systemu motywacyjnego w firmie transportowej. Wyniki prezentowano w podziale na grupy według: zajmowanego stanowiska, odbytego stażu, wieku i wykształcenia. W badaniu wykorzystano analizy Kruskala-Wallisa. Wyniki poprzedzono analizą literatury w zakresie przedmiotu pracy. Wnioskuje się, że występuje grupa osób, dla których system motywacyjny nie jest zrozumiały. Należy go udoskonalić dla pracowników z najdłuższym stażem, aby przeciwdziałać rutynie w ich motywacji.
The motivation system, and especially the values and attitudes it awards, affects the efficiency of employees, their work satisfaction and the achievement of company goals. If employees are properly motivated, their needs will be met and the appropriate working conditions will result in greater satisfaction. In order to achieve these goals, initiatives should be taken to improve the performance of employees and increase their job satisfaction. The evaluation of the motivation system is still a current and important topic in management and quality sciences. Efficient human resource management allows the company to achieve its goals. One of the elements of human resource management is motivating employees, which has become the subject of this research. The aim of the research was to evaluate the motivation system in a company from the transport industry, according to: the position held, duration of employment, age and education. Kruskal-Wallis analyses were used in the study. The results were preceded by an analysis of the literature on the subject of the work. The conclusion is that there is a group of people for whom the motivation system is not understandable. The system among senior employees should be improved to counteract the routine in their motivation.
Purpose: To identify and discuss the protective measures implemented to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection among employees. Design/methodology/approach: The four-stage course of research. Case study and structured interviews with all employees, directly and indirectly, involved in food processing. Research questions: (R1) What measures have been taken to prevent the risk of infection among employees? (R2) What activities and responsibilities were the most difficult and easiest for employees to follow when implementing these measures? Findings: Administrative protective measures dominate in the organization. Wearing additional protective equipment, keeping distance, and following new hygienic procedures are the most difficult issues. Temperature self-measurement and signing of health declarations are not a problem for employees. It is a need to listen to employees about the protective measures. Research limitations/implications: The results refer to one unique case and should not be generalized. However, it is clear that protective measures and their implementation seem to make employees more aware of potential hazards. Therefore, the questions included in our interview can be recommended for use in other organizations, not only in food companies. Originality/value: The article fills in the research gap. According to the authors' knowledge, this is the first study in Poland that is based on the experience of a food company.
Purpose: The main objective of the research is to identify a competence gap in "Industry4.0" - the difference between the competencies currently acquired by students at universities with a technical and economic profile, and the competencies desired by companies from the industrial processing sector. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical material was obtained in two studies. The first survey was conducted among 120 companies in the industrial engineering sector, while the second was carried out among over a thousand students and graduates of economic and technical universities. Findings: This work contributes to an in-depth understanding of companies’ needs regarding “Manager 4.0” competencies, and enables the identification of existing educational gaps. Our research results show that there is a competence gap on the labour market in each of the analysed categories of competencies: social, personal, managerial, technical and professional. At the same time, some differences are visible between students of economic and technical universities. The findings of the study suggest the need to redesign student education programs at universities so as to provide interdisciplinary education taking into account key competencies for Industry 4.0. Research limitations/implications: We identified three limitations of our research, resulting both from the size of the research sample of the analyzed comapanies, the possible ambiguity of the respondents' understanding of the examined competences (ambiguity of their interpretations) and their mutual interdependencies, as well as the subjective assessment of the students themselves. Practical and social implications: The study indicated the need for specific employee competencies, the development of which requires interdisciplinary study programmes in areas including production engineering and management. Besieds, the results of our research are particularly important for adapting employee training systems. We assume that the development of new training programs best suited to the needs of the market (need for specific employee competencies) should be done through cooperation between companies in the industrial processing sector and the academic community. Originality/value: The conclusions of the research shed new light on requirements regarding managerial positions in companies from the industrial processing sector, by indicating the need to modify curricula at universities in selected areas of competence.
Purpose: This paper aims to analyse and discuss well-being initiatives undertaken by companies during the pandemic. Well-being is considered an overall subjective evaluation of an individual's life, including three main areas: psychological (ability to cope with stressors and stay in a positive mood), physical (good health, fitness, beauty, sleep) and social (positive relationships, support). It influences work satisfaction, motivation and performance. Design/methodology/approach: The applied method was a case study analysis. 21 companies and 105 well-being interventions were investigated in terms of the type, frequency, expected outcomes, implementation process, measurement methods and cooperation with employees. Findings: Results show that the most common are interventions in mental health and physical activity improvements as well as building positive relationships between employees working remotely. Interventions usually suit the employees' needs; however, well-being and intervention effectiveness are not very well measured and investigated in a study sample. More reliable and evidence-based methods of implementation of well-being management are needed. Research limitations/implications: A certain limitation may be the deliberate selection of the research sample – only companies operating in Poland were included in the study, which excludes generalisation of the results obtained. Practical implications: Building a culture of well-being in an organisation should not be based on random, ad hoc activities, but rather on a long-term strategy in which both employees, leaders and managers play an important role. Originality/value: The described research results prove that a large group of entrepreneurs in the country has entered the phase of business maturity and appreciate the role and importance of the organisational culture in terms of well-being at work during a difficult period of the pandemic. The article may be especially useful for HR managers and HR business partners.
Digitalization, the spread of artificial intelligence solutions and robotization pave the way for new industry trends that shape the framework of a new industrial era. This era brings both benefits and drawbacks for some enterprises. Definitely, a swift reaction is a must when enterprises need to adjust their strategies, products and services according to the latest customer requirements. These trends have a sound impact on human resources management and jobs performed by humans and, at the same time, pose serious security threats to organizations. The research aims to explore what is meant by the term Industry 5.0 and how it differs from Industry 4.0. The research reveals the changing role of human resources management in the context of the necessary digital and computer competencies of society, highlights some security aspects, and looks at how enterprises, including SMEs, fit into the Industry 4.0 and 5.0 era.
Digitalizacja, upowszechnienie rozwiązań z zakresu sztucznej inteligencji oraz robotyzacja torują drogę nowym trendom w przemyśle, które kształtują ramy nowej ery przemysłowej. Era ta niesie ze sobą zarówno korzyści, jak i wady dla niektórych przedsiębiorstw. Zdecydowanie szybka reakcja jest koniecznością, gdy przedsiębiorstwa muszą dostosować swoje strategie, produkty i usługi do najnowszych wymagań klientów. Trendy te mają solidny wpływ na zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi i pracę wykonywaną przez człowieka, a jednocześnie stanowią poważne zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa organizacji. Badania mają na celu zbadanie, co oznacza termin Przemysł 5.0 i czym różni się on od Przemysłu 4.0. Badania ukazują zmieniającą się rolę zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w kontekście niezbędnych kompetencji cyfrowych i komputerowych społeczeństwa, podkreślają niektóre aspekty bezpieczeństwa oraz analizują, w jaki sposób przedsiębiorstwa, w tym MŚP, wpisują się w erę Przemysłu 4.0 i 5.0.
In this study, panel regression models for 21 European countries and data covering the period between 2008 and 2014 were used to demonstrate that the distribution of working population across different occupational groups explains cross-country differences in terms of the average effective retirement age. Thus, while the great majority of previous studies verified the causal trade-off investigated on the basis of single-country micro data with reference to one economy, this study takes perspective of cross-country diversity in terms of the investigated relationship. The confirmed link holds even when controlling inter alia for health status, education, unemployment, old-dependency ratio, interest rate, GDP per capita, or the share of salaries and wages in GDP. An important practical implication for the policy-makers is that decisions limited only to the increase in the universal pensionable age cannot be effective, since the occupational composition of an economy is very relevant.
Content available Motivation system in the company
The article presents the phenomenon of employee motivation. It discusses theoretical aspects of the issue and possible models of employee motivation. The subject literature was used for that purpose. Financial and non-financial elements of motivation were presented. The aim of the article is to analyze and evaluate the motivational system shaped in SME. An important aspect is the financial capabilities of the enterprise. The paper explains how motivation influences employee behaviour.
This article discusses issues related to the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of Polish universities. The first part of the article presents the essence of CSR, and the next part focuses on the degree of involvement of universities in Poland in CSR activities. Afterwards, the CSR activities were grouped based on conceptual areas in accordance with the ISO 26000 standard. Moreover, the most popular socially responsible tools and practices at Polish universities were analysed. The main aim of the article is to present the level of corporate social responsibility and identify its main areas at the top 10 universities in Poland according to The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021. The article uses the literature query method and analyses and evaluates documents, reports, and websites. The research carried out at the top 10 Polish universities showed that all these entities are involved in socially responsible activities by taking into account social, environmental, and employee aspects in their activities. They are organizations that feel responsible for their activities and take into account the needs of their stakeholders, both internal and external.
This article presents the problem of development and survival of startups providing services in the field of human resources. Research on startup success factors indicates that many variables simultaneously determine the possibility of survival in the market. The data used for the analysis were sourced from the website: www.mamstartup.pl (a database of startups established in Poland) and other publicly available data. The results of the analysis indicate that HR Tech is an industry that includes specific services for entrepreneurs, employees, or labour market participants in general. In the period surveyed (2012–2020) about 44% of startups from this industry in Poland ceased their activities. There is a lack of detailed, publicly available data on their funding. The startups under study use business models focused on generating revenue from the user of a given IT solution. The analysis shows that the survival and development of HR Tech startups in Poland is quite difficult; the problem is probably the specificity of services and their questionable profitability in the industry studied.
In the sustainability of the banking industry, Human resources (HR) plays a vital role, and reporting the value of employees is key to sharing the health of the bank. A plethora of HR information is disclosed by the banks of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) through annual reports. However, the extent of disclosure by KSA banks remained under-studied. An exploratory multiple case-study methodology was applied to understand the extent to which HR knowledge is disclosed by the KSA banks. The annual reports (2015-19) of the top five leading banks were reviewed using a purposive sampling approach and were thematically analysed. Through signalling theory, it is found that the KSA banks voluntarily provide favourable signals to their stakeholders by disclosing best practices on talent acquisition and development, compensation-benefit, performance management, employee retention-turnover, employee engagement-well-being and HR achievements. These disclosures are not influenced by the number of employees or sales turnover, or capital.
W zrównoważonym rozwoju sektora bankowego Zasoby ludzkie (HR) odgrywają kluczową rolę, a raportowanie wartości pracowników jest kluczem do dzielenia się zdrowiem banku. Mnóstwo informacji kadrowych jest ujawnianych przez banki Królestwa Arabii Saudyjskiej (KSA) w rocznych raportach. Jednak zakres ujawnień przez banki KSA pozostawał niedostatecznie zbadany. Zastosowano eksploracyjną metodologię wielu studiów przypadku, aby zrozumieć, w jakim stopniu wiedza HR jest ujawniana przez banki KSA. Sprawozdania roczne (2015-19) pięciu czołowych banków zostały poddane przeglądowi metodą celowego doboru próby i przeanalizowane tematycznie. Poprzez teorię sygnalizacji okazuje się, że banki KSA dobrowolnie przekazują korzystne sygnały swoim interesariuszom, ujawniając najlepsze praktyki w zakresie pozyskiwania i rozwoju talentów, wynagradzania świadczeń, zarządzania wydajnością, rotacji pracowników, zaangażowania pracowników, dobrego samopoczucia i osiągnięć HR. Na ujawnienia te nie ma wpływu liczba pracowników, obroty ze sprzedaży ani kapitał.
As the corporate culture and re/setting of employer – employee relations is crucial due to changes in workplace due to impact of COVID-19, this article aims to identify types of organizational culture, and to find impact on the implementation of HR activities and employer branding, including classification of organizations by their defined strategies. A model of organizational culture, including its systematic relationships, is proposed and tested using a sample of 402 organizations across sectors operating in the Czech Republic as a characteristic economy in Central Eastern European region. This model includes different dimensions of internal brand management and manifestations of organizational culture. Data are analyzed using bivariate and multivariate statistics. Identification of a suitable type of organizational culture leads towards successful employer branding and work engagement; brand identification and communication directly raise positive perception of organizational culture. Three major areas of use of organizational culture and branding have been identified: re-setting of personnel processes depending on the change of organization’s size, on the decline in labor productivity and on organizational mergers, changes in scope of business and in market position. The results suggest that orientation on employee engagement is a better predictor of (positive) organizational culture than increase in productivity. Furthermore, the results explain supportive roles of organizational culture towards customers and employees. The results extend theory by empirical analysis of organizational culture and internal brand management from the employers’ perspective.
The government presented a draft resolution for public consultation on the future of nuclear energy. The article contains detailed expert comments on the text of the resolution and its justification.
Content available remote Management of Human Resources in Education
Human resources (HR) play an important part in all aspects of an organization's operations, including educational institutions. It is necessary to be competent to manage or handle human resources in line with tasks assigned so that they can perform their functions in the institution in which they are employed. As a result, functions in human resource management must be performed optimally in order to meet the requirements of individuals and institutions. Furthermore, it is predicted that with excellent human resource management methods, the current weaknesses in Vietnam education system in terms of competitiveness can be solved.
The study aims to define and present important factors affecting the quality of company management in the SMEs sector. Within the realized research, the authors focused on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. In the CR, the data from 454 companies were obtained, and from 368 companies in Slovakia. For data processing, chi-squared test and Z-score were used. The research results provided interesting findings. It has been found that entrepreneurs spend a lot of time doing their business activities, since about 70% of entrepreneurs in both countries confirmed that they spend more than 8 hours a day doing their business activities. On the other hand, the authors´ assumptions were not confirmed, as higher intensity in entrepreneurship had been expected. An interesting finding was that larger and older companies more intensively agreed with the statement ST1 - they work intensively in their business (management). About three quarters of the entrepreneurs interviewed stated that they apply the participative management style. Based on the results, it can be stated that larger companies, older companies, and university-educated entrepreneurs largely apply this management style. The research has shown that entrepreneurs greatly appreciate people in their enterprises, which is more clearly evident in older companies than in younger companies. A large proportion of entrepreneurs pay considerable attention to regular employee evaluation and try to motivate them to apply innovative workflows.
Badanie ma na celu zdefiniowanie i przedstawienie ważnych czynników wpływających na jakość zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem w sektorze MŚP. W ramach przeprowadzonych badań autorzy skupili się na małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach (MŚP) w Czechach i na Słowacji. W CR uzyskano dane od 454 firm i od 368 firm na Słowacji. Do przetwarzania danych zastosowano test chi-kwadrat i Z-score. Wyniki badań dostarczyły interesujących wyników. Stwierdzono, że przedsiębiorcy spędzają dużo czasu na prowadzeniu działalności gospodarczej, ponieważ około 70% przedsiębiorców w obu krajach potwierdziło, że spędzają ponad 8 godzin dziennie na prowadzeniu działalności gospodarczej. Z drugiej strony założenia autorów nie zostały potwierdzone, ponieważ oczekiwano większej intensywności przedsiębiorczości. Ciekawym odkryciem było to, że większe i starsze firmy bardziej intensywnie zgadzały się ze stwierdzeniem ST1 - intensywnie pracują w swoim biznesie (zarządzaniu). Około trzy czwarte ankietowanych przedsiębiorców stwierdziło, że stosuje styl zarządzania partycypacyjnego. Na podstawie wyników można stwierdzić, że większe firmy, starsze firmy i przedsiębiorcy z wyższym wykształceniem w dużej mierze stosują ten styl zarządzania. Badanie wykazało, że przedsiębiorcy bardzo doceniają ludzi w swoich przedsiębiorstwach, co jest wyraźniejsze w starszych firmach niż w młodszych firmach. Duża część przedsiębiorców przywiązuje dużą wagę do regularnej oceny pracowników i stara się motywować ich do stosowania innowacyjnych przepływów pracy.
Having a positive trust climate and organizational distributive justice is essential for any organization. Many studies have found that both trust and organizational justice have a direct positive impact on organizational performance. However, the relationship between them has not been considered widely, especially in the Middle East. Therefore, the study aims to examine the relationship between organizational distributive justice and the trust climate among the employees in three Middle Eastern countries and to find out what demographic variables affect this relationship. The sample of the study consisted of 190 employees who came from three countries, namely, Syria, Egypt, and Turkey. To achieve the purpose of the study, a questionnaire of 20 items was sent online to employees. Later descriptive analysis methods and Pearson correlation were used to achieve the purposes of this study. The study found that there was a strong positive relationship between organizational distributive justice and the trust climate. Besides, there was a significant difference in organizational distributive justice when it was related to work experience. There were also statistically significant differences in trust in the supervisor, related to age; moreover, there were significant differences in trust in the organization and co-workers depending on work experience level, however, gender did not show any significant differences.
Posiadanie atmosfery pozytywnego zaufania i sprawiedliwości dystrybucyjnej organizacji jest niezbędne dla każdej organizacji. Wiele badań wykazało, że zarówno zaufanie, jak i sprawiedliwość organizacyjna mają bezpośredni pozytywny wpływ na wyniki organizacji. Jednak relacje pomiędzy nimi nie były szeroko rozważane, szczególnie na Bliskim Wschodzie. Dlatego badanie ma na celu zbadanie związku między organizacyjną sprawiedliwością dystrybucyjną a atmosferą zaufania wśród pracowników w trzech krajach Bliskiego Wschodu oraz ustalenie, jakie zmienne demograficzne wpływają na ten związek. Próba badawcza obejmowała 190 pracowników pochodzących z trzech krajów, a mianowicie z Syrii, Egiptu i Turcji. Aby osiągnąć cel badania, do pracowników wysłano kwestionariusz zawierający 20 pytań. Późniejsze metody analizy opisowej i korelacja Pearsona zostały wykorzystane do osiągnięcia celów tego badania. Badanie wykazało, że istnieje silny pozytywny związek między organizacyjną sprawiedliwością dystrybucyjną a atmosferą zaufania. Poza tym istniała znacząca różnica w organizacyjnej sprawiedliwości dystrybucyjnej, gdy była ona związana z doświadczeniem zawodowym. Istniały również statystycznie istotne różnice w zaufaniu do przełożonego, związane z wiekiem; ponadto istniały znaczne różnice w zaufaniu do organizacji i współpracowników w zależności od poziomu doświadczenia zawodowego, jednak płeć nie wykazywała znaczących różnic.
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