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The purpose of this paper is to conduct a theoretical and experimental study of lignite drying to determine the effect of drying on the moisture content of lignite. Based on the experimental study, the theoretical model of coal drying, regarding mass exchange, i.e., moisture loss in the initial stage of drying, was verified. The following results were obtained: a mathematical model of drying was proposed and experimentally verified by conducting evaporation measurements of water droplets and coal particles. A parametric analysis of the effect of drying air temperature and drying air velocity on moisture evaporation was carried out using Frossling's equation. It was demonstrated that a reduction in evaporation time within a certain range of low temperatures is achieved by increasing the air velocity. At higher temperatures, the drying air temperature has a greater effect on the evaporation rate of water from coal. The results are presented in the form of an easy-to-read graph, showing isolines of the constant flux of evaporated water as a function of drying air velocity and temperature. A very simple linear model of water evaporation (drying kinetics) is proposed by author (equation 18), which can be used to analyze the kinetics of water evaporation under constant conditions of air temperature and air velocity. The model can be easily parameterized experimentally for any type of coal.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przeprowadzenie teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych badań suszenia węgla brunatnego W celu określenia wpływu suszenia na zawartość wilgoci W węglu brunatnym. Na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych zweryfikowano teoretyczny model suszenia wegla W odniesieniu do wymiany masy, tj. utraty wilgoci W początkowej fazie suszenia. Uzyskano następuj ące wyniki: zaproponowano matematyczny model suszenia i zweryfikowano go doświadczalnie poprzez przeprowadzenie pomiarów parowania kropelek wody i cząstek węgla. Przeprowadzono analize parametryczną wpływu temperatury powietrza suszącego i prędkości powietrza suszącego na odparowanie wilgoci przy użyciu równania Frosslinga. Wykazano, że skrócenie czasu parowania W pewnym zakresie niskich temperatur uzyskuje się poprzez zwiększenie prędkości powietrza. W wyższych temperaturach temperatura powietrza suszącego ma większy wpływ na szybkość parowania wody z węgla. Wyniki przedstawiono w formie czytelnego wykresu, pokazuj ącego izolinie stałego strumienia odparowanej wody W funkcji prędkości i temperatury powietrza suszącego. Zaproponowano autorski prosty liniowy model parowania wody (kinetyki suszenia węgla) — równanie (18), który można wyko- rzystać do analizy kinetyki parowania wody w stałych warunkach temperatury i prędkości powietrza. Model ten można łatwo sparametryzować eksperymentalnie dla dowolnego rodzaju węgla
Salam leaves, a traditional food flavoring spice, are a widely recognized herb in Indonesia and are used in many regions. This study aimed to investigate the drying kinetics of salam leaves, comprising mathematical modeling, moisture diffusivity, and other nutritional values as qualitative parameters. The drying process was examined using a forced convective system (CSD) and open sun drying (OSD). The drying behavior was examined by observing the drying kinetics characteristics using 12 thin-layer semi-theoretical mathematical for drying of agricultural products, determining the moisture diffusivity, as well as measuring the content of chlorophyll a, b, and total dissolved solids as nutritional quality indicators of the drying products. According to the obtained results from the non-linear regression analysis, the Midilli model demonstrates the highest degree of appropriateness for drying salam leaves. The moisture diffusivity of CSD is greater than that of open-air solar drying. Regarding nutritional composition, the study revealed that chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoid levels in the dried leaves obtained through CSD were more significant than those obtained by OSD. As an environmentally friendly dryer, CSD can potentially be applied in herb-drying industries, especially salam leaves.
Content available remote Uproszczony model kinetyki suszenia materiałów spożywczych
Zaproponowano uproszczony model kinetyki suszenia wilgotnych materiałów spożywczych o konsystencji ciała stałego. Model walidowano, wykorzystując wyniki pomiarów kinetyki suszenia kostek surowej marchwi w temp. 60°C, kostek blanszowanej marchwi suszonej w temp. 50, 60, 70 i 80°C, a także kostek surowego ziemniaka suszonego w temp. 70 i 90°C. Dla surowej marchwi charakterystyczny czas wynosił 31,5 min, dla marchwi blanszowanej odpowiednio 14,9; 13,0; 11,1 i 9,2 min, a dla ziemniaków odpowiednio 50,2 i 28,0 min. Sformułowany model jest prostszy i łatwiejszy do zastosowania niż modele teoretyczne lub inne wieloparametryczne modele empiryczne. Model może być wykorzystany do obliczania całkowitego czasu suszenia oraz do określania zmian zawartości wilgoci i szybkości suszenia materiałów spożywczych o konsystencji ciała stałego.
A simplified model was proposed to describe the drying kinetics of wet solids. The model was validated on the basis of measurements of drying kinetics parameters of raw and blanched carrot cubes and raw potato cubes dried by convection with hot air (50-90°C). The model values matched the exptl. data well for all drying time intervals. The proposed model was simpler and easier to use than theoretical or other multi-parametric empirical models and can be used to calculate the total drying time and to det. changes in the moisture content and drying rate of solid food materials.
Content available remote Research of the energy parameters of the vibro-ozonation complex
In the system of technological operations of post-harvest processing of grain, the most important place belongs to drying. High-quality drying not only ensures the storage of the harvested crop, prevents its loss, but in some cases also improves the quality of the finished product. It is at this stage that up to 80% of all the energy of the post-harvest processing of grain is spent, and the useful use of energy in the grain dryers is up to 40…45%. The direction of improvement of grain drying technologies is: reduction of energy costs for moisture removal, ensuring environmental safety of the dried product, development of highly efficient grain drying equipment. A significant intensification of the grain drying process can be achieved by using the vibration effect on the processed material with simultaneous treatment with ozone as part of the drying agent, which additionally reduces the energy costs of the operation and allows obtaining a high-quality final material. The energy parameters of the developed vibro-ozonation complex, depending on the mode parameters of the studied process of drying grain raw materials, were experimentally investigated in the article.
W systemie operacji technologicznych pozbiorczej obróbki ziarna najważniejsze miejsce zajmuje suszenie. Wysokiej jakości suszenie nie tylko zapewnia przechowywanie zebranego plonu, zapobiega jego utracie, ale w niektórych przypadkach poprawia również jakość gotowego produktu. To właśnie na tym etapie zużywa się do 80% całej energii na pozbiorczą obróbkę ziarna, a użyteczne wykorzystanie energii w suszarniach zbożowych sięga 40…45%. Kierunkiem doskonalenia technologii suszenia ziarna jest: obniżenie kosztów energii na odwilgocenie, zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa ekologicznego suszu, rozwój wysokowydajnych urządzeń do suszenia ziarna. Znaczne zintensyfikowanie procesu suszenia ziarna można uzyskać poprzez wykorzystanie efektu wibrowania obrabianego materiału przy jednoczesnym działaniu ozonu jako składnika suszenia, co dodatkowo obniża koszty energetyczne operacji i pozwala na uzyskanie wysokiej jakości materiału końcowego . W artykule zbadano eksperymentalnie parametry energetyczne opracowanego kompleksu wibro-ozonowania w zależności od parametrów modowych badanego procesu suszenia surowców zbożowych.
The design of an energy-efficient block grain dryer with evaporative-condensing energy supply systems has been developed. The dryer contains a drying shaft, a condenser, a steam generator that comprise an evaporative-condensing module, and a fan. Design features of the dryer enable to carry out the drying process without direct contact of combustion gases and the product. Analytical modeling of the grain drying process has been carried out. It is based on a two-component model of heat transfer between thermosiphons and a layer of bulk material, taking into account evaporation of moisture from the grain. The efficiency of the developed structure has been evaluated according to such indicators as coefficients of heat transfer to grain flow; specific energy consumption. The values of coefficients of heat transfer to grain flow are 60 Wm-2K-1. An increase in the grain flow rate leads to an increase in the heat transfer coefficient. Energy costs approach the minimum when drying at the temperature of the surface of thermosiphons Ts=140 °С for different grain consumptions. Energy consumption is 3.3...5.15 MJ/kg, depending on the surface temperature and air consumption.
Opracowano projekt energooszczędnej blokowej suszarni zbożowej z wyparno-kondensacyjnymi układami zasilania energią. Suszarka zawiera szyb suszący, skraplacz, wytwornicę pary, która zawiera moduł wyparno-skraplający oraz wentylator. Cechy konstrukcyjne suszarni umożliwiają przeprowadzenie procesu suszenia bez bezpośredniego kontaktu gazów spalinowych z produktem. Wykonano modelowanie analityczne procesu suszenia ziarna. Opiera się on na dwuskładnikowym modelu wymiany ciepła pomiędzy termosyfonami a warstwą materiału sypkiego, z uwzględnieniem odparowywania wilgoci z ziarna. Sprawność opracowanej struktury oceniono na podstawie takich wskaźników jak współczynniki przenikania ciepła do przepływu ziarna; określone zużycie energii. Wartości współczynników przenikania ciepła do przepływu ziarna wynoszą 60 Wm-2K-1. Wzrost prędkości przepływu ziarna prowadzi do wzrostu współczynnika przenikania ciepła. Koszty energii zbliżają się do minimum przy suszeniu w temperaturze powierzchni termosyfonów Ts=140 °С dla różnych zużycia ziarna. Zużycie energii wynosi 3,3...5,15 MJ/kg w zależności od temperatury podłoża i zużycia powietrza.
W artykule przedstawiono rezultaty poszukiwań i analiz treści odtajnionych opisów patentowych polskich wynalazków z zakresu technologii kruszących materiałów wybuchowych w postaci indywiduów chemicznych, takich jak nitroskrobia, trotyl, dinitrotoluen, tetryl, pentryt, heksogen i oktogen. W wyniku poszukiwań znaleziono dziewięć opisów patentowych wynalazków [1-9], przy czym trzy [2-4] dotyczyły stabilizacji nitroskrobii, jeden [1] stabilizacji pentrytu i heksogenu, jeden [6] oczyszczania trotylu od kwasów ponitracyjnych, jeden [7] - suszenia trotylu i dinitrotoluenu oraz trzy [5,8,9] – sposobów otrzymywania odpowiednio tetrylu, trotylu i oktogenu. Wynalazki te zgłoszono jako tajne do Urzędu Patentowego w latach 1948-1996, zaś o zdjęciu z nich klauzuli tajności ogłoszono w Wiadomościach Urzędu Patentowego RP w latach 2007-2016.
Results of searches and analyses of the Polish disclosed secret patents on technology of high-explosives in the form of such chemical individuals as nitrostarch, trotyl, dinitrotoluene, tetryl, penthrite, hexogen and octogen, are presented in the paper. As a result of the above searches, nine patent descriptions [1-9] of inventions were found, and among them three [2-4] dealt with nitrostarch stabilization, one [1] with stabilization of penthrite and hexogen, one [6] with trotyl cleaning from post-nitrating acids, one [7] with trotyl and dinitrotoluene drying, and three [5,8,9] with obtainment of tetryl, trotyl and octogen, respectively. The inventions were ap-plied as secret ones to the Patent Office in 1948-1996, and the secrecy clause was lifted from them by the announcements of the News of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland in 2007-2016.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań oraz analizy numerycznej zagadnień związanych z wilgotnością przegrody budowlanej wykonanej w technologii lekkiego szkieletu stalowego. Rezultatem badań było sporządzenie izoterm sorpcji oraz nasiąkliwości materiałów tworzących przegrodę. Na ich podstawie przeprowadzono symulację osuszania naturalnego przegrody przy założeniu, że materiały ją tworzące są nasączone wodą. Analiza numeryczna pozwoliła oszacować ubytek wody w przegrodzie zewnętrznej w zależności od początkowego stanu jej zawilgocenia w przyjętych okresach obliczeniowych.
The article covers the results of research and numerical analysis of issues related to the humidity of a building partition made in the technology of a light steel skeleton. The result of the research was the preparation of the sorption isotherm and water absorption of the materials forming the barrier. On their basis, a simulation of the natural drying of the partition was carried out, assuming that the materials forming it are soaked with water. Numerical analysis, depending on the initial moisture level of the external partition, allowed to estimate the loss of water in the partition in the adopted calculation periods.
The article presents studies of the drying kinetics of composite raw materials based on solid peat residues after extraction of the humus component and corn harvesting residues. The resulting heat of combustion of composite raw materials is 1.2-1.4 times higher than that of peat in its native state. Moreover, their fairly high calorific value allows them to be used as an alternative fuel in domestic and municipal energy.
The research aims to develop a novel and safer milling route to produce Hard Metals. Considering the risks associated with milling fine particles under organic solvents, especially the increased fire and explosion risks, we propose milling under aqueous milling media to diminish the risks associated with fire hazards, while maintaining the oxidation level at a minimum. The samples were sintered in an industrial sintering oven under vacuum at 1380°C subsequent to milling and drying. The characterisation of the materials has been done by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, particle size analysis, optical microscopy, and a magnetometer. The obtained results indicate that appropriate properties of the powders after milling and drying as well as the desired biphasic (Co-WC) phases were obtained after sintering, thus proving the feasibility of such a route and diminishing specific fire hazards.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z wykorzystaniem sita molekularnego 3A do suszenia układu izolacyjnego transformatora. Zastosowanie sita pozwoliło nie tylko na obniżenie zawartości wody w oleju mineralnym, ale również na poprawę innych jego właściwości istotnych z punktu widzenia eksploatacji transformatora. Ponadto wykazano efektywność suszenia izolacji celulozowej zaimpregnowanej olejem mineralnym przy użyciu sita molekularnego.
The article presents selected issues related to the use of a 3A molecular sieve for drying the transformer insulation system. The use of the sieve allowed not only to reduce the water content in mineral oil, but also to improve its other properties important for the operation of the transformer. Moreover, the drying efficiency of cellulose insulation impregnated with mineral oil with the use of a molecular sieve was demonstrated.
Content available remote Research of the process of vibroozone drying of grain
The process of post-harvest processing of grain, especially drying, is one of the most important in the technology of agricultural production. This processing contributes to obtaining high-quality products, their long-term and effective preservation until the harvest. Various methods of drying intensification are used to obtain grain raw materials of conditioned humidity and reduce energy consumption in agricultural production: vibration drying, recirculation drying, preheating, vacuum drying, drying with the use of infrared radiation, drying of grain under the influence of an electric field and many others. Promising in terms of energy consumption and quality of raw materials is the use of vibrating dryers in combination with ozonation technology, which is an additional factor in intensifying the drying process. The article is devoted to solving the urgent problem of intensifying the process of drying grain raw materials and the development of a new vibration-ozonating complex that implements a comprehensive technological impact on the processed raw materials.
Proces pożniwnej obróbki ziarna, a zwłaszcza suszenia, jest jednym z najważniejszych w technologii produkcji rolniczej. Przetwarzanie to przyczynia się do uzyskania wysokiej jakości produktów, ich długotrwałej i skutecznej konserwacji aż do zbioru. W celu uzyskania surowców zbożowych o uwarunkowanej wilgotności i zmniejszeniu energochłonności produkcji rolniczej stosuje się różne metody intensyfikacji suszenia: suszenie wibracyjne, suszenie recyrkulacyjne, podgrzewanie wstępne, suszenie próżniowe, suszenie z wykorzystaniem promieniowania podczerwonego, suszenie ziarna pod wpływem pole elektryczne i wiele innych. Obiecujące pod względem energochłonności i jakości surowców jest zastosowanie suszarek wibracyjnych w połączeniu z technologią ozonowania, która jest dodatkowym czynnikiem intensyfikującym proces suszenia. Artykuł poświęcony jest rozwiązaniu palącego problemu intensyfikacji procesu suszenia surowców zbożowych oraz opracowaniu nowego kompleksu wibrująco-ozonującego, realizującego kompleksowy wpływ technologiczny na przetwarzane surowce.
Praca dotyczy procesu budowy zrobotyzowanego stanowiska do mycia, suszenia i sprawdzania szczelności form odlewniczych aparatów kierujących lotniczej turbiny niskiego ciśnienia. Proces przygotowania precyzyjnych wielowarstwowych ceramicznych form odlewniczych jest etapem żmudnym i czasochłonnym. Formy ceramiczne dotychczas czyszczono i myto w sposób ręczny i odkładano do magazynu w celu samoistnego wysuszenia. Przeprowadzono robotyzację tych dwóch podstawowych procesów oraz dodano etap sprawdzania szczelności form. Na poszczególne podzespoły i stację zrobotyzowanego zgłoszono wynalazki do Urzędu Patentowego a zaprojektowaną i zbudowaną stację wdrożono w firmie CPP (Consolodated Precision Products Poland sp. z. o.o.).
The work concerns the process of building a robotic stand for washing, drying and checking the tightness of casting molds of the steering apparatus of a low pressure aviation turbine. The process of preparing precise multilayer ceramic casting molds is a tedious and time consuming stage. Until now, ceramic molds have been cleaned and washed manually and placed in a warehouse for self drying. Robotization of these two basic proceeded was carried out and the stage of checking the tightness of the molds was added. The inventions were submitted to the Patent Office for individual components and the robotic station, and the designed and built station was implemented at CPP (Consolodated Precision Products Poland sp. z. o.o.).
This article is of an experimental and experimental nature. It consists of two parts: theoretical and research. The literature review includes the botanical characteristics of marjoram and basil and the nutritional use of these herbs. The article contains descriptions of the methods of drying herbs, as well as their quality parameters. Essential oils, their properties, methods of obtaining and examples of essential oils with the most popular applications were also discussed. The practical part includes research on planting marjoram and basil, observing and watering plants. Then the harvesting and drying of the herbs, and the last stage of obtaining essential oils from both raw materials.
Niniejszy artykuł ma charakter eksperymentalno — doświadczalny. Składa się z dwóch części: teoretycznej oraz badawczej. Przegląd literatury zawiera charakterystykę botaniczna majeranku i bazylii oraz spożywcze wykorzystanie tych Ziół. W artykule znajdują się opisy metod suszenia ziół, a także ich parametry jakościowe. Omówione zostały również' olejki eteryczne, ich właściwości, metody pozyskiwania oraz przykłady olejków eterycznych mających najpopularniejsze zastosowanie. Część’ praktyczna zawiera badania dotyczące wysadzenia majeranku i bazylii, obserwowania i podlewania roślin. Następnie zbioru i suszenia ziół, a w ostatnim etapie pozyskania olejków eterycznych z obu surowców.
The spontaneous wetting and drying of flat porous samples of linen, cotton and synthetic textiles were studied using dynamic neutron radiography (DNR). The progress of the wetting process of the media was delineated from the obtained neutron dynamical radiography images. The results of the investigation reveal a non-classical behaviour of kinetics of wicking of these materials. The character of the wetting kinetics is discussed in terms of the fractal character of the tortuosity of fabric capillaries.
Content available remote The latest technology for obtaining composite biofuel and fertilizers
One of the main problems of the modern world is the search for and supply of renewable energy resources that could compete with oil and natural gas. In recent years, the world is entering the era of biotechnology, which uses renewable raw materials to produce energy and materials. One of the sources of alternative types of fuel is peat, which is the cheapest type of fuel for the population, raw material for nutritious soils and organic-mineral fertilizers. The purpose of the work is to create the latest technology for obtaining composite fuel and fertilizers. The article examines the study of drying kinetics on a convective drying stand with an automatic system for collecting experimental data and their processing. The optimal modes of drying the composite mixture based on the solid residue of peat after the extraction of the humic component with crushed corn residues have been determined. According to the methods, the kinetics of heat-moisture exchange during drying of the composite mixture was calculated and it was determined that the generalized drying curves of the composite mixture coincide with the obtained experimental curves. The technology for obtaining humic substances and biofuel from peat and nutritious corn residues has been developed. Biofuel obtained by the technology on the basis of solid residue after extraction of humic substances from peat and nutritious residues of corn meets the standards of quality fuel and is 12.3 MJ/kg.
This paper presents a study of the heat and mass exchange processes of drying composite raw materials based on the solid residue after the extraction of humic substances from peat and nutritious corn stalk. A study of the drying kinetics of the composite mixture was conducted and energy-efficient modes were determined. The kinetics of heat-moisture exchange during drying of the composite mixture was calculated, and the kinetic regularities of drying were determined and summarized.
The current study focuses on the life cycle assessment and an economic valuation of a natural convection solar greenhouse dryer in Western Maharashtra, India. The Solar Greenhouse Dryer is an active device that gains solar radiation incident on to the surface of the dryer and along with wind energy, it removes moisture from agricultural yield. The combination of solar Energy and wind energy removes moisture from agricultural yield. The Solar Greenhouse Dryer is primarily used in rural settings; hence, it is very important to analyse the environmental and economic aspects associated with the dryer to obtain the maximum benefit from the dryer with less investment possible. The experiment involving a natural convection solar dryer was conducted at Bahe, Borgaon, Tal-Walwa, Dist- Sangli, Maharashtra, India located at 17.115° N and 74.33° E. The environmental parameters taken into considerations during the analysis covered energy, Energy payback time and CO2 emissions, mitigation and carbon credits earned by the dryer. The economic analysis of the solar dryer consists of the annual cost of the dryer, the salvage value, the annual saving obtained and the payback period respectively. The embodied energy of the solar greenhouse dryer considering all the components of the dryer is 238.317 kWh, the energy payback time is 0.588 years and CO2 emissions are 24.327 kg per year, the carbon dioxide mitigation is 2.042 kg per kWh and the carbon credits earned by the dryer are nearly 28, 600. The annual cost of the dryer is Rs. 21, 600, the salvage value of the dryer is Rs. 7, 160, the annual savings obtained from the dryer are Rs. 1,62, 574 and the payback period is around 2 years respectively. The Solar Greenhouse Dryer is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution that can effectively be used in rural settings by farmers to prevent various post-harvest losses associated with the agricultural yield and to gain extra additional income from the dried products.
The current study focuses on the performance of a solar greenhouse dryer for drying of potato chips in Solar Dryer and Open sun conditions in Western Maharashtra. Potato chips is a value added product that can be effectively used during throughout the year as snacks, a side dish or an appetizer. It can be either deep dried or backed for consumption. The dried potato contains a high fiber content and it helps to lower the cholesterol level in blood reducing the risk of blood pressure if consumed backed. Potato chips can effectively be stored for one year to six months and consumed as snacks. The experiment was conducted for drying of potato chips in Solar Greenhouse Dryer and open sun conditions on 1st of April 2021 for 6 hours. The initial weight of the potato chips to be dried was 500 grams both for the solar greenhouse dryer and open sun drying conditions. The experiment was conducted at Bahe, Borgaon, Tal-Walwa, Dist-Sangli, Maharashtra, India located at 17.115°N and 74.33°E. The experimental observations collected during the tests were set as input data for the Design of the Experiments (DoE) i.e., for Response Surface Modelling (RSM). The main aim of using DoE i.e., Response Surface Modelling, is to obtain an optimum region for drying of potato chips in the Solar Greenhouse Dryer, from the surface plot; the region of maxima and minima was obtained. The contour plot obtained during modeling resembles the optimum region of drying; the optimum region for drying of potato chips is 47 to 50°C respectively. The Moisture Removal Rate (MRR) for drying of potato chips in the Solar Greenhouse Dryer and Open sun drying is 83% and 78% respectively. The drying rate observed during the experiment has a better resemblance with simulated Response Surface Modelling.
The first research objective was the assessment of the selectivity of water and hydrogen adsorption by the 3A molecular sieve (MS) in the terms of the safety of using the DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) method as a diagnostic technique. The second objective was to demonstrate the efficiency of drying the insulation system consisting of cellulose insulation impregnated with various insulating liquids in terms of improving safety and extending the service life of power transformers. In order to achieve the assumed objectives, measurement systems were prepared and material tests were carried out, based mainly on chromatographic analyzes and measurements of water content using the Karl Fischer titration method. On the basis of the obtained test results and the conducted physical analyzes, the selectivity of MS sorption was shown and it was explained that the facilitator of the adsorption of water molecules is their polar nature related to their large dipole moment. The high efficiency of drying cellulose insulation impregnated with various insulating liquids using MS was also demonstrated.
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