This article demonstrates how language and culture determine the use of German „Heimat”, „Heimatland” and „Vaterland” translated into Polish as „ojczyzna”. From the perspective of anthropocentric linguistics, the central research object is primarily the translator who is responsible for the appropriateness of the translation result. The explication reflects the theories within the scope of linguistic worldview, developed by J. Bartmiński and A. Wierzbicka. The cognitive aspects of literary translation will be explained on the example of Mascha Kaléko’s poems, originally written in German.
In this paper I have assembled evidence, chiefly from my own field work on a branch of the Northern Ojibwa, which supports the inference that in the metaphysics of being found among these Indians, the action of persons provides the major key to their world view. While in all cultures “persons” comprise one of the major classes of objects to which the self must become oriented, this category of being is by no means limited to human beings. (...) Although not formally abstracted and articulated philosophically, the nature of “persons” is the focal point of Ojibwa ontology and the key to the psychological unity and dynamics of their world outlook. This aspect of their metaphysics of being permeates the content of their cognitive processes: perceiving, remembering, imagining, conceiving, judging, and reasoning.
The article deals with the fundamental concepts of Buddhism – samsara and nirvana, explains their etymology, and application in the philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism. At the end of the article, the author draws conclusions about the need to differentiate the general and particular applications of these concepts in comparative studies on religion, as well as about the variability and heterogeneity of approaches to the consideration of the Buddhist worldview within the Buddhist traditions.
Realism as one of methods of the philosophical mastering of the world has the protracted history. He is related to the philosophical inheritance not only ancient but also previous it east culture, as concepts «realism» are «realities» «reality» is demonstrated orientation of researcher on the searches of present in existing. Problematic of realism predominates and in the study of art, where the degree of accordance of the world is probed artistic the world to actual; accordances of the world of images to the world in which and the man of letters and artist search confirmation the appearances. Socialistic realism of epoch modern, especially period of unrestrained in the expression violent reorganization of the world, gravitated to the genre of heroic fresco. Works of writers A. Malyshkin, A. Seraphimovich, A. Veselyi is very models. In the conditions of revolution already it was not to individuality, unique and unique, because enormous the masses of «slivers» and «screws» did history. And their independent action was even encouraged. Realities and socialistic society changed attained the stage of the «developed socialism». On flight this new society which flew to nowhere, distinctly in a domestic literary process «cut» through and voice of writers-postmodernists, well-disposed to individualism and to principle of noninterference in what be going on.
The need for value-oriented upbringing is obvious and necessary, though difficult in the world full of contrasts, conflicts and plurality of worldviews. Upbringing to values is aimed at preparing children and young people to individual, conscious selection and hierarchization of values and being guided by them in all areas of their personal and professional lives. Axiological education helps to gain the ability to distinguish between good and evil, truth and falsehood, selfishness and altruism. A pedagogical approach to values has become the subject of many scientific considerations and discussions among parents and teachers. This article is a review of the relationships between value systems and upbringing.
Zanieczyszczenie biosfery stwierdzone jest jako fakt. Lecz podobne zanieczyszczenie może występować w sferze zmysłowej (lub noosferze, jak nazywają ją Wiernadski i Teilhard de Chardin). To zanieczyszczenie umysłu może mieć ogromne konsekwencje. We współczesnym świecie zagubiliśmy się w wielości relatywistycznych perspektyw, które nie stanowią podstawy konkrentnego obrazu świata; również nauka nie jest w stanie dostarczyć nam spójnego obrazu świata. Najwyższy czas, aby poszerzyć i wzbogacić istniejące perspektywy (i nasze myślenie o świecie) o perspektywę kosmiczną. Była ona rozpatrywana w XX wieku przez rosyjskich myślicieli związanych z kierunkiem nazywanym - kosmizm, takich jak K. Ciołkowski i W. Wiernadski.
We recognize that the pollution of the biosphere is a fact. However, we should also recognize that a similar process of pollution may occur in the sphere of thought (or noosphere, as Viernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin called it). Such pollution of the mind may have tremendous consequences. In the present world we are lost in the multitude of relativistic perspectives, which do not give a coherent picture of the world. And, science is not capable of providing the coherent picture we seek. It is high time to broaden and enrich the existing perspectives (and our thinking about the world) with a cosmic perspective. It has been discussed by Russian thinkers connected with the theory called Cosmizm, such as K. Ciołkowski and W. Wiernadski.
The article deals with the integrated technology of the educational process on the basis of a common integrated system of educational content. The ideas of humanization and humanitarization of education, orientation to the full development of the preschool/primary school children lies at the heart of this technology. The explored technology model is considered as a complete system, the general direction of which is the formation of a child’s entire perception of the world and the correct orientation of the objective activity and the success in it. The author focuses on the expediency of an integrated method of education and training, as well as provides the functional components of integrated knowledge of preschool and primary school children of the person and surrounding world. The development of a child during assimilation of integrated knowledge about the person and the surrounding world is a special process that is characterized, first and foremost, by the active emergence of new structures, new elements in the development and establishment of the new ties between the parties of an object. This process is determined by the integration of practical and theoretical skills. The conducted studies confirmed the importance of this approach. In conclusion the author identifies three functional components of the integrated knowledge of preschool and primary school children about the person and the surrounding world: informational, emotional, and motivating. An integrated approach allows significantly intensify both the “intellectualization of the child’s senses” (L. Vygotsky), and emotion and intellect. One of the conditions of implementation of the program is also to develop in children such qualities as self-collection of information from various sources (books, media, etc.); analysis, synthesis and classification of the received information: flow of knowledge (in particular, an effective speech); participation in shared activities with adults and peers, mastery of the norms and rules of behavior, relationships, understanding their appropriateness and necessity, the formation of a constructive relationship to change, constructive conflict resolution; development of own position, their own point of view. Knowledge and skills that are received at the end of the experiment become central to the understanding of reality while retaining its importance for the further development of the real world.
Contrary to popular opinions, teaching philosophical subjects is not ideologically neutral. Currently, philosophy is characterized by theoretical pluralism (the base of contemporary civilizational trends) which assumes that basic philosophical orientations, trends and positions are of the same value. Neither in the whole history of philosophy nor nowadays any criteria on the basis of which the superiority/inferiority of one philosophical formation over another could be clearly determined have been formed (apart from direct rejection of extreme cases of ideological orientations leading to such ideologies as the totalitarian one). It also applies to religious formations where the truth is believed to be in the act of faith, not in arguments based on knowledge. Meanwhile, in Polish school education Catholic worldview is being given preference (the lack of general philosophical education, clearly evident institutional obstacles to organize ethics classes). Almost compulsory school classes where religion (no matter which one) is taught is not in conformity with the modern worldview and cultural paradigm (compare e.g. the contemporary phenomenon of multi- and transreligiousness). The theoretical dispute about educational ideas, in the situation where the adoption of socially acceptable solutions is a must, has become an ideological dispute. Dominance of the Catholic worldview in school education is legitimate only on the grounds of tradition and socio-cultural interests of a given religious formation (the category of interest having priority over the category of socio-philosophical truth). The inadequacy of educational solutions in relation to the cultural truth of the current historical period is one of the causes of the present crisis of education in Poland. The analysis of possible solutions to the dispute about the ideology in education is becoming of great importance. One of the solutions is to introduce compulsory and universal philosophical education in Polish schools (an example of the nation’s cultural interest having priority over the interests of one religious formation).
Wbrew powszechnie panującym opiniom nauczanie przedmiotów filozoficznych nie jest światopoglądowo obojętne. Obecnie w filozofii występuje pluralizm teoretyczny (podstawa współczesnychtrendów cywilizacyjnych), zakładający równocenność podstawowych orientacji filozoficznych, nurtów i stanowisk. Jak w całym okresie dziejów filozofii, tak i obecnie nie sformułowano kryteriów, na podstawie których można by jednoznacznie wykazać wyższość/niższość jednej formacji filozoficznej nad inną (poza oczywistym odrzuceniem skrajnych przypadków orientacji ideowych, które prowadzą np. do ideologii totalitarnych). Dotyczy to również formacji religijnych, dla których prawda leży po stronie aktu wiary, a nie argumentu wypływającego z wiedzy. Teoretyczny spór o idee edukacyjne w warunkach nakazu przyjęcia rozwiązań społecznie akceptowanych stał się sporem o charakterze ideologicznym. Dominacja światopoglądu katolickiego w edukacji szkolnej legitymizowana jest jedynie tradycją i interesem społeczno-kulturowym tej formacji religijnej (kategoria interesu wyższa od kategorii prawdy społeczno-filozoficznej). Nieadekwatność przyjętych rozwiązań edukacyjnych wobec kulturowej prawdy obecnego okresu dziejowego jest jedną z przyczyn współczesnego kryzysu edukacji w Polsce. Istotna staje się analiza możliwości rozwiązania sporu o ideologię w edukacji. Jako jedną z propozycji jego rozwiązania przedstawia się propozycję wprowadzenia w polskiej szkole obowiązkowej, powszechnej edukacji filozoficznej (przykład interesu kulturowego narodu wyższego od interesu jednej formacji religijnej).
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Since phenomenology isn’t just a method of philosophical research but also a genuine philosophical stance, Husserl discusses in his famous article Philosophy as a Strict Science from 1910/11 at least three notions of philosophy to demonstrate, what should be considered solely as a scientifi c philosophy. Th is may only be his phenomenological philosophy, which Husserl contrasts against both in his time most popular philosophical positions, i.e. the naturalism, and the philosophy of world view. But there is also another “brand” of philosophy that’s being mentioned in his article: the so called ‘Tiefsinn’. Is it a fourth notion of philosophy, or just the extreme derivation from the “world view”? Not only shall our article answer that question, but also demonstrate Husserl’s conception of a phenomenological philosophy being a strict scientifi c philosophy in contrast to naturalism as well as the world view.
Fenomenologie není pouze specifi cká metoda filosofi ckého zkoumání, ale též svébytná fi losofi cká pozice. Husserl je znám a diskutován spíše jako autor právě zmíněné metody, ovšem ta přeci měla sloužit jakožto organon pro vytvoření samostatné fi losofi cké nauky. Proto se bude v příspěvku věnovat pozornost Husserlovu chápání toho, co je to filosofi e, a to v kontrastu proti dobově populárním fi losofi ckým pozicím, jimiž byly naturalismus a fi losofi e světového názoru s jeho nejodpudivější podobou nazývanou Husserlem pejorativně „Tiefsinn“: důvtipná duchaplnost. Husserl zamýšlí odstranit oba zmíněné typy fi losofi e skutečně přísně vědeckou fi losofi í, jež bude fi losofi í fenomenologickou.
In Francis Bebey's L'Enfant-pluie, the learner Mwana is burning with the desire to grow up. Weaned almost from his parents, he is forced to live in the village with his grandmother Iyo. He bases his daily sapiential quest on a repetitive questioning that he formulates towards his master. But beyond the child's fascination and in the face of the immensity of the training modules, what types of links do they singularize their relationship with Iyo? A didactic support for the teacher or simply a guidance for the learner? By backing our analysis with the phenotext-genotext diptych that underlies Edmond Cros' sociocritical approach, we organize our work into two main parts. First, we examine the thematic components that articulate Mwana's learning by showing each time how the artist-writer stylizes this theme to finally question the vision of the world he posits through his writing.
Dans L’Enfant-pluie de Francis Bebey, l’apprenant Mwana brûle d’envie de devenir grand. Sevré pour ainsi dire de ses parents, il est obligé de vivre au village aux côtés de sa grand-mère Iyo. Il fonde sa quête sapientiale journalière sur un questionnement répétitif qu’il formule à l’endroit de son maître. Mais par-delà la fascination de l’enfant et face à l’immensité des modules de formation, quels types de liens singularisent-ils son rapport à Iyo ? Un accompagnement didactique pour le maître ou simplement une guidance pour l’apprenant ? En adossant notre analyse au diptyque phénotexte-génotexte qui sous-tend l’approche sociocritique d’Edmond Cros, nous organisons notre travail en deux grandes parties. D’abord, nous scrutons les composantes thématiques qui articulent l’apprentissage de Mwana en montrant à chaque fois comment l’artiste-écrivain stylise cette thématique pour enfin interroger la vision du monde qu’il postule à travers son écriture.
This study explores the peculiarities of the emotional sphere of the students of the displaced higher educational institutions during quarantine restrictions due to coronavirus COVID–19. It has been found that the events in the East of Ukraine, which began in the spring of 2014, have been traumatically stressful for most residents of this territory and the internally displaced young persons. The fast-spreading COVID-19 has become a global challenge for the students. This process is turned to be a rapid one, and not every student can rapidly change the way of life and the type of learning activities. The students are in isolation, the emotions of them are not positive, and each student copes with this situation differently. They are to develop new strategies that benefit their psychological well-being. The emotional states of the students of the displaced higher educational institutions in the conditions of COVID–19 remain poorly understood. Thus, the significance of this problem and the lack of relevant psychological studies have determined the subject of our study. It also has been shown that the traumatic stress under the bygone circumstances and the quarantine restrictions due to coronavirus COVID–19 has not only made an impact on the students but continues to do so through various factors and reasons. The fear is caused not only by the past events but also by the concern about the fate of the relatives and classmates who still dwell on the occupied territory. It is normal to be concerned; moreover, the students are trying to develop their subjectively active efficient position.
Niniejsze badanie dotyczy specyfiki sfery emocjonalnej studentów przesiedlonych uczelni w okresie obowiązywania ograniczeń kwarantanny z powodu koronawirusa COVID-19. Stwierdzono, że wydarzenia na wschodzie Ukrainy, które rozpoczęły się wiosną 2014 był traumatycznie stresujący dla większości mieszkańców tego terytorium i młodych przesiedleńców wewnętrznych. Szybko rozprzestrzeniający się COVID-19 stał się globalnym wyzwaniem dla studentów. Okazuje się, że proces ten przebiega szybko i nie każdy uczeń może szybko zmienić styl życia i rodzaj zajęć edukacyjnych. Uczniowie są w izolacji, ich emocje nie są pozytywne, a każdy uczeń inaczej radzi sobie z tą sytuacją. Mają opracować nowe strategie, które będą korzystne dla ich dobrego samopoczucia psychicznego. Stany emocjonalne studentów wysiedlonych uczelni w warunkach COVID-19 pozostają słabo poznane. Tak więc znaczenie tego problemu i brak odpowiednich opracowań psychologicznych zdeterminowały przedmiot naszego badania. Wykazano również, że traumatyczny stres w minionych okolicznościach i ograniczenia kwarantanny spowodowane koronawirusem COVID-19 nie tylko wpłynęły na uczniów, ale nadal mają wpływ na różne czynniki i przyczyny. Strach w ywołują nie tylko przeszłe wydarzenia, ale także obawa o losy bliskich i kolegów z klasy, którzy nadal mieszkają na okupowanym terytorium. Troska jest normalna; ponadto studenci starają się wypracować swoją subiektywnie aktywną, efektywną pozycję.
Chrześcijańska myśl personalistyczna proponuje w procesie wychowania budowanie ciągłej relacji w przestrzeni wolności pojętej jako dar i zadanie od Boga. Pedagogia osobowej wolności autonomicznej wymaga dialogu, a nie monologu czy terroru, toteż w dialogicznym spotkaniu ucznia i wychowawcy ważną okazuje się zasada złotego środka. Analogicznie ma się rzecz w wychowaniu do wolności: i w wierze, i w rozumie. Tę prawdę wskazuje Jan Paweł II w Fides et ratio, gdy podkreśla, że obie te rzeczywistości wzajemnie się przenikają – każda we własnej przestrzeni, w której się realizuje. Między poznaniem rozumowym a poznaniem wiary istnieje głęboka i nierozerwalna jedność, która umożliwia osobie ludzkiej możność właściwego poznania samego siebie, świata i Boga. Za ks. prof. Józefem Tischnerem można powiedzieć, że Jan Paweł II, poddając krytyce wolność, pragnie ocalić wolność.
If we want to understand the concept of the pedagogy of personal autonomous freedom according to John Paul II, we must establish first the content of the appearing notions, and then clearly point out the main relationships that occur between faith and reason. Nowadays, on one hand we can observe increasing brutalization of social life and the cult of money, and on the other hand we can notice disrespect towards traditional values, numerous pathologies and social dysfunctions, including the fall of authority. In this context personal autonomous freedom should be examined in the reality of faith and reason. In the process of upbringing the Christian personalistic thought offers building constant relation in the space of freedom, which is understood as a gift and a task given from God. Pedagogy of personal autonomous freedom requires a dialogue, and not a monologue or terrorism, that is why the rule of the golden mean is crucial in the meeting between the teacher and the student. The same refers to education towards freedom: both in faith and in reason. John Paul II emphasises that both these realities permeate each other. There is a profound and unbreakable unity between the rational cognition and discovering faith, and this unity allows us to get to know ourselves, the world and God in an appropriate way. Freedom is the fundamental value, without which rebuilding the personal identity of a man is impossible. Paradoxically, it might be said that John Paul II, by criticising freedom wants to save it at the same time.
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