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This paper deals with the existence of solutions to the following differential inclusion: x˙ (t) ∈ F(t, x(t)) a.e. on [0, T[ and x(t) ∈ K, for all t ∈ [0, T], where F : [0, T] × K → 2E is a Carathéodory multifunction and K is a closed subset of a separable Banach space E.
The research aimed at evaluating four biochar types which have the most adequate characteristics as inoculant carrier of indigenous Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganism (PSM) from acid sulphate soil. The observed biochar characteristics consist of the bulk density, total pore space, water holding capacity, C organic, N, pH, EC, charcoal percentage, and ash content. The pore diameters and photomicrograph of biochar were observed by using SEM. The viability test was conducted in order to determine the appropriateness of biochar as PSM inoculant through inoculation on four biochar types made of rice husk, coconut shell, corncob, and oil palm empty bunch, followed by six months storage period. Monthly observation was conducted related to the PSM population, pH, and moisture content. The results show that interaction of biochar types and storage periods has no significant effect on the PSM viability, pH, and moisture content. The PSM viability of four biochars after six months storage period is relatively stable in the range of log 7.07 cfu.g-1 to log 9.18 cfu.g-1. The highest PSM viability was found on coconut shell biochar with the magnitude of log 9.18 cfu.g-1 and pH of 7.01 as well as moisture content of 26.86% after six months storage period. This research offers the advantage of using agricultural waste substance as biochar that capable to maintain microbial viability with six months storage period.
Content available remote Second-order viability problem: a baire category approach
The paper deals with the existence of viable solutions to the differential inclusion x(t) ∈ ƒ(t, x(t)) + ext F(t, x(t)), where ƒ is a single-valued map and ext F(t, x) stands for the extreme points of a continuous, convex and noncompact set-valued mapping F with nonempty interior.
We establish some sufficient conditions in order that a given locally closed subset of a separable Banach space be a viable domain for a semilinear functional differential inclusion, using a tangency condition involving a semigroup generated by a linear operator.
Content available remote Przebieg i wyniki restrukturyzacji przemysłu stalowego w Polsce
W artykule przedstawiono przebieg i wyniki procesu restrukturyzacji krajowego przemysłu stalowego (określanego także jako hutnictwo żelaza i stali) od transformacji ustrojowej 1989 roku. Omówiono wszystkie aspekty procesu restrukturyzacji, w tym: restrukturyzację finansową z uwzględnieniem pomocy publicznej, redukcję kosztów, zmiany zdolności produkcyjnych MMP, restrukturyzację zatrudnienia, wielkość i strukturę sprzedaży, realizację programów inwestycyjnych, ochronę środowiska, skuteczność restrukturyzacji mierzoną testem viability. Podano najistotniejsze założenia kolejno opracowywanych wersji rządowego programu restrukturyzacji przemysłu stalowego. Przedstawiono wyniki działań restrukturyzacyjnych w okresie do 2002 roku, do roku 2006 oraz utrwalanie wyników restrukturyzacji po roku 2006. Zaprezentowano kształt sektora po restrukturyzacji. Porównano wyniki restrukturyzacji polskiego sektora stalowego z wynikami restrukturyzacji sektorów stalowych w innych krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, należących do UE (w Czechach, na Słowacji i w Rumunii). Omówiono rolę Instytutu Metalurgii Żelaza w programowaniu i monitorowaniu procesu restrukturyzacji. Podkreślono różnorodność aspektów, którymi zajmował się Instytut, w tym udział w opracowywaniu analiz bazowych dla wszystkich rządowych programów restrukturyzacji, monitorowanie realizacji celów restrukturyzacyjnych, udział w konsultacjach merytorycznych z Komisją Europejską zarówno przed przystąpieniem, jak i po przystąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej.
In the paper the realization and results of restructuring of Polish steel sector since the transformation of economic system in Poland were presented. All aspects of restructuring process were discussed, in that: financial restructuring with using state aid, cost reduction, change of production capacities MPP, employment restructuring, production volume and structure, execution of investment programmes, environmental protection, effectiveness of restructuring in terms of viability. The key assumption of consecutive developed versions of national restructuring programme of steel sector were described. The results of restructuring effects till the year 2002 were presented, than in the period 2003-2006 and consolidation of the achieved results after the year 2006. The shape of the sector after restructuring was presented. The results of restructuring Polish steel sector were compared to such kind of results in other Central-East European UE members: Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania. The role of Instytut Metalurgii Żelaza in programming and monitoring of restructuring process in Poland was discussed. The variety of aspects which Institute dealt with were emphasized, in that participation in developing base analysis for all national restructuring programmes, monitoring of execution the restructuring objectives, participation in technical consultations with European Commission both before and after accession.
Content available remote Viability and generalized differential quotients
Necessary and sufficient conditions for a set-valued map K : R → Rn to be GDQ-differentiable are given. It is shown that K is GDQ differentiate at to if and only if it has a local multiselection that is Cellina continuously approximable and Lipschitz at to. It is also shown that any minimal GDQ of K at (to,yo) is a subset of the contingent derivative of K at (to,yo), evaluated at 1. Then this fact is used to prove a viability theorem that asserts existence of a solution to the initial value problem y(t) ∈ F(t, y(t)), with y(to) =yo, where F : Gr(K) → Rn is an orientor field (i.e. multivalued vector field) defined only on the graph of K and K : T → Rn is a time-varying constraint multifunction. One of the assumptions is GDQ differentiability of K.
Content available On risk reserve under distribution constraints
The purpose of this work is a study of the following insurance reserve model: $R(t) = η + ∫_{0}^{t} p(s,R(s))ds + ∫_{0}^{t} σ(s,R(s))dW_{s} - Z(t)$, t ∈ [0,T], P(η ≥ c) ≥ 1-ϵ, ϵ ≥ 0. Under viability-type assumptions on a pair (p,σ) the estimation γ with the property: $inf_{0≤t≤T} P{R(t) ≥ c} ≥ γ$ is considered.
Przepływ cieczy, zawierającej owadobójcze nicienie, przez szczeliny zaworów regulacyjnych w instalacji opryskiwacza może powodować śmierć części tych żywych organizmów. Oszacowano rozmiar tych szkód posługując się przeżywalnością względną nicieni. Badania przeprowadzono przy wielokrotnym przepływie nicieni poprzez szczelinę zaworu i ciśnieniach cieczy równych 0,50, 1,05 i 1,60 MPa. Najmniejszy spadek przeżywalności stwierdzono przy wartości ciśnienia 0,50 MPa i natężeniu przepływu 0,33 dm3s~'. Stwierdzono, że wyższe wartości ciśnienia cieczy i mniejsze natężenie przepływu powodowały znaczne obniżanie przeżywalności nicieni.
A flow of liquid containing entomopathogenic nematodes through gap of control valves in sprayer installation can cause death of apart of these living organisms. The range ofthose damages were assessed using a relative nematode viability Experiments were carried out with multiple flow of nematodes through valve gap when the liquid pressures were equal to 0,50; 1,05 and 1,60 MPa. The least fall of viability was observed when the value of pressure was 0,50 MPa and the liquid flow was equal to 0,33 dm3-s-1. Generally there was observed that higher values of the liquid pressures and smaller values of liquid flow ranges caused an appreciable decreasing of relative nematode viability.
PCL (poly-ε-caprolactone) is a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer of aliphatic polyester group. However, PCL does not effectively bind to the bone in contrast to bioactive inorganic compounds such as wollastonite. For this wollastonite (WS) is regarded as a potential bioactive material for bone tissue engeenering although its main drawback is brittlennes. Therefore we synthesized polymer nanocomposite materials composed of poly-ε-caprolactone and wollastonite (PCL/wollastonite) containing either 0.5% or 5% of the latter modifying filler. And we aimed to verify biological properties of the nanocomposite PCL/WS materials, in comparison to the pure PCL, on cultures of osteoblast-like cells MG-63. The study revealed that the adherence of the osteoblast-like cells to the tested materials was enhanced by the PCL modification (PCL/5WS > PCL/0.5WS > PCL) while cell viability/proliferation was not altered. Furthermore, the activity of alkaline phosphatase indicative of osteoblast differentiation (maturation) was enhanced when the cells were cultured with either PCL/5WS or PCL/0.5WS. Overall, our results indicate that PCL-modified wollastonite improves biological properties of the basic biomaterial suggesting its potential usefulness/application for the bone tissue regeneration.
Przeprowadzono badania nad zmianami przeżywalności nicieni Stejnernema feltiae, które przepływały wielokrotnie przez mieszadło strumieniowe stosowane w instalacjach opryskiwaczy. Średnice dysz mieszadła wynosiły od 1,2 do 3,0 mm, maksymalna wartość ciśnienia cieczy wyniosła 2,0 MPa, a wielokrotność przepływu od 0 do 40 razy. Na podstawie wyników badań opracowano równanie regresji. Stwierdzono, że spadek przeżywalności nicieni jest zależny od różnicy pomiędzy iloczynem ciśnienia cieczy i wielokrotności przepływu a iloczynem ciśnienia cieczy, wielokrotności przepływu i rozmiaru średnicy dyszy w mieszadle.
There were performed the investigations of the changes in viability of nematodes - Stejnernema feltiae, which repeatedly flew through a jet agitator applied in sprayer installations. The diameters of the agitator nozzles were from 1,2 to 3,0 mm, the maximum value of liquid pressure was 2,0 MPa and the multiplicity of liquid flow was from 0 to 40 times. The regression formula was calculated on the basis of the experiments results. There was noticed that decrease of the nematode viability depends on difference between a mathematical product of liquid pressure and flow multiple and the mathematical product of liquid pressure, flow multiple and diameter of the agitator nozzle.
Influence of melittin on viability and integrity of cell membrane on grade IV glioma. The grade IV glioma is one of the malignant human tumours. Today there is no effective treatment for this type of cancer. Alternative methods are sought-after in glioma treatment, and lately melittin has been found to be useful in anticancer therapy. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of melittin on the viability and the integrity of cell membranes of the grade IV glioma cells. The U87 glioma line cells were treated of melittin in increasing concentrations (5, 10, 15, 20 and 50 µg/mL) and incubated for 24 hours. After incubation, the tests were performed in order to investigate the cell morphology, cell viability, membrane integrity and the way of cell death. The results have shown the devastating effect of melittin on the glioma cells. The melittin causes disintegration of cell membranes and induces cell death by apoptosis and less by necrosis.
Wpływ melityny na żywotność i integralność błon komórkowych glejaka IV stopnia. Glejak IV stopnia jest jednym ze złośliwych nowotworów ludzkich. Do dziś nie wynaleziono skutecznego leku do walki z tym nowotworem. Melityna to jeden ze składników jadu pszczelego, który wykazuje działania antyrakowe. Celem badań było zbadanie wpływu melityny na żywotność i integralność błon komórkowych glejaka IV stopnia linii U87. Komórki glejaka IV stopnia linii U87 były traktowane roztworami melityny we wzrastającym stężeniu (5, 10, 15, 20 and 50 µg/mL) i inkubowane przed 24 godziny. Po inkubacji przeprowadzono badania w celu sprawdzenia morfologii komórek, ich żywotności, integralności błon komórkowych oraz drogę śmierci komórkowej. Wyniki wskazują na niszczący wpływ melityny na komórki glejaka. Melityna powoduje dezintegrację błon komórkowych oraz indukuje śmierć komórkową na drodze apoptozy oraz, w mniejszym stopniu, nekrozy.
Background. Problems in substantial under recovery of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans from carriers have been demonstrated for laboratories performing phase 2, step 2 efficacy tests on disinfectants relative to levels required by the EN 13697 standard. It was thus necessary to determine recoveries of these microorganisms following procedural losses incurred during drying and to optimise drying conditions such that recoveries then complied with the standard. Objectives. The aim of the study was to establish optimal drying conditions for the recovery of Candida albicans ATCC 10231 from carriers. Materials and Methods. The evaluation was performed according to the EN 13697:2001 standard procedure. A test suspension of Candida albicans and interfering substance were inoculated onto the surface of carriers (2 cm diameter stainless steel discs) and then dried under different conditions consisting of: a 37°C incubation with and without an incubator fan as well as at 23°C (room temperature) in a laminar air flow cabinet. Carriers were dried until the surfaces appeared visibly dry and the number of surviving organisms then recovered from the surface were quantified. The following were calculated for colony forming units (cfu); N (log10 cfu in a 0.05 ml test suspension), NC (the control log10 cfu in neutralizing medium), Nts (cfu numbers remaining on the surface) and the N-NC difference which should not exceed 2 log10 when microorganism recoveries are adequate and without any toxicity effects of the neutralising medium. Experiments was conducted using validating procedure (NC) which is performed with distilled water. Results. Drying at 37°C adversely affected the survival of Candida albicans and prevented the levels of microbial recovery from carriers to reach those specified by the EN 13697 standard. However, drying at around room temperatures of 23°C reduced Candida albicans mortality and increased recoveries from the carrier to levels compliant with the standard, where the N-NC differences were not greater than 2 log10. Conclusions. The viability of Candida albicans ATCC 10231 is sufficiently improved when carriers are dried at 23°C, even if the drying time exceeds 60 minutes. The density of the initial test suspension (N) should also be increased.
Wprowadzenie. Laboratoria wykonujące badania skuteczności środków dezynfekcyjnych fazy 2 etapu 2 (metody nośnikowe), przede wszystkim według normy EN 13697, zasygnalizowały problemy z odzyskiwaniem z nośników Pseudomonas aeruginosa i Candida albicans na poziomie wymaganym w normie. Konieczne było podjęcie badań dotyczących wpływu warunków suszenia zaszczepionych nośników na odzysk oraz wyznaczenia optymalnych warunków odzyskiwania drobnoustrojów po suszeniu inoculum. Cel. Celem niniejszych badań była ocena wpływu różnych warunków suszenia nośników z naniesioną zawiesiną Candida albicans ATCC 10231 na odzysk tych drobnoustrojów. Materiał i metody. Badania wykonano zgodnie z procedurą stosowaną w normie EN 13697: 2001. Zawiesinę testową Candida albicans oraz substancje obciążające nanoszono na powierzchnie testowe (dyski stalowe o średnicy 2 cm) i suszono w różnych warunkach: 37oC w cieplarce bez nawiewu, 37oC w cieplarce z nawiewem, 23oC w komorze laminarnej z nawiewem. Nośniki suszono do momentu uzyskania powierzchni wizualnie suchej. Po suszeniu liczba żywych organizmów odzyskanych z powierzchni była określana ilościowo. Z liczby jednostek tworzących kolonie (jkt) obliczano: N (log10 jtk w 0,05 ml zawiesiny testowej), NC (log10 jtk na nośniku w kontroli neutralizowania), Nts (liczba jkt, która pozostała na powierzchni nośnika) oraz różnicę N-NC, która w przypadku prawidłowego odzysku drobnoustrojów i braku toksycznego działania neutralizatora nie powinna przekraczać 2. Badanie wykonano, jako badanie walidacyjne NC, z użyciem wody destylowanej. Wyniki. Suszenie w temperaturze 37oC niekorzystnie wpływało na przeżywalność Candida albicans i uniemożliwiało uzyskanie odzysku drobnoustrojów z nośnika na poziomie wymaganym w normie EN 13697. Suszenie w temperaturze pokojowej (około 23oC) zmniejszało śmiertelność Candida albicans i zwiększało odzysk drobnoustrojów z nośnika, pozwalając na spełnienie wymagania normy, wg którego różnica N-NC jest nie większa niż 2 w dziesiętnej skali logarytmicznej. Wnioski. W celu zwiększenia przeżywalności Candida albicans ATCC 10231 nośniki należy suszyć w temperaturze 23oC, nawet, jeżeli czas suszenia przekracza 60 min. Wskazane jest również zwiększenie gęstości testowej zawiesiny wyjściowej (N).
In the research work the influence of temperature, mixing intensity and aeration on heavy metals release from two types of industrial heavy metal containing wastes - combustion ash and galvanic waste - was analyzed. The bioleaching process was carried out using the culture based on the activated sludge as a source of active, sulphur-oxidizing microflora. The presence of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans bacteria was proved using PCR technique. The culture was initially adapted to the growth in presence of 1% sulphur, up to the moment it achieved pH 1-2. The experiment was carried out in four variants, with different process parameters: temperature 22 degrees C, mixing 125 rpm, without aeration; temperature 22 degrees C, mixing 50 rpm, without aeration; temperature 37 degrees C, mixing 125 rpm, without aeration; temperature 22 degrees C, mixed and aerated with compressed air. After 14 days the amount of heavy metals released from the wastes was determined using ASA method to evaluate the process effectiveness in different experimental conditions. Mean value, standard deviation and variation coefficient was calculated. The effectiveness of heavy metals removal from the ash was significantly higher than the galvanic sludge bioleaching, in which only cadmium and chromium was effectively released (with the average effectiveness of 14.8-47.8% of Cd and 12.5-90,6% of Cr, depending on the experimental variant). In case of the combustion ash, the average removal efficiencies were: 1.1-22% of Zn, 04-12.3% of Cu, 2.8-19.7% of Pb, 3.4-6.7% of Cd, 2.8-52.2% of Ni and 43.8-87.4% of Cr, depending on process parameters. The increase of temperature from 22 to 37 degrees C resulted in the increased effectiveness of almost all metals from both tested wastes. Cadmium was the only metal that was leached better in 22 degrees C. In case of galvanic waste, Cd was released more effectively in cultures with mixing intensity of 125 rpm, and in the culture without aeration, while the aeration was favorable to Cr release. For the ash the additional aeration increased the removal of Cu, Cd, Ni and Cr. Copper, lead, nickel and chromium were released effectively using the 50 rpm mixing but zinc - in 125 rpm. The influence of the mixing intensity on cadmium bioleaching from the ash was not observed. The research indicated that the influence of tested parameters depended on the type of the waste as well as the kind of the metal. It is probably influenced by the other factors like the form of the metal in the waste, that should be a subject of further investigations.
Germination and viability of stored European beech (Fagus sylvatica) seeds can vary depending upon the time when the tests are done during seed storage. To determine the possible sources of such variation the germination (GERM), germination rate expressed as mean germination time (MGT) and viability (VIAB) of six beechnut lots (three lots from two crop years) were determined monthly for one year using controlled laboratory conditions and standard tests. Higher GERM of some lots occurred when tests for stored seeds were carried out in spring and early autumn while other lots germinated better during summer tests. Similarly, different germination speed (dormancy release) and VIAB were observed in different months for different lots. However, no consistent seasonal fluctuation in GERM, MGT or VIAB of the beechnuts was observed in the tests. The reason for this fluctuation seems to be initial quality (germination and dormancy) of beechnut lots rather than any endogenous factors
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