This article treats selected oral poems whose topoi or motifs have transcended time and space to play out themselves in modern African fictions where colonial languages and their consequent habits of thought serve as media of enunciation. Thereafter, it beams attention on African scholars and writers who have attempted, presumably, to translate the oral medium of expression into indigenous and/or colonial written form(s) while maintaining the navel-strings that linked them, through the transfer of topoi and from the local and indigenous language to the Europhone form which, though, has led to international recognition, also serves to affirm a classic consequential illustration of the zero sum game
The first scholar who tried to categorise Judaic topoi in Polish literature was Władysław Panas. He pointed out a tripartite division of texts: the written Torah (Hebrew Bible, i.e. the Old Testament), spoken Torah (Talmud and post-rabbinic literature) and Kabbalah, all of which are known as a common treasury of images and a common cultural code containing an extensive corpus of topoi. This order was changed dramatically by the Shoah, which does not belong to the Judaic topoi, but constitutes new modern Jewish topoi. The first scholar who tried to systematise these new topoi was Sławomir Buryła. The article attempts to describe the presence of Shoah topoi in contemporary Polish literature (after 2000), using the example of Igor Ostachowicz’s prose (Noc żywych Żydów [Night of the Living Jews], 2012).
Charity and almsgiving, as the religious and social act of philanthropy and concern for the salvation of the soul, were one of the obligatory and permanent duties of rulers in the Middle Ages. Serbian medieval rulers were known for their numerous charitable donations to the poor, sick, old, widows, pilgrims, needy, as well as builders of churches, monasteries, hospitals. Many of these charitable deeds of the Serbian rulers became the subject of Serbian medieval literature. The topos of clandestine charity was particularly popular, since it well represented the beneficence and clemency of Serbian rulers, their piety and their respect for the poor. Disguised as beggars, several Serbian rulers (particularly Milutin, Stefan Dečanski, and Stefan Lazarević) were helping the poor by night, by giving them alms. These topoi are observed in hagiographies and church poetry, as well as in folklore and mythology. The hero in the beggar’s clothing is related to the international story model of deities or demons that travel the world and test the people.
The paper attempts at presenting diversity in discourse research and defining educational discourse in its new cognitive-procesual aspect. The analysis is concentrated on formalized educational discourse undergoing ideological influences through mass, public and government supervised education. For the detailed discussion multiperspective method including critical and rhetorical analysis has been proposed acknowledging the separateness of makro and discursive strategies together with their topoi in the common ideological – cognitive mean.
Drawing on the German novel Feuchtgebiete by Charlotte Roche and its translation into Czech – Vlhká místa, the paper will examine the different horizons of reception in the source and target cultures. Roche has brought many topoi belonging to the discourse of open corporeality to the centre of the canonized literary polysystem in the German space. Consequently, the author of this paper will discuss to what extent this centripetal movement can be transferred to the Czech literary landscape. While the German source text was labelled “a manifesto of sexual spontaneity” and was in the centre of media attention for a long time, the text of the Czech translation experienced a completely different reception. The paper has the following aims: 1) to show the differences that can be interpreted as direct consequences of the translation process; 2) to mediate the specifics of the reception of the source and target texts and to define their position in the respective literary polysystems.
Poetics of death in the early work of Bohuslav Reynek This article is dedicated to the poetics of death in the early works of the Czech poet, translator and graphic artist Bohuslav Reynek (1892–1971). The author focuses his attention on the topos of death, which is the overarching theme that encloses other important motives associated with it and described by the author as “intermotives”. Typical of the whole first volume of Reynek’s poetry is the combination of the natural world with the vision of a Christian order, which at the end of human life tends toward an apocalyptic end of the earth and confrontation with the salvation of Jesus Christ.
Poetyka śmierci we wczesnej twórczości Bohuslava Reynka Artykuł poświęcony jest poetyce śmierci we wczesnych dziełach czeskiego poety, tłumacza i grafika Bohuslava Reynka (1892–1971). Autor tekstu skupia swoją uwagę na toposie śmierci, na który składają się ważne motywy z nim związane, nazwane przez niego intermotywami. Dla całego pierwszego tomu poezji Reynka typowe jest połączenie świata natury z wizją chrześcijańskiego porządku, w którym kres ziemi i ludzkiego życia w konfrontacji z dziełem zbawienia Jezusa Chrystusa zmierza ku apokalipsie.
W artykule przedstawiona jest analiza toposów występujących w debatach parlamentarnych z lat 2015–2016 w Szwecji i Niemczech, poświęconych polityce azylowej ww. państw. Celem tego badania porównawczego jest wyłonienie toposów oraz scharakteryzowanie argumentacji politycznej skupionej wokół kwestii migracyjnej. Tę argumentację cechuje w większym stopniu charakter proceduralny niż merytoryczny, co ma związek z kontekstem politycznym, a więc układem sił konkurencyjnych partii. Wydaje się, że szczególnie w przypadku Szwecji w debacie parlamentarnej strony kładą nacisk na konsensu i kooperację. Wynikać zaś to może z faktu, że w tym kraju – jak również ogólnie w krajach Skandynawii – rządy mają charakter mniejszościowy, co sprzyja retoryce współpracy.
The aim of this topos analysis is to identify features of argumentation in Swedish parliamentary debates on asylum policy in 2015 and 2016 compared to German debates. Findings include a focus on procedural rather than substantive aspects and an adaptation of government-like argumentation by cooperating opposition parties. These can be attributed to the focus on consensus and cooperation in Sweden, governed by a minority government, and may be typical of minority governments, common in Scandinavia, in general.
This article aims to explore how psychologist Aleksandra Sileńska, known online as Mom Therapist, addresses the mental health of mothers in her Facebook posts. Through content analysis and rhetorical tools, including the categories of topos and the triad of ethos, pathos, and logos, the study examines Sileńska’s communication strategies. The findings reveal that she predominantly employs pathos and ethos in her posts. Additionally, her promotion of the Cared-for Mom model contrasts sharply with the traditional Polish Mother topos, which often overlooks the mental health of mothers.
Celem artykułu jest pokazanie, jak o zdrowiu psychicznym mam pisze psycholog Aleksandra Sileńska, znana w sieci jako Mama Terapeutka. Przedmiotem badania stały się jej wpisy z serwisu Facebook, wykorzystano analizę zawartości oraz wybrane narzędzia z zakresu retoryki – kategorię toposu oraz triadę etos, patos, logos. Zaobserwowano, że autorka korzysta w swoich publikacjach głównie ze strategii patosowych oraz etosowych, a propagowany przez nią model Mamy Zaopiekowanej stanowi – w wielu aspektach – opozycję dla toposu Matki Polki, w którym pomijano kwestię zdrowia psychicznego mam.
Whereas we can regard it as a well-known fact in research that already kindergartners are able to justify their statements, not only language acquisition research might be surprised by the observation that they build their arguments supported in a sophisticated way on traditional topoi of classical rhetoric. This paper analyzes argumentative peer talk of preschoolers with the aim to reconstruct the topoi used and to design on this basis a topos inventory for the age group capturing the creativity and complexity of the arguments. The analysis represents a synthesis of conversation and argumentation analysis.
The cycle 24 Etudes in All Major and Minor Keys op. 44 by Józef Wieniawski (1837-1912) demonstrates the essential unity of the virtuoso and the composer in a dynamic process of transforming the genre. This played an important part in providing innovative solutions not only in relation to piano-playing, but also in its significant influence on the development of texture, diversification of the instrumental sound and the expansion of means of musical expression in nineteenth-century piano music. Wieniawski, following Transcendental etudes or Concert etudes by Liszt, whose pupil he was in Weimar, blurs the boundaries between improvisation and composition; he draws attention to the unique nature of interpretation, its singularity and the specificity of the moment in time when the work is performed. Continuing the tradition of the grand cyclic form as a special kind of universum, he implements the concept of diversity in unity. The 24 characteristic miniatures reveal contextual links, intra-musical relationships, and the quest for individual solutions. This problematic concerns issues such as symbolic references, which lead one to an extensive catalogue of expressive qualities.
The purpose of this article is to analyze rhetorical strategies in the donation crowdfunding model. The research material is 40 business cards of creators on who maintain profiles in the journalism category, have at least one hundred patrons and receive a monthly amount of funding not less than the minimum gross national salary. Based on these, the topoi focused on building a community with the audience were extracted, confirming that the most significant role in this form of crowdfunding is played by pathos strategies and trust in the creator.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza strategii retorycznych w donacyjnym modelu crowdfundingu. Materiałem badawczym jest 40 wizytówek twórców w serwisie, którzy prowadzą profile w kategorii publicystyka, zrzeszają co najmniej stu patronów oraz uzyskują miesięczną kwotę finansowania nie niższą niż minimalna pensja krajowa brutto. Na ich podstawie wyodrębniono toposy skoncentrowane na budowaniu wspólnoty z odbiorcami, potwierdzając, że najistotniejszą rolę w tej formie crowdfundingu odgrywają strategie patosowe oraz zaufanie do twórcy.
The article deals with the classification of topoi and offers a distinction between conceptualizing topoi, based on similarity and juxtaposition or on the conceptual element of a rhetorical argument, and descriptive topoi, describing the world and the human being, which are close to formulae and cliches. The two kinds of topoi correspond to two fundamental categories of argumentation: “reflection” and “description”. The functions of these topoi are demonstrated on numerous examples from the literature of the post-rhetorical era (19th century), proving the continuity between this literature and the socalled “epoch of the ready-made word”.
В статье ставится вопрос о разновидностях топосов и предлагается классификация, включающая топосы-концептуализаторы, в основе которых лежит уподобление и сопоставление или концептуальный элемент риторического аргумента, и топосы-дескрипторы, описывающие мир и человека и близкие к формулам и клише. Два вида топосов соответствуют фундаментальным категориям аргументации: «рассуждению» и «описанию». Функционирование этих топосов демонстрируется на многочисленных примерах из литературы постриторической эпохи (XIX в.), чем доказывается ее преемственность по отношению к «эпохе готового слова».
The author in article "The late works of Bohumil Hrabal" deals with the late work of Bohumil Hrabal, especially correspondence with the American student of bohemistic (Czech studies) April Gifford, which the writer called Dubenka. This imaginary correspondence was not conducted on the axis writer (Hrabal) - addressee (Gifford), but the author (Hrabal) - texts for readers of publishing house Pražská imaginace (Prague imagination) in Prague, which were later collected in a book Dopisy Dubence (Letters for Dubenka) in 1995. The author of this article analyzed Hrabal late literary work with a heroine Dubenka and reminds some intertextual (inter-literary) relations with the former European cultural codes and topoi in literature (Ariadne and Theseus, Minnesang, Dante and Beatrice, Goethe and Ulrika, Rilke).
Teza/cel: Tekst ma charakter przeglądowy i jest próbą wskazania użyteczności arystotelesowskiej teorii „miejsc” retorycznych w medioznawczych badaniach wizerunku liderów politycznych i religijnych. Uwzględniono podział topoì na naturalne (antropologiczne) i kulturowe (ideologiczne). Pierwsze z nich rozumiane są jako świadomie bądź nieświadomie głęboko zakorzenione we wspólnej ludzkiej naturze, dotyczą zatem wszystkich ludzi. Drugie z kolei badają sposób realizacji ludzkiej natury w przestrzeniach kultury różnych epok historycznych. Tekst jest głosem w dyskusji i próbą udowodnienia, że teorię toposów można uznać za komplementarną wobec teorii framingu w analizie medialnego wizerunku liderów politycznych i religijnych. Metoda badawcza: W podjętej analizie uwzględniono kwestie tożsamości, stereotypizacji oraz wybrane wizerunkowe i komunikologiczne wymiary przywództwa politycznego i religijnego. Posłużono się metodą analizy i syntezy. Odwołano się do teoretycznych prac badawczych nad zastosowaniem koncepcji topoì w naukach o komunikacji społecznej i mediach oraz framing analysis takich medioznawców, jak Norberto Gonzàlez Gaitano, Terézia Rončáková, Piotr Studnicki, Douglas Walton, Chris Reed, Fabrizio Macagno. Wyniki/Wnioski: Toposy mogą być stosowane zarówno do budowania wizerunku pozytywnego jak i negatywnego liderów politycznych i religijnych. Zastosowanie tych samych struktur argumentacyjnych w tekście daje możliwość spotkania się zwolennikom i przeciwnikom określonych osób bądź instytucji. Toposy mają zastosowanie w budowie klucza kategoryzacyjnego i stanowią istotną pomoc w interpretacji tekstu. Można je uznać za teorię komplementarną wobec framingu w analizie medialnego wizerunku liderów politycznych i religijnych.
Purpose: The text is a review and is an attempt to indicate the usefulness of the Aristotelian theory of rhetorical “places” in media studies of the image of political and religious leaders. The division of topoi into natural (anthropological) and cultural (ideological) is taken into consideration. The first one is understood as consciously or unconsciously deeply rooted in the common human nature, and therefore concerns all people. The second one, in turn, examines the way of realization of the human nature in cultural spaces of different historical epochs. The text is a voice in the discussion and an attempt to prove that the theory of topos can be considered complementary to the theory of framing in the analysis of the media image of political and religious leaders. Method: The analysis took into consideration, among others, issues of identity, stereotyping and selected image and communicological dimensions of political and religious leadership. It uses the method of analysis and synthesis. Reference was made to theoretical research work on the application of the concept of topoi in the sciences of social communication and media and framing analysis of such media experts as, among others, Norberto Gonzàlez Gaitano, Terézia Rončáková, Piotr Studnicki, Douglas Walton, Chris Reed, Fabrizio Macagno. Result/Conclusion: Topoi can be used to build both a positive and a negative image of political and religious leaders. The use of the same argumentative structures in the text provides an opportunity to meet supporters and opponents of specific people or institutions. Topoi are used in the construction of the categorization key and are an important help in the interpretation of the text. They can be considered as a theory complementary to framing in the analysis of the media image of political and religious leaders.
These/Ziel: Der Beitrag gilt als eine Übersicht und versucht, auf die Nutzbarkeit der aristotelischen Theorie von rhetorischen Topoi in den Untersuchungen zum Medienbild der politischen und religiösen Anführer hinzuweisen. Man berücksichtigte die Teilung der Topoi in die natürlichen (anthropologischen) und kulturellen (ideologischen). Die ersten von ihnen werden als bewusst bzw. unbewusst tief in der gemeinsamen menschlichen Natur eingewurzelte Topoi verstanden, beziehen sich also auf alle Leute. Die zweitgenannten untersuchen dagegen die Art und Weise, wie sich die menschliche Natur in den Kulturräumen unterschiedlicher historischer Epochen verwirklicht. Der Text gehört zu einer breiteren Diskussion und versucht zu beweisen, dass die Theorie der Topoi gegenüber der Framing-Theorie in der Analyse des Medienbildes der politischen und religiösen Anführer als komplementär zu betrachten ist. Forschungsmethode: In der durchgeführten Analyse berücksichtigte man u.a. die Fragen der Identität, der Stereotypisierung sowie die gewählten Image- und Kommunikationsdimensionen der politischen und religiösen Führung. Man bediente sich der Methode der Analyse und Synthese, griff auf die theoretischen Forschungsarbeiten zur Anwendung der Theorie von topoi in den Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften sowie auf die framing analysis verschiedener Medienwissenschaftler wie etwa Norberto Gonzàlez Gaitano, Terézia Rončáková, Piotr Studnicki, Douglas Walton, Chris Reed, Fabrizio Macagno zurück. Ergebnisse/Schlussfolgerungen: Die Topoi finden im Aufbau sowohl eines positiven als auch eines negativen Bildes der politischen und religiösen Anführer Anwendung. Die Benutzung von gleichen Argumentationsstrukturen im Text gibt den Befürwortern und Gegnern bestimmter Personen bzw. Institutionen die Möglichkeit, miteinander zu verkehren. Die Topoi sind im Bau vom Kategorienschlüssel anzuwenden und gelten als eine große Hilfe bei der Textinterpretation. Man kann sie für eine Theorie halten, die gegenüber der Framing-Theorie in der Analyse des Medienbildes der politischen und religiösen Anführer komplementär ist.
The paper deals with the dispute about management of the Šumava National Park. The paper characterizes the discourse on the Šumava National Park on the basis of two interviews with the representatives of the contradictory positions. It analyzes the central topics, topoi and concepts by applying the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA). The paper focuses on the way how both interviewees construct their opponent, how they construct the attribute “human” and in which contexts they use pronouns “we” and “they”. The paper reveals that the way of displaying the past is crucial for the identification of both dominant narratives. The basic interdiscursive relations in which the discourse on the Šumava National Park is involved are also outlined.
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