Globalizację można współcześnie definiować i rozumieć na wiele sposobów. Początkowo polegała ona głównie na koncentracji kapitałów w celu rozszerzania konkurencyjnych rynków. Dziś z pewnością możemy mówić, iż jest to jeden z najszybciej rozwijających się systemów gospodarczych światowej ekonomii.
This paper presents the issues related to the specific of market of regional and traditional products and shows how important may be the development of this market in the context of environmental protection. This is due to the fact that the idea of food production and consumption in the same region reduces the need for long-distance transport (this reduces fuel consumption and also helps reduce the greenhouse effect). Another issue is that the regional products are made from components having a common ecological character (this helps to reduce chemical treatments that may harm nature). Besides, in some cases, regional products can contribute to maintaining natural ecosystems and enhance natural values of a specific area. An example of this is described in detail in this study regional product “Sudeten Beef”, which is produced in the Polish part of the Sudetes Mountains in the voivodeship of Lower Silesia (south-western Poland). Regional products can play an important role in sustainable development, particularly in relations to the peripheral areas. This applies to environmental aspects as well as the typical economic. In this article defines sustainable development as a way of doing business, which on the one hand give a positive economic results, and at the same time will as far as possible to care for the environmental and does not cause over-exploitation of resources, so that future generations can also use them. In addition, sustainable development also means equalizing opportunities between regions with high growth potential (usually of a large urban areas) and areas with less growth potential (in Polish condition this is particularly true of rural areas far from big cities). According to such assumptions, the development of regional product’s market can contribute to sustainable economic development of rural areas, because it gives opportunities to create new jobs, increasing incomes and the stimulation of the local community. Regional product „Sudeten Beef”, which is the main focus in this article, has a good chance to market success. This product comes from meat obtained from cattle in meat and combined type, which is kept in Sudeten districts. This is due to both the natural character of the Sudetenland, and the potential of demand and supply in the study area. Placing on the market “Sudeten Beef” should enable the development of agricultural production in direction to which the region is especially predisposed because of natural conditions. This product may also be a source of additional income for local farmers and entrepreneurs. The benefits reach also the consumers who receive high quality and unique food product that will enrich the catering and tourist offer in the study area. Placing such type of product on the market can run non-agricultural activities in rural areas covered by the project. This type of activity can help in the integration of local communities related to agricultural, food production, catering and tourism. Finally it can help to preserve valuable environmental assets Sudeten Mountains (grazing cattle will help to maintain a balance in areas of high natural value, due to the act as “natural lawn”).
W artykule podjęto problem względnie niskiego poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego województwa podlaskiego na tle Polski oraz Unii Europejskiej. Na jego obszarze od lat produkt krajowy brutto w przeliczeniu na jednego mieszkańca, mierzony parytetem siły nabywczej, nie przekracza 50% średniej unijnej. W opracowaniu przyjęto hipotezę, że produkty regionalne i tradycyjne są istotnymi czynnikami wspierającymi rozwój gospodarczy województwa podlaskiego. Specyficzne położenie, warunki naturalne oraz fakt, że województwo podlaskie to tygiel wielu kultur, religii, narodowości, sprawiają, że na tym terenie występuje potencjał do produkcji wyrobów regionalnych i tradycyjnych, co w warunkach rosnącego popytu na tego typu dobra stwarza nowe perspektywy wzrostu i rozwoju gospodarczego dla tego obszaru Polski.
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W artykule został omówiony problem żywności tradycyjnej z perspektywy jej producentów. Rynek żywności tradycyjnej w ostatnich latach odnotował wzrost dynamiki, który był spowodowany głównie zainteresowaniem producentów towarami umieszczanymi na Liście Produktów Tradycyjnych. Polska przesłała do Komisji Europejskiej kilkanaście wniosków o wspólnotową rejestrację, z czego część doczekała się pierwszych publikacji w Dzienniku Urzędowym Wspólnot Europejskich. Wśród producentów żywności tradycyjnej dominuje głównie nastawienie na zwiększanie w przyszłości w ramach własnej działalności sprzedaży oraz produkcji żywności tradycyjnej, w tym przede wszystkim poprawę jej marketingu.
The paper reviews issues related to traditional food from the perspective of its producers. Research conducted during the Poznan International Fair “Polagra 2006” among producers was used in the paper. This examination brought attention to problems stemming from the functioning of such basic ideas as regional and traditional products, including consumers’ awareness of such products, as well as the current possibilities of introducing traditional food to the market in relationship to the binding sanitary-epidemiological-veterinarian rules and norms. A separate issue discussed in the paper concerns barriers in the development of rural areas and possibilities of eliminating them by means of financing from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. In conclusion, the Author forecasts the directions of change in the traditional Polish food market.
Branding of regional products in local development is very important. These products are part of both building the national identity of many regions of the EU that produce and sell them, as well as being unique in terms of taste, utility, but also safe for health. Awareness of their existence and full identification is low. After all, a product brand includes not only word and graphic elements, but also, and perhaps most importantly, all the feelings and associations associated with a branded product or service, which ultimately influence customers’ purchasing decisions.
Kreowanie marki produktów regionalnych w rozwoju lokalnym jest bardzo ważne. Produkty te są elementem zarówno budowania tożsamości narodowej wielu regionów UE, które zajmują się ich produkcją i sprzedażą, jak również są niepowtarzalne pod względem walorów smakowych, użytkowych, ale także bezpieczne dla zdrowia. Świadomość ich istnienia i pełnej identyfikacji jest mała. Marka produktu obejmuje bowiem nie tylko elementy słowno-graficzne, ale również, a być może przede wszystkim, wszelkie odczucia i skojarzenia związane z produktem lub usługą sygnowaną daną marką, które w ostatecznym rozrachunku wpływają na decyzje zakupowe klientów.
This article aims to examine the effects of new technology on the purchase of regional brands in Czechia and draw conclusions that will help to adapt the brands to customer needs. Regional brands are a speciality of Central Europe, which emerged due to consumer dissatisfaction with low-quality of global retail products. These traditional local handmade products are heavily influenced by new technology and customers requiring them to be purchasable online with a massive online presence. The sample consisted of 1050 residents of the Czech Republic. The data were gathered by a professional marketing agency Ipsos using a questionnaire survey. The sample was tested using the one-way Chi-square test, which had good compliance to test the basic sample characteristics, followed with the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to test the data distribution, and then, the dependencies were tested with the Kruskal-Wallis test. Finally, a post-hoc test suitable for the type of analysis could be chosen to better understand the type of factors that could influence the results and their possible effect. The main findings indicate a slow change in the demand as customers are neutral in relation to regional brands available from online shops as well as their about social media presence but require them to have a good-quality website. Solutions are proposed using a government-run brand with a platform providing web layouts and hybrid e-shop. The type of content is proposed, indicating the appropriate execution, which should be done based on the researched-derived segmentation criteria.
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Eating is an inevitable part of every journey and therefore, expanding the gastronomic offer should be a priority for the tourism industry. There are dishes popular among tourists in particular parts of Poland and they are indicated in this paper. The regions are connected with the products which added to the List of Traditional Products have an opportunity to become famous not only in the country but also to become a great export commodity. However, agrifood products are under special protection and have the potential to become unbeatable in the gastronomic offer when enlisted in the European Union system of Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical Indication and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed. Also current trails in Poland are presented in the paper. On such culinary trails, a tourist can become familiar with both regional flavours and traditions as well as with local customs. There are not too many of them in our country, but new ones are constantly being established and becoming more and more popular. A questionnaire survey was carried out to evaluate the attractiveness of a regional cuisine and its importance in tourism. It consisted of questions concerning the knowledge of regional dishes and the willingness to know them. On the basis of the obtained results, it has been stated that a potential tourist is interested in getting to know new dishes. However, she or he does not know many regional dishes. There were also problems with names and locating the dishes in a particular region correctly.
Revitalisation is nowadays one of the most frequently used notions related to the renovation and reclamation of cities as well as restoration of splendour to areas and facilities. It should be remembered, however, that revitalisation is also a process of social renewal (social projects) and revival of the economic space of a city or a region. Well-maintained, original, historic urban space also becomes an inspiration for the development of many socio-cultural initiatives, enriching the offer of the city and making it attractive for both the residents and representatives of the creative class, on whom, to a large extent, the economic growth of the city is dependent. This interdependence of caring for an attractive space and the development of other aspects of city life, including the economic one, also takes form of marketing activities that consist in promoting the cultural legacy of the city and region as a special "product" that distinguishes a particular area.
The article attempts to present in legal terms activities that will play a supporting function in relation to biodiversity. These include food quality assurance systems (in particular, food production using traditional methods, using local raw materials), organic production and freedom from genetic recombination under the voluntary GMO-free labelling system. Due to the specifics of the study, the dogmatic method was used. It allowed the analysis of research material, which are the applicable provisions and draft EU regulations and national laws. In order to expand the issues and highlight the issues being the subject of the study, the method of content analysis and document analysis was used to show the relevance of the issue and its significant social significance. Critical interpretation of texts, in particular legal ones, in turn allowed to determine current trends. The views of the representatives of the science of law were analyzed, and to the extent necessary representatives of other sciences. Legal acts, legal monographs, comments and scientific articles were used. The analysis was aimed at demonstrating and emphasizinge the multi-faceted and complexity of the issue.
W artykule podjęto próbę zaprezentowania w ujęciu prawnym działań, które będą pełnić funkcję wspierającą względem bioróżnorodności. Wśród nich znajdują się systemy gwarantowania jakości żywności (w szczególności wytwarzanie żywności z zachowaniem tradycyjnych metod, z użyciem lokalnych surowców), produkcja ekologiczna oraz wolność od rekombinacji genetycznej w ramach dobrowolnego systemu znakowania „wolne od GMO”. Z uwagi na specyfikę opracowania wykorzystano metodę dogmatyczną, za pomocą której przeprowadzono analizę materiału badawczego składającego się z obowiązujących przepisów oraz projektów rozporządzeń unijnych i ustaw krajowych. W celu rozszerzenia problematyki i uwypuklenia zagadnień będących przedmiotem opracowania wykorzystano metodę analizy treści i analizy dokumentów, dzięki czemu ukazano aktualność zagadnienia i jego istotne znaczenie ze społecznego punktu widzenia. Krytyczna interpretacja tekstów, w szczególności prawnych, pozwoliła z kolei określić aktualne trendy. Analizie poddano też poglądy przedstawicieli nauki prawa oraz (w niezbędnym zakresie) przedstawicieli innych nauk. Ponadto wykorzystano akty prawne, monografie prawnicze, komentarze oraz artykuły o charakterze naukowym. Przeprowadzona analiza miała na celu wykazanie i zaakcentowanie wieloaspektowości i złożoności zagadnienia.