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Celem badania była ocena wiedzy kobiet ciężarnych na temat wpływu żywienia w okresie ciąży na rozwój i zdrowie dziecka w relacji do ich zachowań żywieniowych. W badaniu wzięło udział 77 kobiet w trzecim trymestrze ciąży. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, iż wiedza na temat wpływu żywienia na przebieg ciąży i zdrowie dziecka jest fragmentaryczna, a sposób żywienia w znacznej mierze odbiega od przyjętych norm.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the level of knowledge about the influence of diet during pregnancy on the development and health of a child, among pregnant women in relation to their eating habits. The diet of a woman before and during pregnancy has immense influence on the course of pregnancy and health of a child - both after its delivery and in the future. Lack of dietary knowledge and the knowledge about consequences of malnutrition among future mothers may result in a lot of dietary indiscretion, which in turn can cause deficiency or excess of energy and particular nutrients, as well as abnormal course of pregnancy. Hence, for keeping a proper diet during pregnancy a woman must not only know the healthy eating guidelines, but also realise how a diet influences the course of pregnancy and child's health. The study was conducted with the use of 3 specially prepared questionnaires, among 77 women in the III trimester of pregnancy, participating in the Parturition School course. The first questionnaire referred to general data (age, education, antropometrie data) and the way of supplementing diet with medicinal compounds supplying vitamins and minerals. The second questionnaire showed the dietary habits before pregnancy, while the third questioned the influence of diet on the course of pregnancy and health of the infant. In the second stage the eating habits of the subjects were studied also with the use of a 24-hour interview and an album of food products issued by the Institute of Food and Nutrition. Summing it up, the analysis of the results of the study showed that though pregnancy is a difficult period for a woman, it did not make the subjects pay particular attention to their diet. The study showed also that the majority of women does have knowledge on the influence of diet and the influence of her nourishment before pregnancy on the development of foetus, however, it hardly results in the change of their eating habits.
Dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa z zakresu somatometrii stosowanej do pomiaru stanu odżywienia. Omówiono pomiary wysokości i masy ciała, grubości fałdów skórno-tłuszczowych, obwodów ramienia, talii i bioder, szczególnie osób starszych i niepełnosprawnych. Przedstawiono sposoby wyliczania najczęściej stosowanych wskaźników antropometrycznych oraz ich interpretację.
This review contains details on anthropometric measurements required for assessment of nutritional status in the elderly. These measurements provide indicators of fat tissue content or body composition and evaluate trends in nutritional status. Anthropometric measurements in the elderly are similar to these in other groups of population but they have to be adopted according to changes in constitution and posture of elderly and disabled people. The following measurements are presented: stature, weight, skinfold thickness and mid upper-arm, waist and hip circumferences. Derived measurements and indices of nutritional status are also discussed.
tom 55
nr 4
Wśród młodzieży o różnej aktywności fizycznej wykonano badania oceny stanu odżywienia białkiem na podstawie ilości wydalanego azotu. Wykazano niezgodności wielkości spożycia białka z zaleceniami żywieniowymi zarówno wśród sportowców jak i osób o przeciętnej aktywności fizycznej.
The aim of the study was to investigate protein intake in groups of different physical activity. The research was undertaken over a group of young people of different physical activity (age group 15-18 years) including ballet dancers, karate fighters, cross runners as well as adolescents of average physical activity (female and male). The investigation was performed in two series. The first - before intense exercise training and the second - after intense exercise training. In control group there was only one series. Urea was estimated by using urease which converts urea into ammonia, C02 and glutamic dehydrogenase reaction via measurements of ammonia derived from urea. The amounts of urea were applied for counting quantity of consumed proteins. In the physically active groups the protein intake was too low in comparison to required.
W pracy dokonano oceny odżywienia makroskładnikami gałązkowych odmian chryzantem uprawianych w tunelu foliowym w dwóch różniących się warunkami świetlnymi okresach uprawy, tj. wiosenno-letnim (20 odmian) i letnio-jesiennym (13 odmian). Studia porównawcze przeprowadzono na podstawie zaleceń wybranych autorów (6). Wykazano duże rozbieżności dotyczące zalecanych zawartości pierwiastków w liściach chryzantem. Konsekwencją tego są niejednoznaczne, a czasami także sprzeczne oceny stanu odżywienia roślin, co czyni wspomniane zalecenia mało przydatnymi.
The aim of study was the assessment of macronutritional status of spray chrysanthemums grown in foil tunnel in two growing periods of different light conditions: in spring-summer season (20 cultivars) and summer-autumn season (13 cultivars). For this comparative study 6 recommendation were selected. Appreciable discrepancies concerning the recommended content of elements in chrysanthemums leaves were demonstrated. As the consequence there are ambiguous, sometimes contradictory estimations concerning the conditions of plants nutrition. It makes the above-mentioned recommendations useless.
The objective of this study was to investigate dietary habits and nutritional status of 102 breastfeeding women, aged 21-37 years. The food intake was assessed by questionnaire studies. In studied women body weight and height were measured and BMI index was calculated. Nearly three quarters of studied population have a normal body weight (BMI˂25) but BMI value was higher than in period prior to pregnancy. It was found out that dietary habits of breastfeeding women are partly adequate to the nutritional requirements and it is connected both with the frequancy and type of consumed products (vegetables, fruits whole-meal bread).
Nitrogen nutrition index (NNI), harvest index (HI), dry matter accumulated by different organs were estimated several times during the vegetation period of potato plants grown in the both field and pot experiments at the Experimental Station in Jadwisin, Poland. Nitrogen fertilizer as NH4N03 was applied at three doses (40, 120, and 200 kg ha-1 N) in the field experiment and 2.7 g N in 1996 and 4g N in 1997 and 1998 per each plant in the pot experiment. Results showed that the values of NNI both in field and pot experiments increased from emergence till the about closing rows and then they gradually decreased. The NNI values were dependent on N rates. The higher were N doses, the higher were values of NNI. These differences were especially present during the first half of vegetation periods. The excess of N in potato plants (NNI values above 1.0) was recorded in the greater part of vegetation periods in plants grown at the dose 200 kg ha-1 N and for short length of time at the rate 120 kg . ha-1 N. The excess of nitrogen was associated with the highest values of total biomass accumulation and with decreasing of the harvest index ; (average NNI = 0.53). Unsufficient level of nitrogen nutrition (NNI values below 1.0) was found for the whole vegetation periods in all plants grown in pots and in the field at the dose 40 kg ha-1 N. These plants produced less total biomass but more of it was distributed to the tubers with average values of HI: 0.68 in field and 0.78 in pot experiments. Plants grown in the field under warmer weather conditions had better nitrogen nutrition status than those grown under cooler and wetter ones.
Wykorzystując test NNI (indeks stanu odżywienia) określano deficyt i nadmiar azotu w czasie wegetacji roślin uprawianych w wazonach i w polu. Nadmiar azotu (NNI>1) zmniejszał współczynniki plonowania (HI). Mały deficyt azotu (1,0 > NNI > 0,7) zwiększał dystrybucję asymilatów do bulw. Duży deficyt azotu (NNI < 0,7) powodował drastyczne obniżenie nagromadzania biomasy oraz końcowego plonu bulw mimo stosunkowo dużej wartości HI. Okres wegetacji wilgotny i chłodny sprzyjał występowaniu deficytu azotu w roślinach ziemniaka.
W pracy oceniano wartość energetyczną dziennych racji pokarmowych oraz zawartość głównych składników odżywczych u osób z nadwagą lub otyłością rozpoczynających pracę w grupie wsparcia otyłych. Stwierdzane błędy żywieniowe dotyczyły niewłaściwych proporcji w spożyciu białka, tłuszczów, węglowodanów, cholesterolu pokarmowego i błonnika.
Nutritional condition and dietary habits were evaluated in people with excessive body weight or obesity. As much as 100 volunteers (91 women and 9 men) who had just joined a group for body-weight-control were examined. Daily food rations of the volunteers were assessed by 24-h recall covering the day before the interview. Overweight was diagnosed in 33% women; the remaining patients were obese. It was noted that BMI used to assess nutritional condition did not provide a reliable method for the classification of overweight and obesity. In 3 women with overweight and in one with obesity (as classified by BMI), the increased body weight was found to be due to the increase of non lipid tissue (muscles), as determined by the BIA method. Food rations of the patients with overweight or obesity were also analysed. It was found that in the majority of the examined women (69.2%), the rations did not satisfy the daily energy requirement, while the rations of the men usually comprised high-energy foodstuffs (66.7%). Protein intake was higher than usual in 83.5% women and 77% men. Their diets were characterised by high levels of animal proteins. Dietary intake of fats was lower than normal in 50% women, and the daily intake of dietary cholesterol was below 300 mg. Dietary intake of carbohydrates was lower than normal in 91.2% women. High carbohydrate content was noted in 55.5% men. Intake of dietary fibre was lower than normal 58.2% women and 33.3% men. The results of this study show abnormal contents of the major food components in the dietary rations of people with overweight or obesity. Improper proportions of the major dietary components may contribute to overweight and obesity.
Celem pracy była ocena stanu odżywienia załogi ORP „PUŁASKI” przed wypłynięciem w kilkumiesięczny rejs szkoleniowy. W badaniach stanu odżywienia wzięło udział 156 marynarzy w wieku 22-42 lata. Stan odżywienia badanych oceniano na podstawie badań antropometrycznych. Masa i wysokość ciała badanych stanowiły podstawę obliczenia Body Mass Index (BMI). Na podstawie wielkości BMI, stosując klasyfikację Ferro-Luzzi, zakwalifikowano badanych do grup wykazujących nadwagę i otyłość. Wykazano, że liczba marynarzy z nadwagą wzrastała wraz z wiekiem badanych. Nadwagę wykazywało 49% badanych w wieku do 30 lat oraz 54,3% marynarzy w wieku do 40 lat. Otyłość obserwowano u 13,5% badanych w wieku do 30 lat i u 10,9% do 40 lat. Występowanie otyłości wśród marynarzy stwarza konieczność prowadzenia szeroko zakrojonych działań profilaktycznych propagujących racjonalne żywienie i zdrowy styl życia.
The aim of the work was the assessment of nutritional status of the ORP „PUŁASKI” frigate crew before long lasting training cruise. Crew of the warship consisting of 156 men, aged 22-42, underwent the nutritional status examination. The nutritional status was estimated based on the anthropometrical measurements. Body mass and body height of examined men was the base to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI). Based on this index, using the Ferro-Luzzi classification, examined soldiers were classified into groups indicating overweight or obesity. It was observed that percentage of persons indicating overweight increased with the age. Overweight was found among 49% of examined aged up to 30, 54,3% of men aged up to 40 indicated overweight. Obesity was found among 13,5% of examined sailors aged up to 30 and among 10,9 % sailors aged 40. Obesity found among sailors creates necessity to carry on large-scale prophylaxis operations including propagation of rational nutrition and healthy life style education.
The aim of the study was to find out predispositions to eating disorders (ED) such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa in girls between 14-19 years, going to grammar or secondary school. 189 girls were to answer questions of Eating Attitude Test 26 (EAT26) and fill a questionnaire prepared by authors of the study. Both questionnaires were anonymous. 19 girls (10,1%) attained 20 and more points and were qualified as EAT26+ what means predispositions to eating disorders. Body Mass Index (BMI) was used to estimate a state of nutrition. In the group EAT26+ most of the girls (57,9%) presented proper weight-height proportions.
Celem badań była analiza zależności pomiędzy sposobem żywienia a antropometrycznymi wskaźnikami stanu odżywienia aktywnych zawodowo mężczyzn z populacji wielkomiejskiej. Badaniami objęto grupę 1451 mężczyzn w wieku 20-60 lat, zatrudnionych w Hucie T. Sendzimira (HTS) w Krakowie. Analizie porównawczej poddano średnie wartości wskaźników antropometrycznych mężczyzn w 10- letnich przedziałach wieku, w dwóch kategoriach osób - o najmniej (I grupa) i najbardziej racjonalnych wyborach żywieniowych (II grupa). Badania wykazały istnienie zależności pomiędzy jakościową oceną sposobu żywienia a niektórymi antropometrycznymi wskaźnikami stanu odżywienia mężczyzn. W wyróżnionych kategoriach sposobu żywienia (najmniej i najbardziej racjonalny) mężczyzn nie stwierdzono różnicowania się wartości przeciętnych grubości fałdów skórno-tłuszczowych, obwodów ramienia i pasa, wskaźnika dystrybucji tkanki tłuszczowej (WHR) oraz wartości średnich beztłuszczowej masy ciała. Nieoczekiwanie stwierdzono natomiast znamiennie wyższe wartości średnie wskaźnika BMI u mężczyzn w wieku 20-30 lat (23,91 vs. 25,45 kg/m2, p<0,05) i 50-60 lat (26,42 vs. 28,00 kg/m2, p=0,01), deklarujących bardziej racjonalne zachowania żywieniowe. Podobne prawidłowości ustalono dla procentowej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej (%BF); wyższej punktowej ocenie sposobu żywienia towarzyszy wyższa przeciętna wartość %BF u mężczyzn 20-30-letnich (15,17 vs. 18,24%, p˂0,01) i 50-60-letnich (22,76 vs. 25,01, p<0,05).
The purpose of research was to analyze relations between dietary patterns and anthropometric parameters of nutritional status among working men, living in big city population. Tests involved a group of 1451 men between 20 and 60 years old, employed in Steelworks of T. Sendzimir (HTS) in Krakow, Poland. Comparison was done for average values of anthropometric indexes of men in sections of 10 years of age and two categories of persons - of the least (I section) and of the most reasonable nutrition choices (II section). Research pointed out the relation between the quality measurement of nutrition method and some of anthropometric indexes of nutritional status. In selected sections of the least and of the most reasonable nutrition choices there were no differences between average values of 4 skinfolds, waist and arm perimeter, Waist to Hip Ratio distribution index (WHR) and average values of Fat Free Mass (FFM). Unawares characteristically higher average values of BMI were found at men of 20-30 years old (23.91 vs. 25.45 kg/m2, p<0.05) and 50-60 years old (26.42 vs. 28.00 kg/m2, p=0.01) declaring more rational nutrition behaviors. Similar regularity was ascertained for percentage of body fat tissue (%BF); higher nutrition habit mark is accompanied with higher average value of %BF at 20-30 years old (15.17 vs. 18.24%, p˂0,01) and 50-60 years old (22.76 vs. 25.01, p<0.05).
Celem pracy była ocena liczby i rodzaju spożywanych posiłków w ciągu dnia oraz porównanie wartości energetycznej i odżywczej posiłków w dietach dzieci z prawidłową i nadmierną masą ciała. Badania przeprowadzono w grupie 280 dzieci 10 letnich (141 dziewcząt i 139 chłopców) z miasta Białegostoku. Ocenę ilościową dziennych racji pokarmowych dokonano przy użyciu 24-godzinnego wywiadu żywieniowego z dnia poprzedzającego badanie. Ocenie poddano, z uwzględnieniem podziału na posiłki, wartość energetyczną oraz zawartość podstawowych składników odżywczych diety, a także zawartość cholesterolu i błonnika pokarmowego, wykorzystując opracowany w Instytucie Żywności i Żywienia w Warszawie program komputerowy Dieta 2.0. Wykazano, iż w porównywanych grupach dominował model 4 posiłkowy, a najczęściej opuszczanym posiłkiem był podwieczorek. Do dojadania między posiłkami przyznawało się 95% dzieci z prawidłową masą ciała i 100% z nadmierną masą ciała. Wykazano nieprawidłowości zarówno w zakresie dostarczania energii z poszczególnych posiłków jak i ich wartości odżywczej, zwłaszcza u dzieci z nadwagą lub otyłością.
The study objective was to assess the number and type of the daily consumed meals and to make a comparison between energetic and nutritional value in the meals consumed by children with normal and excessive body weight. A study was conducted in a group of 280 children aged 10 years (141 girls and 139 boys) in Bialystok. A 24 h dietary recall was taken of the day preceding the examination in order to perform a quantitative evaluation of daily food rations. Taking into consideration the particular meals, the energetic value and the content of basic dietary nutrients. Also cholesterol and fiber were evaluated, using the computer program Diet 2.0 developed in the Institute of Food and Nutrition in Warsaw. In the tested groups, a four-meal model predominated and the afternoon snack was most frequently missed. As many as 95% of children with normal body weight and 100% of children with excessive body weight admitted irregular eating between meals. The proportion in energy delivery from the respective meals was disturbed and nutritional abnormalities were found especially in the overweighted and obese children.
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