The influence of English on German has grown in the last decades and is likely to continue. The aim of this paper is to investigate the occurrence of Anglicisms in the travel magazine Lonely Planet Traveller Deutschland (October, 2014). The particular focus is on the parts of speech and word formation types they represent. First we make an attempt to define the terms loanword and Anglicism. In the second part we present and discuss the results of our corpus linguistic study. The findings of the study show the dominance of nouns in the analysed Anglicisms (especially hybrid nominal compounds). The research can be of significance for further studies on the language of tourism industry.
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The presence of a visible Hebrew component is one of the defining traits of the so-called “Jewish languages”. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to determine the scope of use of Hebrew-derived lexicon in contemporary Judeo-Spanish in its written variant. Our study will be based on the Sephardic press published mainly in Turkey and Israel.
The article attempts to present the impact of the co-existence of the Slavic and Germanic world on the formation of Slavic loanwords in German. The study focuses chiefly on the Russian loanwords in German. It presents and describes cultural, historical, political, and economic reasons for the transfer of the lexical elements of Russian origin to German. The aforementioned factors include: the impact of the hanseatic trade, political alliances, and conflicts. The work refers to loanwords of Russian origin that entered German throughout the ages. The article provides examples of words that describe typical Russian phenomena (e.g. Tundra), which counterparts had not existed in German before.
Richard Rolle’s Psalter rendition, as any of the medieval English Psalter translations, is thickly enveloped in a set of assertions, originating in the nineteenth century, whose validity has been accepted unquestioned. It is the purpose of the present paper to investigate one such claim concerning the vocabulary selection, according to which Rolle’s rendition would employ almost exclusively lexical items of native origin, except for the instances where no proper item with native etymology presents itself in a particular context and Rolle is forced to use a Latin-derived word. The assertion generates at least two problematic issues. Firstly, it identifies Rolle’s translation as most exceptional in relation to the remaining 14th-century English Psalter translations: the Wycliffite Bibles and the Middle English Glossed Prose Psalter of which the former are asserted to be overtly influenced by the Latin text they render and the latter deeply indebted both syntactically and, more importantly, lexically to a ‘French source’. Secondly, it ascribes Richard Rolle the ideas nowadays covered by the term linguistic purism. Therefore, it seems necessary to analyse the lexical layer of the text in search of evidence, or lack thereof, which sets Rolle’s translation lexically apart from other renditions and sheds some light on the issue of Rolle’s supposed linguistic purism. Such a study is conducted on the basis of the nominal layer of the first fifty Psalms of the four relevant texts analysed in relation to their common Latin source text as only the juxtaposition of all of these enables one to (dis)prove the claim cited above. To provide a wider context from which to view them, the findings will be presented in relation to an overview of the contemporary theory of translation and set against a broadly sketched linguistic map of contemporary England.
This article presents German loanwords in the Polish language. Its aim is twofold: to discuss words of German origin in Polish, as well as to stress Polish-German language contacts and their influences on vocabulary (a significant number of German loanwords refer to the building industry). The analysis will not only deal with the meaning and etymology of particular words, but will also scrutinize their description in the dictionaries of Polish edited by Doroszewski and Sobol.
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In the difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic, there has been an invasion of Anglicisms in the vocabulary of the Italian language aiming to describe the new reality. The brevity and the conciseness of English words prevailed over native Italian words, taking linguists by surprise. If in some situations the richness of the Italian vocabulary imposed the native word to the detriment of the English loanword, in other cases the latter was preferred. If the main vector that imposes the neologism is as a rule the speakers‟ use, in this case the Anglicisms were imposed by mass media repetitiveness, which had as a result a mass diffusion in a fairly short period of time. Accounting for Anglicisms invading the Italian vocabulary during the pandemic is also the fact that English has come to be viewed the supreme lingua franca in the field of scientific research.
An article entitled Words Mean. Words Look. Words Sell (Themselves) focuses on three issues: dominance of the use of English loanwords over attempts to create their Polish equivalents (as a result of which a product, a process, an event, or an artefact promoted by the English-speaking culture is adopted together with its name), a trend whereby words (and titles composed of words) become images (through a choice of font, a non-standard use of lowercase and uppercase letters, or an inclusion of non-letter characters, e.g. parentheses), and ascribing to words present in micro-acts a promotional function, advertising the entire product – a text. The trends discussed in the article are not new, but it is their intensity level that is new.
The article is devoted to the linguistics interests of Józef Ignacy Kraszewki who views language as a complex lexical, syntactic and semantic structure rather than merely the matter used for creating a literary vision of the world. The subjects of the detailed analysis are the journalistic and quasi-linguistic texts published in Studia literackie (Literary studies) and Nowe studia literackie (New literary studies) which discuss the relics of the Polish language’s past and the development of its vocabulary, with particular focus on the status of loanwords, neologisms and archaisms from various stages of the development of the Polish language. The image that emerges from the analysed texts is one of a writer-linguist who perfectly understands the mechanisms that rule language and who shows that language is dynamic and changes due to the needs of its users and all possible external factors.
Niniejszy artykuł jest poświęcony analizie nazwy ślusarz w językach: niemieckim, polskim, ukraińskim i białoruskim. Opracowanie przedstawia dotychczasowe badania w tym zakresie i wskazuje ich niedociągnięcia. Autor opisuje dystrybucję badanych form w różnych grupach dialektów języka niemieckiego od XIII do XVI wieku oraz ustala ich pochodzenie. Następnie omawia ich ortograficzną, fonetyczną i morfologiczną asymilację w językach słowiańskich. Analiza źródeł historycznojęzykowych pozwoliła zidentyfikować wybrane procesy fonetyczne i morfologiczne, które zaszły w języku niemieckim i są widoczne w językach: polskim, ukraińskim i białoruskim.
This article analyses the names for a locksmith in German, Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian. The paper outlines previous explorations in this respect and identifies their shortcomings. The author presents the distribution of the forms under study in different groups of German dialects between the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries and traces their origins. He also discusses their orthographic, phonetic and morphological assimilation in the Slavic languages. The analysis of historical and linguistic sources has made it possible to identify selected phonetic and morphological processes which occurred in German and are visible in Polish, Ukrainian and Belarusian.
The aim of this anthology is to publish the texts of postgraduate students from Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic. The publication series contains articles from different topic areas, that are closely associated with German language. Each article is composed of theoretical and empirical part. You can find here the studies of literature, of linguistics and of didactics.
This article presents Slavic loanwords in the Austrian variant of the German language. Its aim is twofold: it discusses words of Polish, Slovakian, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, and Slovenian origin in the Austrian variant of German, as well as stressing the multicultural history of Austria and its influence on vocabulary (a significant number of Slavic loanwords refer to culinary lexis denoting the names of Slavic meals). The analysis will not only deal with the meaning and etymology of particular words, but will also scrutinize their description in the “Duden” dictionaries: “Deutsches Universalwörterbuch” and “Duden. Wie sagt man in Österreich?”.
In recent decades, Polish has experienced an unprecedented influx of English-sourced borrowings, both overt (loanwords) and covert (calques). This linguistic influence echoes the social, technological, environmental and ideological transformations, with these changes reflected in the Polish lexicon. The paper describes a lexicographic project aimed at updating the Słownik zapożyczeń angielskich w polszczyźnie (A Dictionary of Anglicisms in Polish) that was published in 2010. We discuss the theoretical assumptions, the content and the sources of the data for a new, corpus-based dictionary that is in the making, and illustrate the lexicographic solutions we adopted with regard to both well-established and the most recent direct and indirect Anglicisms. We also address the issue of the frequency and the usage of the latter in present-day Polish.
Este artículo arroja luz sobre dos anglicismos de gran arraigo en el español europeo, very well y yes very well, que hasta ahora han escapado a la atención de los estudiosos. A pesar de su antigüedad y amplio uso, estos préstamos del inglés rara vez se encuentran en el español escrito. Esto, junto con su naturaleza lúdica e informal, puede haber contribuido a su aparente insignificancia en la investigación académica. El estudio examina casi mil ejemplos de estos anglicismos tomados de diversas fuentes para desentrañar su funcionamiento semántico en el español europeo actual. El análisis revela que su uso continuado a lo largo del tiempo se debe a su versatilidad y extraordinaria polisemia. También demuestra que, precisamente porque la investigación sobre los préstamos del inglés ha estado muy sesgada hacia el plano escrito, es probable que estos sean solo dos de tantos anglicismos añejos que aún quedan por estudiar.
This article sheds light on two enduring English loanwords in European Spanish, very well and yes very well, which have thus far evaded scholarly attention. Despite their long-standing presence and widespread use, these Anglicisms have rarely been encountered in written Spanish. This, coupled with their playful and informal nature, may have contributed to their perceived insignificance in academic inquiry. The study scrutinizes nearly a thousand instances of these loanwords from various sources to elucidate their contemporary semantic roles in European Spanish. The analysis reveals that their continued usage over time can be attributed to their versatility and wide-ranging semantic functions. Furthermore, it shows that, precisely because research on English loans has been strongly biased towards the written medium, these are likely to be but two among a number of time-honoured Anglicisms that remain unexplored.
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The article focuses on the pronunciation of the loanword puzzle, which can be realized through multiple variants in Czech. The research, based on material from public media files, tries to reveal possible connections between the pronunciation, meaning and morphological characteristics of this word. The main aim is to find out which pronounced variant can be regarded as orthoepic, and, based on the findings, to propose an adjustment to the keyword puzzle in the Czech Internet Language Reference Book.
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Analyzing a corpus of over 36,000 words of foreign origin and 33,000 native words, the paper presents a detailed account and comparison of the distribution of consonant-vowel combinations in Czech. These combinations are discussed according to their vowel class. Both combinations typical for foreign-origin words and combinations typical for native words were found. In some cases, the typicality is predictable from the phonemes in the combinations (i.e. from the phonemes typical for either type of vocabulary), but there are many combination types for which this is not possible. The paper concludes with a discussion of the factors that may influence the distribution of consonant-vowel combinations, including sound changes, phoneme frequency, morphological processes, and universal preferences in the combinability of consonants with vowels. Special attention is paid to loanwords from English.
The article addresses the question of words ending in -ing whose frequency in the French language gradually increased in the 20th century, attracting the attention of several linguists. However, no study has been done of the words in -ing as part of a metalinguistic corpus, the dictionary Le Petit Robert. A general presentation of the phenomenon from the theoretical point of view and a definition of the analysed phenomenon are followed by an analysis of the word corpus created with reference to lexemes approved in the general French language dictionary Le Petit Robert (version 2016). The analysis concerns the problems of morphology, orthography, and introduction of the lexemes into the dictionary in question. Other issues examined include the problems of the -ing ending pronunciation, equivalents, false Anglicisms and official recommendations from the dictionary authors for replacement of certain words.
L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser les mots qui se terminent par le suffixe -ing. Une présentation générale du phénomène en question et sa définition sont suivies par une analyse d’un corpus formé par des lexèmes approuvés dans le dictionnaire français de langue générale le Petit Robert (version publiée en 2016). L’analyse porte sur des questions concernant la morphologie, l’orthographe, l’introduction des lexèmes dans le dictionnaire, la prononciation. L’article aborde également la problématique des faux anglicismes, des équivalents et des recommandations officielles des auteurs du dictionnaire.
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Les deux mots d’origine française démontrent, en polonais d’aujourd’hui, un sens nouveau, éloigné de celui qui leur était propre au moment du passage en polonais (début du XIXe pour cotillon et début du XXe pour buvard). L’article a pour but de présenter, à travers l’histoire des deux mots, en polonais et en français, l’histoire de leurs référents. L’évolution sémantique de biuwar et de kotylion permet de saisir le changement dans l’emploi des deux mots, conditionné par la réalité extralinguistique. On montre aussi les rapports entre l’usage français et l’appropriation des étymons par l’emprunt par la langue polonaise. L’exemplification, une de plus, du phénomène de “faux amis” est alors donnée.
The two words of French origin: biuwar (‘tissue paper’, since the beginning of the 20th century; fr. buvard) and kotylion (‘cotillion’, since the beginning of 19th century; fr. cotillion) have a different meaning in Polish than in the language they were borrowed from. The paper presents the history of the two words in French and in Polish as well as the history of their referents. Semantic evolution of the words biuwar and kotylion allows capturing a change in their use, subject to extralinguistic conditions. Relationships with the use of the words in French and references to French etymons in Polish are also indicated. The history of the two words in Polish is yet another example of a well-known phenomenon of “faux-amis”.
The article attempts to present the impact of the co-existence of the Slavic and Germanic world on the formation of Slavic loanwords in German. The study focuses chiefly on the Russian loanwords in German. It presents and describes the cultural, historical, political, and economic reasons for the transfer of lexical elements of Russian origin to German. The aforementioned factors include: the impact of the Hanseatic trade, political alliances, and conflicts. The work refers to loanwords of Russian origin that have entered German throughout the ages. The article provides examples of words that describe typically Russian phenomena (e.g. Tundra), whose counterparts had not existed in German before.
A detailed examination of the materials of Ukrainian sports periodicals at the end of the XIXth and the beginning of the 20th century and special editions of that time dedicated to football gives us the opportunity to trace the development of Ukrainian football vocabulary in the Eastern Halychyna of that period. Analysis of different thematic groups of football vocabulary at its initial but very intensive stage of its formation showed that in terminological football vocabulary borrowing football names was practiced, and correlation between national and foreign components was in favour of the former. It is remarkable that here and there loanwords had a few Ukrainian equivalents each, which was typical for the period of formation of national terminological systems — functioning of synonymic terms, sometimes extensive synonymic rows of special names denoting the same notion.
Artykuł stanowi podsumowanie badań nad rozwojem ukraińskiego słownictwa piłkarskiego w Galicji Wschodniej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone na korpusie tekstów pochodzących z ukraińskich czasopism sportowych oraz publikacji specjalistycznych poświęconych tematyce futbolowej, wydawanych od końca XIX do lat trzydziestych XX wieku. Analiza różnych grup tematycznych leksyki piłkarskiej z okresu jej początkowego, a zarazem intensywnego rozwoju wykazała, że wśród terminoleksyki piłki nożnej funkcjonowały jednocześnie nazwy rodzime i zapożyczone. Z badania wynika również, że wzajemny stosunek składników ukraińskich i obcojęzycznych rysował się na korzyść tych pierwszych. Ponadto na podstawie badanych artykułów prasowych odnotowano, że autorzy tekstów czasami wysuwali propozycje stosowania ukraińskich odpowiedników nazw zapożyczonych. Takie zachowanie językowe było typowym zjawiskiem w czasie kształtowania się ukraińskich systemów terminologicznych i przejawiało się między innymi funkcjonowaniem bliskoznacznych terminów, czasem długich synonimicznych szeregów nazw specjalnych, dla oznaczania tego samego pojęcia.
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