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The article concerns the concepts of truth and fiction in the selected works of Maria Kruger as part of the series a Gold Crown”. In the content of the analysed work, references to the specific events and historical figures have been pointed out. It has also been emphasized that despite the dominance of ficitious elements, the writer familiarizes the young reader with the realia of the life of the Poles in distant past. The didactic character of the short stories has been ob-served.
In his meta-literary and para-textual statements, Milan Kundera has been frequently turning to the issue of the enlightenment narrative experiments considered as the initial ones for the twentieth-century (post)modern creative strategies. Those experiments resulted from the striving for suppression of the over-prescription characterized the classicist rules, and they managed to direct attention to the literary genres which were undermined by the Enlightenment era that is in other words and above all, novel. In order to reveal this “modernity” of the eighteenth-century prose, the Czech writer in the work entitled Jacques and his master (1971) performed a “cultural translation” (variation) of the famous text by Diderot into the form of drama. Kundera was focused on the devices used by the French encyclopaedist which enabled him to expose the “evidence of trick” regarding the anti-illusion and fictitious character of literary representation of the world. He was, therefore, interested not so much in the philosophical and ideological background of Diderot’s tale dedicated to the romances of Jacques the Fatalist, but in the author’s freedom in his “play with the romance’s conventions” which even then was undergoing the process of fast schematisation.
In 1853, Karel Jaromír Erben published a collection of ballads Kytice, which was immediately seen as a model of national literature. The contact of this model with Romanticism is only selective, because it does not consider all the metaphysical dilemmas resulting from the appreciation of the individualistic attitude to the world. It might seem that Kytice should share the fate of other 19th century texts of culture which are currently attributed the position of a respectable, old fashioned literary monument. Meanwhile, in recent years, two novels have been published directly drawing inspiration and thematic material from the life of the poet, namely: Vřeteno osudu. Tajná zpověď by Karel Jaromír Erben by Otomar Dvořák (2015) and Stará škola by Petr K. Procházka (2022). Both literary biographies expose the close, though hidden, connections between Erben’s poetics and worldview with the Romantic aesthetic and ideological context.
The shift towards the biographical writings that is noticeable on the Polish market leads to a broader reflection on the genre. There is not and there cannot be any canonical pattern of writing a biography, and text materials, especially in recent years, greatly expanded the repertoire of varieties of the genre. The example may be Uchodźcy of Henryk Grynberg and Good Night, Dżerzi of Janusz Głowacki. The idea of the first one is based on the original concept of "writing for someone" that questions the definitional status of autobiographism and also the determinants of biographism. An unusual literary treatment can be seen as a variation of apocrypha - "unwritten" the book of already died Marek Hłasko that Grynberg writes. However, in the case Głowacki, standing up to the biography of Jerzy Kosiński turns out to be a dangerous exorcism - the starting point is Kosiński and the last point is the author himself. The formula of "a biography rather than an autobiography" is emerging. Both proposals meet on the common ground of narratives made as novels.
The paper focuses on and discusses some chosen strategies of creating historical heroes in the series of books for young readers: “It has happened in Poland” (published by Literatura). The analysis of the solutions, linguistic and stylistic means used by the authors will allow to reconstruct the methods of creating and evaluating a literary form with a historical origin implied in the text. The subject of the arrangements will also be references to contexts that may shape the functioning of this type of books and their heroes in the reading circulation.
The widely known literary fairy tale was born as a genre in Europe in the beginning of the XIX century. Almost everywhere its birth was preceded by collecting, recording, studying, processing and editing of folk tales. Russian literary fairy tale (Odoevsky, Ershov, Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Gogol, etc.) is created during this period. In the second half of XIX century, the Georgian literary fairy tale is evolved in the footsteps of these events. Similar to Russian literature, its publication precedes the publication of folklore texts. It is important to note, that unlike the Russian authors the famous Georgian writers (Akaki Tsereteli, Vazha-Pshavela ...) successfully use literary fairy tales for the artistic interpretation of the national problem. It is noteworthy, that Georgian and Russian literary fairy tales identically follow the genre-specific peculiarities and common literary tendencies.
After her travel, which took place between 22nd July 1816 and June 1818, Maria Wirtemberska wrote an account entitled Some events, thoughts and feelings expreienced abroad. This work is a combination which was quite unusual for those times, namely a combination of conventions: a typical documentary travel account and literary fiction. The presented paper is an attempt at examining the proportions in which these two conventions are combined. The article also tries to find the reason why Maria Wirtemberska - who wrote at the beginning of the 19th century - shaped her work, its composition and content in this particular way.
This article analyses critical responses to William Styron’s "The Confessions of Nat Turner", claiming that the reception of the novel was strongly determined by the question of race and the different perception-and-interpretation of a “common” history by black and white Americans. I demonstrate that the polemics about Styron’s novel resulted not only from an entirely different understanding by white and black critics of the question as to what literature is essentially and what social role it has to perform, but also from the incompatible implementation of historiography, in the realm of which both sides placed the novel. I argue that, as a result, the critical controversies about "The Confessions" were drawn along the so-called “color line”, a category which traditionally defined Americans according to their race.
The article discusses the relation between the factography and the fiction in literary reportage. The text proposes the term of quasi-factual narrative, which describes a rhetorical figure typical for the documentary genres amplifying their descriptivity. Second category: factual narrative is an intentional distortion that is unauthorised in the reportage genre. The theoretical proposal referring back to the tradition of literary studies that dates back to the interwar period was discussed using the example of oeuvre of old and contemporary authors such as Wanda Melder, Melchior Wańkowicz, Hanna Krall, Anna Kaszuba-Dębska, Wojciech Jagielski and Anna Fryczkowska – the author of factual narrative. 
W artykule omówione zostały relacje między faktografią a fikcją w reportażu literackim. W tekście zaproponowany został termin narracja quasi-faktyczna, opisujący typową dla gatunków dokumentalnych figurę retoryczną, amplifikującą obrazowanie. Druga kategoria: narracja faktoidalna jest intencjonalnym i nieuprawnionym w pisarstwie reportażowym przekłamaniem. Propozycja teoretyczna, odnosząca się do tradycji literaturoznawczej sięgającej międzywojnia, została omówiona na przykładzie twórczości autorów dawnych i współczesnych, między innymi Wandy Melcer, Melchiora Wańkowicza, Hanny Krall, Anny Kaszuby-Dębskiej, Wojciecha Jagielskiego i Anny Fryczkowskiej, autorki narracji faktoidalnej.
The content of the study concerns the presence of Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł “Panie Kochanku” motive in Polish romantic literature especially in the works by Zygmunt Krasiński. The authoress describes the issues of his story [Panie Kochanku. Story – Panie Kochanku. Powiastka] and considers their editorial and artistic values, moreover searches alleged sources of a young poet’s (Krasiński) knowledge about the eccentric magnate. She also ponders if Krasiński might have known the story from Mickiewicz – a friend to Henryk Rzewuski who was retelling chats about both Radziwiłł and his indispensable companion Włodkowic. The other thread of the article concentrates on reflections regarding Mickiewicz and his opinions on the two erstwhile Sarmatians.
Treścią artykułu jest obecność motywu Karola Radziwiłła „Panie Kochanku” w polskiej literaturze romantycznej, w szczególności zaś w twórczości Zygmunta Krasińskiego. Autorka omawia wydania jego powiastki, zastanawia się nad ich wartością edytorską i artystyczną, snuje refleksje na temat domniemanych źródeł wiedzy młodego poety na temat ekscentrycznego magnata. Zastanawia się, czy Krasiński mógł znać historię od Mickiewicza, który z kolei przyjaźnił się z Henrykiem Rzewuskim, opowiadającym gawędy tak o Radziwille, jak i jego nieodżałowanym przyjacielu – Włodkowicu. Osobnym wątkiem dyskursu jest refleksja samego Mickiewicza na temat owych dwóch niegdysiejszych Sarmatów.
This article is an introduction to theoretical considerations focused on biographical allusions to reality that find their place in poetry. The author, following the theories of literary fiction rooted in Aristotle's thought, takes the position that all scientific considerations concerning the actual prototypes of the creation of the represented worlds must start with the rejection of existential monism and assume the existence of "possible worlds". The author proposes to introduce the concept of "biographical allusion formulated with the use of a lyrical strategy" into the science of literature. It turns out that there are three basic lyrical strategies of this type: testimony, confession, and challenge.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi wprowadzenie do teoretycznych rozważań dotyczących biograficznych aluzji do rzeczywistości obecnych w utworach poetyckich. Autor, podążając za teoriami fikcji literackiej znajdującymi swe źródło w myśli Arystotelesa, wyraża pogląd, że wszelkie naukowe dociekania dotyczące rzeczywistych prototypów kreacji światów przedstawionych muszą opierać się na odrzuceniu monizmu egzystencjalnego oraz uwzględniać istnienie "światów możliwych". Autor proponuje wprowadzić do obiegu literaturoznawczego pojęcie "biograficznej aluzji formułowanej przy użyciu strategii lirycznej". Okazuje się, że można wyróżnić trzy zasadnicze tego typu strategie: strategię świadectwa, wyznania oraz wyzwania.
Uwe Johnson był przed 1989 rokiem postrzegany wyłącznie jako pisarz „podziału Niemiec”. Urodzony na Pomorzu (Kamień Pomorski), okres dzieciństwa i wczesnej młodości spędził w Mecklemburgii. Po studiach germanistycznych w NRD przeniósł się w 1959 roku do Berlina Zachodniego. W tym samym roku ukazała się jego pierwsza powieść Mutmaßungen über Jakob (pol. Domniemiania o Jakubie, 2008), która – oprócz refleksji nad podziałem Niemiec w kontekście klimatu zimnej wojny dzielącej Europę na dwa obozy polityczne – szeroko opisuje wakacyjny czas spędzany do dziesiątego roku życia w Darzewicach koło Wolina. Jest to, patrząc przez pryzmat całej biografii autora, najszczęśliwszy okres w jego życiu i z tego powodu – punkt odniesienia do ukształtowania się światopoglądu w dwubiegunowym świecie indoktrynacji ideologicznej. Bohaterowie jego utworów pisanych prozą wywodzą się, podobnie jak Jakob Abs, główny bohater z wyżej wymienionej powieści, również z Pomorza. Tekst ten poświęcony jest analizie determinantów tożsamości regionalnej pisarza z perspektywy samorefleksji, w której kategoria małej ojczyzny w rozumieniu teorii konkretnej utopii (Ernst Bloch), zajmuje miejsce centralne – pokrewieństwa duchowego (Johann Wolfgang Goethe) oraz duchowej bezdomności (Siegfried Kracauer).
Uwe Johnson was perceived before 1989 exclusively as a writer of the division of Germany. Born in Pomerania (Kamień Pomorski), he spent his childhood and early youth in Mecklenburg. After obtaining his university degree in German philology in the German Democratic Republic, he moved to West Berlin. In the same year he published his first novel Mutmaßungen über Jakob (the Polish edition Domniemania w sprawie Jakuba appeared in 2008), which besides the reflection on the division of Germany in the context of the Cold War, dividing Europe into two political camps, extensively describes his holidays he spent until 10 years of age in Darzewice near Wolin. It was, looking through the prism of the author’s whole biography, the most happy period in his life and therefore a point of reference for forming a worldview in a bipolar world of the ideological indoctrination. The characters of his novels written in prose, like Jakob Abs, the main character of the novel mentioned above, hail from Pomerania. The article provides an analysis of determinants of the author’s regional identity from the perspective of self-reflection in which a central position occupies the category of small homeland as understood in the theory of concrete utopia (Ernst Bloch), as well that of spiritual affinity (Johann Wolfgang Goethe), and spiritual homelessness (Siegfried Kracauer).
Autorka snuje rozważania dotyczące cech charakterystycznych współczesnych reportaży. Artykuł koncentruje się na przedstawieniu hybrydycznej natury gatunku i jego silnie literackiego ukierunkowania. Polem analiz jest twórczość Mariusza Szczygła. Refleksja prowadzona jest dwutorowo. Zasygnalizowana zostaje zarówno dystynktywność dokumentaryzmu jako cechy kanonicznej reportażu w ogóle, jak również znamienność pojawiających się w tekście motywów beletrystycznych. Jak się okazuje, nadrzędny, dokumentalny charakter reportaży nie uniemożliwia rozpatrywania twórczości Szczygła w kategoriach utworów literackich. Autorka artykułu wykorzystuje do analizy trzy zbiory – Gottland, Zrób sobie raj i Nie ma. Wnioski dowodzą, że wybrane teksty reportażowe są międzygatunkowymi hybrydami, mozaikami stylów, w których kondensują się doświadczenia związane z poznawaniem prawdy (faktów) oraz fikcji literackiej.
The author deliberates on the characteristics of contemporary reportages. The paper focuses on presenting the hybrid nature of the genre and its strongly literary orientation. The field of analysis is the work of Mariusz Szczygieł. The study is conducted in two ways. Both the distinctive character of documentarism as a canonical feature of reportage in general, and the significance of fictional motifs appearing in the text, are highlighted. As it turns out, the canonical documentary nature of the reportages does not make it impossible to consider Szczygieł’s texts in terms of literary works. The author of the paper uses three collections of reportages: Gottland, Zrób sobie raj, and Nie ma. The conclusions show that the selected materials are inter-species hybrids and mosaics of styles in which the experiences related to discovering the truth (facts) and literary fiction are condensed.
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