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11 polysaccharide fractions were isolated from the Echinacea purpurea herb (collected from the cultivation) and 8 compounds were isolated from the callus tissue from in vitro cultures. The HPLC analysis of hydrolysed polysaccharides indicated a great heterogeneity of the herb fractions. They differ significantly from the compounds obtained from the callus tissue, which are mostly arabinogalactans with an addition of xylose.
Z ziela Echinacea purpurea zebranego z uprawy wyizolowano 11 frakcji polisacharydowych, a z tkanki kalusowej z kultur in vitro - 8 związków. Analiza HPLC zhydrolizowanych polisacharydów wykazała dużą różnorodność frakcji uzyskanych z ziela. Różnią się one znacząco od związków otrzymanych z tkanki kalusowej, które są głównie arabinogalaktanami z dodatkiem ksylozy.
Phenolic acids from herb of Linaria vulgaris (L.) Mill, were analysed by means of two di­mensional thin layer chromatography and RP-HPLC method. Ten acids were identified: protocatechuic, gallic, caffeic, p-hydroxybenzoic, p-coumaric, vanillic, ferulic, homoprotocatechuic, salicylic and o-hydroxyphenylacetic. By the RP-HPLC method the content of five major compounds in fraction of free phenolic acids was determined.
Metodą dwukierunkowej chromatografii cienkowarstwowej (2D-TLC) oraz wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej (HPLC) analizowano zespół fenolokwasów z ziela Linaria vulgaris (L.) Mill. Zidentyfikowano 10 fenolokwasów: protokatechowy, galusowy, kawowy, p-hydroksybenzoesowy, p-kumarowy, wanilinowy, ferulowy, homoprotokatechowy, salicylowy i o-hydroksyfenylooctowy. Za pomocą metody RP-HPLC ustalono zawartość 5 głównych składników we frakcji wolnych fenolokwasów.
The content of dry matter, total protein, ether extract, crude ash and crude fibre was determined in the plant material. In addition, the BAW was calculated and the content of: Mg, Ca, K, Na, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn was assessed. The highest (P < 0.05) concentration of nutrients in dry matter was characteristic of fennel flower and green pepper.The highest abundance of minerals in crude ash was found in lovage and marjoram (144.4-116.6 g kg-1), and of total protein – in common basil and lovage (208.8 and 185.4 g kg-1). The highest (P < 0.05) content of crude fat was determined in common juniper, nutmeg, green pepper, marjoram and rosemary (on average 17.18 g kg-1) and of fibre in coriander (107.2 g kg-1), while the highest BAW was recorded in nutmeg, white pepper and rosemary (on average 730.9 g kg-1). The % RDA and AI coverage were estimated for consumers aged 31-50, assuming that the intake of the analysed culinary herbs is equivalent to 1g per day. The herbs had highly differentiated content of the analysed minerals. Common basil contained the highest amounts (P < 0.05) of macroelements: Mg, Ca, K and Na (79.8, 1278, 2135 and 218.5 μg g-1, respectively) and microelements: Fe, Cu and Mn (26.31, 1.95 and 8.56 μg g-1, respectively). Of all the herbs, fennel flower was the most abundant (P < 0.05) source of Zn (74.53 μg g-1), while juniper and green pepper was the richest in Mg (an average content 86.8 μg g-1), marjoram and lovage – in Ca (1666 and 1041 μg g-1 respectively), and red pepper – in K (2114 μg g-1). According to calculations, the consumption of 1 g of the above herbs can cover up to approx. 0.1% of RDA (Mg, Ca,) and AI (K, Na) and up to 0.6% of RDA (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn).
W opracowaniu wskazuje się na potrzebę zróżnicowanego traktowania herbu i gmerku mieszczańskiego jako zupełnie różnych zjawisk. Gmerki pełniły funkcję znaków indywidualno- -tożsamościowych, którymi znakowano należące do posiadaczy gmerków ruchomości, domy, zwierzęta itp. Potwierdzały one jakość i autentyczność zbywanych towarów. Ich upowszechnienie w różnych częściach Europy nastąpiło w XVI i XVII w., ale najwcześniejsze na ziemiach polskich pojawiły się już w XIV w. Gmerk jako znak utrwalony w formie linii, kresek bądź różnych figur geometrycznych bez względu na to czy był umieszczony na tarczy, czy w polu pieczęci, stanowił znak indywidualno-tożsamościowy, a zatem był znakiem ściśle personalnym, natomiast sygnet z godłem figuralnym, wyrażonym w postaci narzędzi pracy był pieczęcią herbową. Herb symbolizował przynależność jego posiadacza do rodziny. Rycina 1 prezentuje gmerk z kompozycją belkową, a rycina 2 przedstawia stempel pieczęci herbowej z godłem figuralnym w formie narzędzia pracy. Oba zabytki wyeksplorowane zostały w Gdańsku przy ul. 3 Maja 8 w trakcie ratowniczych badań archeologicznych.
A comparative study of the sterol components of roots and herb of H. pilosella was carried out using GCMS techniques, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol and α-saccharostenon were identified in both fractions. Stigmast-7-en-3-ol was identified only in herb and stigmast-4-en-3-on only in roots. Sitosterol and stigmasterol were the predominant sterol components in analysed raw materials. Besides, by means of the weight method the total amounts of sterols was determined: in herb 0.24% and in roots 0.16%.
Metodą GCMS przeprowadzono porównawcze badania obecności steroli w korzeniach i zielu H. pilosella. W obu badanych frakcjach zidentyfikowano β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, kampesterol oraz α-saccharostenon. Stigmast-7-en-3-ol stwierdzono tylko w zielu a stigmast-4-en-3-on tylko w korzeniach. Sitosterol i stigmasterol były związkami dominującymi w obu surowcach. Metodą wagową określono całkowitą ilość steroli w zielu (0,24%) oraz w korzeniach (0,16%).
The present study was aimed to develop a cost-effective and efficient protocol for mass propagation of high-quality seedlings through tissue culture by using seaweed extract as biostimulants instead of synthetic chemicals. The nodal explant of field grown W. somnifera estabilised on Murashige and Skoogs medium (MS) and Gamborg B5 medium supplemented with six concentration of 2,4 D. The percentage of culture response from the nodal explant ranged from 44 to 80 and 3.0 mg l-1 2,4 D found to be best for callus induction. MS media containing different concentration of seaweed extract (10, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 %) were tested individually for shoot induction. The medium supplemented with 40 % seaweed extract exhibited maximum number of shoots with about 8.6 shoots/ callus and 80 % seaweed extract exhibited 4.3 shoots/ callus. It is evident from this study that seaweed extracts can be used as substitute for synthetic growth hormones for micropropagation of medicinally important plant W. somnifera for clonal propagation and conservation.
The aim of this paper was to assess the vegetation of six lowland meadows, or study units, located in the Liw Commune. In order to meet the objectives of the research, a detailed list of species on the meadows was drawn up and a weighing analysis of vegetation in individual harvest was carried out. The research involving six meadows was carried out during the 2016 growing season. The meadows were situated in two villages: Ruchna and Ruchenka, located in the Masovian Voivodeship, Węgrów County, and the Liw Commune. The meadows under consideration occupy a total of 19 hectares. They comprise brown soil, leached and acidic, consisting of light clay, with a lower layer of heavy clay and black soil proper of very good quality, made up of light clay lying on medium clay. The soil of the meadows had a high and very high content of mineral nitrogen and magnesium, low or medium content of phosphorus, and a very low content of potassium. Three of the analyzed meadows were harvested three times, while the others were harvested four times. The results of the weighing analysis of the meadows were very varied, both between the units and between harvests. However, it should be noted that in all units the grass share, as an average of all harvest, was in majority of cases, in the range from 55% to 62%.
The aim of the investigation carried out in 2006-2007 was to assess differences between 5 grass species and 5 species of plants belonging to meadow herbs in their ability to accumulate selenium. According to the results, among the grass species, the samples of Arrhenatherum elatuis L. had the highest average Se content (46 μg Se⋅kg-1 d.m.), and the lowest average Se amount was found in Holcus lanatus L. (24 μg Se⋅kg-1 d.m.). The content of Se in meadow weeds (70 μg Se⋅kg-1 d.m.) was approximately twice as high as in grasses (32 μg Se⋅kg-1 dm.). Among this group of plants, the highest Se accumulation occurred in Equisetum arvense L. (103 μg Se⋅kg-1 dm.) and the lowest – in Taraxacum officinale (59 μg Se⋅kg-1 dm.). Both in grasses and in meadow weeds, the Se content significantly depended on the amount of this element in soils. In the following species: Dactylis glomerata L., Arrhenatherum elatius L., Poa pratensis L. and Taraxacum officinale, the amount of accumulated Se was also conditioned by the soil’s abundance in organic and total C.
Celem badań prowadzonych w latach 2006-2007 było określenie zróżnicowania w zdolności nagromadzania selenu przez 5 gatunków traw oraz 5 gatunków roślin zaliczanych do ziół łąkowych. Wykazano, że wśród analizowanych gatunków traw najwięcej selenu zawierały próby Arrhenatherum elatuis L. (46 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.), a najmniej Holcus lanatus L. (24 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.), średnio dla badanych gatunków roślin. Zawartość Se w chwastach łąkowych (70 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.) była ok. 2-krotnie większa niż określona dla traw (32 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.). W tej grupie roślin największą kumulację Se wykazywał Equisetum arvense L. (103 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.), najmniejszą Taraxacum officinale (59 μg Se⋅kg-1 sm.). Zarówno w trawach, jak i chwastach zawartość selenu była istotnie zależna od ilości tego pierwiastka w glebach. Dla gatunków: Dactylis glomerata L., Arrhenatherum elatius L., Poa pratensis L. oraz Taraxacum officinale o ilości nagromadzonego Se decydowała również zasobność gleb w C-org. i S-og.
The aim of this work was an assessment of a microbiological quality of some dried herbs, offered in retail. A basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), marjoram (Origanum majorana L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) savory (Satureja hortensis L.), tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) were investigated. The research material included 28 samples coming from five producers and was purchased in Szczecin in shops of various commercial networks. It was stated that the microbiological contamination was significantly differentiated depending on both: a kind of herbs and a producer. A mean count of microorganisms was the highest in basil while the lowest counts were detected in oregano and savory. A microbiological quality of the majority of the tested herbs attained standards. However, in 25% of the samples an excessive amount of bacteria (>105cfu∙g-1) was detected. Only in individual cases, there was a high contamination by moulds (>103cfu∙g-1) and coliforms (present in 0.01–0.001 g). Nevertheless, there were no E. coli, Salmonella sp. and coagulase (+) staphylococci in any sample.
Celem pracy była ocena stanu mikrobiologicznego suszonych ziół przyprawowych dostępnych w handlu. Badaniom poddano susz z bazylii (Ocimum basilicum L.), cząbru (Satureja hortensis L.), estragonu (Artemisia dracunculus L.), majeranku (Origanum majorana L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) oraz tymianku (Thymus vulgaris L.). Materiałem badawczym było 28 prób ziół (od pięciu producentów), które zakupiono w Szczecinie, w placówkach różnych sieci handlowych. Stwierdzono, że zanieczyszczenie przez drobnoustroje było zróżnicowane w zależności od gatunku ziół oraz producenta. Najwyższą średnią liczbą drobnoustrojów odznaczała się bazylia, a najniższą oregano i cząber. Mikrobiologiczna jakość większości ocenianych ziół odpowiadała standardom. Jednak w 25% próbek stwierdzono nadmierną w stosunku do wymagań liczbę bakterii (>105 jtk/g), natomiast w pojedynczych przypadkach wysokie zanieczyszczenie przez pleśnie (>103 jtk/g) i bakterie z grupy coli (miano 0.01–0.001). W żadnej z próbek nie występowały bakterie E. coli, pałeczki Salmonella sp. oraz gronkowce koagulazododatnie.
In this work the phenolic acids in the methanol extract from the flowering herbs of Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. growing in Poland were isolated and identified. The samples containing free phenolic acids and those released after acid and alkaline hydrolyses were investigated by 2D TLC on cellulose. After purification by SPE, samples were also analyzed by RP-HPLC. Six phenolic acids such as gallic, protokatechuic, gentisic, hydrobenzoic, vanillic and caffeic acids were detected in the fraction of free phenolic acids of the methanol extract, irrespectively of the method used.
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