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Variety of traits important in diagnostics and epidemiology of pathogenic microorganisms may change due to antibiotics. Movement ability, that is characteristic for every serovar except from Salmonella Gallinarum-Pullorum, is important to salmonellas. In own experiments using semi-fluid MSRV medium, it was found that a decrease in salmonella sensibility to selected antibiotics and chemiotherapeutics due to passage might lead to weakening of its movement ability. Movement ability of all strains (S. Enteritidis, S. Dublin, S. Typhimurium) after passage with amoxycillin, neomycin, Colistin and enrofloxacin became weakened as compared to results achieved before passage. The strongest inhibition of movement ability was most often observed in strains after passage on medium with Colistin. It seems to be associated with the action mechanism of the antibiotic. Colistin injuries cellular membranes, where flagella (active motoric organ of Salmonella) are anchored. Appearance of drug-resistance as a result of passage at the presence of antibiotics may cause variability of biochemical properties of Salmonella rods and leads to weakening of movement ability of ciliated Salmonella.
Experiment with silage maize was established in 2002. Two hybrids were compared: early hybrid Birko (FAO 210) and middle early hybrid Etendard (FAO 260). Sum of effective temperatures was observed during vegetation period. There was confirmed significant dependence of sum of effective temperatures on dry matter production dynamic of silage maize. Based on study of this indicator is possible to assign optimal term of harvesting for specific hybrid on specific stand. Significant difference of dry matter content of variously matured hybrids is reached at the end of vegetation period.
W doświadczeniu założonym w 2002 roku porównywano dwa mieszańce kukurydzy na kiszonkę, wczesny Birko (FAO 210) i średniowczesny Etendard (FAO 260). Stwierdzono istotną zależność pomiędzy przyrostem produkcji suchej masy a sumą temperatur efektywnych mierzonych w okresie wegetacji. Na podstawie badań możliwe jest ustalenie optymalnego terminu zbioru dla wybranego stanowiska. Stwierdzono także istotne zróżnicowanie zawartości suchej masy w mieszańcach na koniec okresu wegetacji.
In recent years extensive attention has been given to the Rubus genus, but knowledge on the ecology of most of its species, including rhythmic development, is still insuffi cient. Such data may have practical applications, since blackberry species are economically important. The goal of the study was to analyse phenology and growth rate of vegetative and generative stems in 10 Rubus species of different systematic affi nity (belonging to two subspecies and three sections), growing in the Dendrological Garden of the Poznań University of Life Sciences. Some habitat factors were also taken into consideration. Field investigations were carried out for three growing seasons. The plants were evaluated for phenology twice a week, while the length of their stems was measured once a week. Diff erences were observed in the seasonal rhythm of individual species. Weather factors distinctly infl uenced the course of development phases in all the Rubus species. Drought during the growing season caused fl owering disorders, withering of fruit, earlier autumn leaf coloration, and fall of leaves. Rubus idaeus and R. fabrimontanus ripened all of their fruits each year of observations and seemed to be the most adapted for fruit production. Rubus fabrimontanus, R. kuleszae and R. praecox were the most vigorous species with reference to shoot growth. This study revealed that only some species were fully acclimated to the conditions of the Dendrological Garden, since they successfully completed their entire fl owering and fruiting cycles.
This article is targeted at describing the issue of the renewable energy, its role in today's society and economy and the impact on economic activity on a regional level. RES investments in recent years have shown significant growth dynamics. Due to the nature and characteristics of RES investments, they play a particularly meaningful role at the local level. In particular, features such as local nature and modularity stress the benefits at regional level, rather than at the global one. The author, in addition to the presentation of statistical data in the field of RES investments, shall also attempt to assess the conditions and benefits of the development of RES.
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie problematyki energii odnawialnej, jej roli we współczesnym społeczeństwie i gospodarce oraz wpływu na aktywizację gospodarczą na poziomie regionalnym. Inwestycje OZE w ostatnich latach cechują się znaczną dynamiką wzrostu. Z uwagi na charakter i cechy inwestycji OZE odgrywają one szczególnie wymierną rolę na poziomie lokalnym. W szczególności cechy takie jak lokalny charakter i modułowość podkreślają pożytki na płaszczyźnie regionalnej, nie zaś globalnej. Autor publikacji poza prezentacją danych statystycznych w zakresie inwestycji OZE, podejmuje również próbę oceny uwarunkowań i pożytków rozwoju OZE.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest zbadanie występowania konwergencji regionalnej w Polsce w odniesieniu do PKB na mieszkańca. Analiza przeprowadzona została dla okresu 1995–2005 na poziomie województw (NUTS 2), podregionów (klasyfikacja NUTS 3) oraz w ramach województw. Przez konwergencję rozumiane jest zmniejszanie się różnic między regionami pod względem poziomu dochodu. Zjawisko przeciwne nazywane jest dywergencją. W pracy zastosowana została metoda umożliwiająca analizę dynamiki pełnego rozkładu względnego dochodu per capita, zaproponowana przez Quaha (1993, 1996a, 1996b). Polega ona na estymacji macierzy przejścia zapożyczonych z procesów Markowa oraz wykorzystaniu nieparametrycznych estymatorów jądrowych warunkowej funkcji gęstości dla rozkładu względnego PKB na mieszkańca w kolejnych latach. Jest to metoda umożliwiająca weryfikację hipotezy o występowaniu konwergencji klubów, co nie jest możliwe przy zastosowaniu metodologii klasycznej (Barro, Sala-i-Martin 2003). Zauważalna jest silna stabilność rozkładu dochodu i brak występowania konwergencji bezwarunkowej zarówno między województwami, jak i między podregionami. I województwa, i podregiony generalnie względnie ubożały za sprawą szybszego niż przeciętny rozwoju najbogatszych województw (mazowieckie) czy podregionów (duże miasta, głównie Warszawa i Poznań). Z różnicowanie pod względem relatywnego PKB na mieszkańca rośnie w czasie zarówno dla województw, jak i podregionów. Wzorcem konwergencji, jaki daje się zaobserwować tak na poziomie NUTS 2, jak i NUTS 3, jest konwergencja klubów (polaryzacja) – regiony względnie najbiedniejsze i osobno względnie najbogatsze upodabniają się do siebie i zbiegają do różnych poziomów dochodu. Analizie poddano też występowanie konwergencji podregionów wewnątrz województw – tu również jedynym obserwowanym wzorcem konwergencji jest konwergencja klubów.
The purpose of this article is to establish whether regional convergence is present in Poland in terms of GDP per capita. An analysis was conducted for the years 1995–2005 at the voivodeship (NUTS2), sub-regional (NUTS3 classification) and intra-voivodeship levels. Convergence means a reduction of income disparities between regions. The opposite phenomenon is called divergence. The author of the paper used a method – proposed by Quah (1993, 1996a, 1996b) – that enables an analysis of the full distribution dynamics of relative per capita income. It consists in the estimation of transition matrices derived from Markov’s processes and in the use of nonparametric kernel estimators of the relative density function for relative GDP distribution per capita in subsequent years. The method facilitates verification of the club convergence hypothesis, which is impossible using the classic methodology (Barro and Sala-i-Martin 2003). It is clear that income distribution is stable and that there is no unconditional convergence both between voivodeships and between sub-regions. In general, voivodeships as well as sub-regions were impoverished as a result of a faster-than-normal growth of the richest voivodeships (mazowieckie voivodeship) and sub-regions (large cities, mainly Warsaw and Poznan). The diversification of relative GDP per capita grows in time both in the case of voivodeships and sub-regions. The convergence model that can be seen both at NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels is club convergence (polarisation): relatively the poorest and – separately – the richest regions are becoming similar and converge at different income levels. The analysis also includes the occurrence of sub-region convergence within voivodeships, with the only observable convergence model being club convergence.
Solidago species are one of the most widespread invasive species in Europe. In Central Europe, vegetation dominated by alien goldenrods can occupy vast areas. Their presence causes a decrease in the biodiversity level of numerous groups of organisms (plants, birds and insects). Alien Solidago also disturb biogeochemical cycles, as well as the primary productivity in infested ecosystems. In Central Europe, four alien Solidago species are considered as naturalized plants: late goldenrod (Solidago altissima L.), Canadian goldenrod (S. canadensis L.), tall goldenrod (S. gigantea Aiton), and grass-leaved goldenrod (S. graminifolia (L.) Elliot. = Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt.). To analyse the dynamics of the growth and flowering of Solidago species, an experiment was conducted in which the goldenrods were planted in pots. We examined the life history traits, which are treated as being strongly connected with the invasive abilities of these species. The height, number of ramets and percentage of flowered plants were noted at ten-day intervals from May to November over a period of four years. Two native species, often co-occurring with alien goldenrods, were analysed for comparison: European goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L.) and common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.). The analysed species reached their maximal height during the second and third years of the experiment. The highest ramets were noted in the case of Solidago altissima, S. canadensis and S. gigantea. A group of lower plants consisted of Solidago graminifolia, together with the native species S. virgaurea and T. vulgare. The number of ramets formed by S. graminifolia was more than two times larger than in the case of other species. All of the analysed species flowered during the time of observation but, grass-leaved goldenrod, was the only one among the alien species which flowered in all pots and 100% of individuals produced mature seeds. Its phenology (early flowering and seed ripening) was more similar to native species’ than to other alien Solidago. Our results suggest Solidago graminifolia has strong competitive abilities; however, its range is very limited. The reasons for the slow spread of this species in Europe – other than competitive limitations – should be considered.
This paper presents results of analysis of the dynamics of growth and development of beech stands in the lower subalpine zone in the Bieszczady National Park from the point of view of size-volume interrelationships of the following three main forest-forming processes: thickness increment, the process of trees dying off in stands and growing of young trees to reach the layer of the manure stand. The obtained results confirmed that the examined beech forests exhibit similarity with multigenerational, complex forests of primeval character. An argument in favour of this includes in particular: high stand volume, good forest health condition and a positive relationship between the process of tree survival (volume increment and ingrowth) and the decrement process. The wide peak distance of culminations of two traits is characteristic too: the number of trees in the lowest diameter subclass and the volume in the diameter subclass several intervals higher.
Praca prezentuje wyniki analizy dynamiki wzrostu i rozwoju drzewostanów bukowych strefy regla dolnego Bieszczadzkiego Parku Narodowego pod kątem relacji liczebnościowo-miąższościowych trzech podstawowych procesów lasotwórczych: przyrastania na grubość, ubywania drzew z drzewostanu i dorastania młodych osobników do warstwy drzewostanu dojrzałego. Otrzymane wyniki dowodzą podobieństwa badanych buczyn do wielogeneracyjnych, złożonych lasów o charakterze pierwotnym. Przemawia za tym wysoka zasobność, dobry stan zdrowotny oraz dodatnia relacja pomiędzy procesem przeżywania drzew (przyrost miąższości i dorost) a procesem ich ubywania. Charakterystyczny jest też szeroki rozstaw kulminacji dwóch cech: liczby drzew w najniższym stopniu grubości oraz miąższości w stopniu o kilka przedziałów wyższym.
Population dynamics in batch and continuous culture of Shigella flexneri 3b lysogenic for plaque-less phage X and sensitive to this phag lb serovars have been determined. The abrupt change in the fraction of lysogens resulting from the death, especially of sensitive cells, was observed. The death should result of spontaneous liberation of phage X as concluded from the growth dynamics of the sensitive strain infected with the phage containing bacteria-free filtrate of 3b lysogen. Basing on experimental data mathematical modelling of the dynamics with the use of the differential equation set has been proposed. In the models a qualitative relation between the strains and the phage, estimation of growth parameters and estimated growth curves are given.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki trzyletniego doświadczenia polowego przeprowadzonego w Ogrodzie Botanicznym IHAR w Bydgoszczy. Ocenie poddano trzy mieszanki kępowych traw gazonowych. Komponentami mieszanki pierwszej (M I) były Festuca rubra (75%) i Lolium perenne (25%), W skład mieszanki drugiej (M II) wchodziły Festuca arundinacea (30%), Festuca ovina (50%) Lolium perenne (20%), Mieszankę trzecią (M III) tworzyły Festuca ovina (30%), Festuca rubra (35%) oraz Festuca heterophylla (35%). Ocenę systemów korzeniowych traw i innych cech trawników dokonywano w trzech terminach: wiosną (maj), latem (lipiec) i jesienią (październik). W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że zagęszczanie gleby wpłynęło istotnie na zmniejszenie masy korzeni w porównaniu do powierzchni kontrolnych. Wyższe plony masy nadziemnej zarówno w formie ścierni, jak i zielonej masy koszonej, z wyjątkiem mieszanki MII, uzyskano na powierzchniach kontrolnych, z czego największe dla mieszanki M I a najsłabsze dla mieszanki M III. Zmniejszenie długości korzeni było bardziej zróżnicowane, z czego pozytywnie na wzrost długości korzeni traw w warunkach większego zagęszczenie gleby reagowała M II. Zagęszczanie gleby wpłynęło negatywnie na ogólną ocenę trawnikową i stopień zadarnienia ocenianych powierzchni trawnikowych.
The paper demonstrates the research results of a three-year field experiment performed in the Botanical Garden of the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute (IHAR) in Bydgoszcz. Three mixtures of lawn turf grasses were evaluated. The first mixture (M I) components included Festuca rubra (75%) and Lolium perenne (25%). The second mixture (M II) was composed of Festuca arundinacea (30%), Festuca ovina (50%) and Lolium perenne (20%). The third mixture (M III) was made up of Festuca ovina (30%), Festuca rubra (35%) as well as Festuca heterophylla (35%). The grass root systems and other lawn characteristics were evaluated at three dates: in spring (May), in summer (July) and in autumn (October). The research showed that soil compaction decreased the root weight significantly, as compared with the control treatments. Higher aboveground mass yields, both in the form of stubble and mowed green matter, except for mixture MII, were recorded for the control treatments; the highest values for mixture M I and the lowest – for mixture M III. The decrease in root length was more varied, with a positive response to soil compaction in the form of increased grass root length being reported for M II. Soil compaction showed a negative impact on the overall value of the lawn and the turfing level of the lawn areas evaluated.
Badano zmienność dynamiki wzrostu i sporulacji 12 izolatów należących do gatunków Fusarium culmorum, F. nivale (Microdochium nivale) i F. avenaceum. Wzrost grzybni przebiegał na trzech pożywkach (PDA, SNA i Czapek-Doxa). Zaobserwowano znaczne różnice w intensywności zarodnikowania, natomiast zróżnicowanie dynamiki wzrostu izolatów było niewielkie. Pożywką najlepiej różnicującą tę cechę okazała się SNA.
The variability of growth and sporulation dynamics of twenty fusaria isolates belonging to F. culmorum, F. nivale and F. avenaceum species were studied. The myceliums growed on three media: PDA, SNA and Czapek-Dox medium. Significant differences in the sporulation intensity were observed although the differentiation of growth dynamics was small. It was found that SNA was a medium best differentiating the investigated isolates.
Allium oleraceum L. and A. vineale L. are two related bulbous geophytes with an annual storage organ that coexist in a wide range of habitats but show both partly different geographic ranges and habitat preferences in Europe. To explore whether ecological and distributional differences between species can be related to expected variation in some key life-history traits between them, research was undertaken to compare the phenology, seasonal growth, and dry-mass allocation of vegetative and reproductive plants of the species at successional gradient comprising three sites with contrasting environmental conditions (steppe, scrub, forest), where populations of the study species coexist (the Czech Republic). The results showed, in general, partly different timing of phenophases between species and different responses of species to contrasting environmental conditions. A. vineale displayed an annual life cycle similar to that observed in many Mediterranean geophytes, i.e. regularly sprouting above ground before the arrival of winter, its growth was concentrated into early and mid-spring and started to wither after a temperature increase and several short-term drought events in early summer, though its flowering was delayed until late June. A. oleraceum showed high year-on-year variation in the onset of shoot elongation above-ground; its growth was concentrated into mid- and late spring and its flowering was delayed until July. The patterns of phenology observed between the study species thus partly reflect selection under different environmental conditions of their origin. The total duration of the green above-ground period of reproductive plants in both species continued about 1.5-2 months beyond that of the vegetative ones. Over main growth period, mean relative growth rates (RGR) of A. oleraceum and A. vineale ranged from 20 to 22 and from 6 to 28 mg g[^-1]dw day[^-1], respectively. A. vineale showed significantly higher RGR than A. oleraceum only in steppe conditions while at shaded sites the reverse pattern was found. The RGR of both vegetative and reproductive plants of A. oleraceum did not differ from one site to another. On the other hand, both vegetative and reproductive A. vineale plants showed lower RGR at shaded sites than at steppe one. Shading increased allocation into leaves in both species, caused complete abortion of developing scapes in A. vineale but only reduced reproductive allocation in A. oleraceum. A. oleraceum was able to maintain fitnessrelated traits more stably across the environments studied than A. vineale that fit well into the pattern of habitat differentiation observed between them in Central Europe. Data concerning growth of and allocation into new bulb in both species also support the hypothesis that allocating reserves for the coming year is the first priority in geophytes with an annual storage organ.
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