Francis Xavier of Saxony, the son of Augustus III, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland, left a very extensive correspondence, which has been preserved until our times in the Departmental Archives in Troyes. The collection constitutes a very important source for the history of everyday life and the history of education of aristocracy in the 18th century. A part of the collection is available in the electronic version on the website of the Archives. Numerous children of the Prince, the sons, as well as daughters, obtained the education suitable for the royal family – comprehensive, competent, pursuing the spirit of the Enlightenment. The period of pursuing knowledge by the children of Francis Xavier was not the time of severing the ties with the parents. The relationships between the father and his sons and daughters were lasting and became more intense in the course of time. Carefully selected tutors and governesses were a very important link between the Prince and his wife and the children. Preceptors not only controlled the educational progress, but also every aspect of daily life, especially of the girls. The Prince expected detailed reports which facilitated control over the adolescent boys and girls, for whom best matches for marriage were being arranged. A complex world of relationships of Francis Xavier’s family completes for us the picture of everyday life of the ruling families, so often confined by the tight restraints of the ceremonial.
The study comprised 200 teaching faculty students. It was expected from the students to depict a moment from the future family lives that they expect to have. After the pictures had been drawn, a half-structured group interview was performed with the students about their pictures. The content analysis of the pictures was inspected by 1 pediatric development expert, 1 psychologist and 1 psychological consultant in 5 different sub-contexts and reviewed against the answers given by the students. According to the findings of the study, while female students drew pictures depicting them spending time with their partners and children, male students tended to draw pictures in which they are spending time more individually (e.g., watching TV, soccer matches, etc.). Another finding of the study is that every student wants a family life except 2. Nearly everybody wants a child, but there can be differences concerning the number of children they want. One of the most important results of the study is that, while there are traditional attitudes about families, there can also be differences in modern attitudes.
For several years we have watched worsening demographic situation of our country. Fever children are born and fewer people choose legalization of their relationships There are a lot of arguments to explain such a situation. Problem of appropriate work is worth special attention. It is hard for the young people to find decent job for decent salary. The main study objective is showing what kind of values are the most important in Poznan students’ life. The study attempts to determine what, according to the youth’s opinion, is the sense of life through the value identification. Usually there are several important ones, the rest remains complying.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The article addresses important and current issues regarding stress at work of contemporary managers and the implications of stress, including for family life. The purpose of the article is to indicate the causes and effects of managers’ professional stress. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is an attempt to answer the question – how stress affects managers in professional and private life? Based on the literature of the subject and in relation to the results of selected surveys, the authors prove that professional stress in the case of managers adversely affects not only the professional environment in which the manager works, but also has a bearing on the family’s functioning.THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Professional stress is an increasingly common phenomenon in modern organizations. In the case of managers, it is usually the result of their weakened resilience in overcoming and solving the difficulties, long-term fatigue and emotional strains they experience at work. RESEARCH RESULTS: Stress affects the entire manager’s surroundings negatively. At work, it is increased absenteeism, more mistakes made, emotional arousal or loss of self-confidence. In family life, this is excessive nervousness, physical and mental tension that acts destructively on family members, lack of interest in the affairs of loved ones and aggression.CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Employers and personnel departments in order to level the level and effects of stress should initiate research aimed at identifying the causes of manager’s stress. Training in stress management and undertaking activities that reduce the stressfulness of the work environment, such as changing the scope of tasks, goals or responsibilities, are important.
The paper presents the results of a qualitative study into the lives of people with inadequate functional literacy skills. The data were collected through a biographical interview with a respondent whose characteristics correspond to those of a hypothetical person likely to exhibit signs of low functional literacy. The characteristics, such as gender, age, parental education achievements and job history, of this hypothetical person have been derived from the results of research into adult functional literacy undertaken in the Czech Republic in 1998-International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS). The analysis of the qualitative data focuses on three domains of the respondent's life, namely her family life, her school years, and her life style. The paper identifies the coping strategies used by the respondent in her everyday life.
This article discusses the memories of a Sanok-born Jewish woman from Przemyśl – Pola Hister, which were taken down at the end of her life by Avi (Abraham) Schonbach. The author describes her childhood and education in the Jewish secondary school in Przemyśl, the period of Nazi occupation, staying in the ghetto and being kept in hiding by friendly Polish families. A lot of space is devoted here by the author to the anti-Jewish feeling in postwar Poland and the decision to emigrate with her husband. Through Austria she travelled to Canada, where she started a new life and where she died. Till the day of her death she spoke fluent Polish.
The article is an attempt to review parental roles and to direct attention towards elementary issues relating to the fulfillment of these roles in family life. The significance of parental roles, the tasks of parenthood, as well as parents’ influence on children are addressed in the article. Parental roles, which establish the basic family subsystem, are part of the fundamental dimensions of the functioning of an adult. As a lifelong and multifaceted task, they constitute a component of an adult’s development, a wellspring of contentment and a source of joy in life. The article is demonstrative in nature, therefore, a methodological approach applied in it is the critical analysis of subject literature. The reflection resulting from the analyses relates to the statement that the system of the roles of a mother and a father, as well as the quality of their fulfillment have a decisive influence on the level of functioning of a family, primarily determining socialization and education which take place within it.
The author reveals previously unknown details of the Nałkowskis’ family life which affected the development of Wacław’s character and his interests. These details were also decisive as factors which influenced his scientific and social commitment. Social relationships of his parents and their affinities were also analyzed in order to explain the origins of his worldview. Wacław’s combative nature was already developed in the Russian school, where every symptom of Polish patriotism as well as all forms of free thought were punished. Many questions concerning Nałkowski’s activities can be explained by his experiences from his student days and by the atmosphere at home, where most of his works were written, and where numerous debates and meetings with the representatives of the Polish scientific and patriotic circles were held. The article was composed with the use of the unique source materials collected in the Nałkowskis’ Family Museum in Wołomin, and the memoires of Zofia Nałkowska, the well-known writer and scientist’s daughter.
The aim of the article is to briefly present the social conditions that are necessary for the creation of a modern family. The basis of its existence is the emotional self-fulfillment of its members. The multiplicity of family life patterns, the ambiguity of scenarios for family roles, the instability of sources of income, and the contractual character of family ties do not make it easy for individuals to achieve the above-mentioned goal. Constantly forced to solve dilemmas connected with the necessity to make choices, individuals face a peculiarly anomic situation. Making decisions is no longer limited to being in a partnership or being a parent. Rather, the entire order of daily life is the result of constant choices and negotiations. The realization of some patterns of action – among the many options offered by the market and expert systems – determines not only the shape of individual family life and the form of family, but also their institutionalization, at least the temporary one, thus influencing the entirety of social life.
Celem artykułu jest krótkie przedstawienie społecznych warunków tworzenia współczesnej rodziny. Podstawą jej istnienia jest samospełnienie emocjonalne jej członków. Wielość wzorów życia rodzinnego, niejasność scenariuszy ról, niestabilność źródeł utrzymania, kontraktowy charakter więzi rodzinnej nie ułatwiają jednostkom realizacji tego celu. Zmuszone do ciągłego rozstrzygania dylematów związanych z koniecznością dokonywania wyborów, jednostki znajdują się w sytuacji swoiście anomicznej. Nie tylko związek partnerski czy rodzicielstwo wiążą się z podjęciem decyzji, ale cały porządek codziennego życia jest efektem stałych wyborów i negocjacji. Realizacja niektórych, spośród wielu oferowanych przez rynek i systemy eksperckie, schematów działania przesądza nie tylko o kształcie jednostkowego życia rodzinnego i formie rodziny, lecz także o ich, przynajmniej czasowej, instytucjonalizacji, wpływając, tym samym, na całość życia społecznego.
The improvement in the quality of life of an employed person and his/her sustainable development are the basis of the concept of work-life balance. In this concept, the professional and private spheres are of equal importance and should complement and strengthen each other. The objective of ILO Convention 156 and ILO recommendation 165 related to it, is to ensure equal treatment and equal opportunities in the scope of employment and professional activity of working women and men who fulfill family responsibilities. Art. 33 section 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European pillar of social rights provides accordingly. The permanence of marriage and equal rights of spouses are among the basic principles of Polish family law. Equal rights of women and men in the context of equal rights of persons carrying out parental and care responsibilities are a fundamental constitutional principle in our country. Therefore, new legal regulations at the EU and national level concerning the balance between the professional and private life of parents and guardians are necessary. It should be de lege ferenda called for the inclusion of the concept of balance between professional and private life of working people who perform parental and guardian functions in labor law and family and guardianship law in a wider scope. It seems that nowadays the most important problem is the introduction of legal solutions in the field of work exemptions, employee holidays and more flexible working hours for employees who have care responsibilities towards the elderly or chronically ill (parents, parents-in-law, siblings) to the Labor Code.
U podstaw koncepcji równowagi pomiędzy życiem zawodowym a życiem pozazawodowym (work-life balance) leży poprawa jakości życia osoby zatrudnionej oraz jej zrównoważony rozwój. W koncepcji tej sfera zawodowa i prywatna mają równą wartość i powinny się wzajemnie uzupełniać oraz wzmacniać. Celem konwencji nr 156 MOP i powiązanego z nią zalecenia nr 165 MOP jest zagwarantowanie równego traktowania i równych szans w zatrudnieniu i działalności zawodowej pracujących kobiet i mężczyzn wypełniających obowiązki rodzinne. Podobnie stanowi art. 33 ust. 2 Karty Praw Podstawowych Unii Europejskiej oraz Europejski filar praw socjalnych. Trwałość małżeństwa i równouprawnienie małżonków jest jedną z podstawowych zasad polskiego prawa rodzinnego. Równouprawnienie kobiet i mężczyzn w kontekście równych praw osób pełniących obowiązki rodzicielskie i opiekuńcze stanowi fundamentalną zasadę ustrojową w naszym kraju. Konieczne są zatem nowe regulacje prawne na szczeblu unijnym i krajowym w sprawie równowagi w życiu zawodowym i prywatnym rodziców i opiekunów. De lege ferenda należy postulować, aby koncepcja równowagi między życiem zawodowym i prywatnym osób pracujących, pełniących funkcje rodzicielskie i opiekuńcze, była szerzej uwzględniania w przepisach prawa pracy i prawa rodzinnego i opiekuńczego. Wydaje się, że najbardziej istotnym obecnie problemem jest wprowadzenie do kodeksu pracy rozwiązań prawnych z zakresu zwolnień od pracy, urlopów pracowniczych oraz bardziej elastycznego czasu pracy dla pracowników, którzy mają obowiązki opiekuńcze wobec osób starszych lub przewlekle chorych (rodziców, teściów, rodzeństwa).
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