The paper addresses the concept of Weyerhaeuser’s culture which was transformed as the result of mergers and implemented policies against recession. The culture, particularly their long-term vision and values played a crucial role in Weyerhaeuser’s company. Frederick Weyerhaeuser, founder of the firm, realized that a firm’s reputation was the most important asset. Significant increases in housing demand over 1997-2005 had led to an enormous pressure for faster deliveries and innovations in the construction industry. Weyerhaeuser decided to become global leader by transforming its culture and launching the iLevel concept7.
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This study explores the impact of pay dispersion between different ranks (TMT vs. Non-TMT group) on firm short-term financial performance with mediation effect of organizational turnover with the light of Tournament theory and Stewardship theory. This relationship is also examined with the moderating effect of firm control type which is categorized into family firms vs. non-family firms. We used a firm level data set of 1398 samples collected from TEJ database (from 2018 to 2020) to test the proposed model. The results showed that vertical dispersion (2018) negatively impacts organizational turnover (2019) and consequently improve firm financial performance (2020). In addition, the indirect effect (vertical dispersion-organizational turnover-financial performance) is pronounced in family firms rather than in non-family counterparts.
Purpose: According to the principles of the Socioemotional Wealth concept, family firms are particularly attentive to the non-financial aspects of their businesses, as this dimension is closely identified with the owners’ families and their reputation. This research aims to identify the approaches maintained by Polish family firms towards their non-financial information reporting in comparison with their non-family counter-parts and examine the quality of the information presented. Methodology/approach: For the theoretical part, the source literature analysis method and the descriptive analysis method were used. The selection of the sample companies was made using a matched-pair analysis. To assess the quality of the ESG disclosures, content analysis and the research design developed by Hąbek and Wolniak (2016) were applied. Findings: Our empirical study supports the initial assumption that family firms’ ESG disclosures are better quality than their non-family counterparts. This applies to both the relevance and credibility of information. The availability of non-financial information to external stakeholders has been rated low for both family and non-family businesses. Research limitations/implications: The study is limited to one country; hence the suggestion that similar research be conducted in other countries in the CEE region. This will make it possible to assess whether, in economies that have undergone a process of transformation and where family entrepreneurship has a much shorter history than in developed countries, family businesses also undertake and promote CSR activities to a greater extent than non-family firms. The study only focused on listed companies; to strengthen the findings, further research would need to include entities from the SME sector, which dominates most economies. Originality/value: Quality assessment of non-financial reporting is a rarely addressed topic in the literature on non-financial reporting and family businesses. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to focus on the Polish market.
The paper is an attempt to transfer the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) onto the family ground. It constitutes an attempt to emerge the model of family entrepreneurial orientation (FEO) as the family background determining attitudes and entrepreneurial intentions. The research was conducted on a group of students who were asked to respond the questions concerning their families, and particularly, the ones formulated with reference to the existing concepts of entrepreneurial orientation referring to organizational entrepreneurship. There was conducted explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the scale was analyzed using Cronbach’s alpha reliability estimate.
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Today, the business history constitutes an important branch of economic and social history, primarily in western historiography. It is defined as scientific documentation of the history of particular companies, especially their manufacturing and social work. In its research, classical historical methods are combined with those of the history of technology, trade, and mentalities. The business history is a branch that encompasses a number of additional disciplines; it is close to business economy and is closely linked to the economic theories. Family companies or firms as economic units constituted also a field of delicate social and cultural policy. In Western Europe and North America, they organized a major part of socially needed labour and became an arena of activity for different interest circles and groups. The family business history as a part of the business history and history of society has been studied in recent years, mostly in the German and American scientific and business milieu, with a special accent placed on its political, mental and cultural connotations. Especially in the United States established magazines, institutions, guides, professional associations and job positions. Family business research developed an original methodology and conceptualized new topics. If we had to answer the question tents after the existence of the family business history as a new scientific discipline, the answer is not clear. In most developed countries of the world except the United States remained the family business history still part of the history of business or, like in Germany, part of the social and economic history. The historical dimension of the family business is still so by‑product of most research centers dedicated to the family business. However, investigative provides promising potential for the future.
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The presented text is a reflection on family entrepreneurship in the Czech milieu. It asks when the current term of family company originated and how its meaning developed. It concludes that modern family entrepreneurship, which results in a modern entrepreneurial tradition gradually transforming into a family brand or logo and constituting business culture inside as well as outside the company, can be traced to the late 18th century. A massive development of private family companies arrived in Central Europe in the second half of the 19th century, but the companies had no need to present themselves as family companies. Establishment of the term as we know it now occurred almost undetected in the interwar period. The tradition of the company and its roots are often much older than the term “family firm” itself.
The impact of the family in the innovation of family businesses (FB) is a particularly important research issue that is explored in the literature on family entrepreneurship. The results of previous research conducted in the field are, however, ambiguous: some point to the positive impact of the family on innovation, and others see the contrary. The ambiguity of research results regarding the relationship between family involvement in a family business and the level of innovation of these firms justifies interest in investigating this topic. Thus, this paper aims at exploring the influence of the family on the implementation of innovations within family firms. In order to achieve the above research goal, research was carried out on a sample of 295 family businesses in Poland in 2018. Its findings indicate only one area where there are weak relationships between variables describing family involvement in the functioning of the firm and implemented innovations.
The study deals with the questions and problems of the succession of generations concerning family enterprises, discussing the main succession issues. On a world scale most of the family businesses do not survive the first generation, thus succession has become the most important problem. This is the reason why the succession of generations has become the central issue of several research projects. In the diagnostic phase of the research the aim is to present the phases of succession of generations, the succession processes, their method and the possibility of processes especially characteristic of agricultural economics with the help of secondary data, with the application of contemporary research results and a methodological approach.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie problemu sukcesji pokoleniowej w firmach rodzinnych. Omówiono poszczególne fazy sukcesji pokoleniowej, metody i możliwości wykorzystania tego procesu na Wegrzech. Dokonano pogłębionego przeglądu literatury w zakresie analizowanego tematu. Wymienia się kilka modeli sukcesji potwierdzonych doświadczeniami w praktyce, które można dostosować do warunków węgierskich. W wyniku badań wyodrębniono i opisano cztery fazy sukcesji.
Purpose: The study aimed to determine whether family businesses in Poland are as involved in international activity as non-family businesses. Moreover, the intention was to identify differences in the forms of foreign expansion employed by family and non-family firms. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives were pursued based on primary research conducted in 188 family firms and 223 non-family firms operating on the Polish market. Findings: The analysis of the results indicates that family firms conduct business activity outside the domestic market significantly less frequently than non-family firms. The most common form of internationalization chosen by Polish family firms is export and import. Generally, these firms are not interested in joint ventures with foreign partners. Compared to non-family firms, Polish family firms establish divisions abroad significantly less frequently. However, they engage in non-equity cooperation more often than non-family firms. Practical implications: Knowledge about the involvement of family and non-family firms in international activity and their preferred forms of internationalization can be used by business environment institutions. Originality/value: The study results enrich the knowledge on the activity of Polish family firms on foreign markets as compared to similar activity of non-family businesses.
Rodzina jest źródłem zaufania, lojalności i poczucia przynależności w oparciu o relacje, które są również podstawą biznesu. Z tego względu, wspólne prowadzenie firmy przez rodzinę wydaje się logiczne. Niemniej jednak, podwójna rola odgrywana przez członków rodziny może utrudniać funkcjonowanie firmy. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu interpretację rozumienia zjawiska efektywnej kultury organizacyjnej firm rodzinnych przez przyszłych sukcesorów. W badaniu wzięło udział 32 sukcesorów. Interpretacyjnej analizie fenomenologicznej (IPA) poddano częściowo ustrukturowane wywiady pogłębione. Wyniki przedstawiają następujące kategorie: zaufanie, poczucie „my”, przedsiębiorcze wychowanie oraz bezpośredniość w komunikacji, składające się na autorski model objaśniający złożoną kulturę organizacyjną firm rodzinnych. Przedstawiono kierunki przyszłych badań ilościowych oraz wartość aplikacyjną w obszarze przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych.
Family is the source of trust, loyalty and sense of belonging based on relations which are also the core of business. While running a business by family seems a logical thing to do, a double role played by family members may impede company’s functioning. The present paper aims at exploring the meaning making of the employees who are future successors with regards to organizational culture characteristics associated with effective business performance of family firms. 32 future successors took part in the study. Semi-structured interviews were analyzed through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The findings comprised following categories: trust, sense of “we,” entrepreneurial upbringing, and immediacy in communication which may comprise a model explicating complex organizational culture of family businesses. The results provided extensive future research directions into the field of family business.
The aim of the article is to present the specificity of innovative activity in family enterprises and to propose an original classification of model attitudes of family members towards innovative activity along with their short characteristics. Based on the review of the literature on the subject and the analysis of the results of research conducted so far, it has been shown that the family character feature can both favor and limit innovative activity in family businesses. However, the involvement of family members in innovative activities has a decisive impact on the level of innovation of these entities. Based on two criteria – “the level of family involvement in initiating innovative activities” and “family involvement in the implementation of innovative activities” – the authors identified four model family attitudes to[1]wards innovative activities, i.e.: (1) the attitude of an active initiator, (2) the attitude of an active performer, (3) an active initiator and performer attitude, and (4) a passive (passive) attitude. The preferred attitudes favoring innovation are the “attitude of an active initiator” and the “attitude of an active initiator and contractor”, while the other two attitudes are not conducive to innovativeness of family entities.
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie specyfiki działalności innowacyjnej w przedsiębiorstwach rodzinnych oraz zaproponowanie autorskiej klasyfikacji modelowych postaw członków rodziny wobec działalności innowacyjnej wraz z ich krótką charakterystyką. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury przedmiotu oraz analizy wyników dotychczas prowadzonych badań wykazano, że cecha rodzinności może zarówno sprzyjać, jak i ograniczać działalność innowacyjną w firmach rodzinnych. Jednak decydujący wpływ na poziom innowacyjności tych podmiotów ma zaangażowanie członków rodziny w działalność innowacyjną. Opierając się na dwóch kryteriach – „poziom zaangażowania rodziny w inicjowaniu działań innowacyjnych” oraz „zaangażowanie rodziny w realizację działalności innowacyjnej” – autorzy zidentyfikowali cztery modelowe postawy rodziny wobec działalności innowacyjnej, tj. (1) postawę aktywnego inicjatora, (2) postawę aktywnego wykonawcy, (3) postawę aktywnego inicjatora i wykonawcy oraz (4) postawę pasywną (bierną). Preferowanymi postawami sprzyjającymi innowacyjności są „postawa aktywnego inicjatora” oraz „postawa aktywnego inicjatora i wykonawcy”, pozostałe dwie postawy natomiast nie sprzyjają innowacyjności rodzinnych podmiotów.
Celem artykułu jest porównanie procesów sukcesji w firmach rodzinnych Polski i Republiki Czeskiej – w kontekście ich sytuacji ekonomiczno – finansowej. Badania pozwoliły zidentyfikować zakres przeprowadzonych i planowanych sukcesji, barier tych procesów, uwzględniając sytuację ekonomiczno –finansową firm. Wyniki badań potwierdzają duże podobieństwo badanych aspektów sukcesji, zwłaszcza dominację modelu transgeneracyjnego. Podobieństwem charakteryzują się też oceny sytuacji ekonomiczno-finansowej firm i postrzegane bariery. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy pozwoliły na sformułowanie propozycji dalszych kierunków badań.
The paper aims to compare succession processes in family firms in Poland and in Czechia. The comparison was performed in the context of their economic and financial position. The study allowed for the identification of the scope of ongoing and planned successions and the barriers to these processes in the light of their economic and financial position. The study results confirm strong similarity between the researched aspects of succession, in particular the dominance of the transgenerational model. Additionally, similarity can be also observed in the comparison of their economic and financial position as well as the barriers to succession. The results of the analysis led to the formulation of directions for further research.