In a transition period lasting more than twenty years in Serbia, many organizations exist in turbulent and uncertain political, economic and social environment. Great changes in the environment with implications which are difficult to predict pose to the management of the organizations many crisis situations. Every manager possessing standard skills and knowledge for enterprise management must acquire additional skills for management of the crisis situations. Crisis management is set of actions undertaken to control over events composing crisis, in order to minimize losses. In order to undertake appropriate actions in crisis time, manager should know the direction of future events movement and how to allocate resources for reaction to the events. In that situation, the great problem is uncertainty resulting from fast and immediate emergence of crisis events, its complexity and unpredictability. Training system that has aim to enable managers for reaction in crisis situations is analysed in the paper. The system is based on application of contemporary information technologies. In addition, trends and opportunities of electronic learning and training as well as challenges in the development of a training program for crisis management is explained.
This paper deals with one approach to organising electronic learning of a Business English language course. The paper will explain the basic structure of electronic learning, explore its principles and focus on the effects of this type of learning, trying to make English language teachers aware of the possibilities that this system has to offer to its users.
The need to use other grading methods that will help to certify and/or qualify teachers’ grades in extensive groups of students led us to implement peer assessment. Our research was carried out over the last two years, and the students assessed one of the practices among themselves, using one of the tools from a virtual teaching platform. Their grades were subsequently analysed to see if they showed similar results to the teachers’ grades, by means of a correlation analysis. The high correlation found suggests that teachers could take the students’ grading into account if necessary.
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie technik zdalnego nauczania (ang. e-learning) i ich wykorzystania w sektorze rolniczym. Omówiono systemy zarządzania e-learningiem pozwalające na tworzenie lekcji przez ekspertów nie znających zaawansowanych technologii informatycznych. Na przykładzie pakietu IMARK zaprezentowano budowę kursu, zwracając szczególną uwagę na sposób przygotowania i prezentacji treści lekcji.
Paper discussed the electronic learning techniques and their applicability in agricultural studies and advisory. The systems of electronic learning management, enabling to prepare the lessons by experts of rather limited skills in advanced information technologies were described. On an example of IMARK (information management resource kit) the construction of learning course was presented with special attention paid to preparation and presentation procedure concerning the lessons’ essence.
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