The present paper focuses on classroom discourse from the perspective of Sociocultural Theory. This theory, represented mainly by Vygotsky (1978), Leont'ev (1978) and Wertsch (1985), has been applied to second language acquisition by researchers such as Lantolf (1994). Firstly, the paper presents the view of language and language learning and the main constructs in sociocultural SLA, such as mediation through social interaction, mediation by means of private speech, internalization, the zone of proximal development, and Activity Theory. The methodology of sociocultural research is also taken into consideration. Secondly, the paper describes a number of studies into classroom discourse which are discussed in reference to the constructs mentioned above. Thirdly and finally, the paper provides some evaluation of the theory in question.
Nowadays young people need not only specific knowledge, but also a wide array of skills, including language skills, enabling them to better adjust to intercultural realities. One such skill is negotiation, coupled with the selection of an appropriate type of discourse. The aim of the present paper is to analyze the features, forms and styles of educational discourse that support the growth of intercultural negotiation competence in foreign language classes. Particular attention will be given to the structure of the content of discourse: intercultural communication and negotiation. The author seeks to answer the question whether students should aim at using multi-discursive competence in order to effectively talk to or negotiate with representatives of other cultures. The analysis of specialized discourse allows her to find out whether or not teaching business language in foreign language classes is a sine qua non condition for mastering intercultural negotiation competence. The paper also aims to determine in a precise manner the competences of a student as an intercultural negotiator and mediator. Therefore, it presents general principles and examples of communication (discourse) practices that may contribute to the development of intercultural negotiation and mediation competence under classroom conditions. The last section contains an overview of selected handbooks for learning Spanish from the perspective of developing intercultural negotiation competence, with a focus on the presence of elements that can be used for this purpose.
In this paper on the basis of comparative analysis the similarity of Yakym Yarema’s and Kazimierz Twardowski’s main philosophical and pedagogical ideas has been identified. The analysis of these ideas proves that Ukrainian scientist represents Twardowski’s educational practices as well as reflects the traditions of Vienna philosophical school by Franz Brentano which history goes back to Aristotle’s philosophy. The value of Yakym Yarema’s philosophical and pedagogical ideas in the present educational discourse has been shown in the article.
The paper attempts at presenting diversity in discourse research and defining educational discourse in its new cognitive-procesual aspect. The analysis is concentrated on formalized educational discourse undergoing ideological influences through mass, public and government supervised education. For the detailed discussion multiperspective method including critical and rhetorical analysis has been proposed acknowledging the separateness of makro and discursive strategies together with their topoi in the common ideological – cognitive mean.
As digital technologies become more prominent in schools, and a host of new media products appear in classrooms, critical questions are being asked about the erasure of power and politics in contemporary education. To explore the discourse on digital education, this paper draws on discourse analysis of ethnographic interviews with for-profit and non-profit organizations in the field. It asks (i) what industry insiders describe as driving change in contemporary educational technology (edtech), and (ii) whether new actors/technologies shaping a novel educational hegemony, and if so, what this hegemony looks like. Initial findings suggest that while the teacher was seen as key to driving change in printed educational materials, three different discourses appear when describing change in today’s educational technology. In the first, learners drive change; the focus lies on the individual dimension. In the second, schools drive change; the systemic dimension. In the third, data drive change; the analytics dimension. Linking these three discourses is a shift from “education” to “learning”. The accounts of educational technology simultaneously advocate for improving opportunities for all students, especially weaker or disadvantaged learners, and also strengthen the hegemonic shift across policy and practice towards an instrumental understanding of education. Overall, the paper suggests that power and politics are by no means erased from the edtech industry’s accounts of digital technologies and datafication. The socio-material affordances engineered into the technologies invite particular teaching practices and thus affect power relations in education.
The article consists of two major parts. Part one is devoted to the reconstruction of the relationships between the domain of discourse and the domain of education in the semantic field of the term “educational discourse”. Based on the analysis of two types of sources (empirical research and the lexicon of contemporary pedagogics), a constellation of functional, thematic, genre and ontological links is shown. In the second part of the article, a reflection on the last of the approach is developed. Referring to Foucault’s lectures at the Collège de France in 1979-1980 period, the potential of the category of alethurgy and confession as research instruments of pedagogy and discursive practice is shown.
Examining different solutions implemented during foreign language lessons in different countries can be very useful. Firstly, noticing some innovative ideas in an authentic context in another educational system can inspire the introduction of some changes which can potentially raise the quality of foreign language in-struction. Secondly, seeing the same solutions in another educational system can confirm the effectiveness of existing methods and in this way may strengthen the intrinsic motivation of all involved in the teaching process of teaching for-eign languages. One of the most important elements of a foreign language les-son is educational discourse taking place in the classroom as it has the potential to affect all aspects of a particular class and to greatly influence learning out-comes. With this in mind, the author included educational discourse in a com-parative study of the processes taking place during foreign language lesson in two types of schools: the Polish upper secondary school and the British sixth form college. The article is divided into four sections. The first one deals with the literature related to discourse, especially discourse in education. In the sec-ond section, the structure and the scope of the research will be presented, in-cluding the research tools, the subjects of the study, the research questions, the scope and the organisation of the activities, and the factors potentially limiting and influencing the outcomes of the research. In the third part, the results of the study will be presented on the basis of the analysis of the data collected by means of questionnaires, observations and interviews. In the final section, the author will draw conclusions and make some pedagogical recommendations.
hool students. The third stage of education was picked purposefully, as it ties in with an important developmental phase for students. Early adolescence is when young people shape their identity in an extraordinarily intense way. They do so by carefully observing the world and, making use of their more clearly defined moral autonomy, by critically assessing the behaviours and attitudes of adults around them. Taking into account the strongly declared, in the 1999 reform, formational approach to teaching Polish in middle school, it should be assumed that the literary and cultural materials chosen by textbook authors will first and foremost serve to create a particular picture of the family. It is therefore worth checking to what extent the resulting picture of the family is a ‘model’ construction, significant for the authors’ perspective on to proper upbringing, and to what extent it is a true reflection of contemporary experiences that form a part of middle school students’ everyday life. This issue is an important one because the textbook narrative is only one of the numerous aspects of formational discourse that reach young people in middle schools; very often, it is not the most important aspect. The ultimate purpose of my analysis is not to reconstruct the picture of family existing at present in the educational discourse, but rather to answer the question of how the messages in textbooks fit with contemporary societal challenges (changes in culture and customs, the shrinking private sphere
Wystąpienie dotyczy wizerunku rodziny wyłaniającego się z podręczników do języka polskiego przygotowanych dla uczniów gimnazjum. Trzeci etap edukacyjny został wybrany celowo, ponieważ wiąże się z ważnym stadium rozwojowym ucznia. To właśnie w okresie tzw. wczesnej adolescencji w sposób szczególnie intensywny młody człowiek kształtuje swoją tożsamość, uważnie obserwuje świat, a dzięki coraz wyraźniejszej autonomii moralnej krytycznie ocenia zachowania i postawy dorosłych. Z uwagi na wyraźnie deklarowany od czasu pierwszej reformy z 1999 roku formacyjny wymiar kształcenia polonistycznego w gimnazjum, należy założyć, że wykorzystywany przez autorów podręczników materiał literacki i kulturowy będzie służył przede wszystkim kreowaniu określonego wizerunku rodziny. Warto zatem sprawdzić, na ile obraz ten jest konstrukcją „modelową”, istotną w perspektywie autorskich koncepcji wychowawczych, a w jakim stopniu przystaje do współczesnych realiów życiowych doświadczanych na co dzień przez gimnazjalistę. Podnoszona tu kwestia wydaje się istotna, ponieważ narracja podręcznikowa stanowi tylko jedną z odmian docierającego do nastolatka dyskursu formacyjnego, a często nie jest to głos dla ucznia najważniejszy. Ostatecznym celem przeprowadzonego rozpoznania ma być nie próba rekonstrukcji funkcjonującego w dyskursie edukacyjnym wizerunku rodziny, ale odpowiedź na pytanie, na ile podręcznikowe kreacje przystają do współczesnych wyzwań cywilizacyjnych (przemiany kulturowe, obyczajowe, znacząca redukcja sfery prywatnej).
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