The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the inconsistencies and incoherence in the applicable provisions of education law in relation to the education of pupils with special educational needs arising from disability. Therefore, this paper presents an analysis of the current rules in relation to pre-school and early education and teaching with a focus on the following aspects: 1) new tasks for pre-school and early education teachers, 2) duties of teachers, psychologists and other professionalsworking in kindergartens and schools, for psychological and pedagogicalcounseling centers as well as pre-school and early elementary education teachers, 3) qualification requirements under the regulation of the Minister of Education and requirements for skills gained during studies and determined by the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on teacher preparation standards in the context of pre-school and early elementary education teachers’ work, 4) comparison between a decision on the need for special education and a certificate of disability.
The new core curriculum for general education introduced in September 2017 (Journal of Laws 2017, item 356) introduced changes taking into account the use of new technologies in early school education. From now on, the school is to better prepare students for the requirements of a digital society, including a creative use of media. This requires the teacher’s readiness to introduce the media into the educational process, commitment to and efficient use of the digital media in individual education. I was wondering about the attitude of early school education teachers to using new technologies in lessons (especially in the context of the new curriculum). Moreover, I wanted to see if teachers show commitment to developing their own digital skills. Such an attitude would be justified: the high digital competences of teachers not only help the proper implementation of the core curriculum in grades 0-3, but also help in career promotion and prepare children for efficient functioning in a digital society. To answer the above questions, I carried out my own diagnostic survey on a group of 460 early school education teachers (N = 460), using a questionnaire. Teachers indicated a diverse attitude to both the changes introduced in the core curriculum and the use of digital media in education. They mainly point to their own digital incompetence in the use of new technologies in early school education lessons. New media are most often used in lessons by teachers older in terms of age and work experience; we can associate it with teachers’ professional promotion, which is connected with the requirement of using multimedia in the learning process as defined by the legislator. Teachers do not rate their digital skills too highly yet at the same time show interest in courses, trainings and workshops organized by the school, thanks to which they can improve their skills in this area. They also recognize that a digitally competent teacher is the answer to the needs of a new, modern school.
The purpose of this paper is to present the everyday school life of younger pupils in pandemic times. The rationale behind the study (conducted from the child’s perspective) lies in the conviction that minors are active actors who understand and interpret the social reality around them and, therefore, are the most reliable source of information (for adults) on the meaning of everyday situations for them (Corsaro, 2005). The research material was collected through a focus group interview with first grade pupils from selected primary schools in Poland. This helped the authors understand children’s experience of distance learning. Analysis of the collected material reveals the many and diverse experiences children have regarding e-learning. The study makes it possible to identify the main categories impacting their daily school-related activities, the tangible environment that constitutes the physical space behind these activities, and the accompanying emotions.
In the presented study, researchers consider if the evaluation method impacts early education students’ results and their beliefs about themselves. The results prove significant relation between the method of evaluation and students’ results (with the same questions). The reliability of evaluation depends on the type of diagnosed skills (language or mathematical skills). In an oral examination in the presence of the class, children achieve better results in the linguistic test. Higher scores on mathematical tests were noted in the case of written exams. Research conclusions could be used as a hint for early education teachers and an interesting area for other studies and consideration.
Science is not a simple increase of knowledge, but a change in state of mind. This demands a personalized approach to the teaching/learning process, the consideration of new spaces serving to gain information and experiences, as well as making use of the dialogical nature of man to create a learning community. The child cannot be a background for teachers’ actions but an authentic real creator of his/her development. School should evolve from a socially and culturally authorised knowledge-transferring institution into an agency which will be a community of life and work. This paper focuses on selected aspects of a new culture of learning: constructive, self-regulated, situated and collaborative, that prepares the student for smooth functioning in a world marked by change.
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This material reviews early childhood education in a theoretical context. Among other things pointed and analyzed are issues and terminology referring to the representatives of this trend. The discussions does not omit the assumptions and educational interactions. The article refers to the current set of papers on teaching and education in grades I-III. Presented publications do not only have theoretical premises, but they also indicate that innovative solutions.
A child’s education at an early school age is a major challenge, both at the individual and society levels. Its present shape is conditioned by, on the one hand, the development of science, especially psychology, pedagogy and didactics; on the other hand, by the changing socio-cultural, political and economic reality. These changes have established new trends in early school pedagogy. The article includes the process of reforming the school in terms of elementary education, the role and place of the teacher and student in the learning process, the objectives of early school education, the comprehensive development of the student, his activation and evaluation.
This paper is a part of a larger instrumental case study exploring the process of creating a CLIL teacher education program for early primary level at the University of Warsaw. The paper identifies some challenges related to program design and describes areas of growth of student teachers specifically related to CLIL planning instruction. The data were collected over a period of five years and included interviews and focused groups with student teachers, teacher educators and mentor teachers as well as the analysis of CLIL units created by the student teachers.
Aleksander Groza was the author of a series of three alphabet books: The greater alphabet book, The lesser alphabet book and The little alphabet book. This series was created in the Ukraine in 1860. Aleksander Groza was, first of all, a writer and poet, a representative of the so-called “Ukrainian school” in Polish literature, a nobleman and a representative of the middle-class gentry. The aim of the article is to characterize the alphabet books both in terms of structure and content. I will be interested in the values that Aleksander Groza intended to foster in his students, as well as how his ideas presented themselves against the epoch.
The article analyzes the problems concerning the course of graphomotor activities in firstgrade primary school children and in children carrying out the compulsory one-year preschool preparation. The study defines the range and intensity of undesirable behaviors, with emphasis on the phenomena classified within such categories as: the way of holding the writing instrument, the position of the sheet in relation to the edge of the desk and the pace of work. For this purpose the authors utilized the results of research carried out using the author-designed diagnostic tools: the “Scale of Assessment of Graphomotor Skills, (Domagała, Mirecka, 2017c) and the “Profile of Graphomotor Skills” (Domagała, Mirecka, 2010 – here: the modified version of the tools, in accordance with the selected developmental stage. At the earliest stage of education, most of the irregularities concerning the way of holding the writing instrument and the pace of work were identified.
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The article discusses the degree in which a commonsensical approach to L2 lessons in early education complies with what relevant literature and research stipulate in this respect. Thus understood compliance is addressed on four levels: with reference to a general approach, affective aspects, cognition and behaviour. On each level substantial “seamlessness” is noted, i.e. a high level of common sense – science concordance. The text has been prompted by a never-ending search of many for a wonders-making method, with the belief in such a magical key to foreign languages being argued here to be an erroneous and misleading assumption. The article closes with a reflection on the transferability of common sense to higher levels of L2 education and several commonsensical implications for language teachers to follow.
In the era of visual culture, the reception and creation of images becomes an inseparable element of everyday life. Unfortunately, as research shows, both students and teachers suffer from a shortage of skills related to the creation of graphic messages legible in the form (aesthetic) and content. Despite the hypertectuality of the young generation, they also appear as digital immigration as defined by Prensky.In this paper, I focus on indicating the theoretical and historical foundations of computer graphics and its types, i.e. raster and vector graphics. In school practice, both of these graphic areas are poorly understood and often used inadequately (or not at all, e.g. vector graphics) for didactic needs. Getting to know the graphic software and its capacities will allow both teachers and students to function adequately to the digital times and will sensitize them to the possible visual manipulation of reality, i.e. presenting lies as truth, half-truth or “true facts” that often cause extreme emotional reactions.
Physical education lessons in grades 1-3 of primary school play an important role in the processes of upbringing and socialization. Due to the great need to move and relieve tension at this age, they are a kind of safety valve. During physical education classes, students interact with one another more often. During contact team games or games focused on competition, tensions often occur, personal space is violated, and the child’s emotions take over. This article presents three movement games: a bricklayer, a wolf and seven kids, and piggy in the middle. Authentic difficult situations (such as aggression, escaping from the classroom, throwing objects) that occurred during physical education lessons are described here, and proven solutions based on the teacher’s own experience are presented. The examples provided are not a ready-made recipe for every difficult behavior, but they show how small steps can be calmed down or worked out with the appropriate cooperation of the student, peers, parents, specialists, and the teacher.
The article investigates the issue of graphomotor skills assessment in children carrying out the one-year preschool preparation obligation. On the basis of the findings included in the academic literature and of the own empirical research, the need of developing wide range diagnostic tools for the graphomotor skills assessment in children below mandatory school age has been pointed out. The range of graphomotor skills assessment in children carrying out the one-year preschool preparation obligation was determined; our own proposal, relevant to graphomotorics at two complementary levels was presented: the course and products of graphomotor skills in accordance with the proposed interpretation of phenomena, with the multidimensional assessment of each of them. New technique of diagnosing “The Profile of Graphomotor Skills. Version for children carrying out the one-year preschool preparation obligation” is currently being conducted in collaboration with the Psychological and Pedagogical Tests Lab in Gdansk.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wybranych modeli nauczyciela włączającej edukacji wczesnoszkolnej oraz wyników badań dotyczących ich implementacji. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na uznanie wartości jako źródła kształtowania kompetencji nauczyciela i potrzebę posiadania przez niego kompetencji w zakresie zrozumienia złożonych sytuacji edukacyjnych, refleksyjnego na nie reagowania, rozwoju zawodowego i kreatywnego kształtowania środowiska klasy włączającej. Aby skutecznie pracować z uczniami o różnych umiejętnościach, konieczne jest opanowanie kompetencji komunikacyjnych i kompetencji umożliwiających efektywną współpracę z innymi partnerami, takimi jak nauczyciel wspomagający i członkowie zespołu specjalistów.
The aim of the paper is to present the selected models of Inclusive Early Childhood Education teacher as well as results of research on their implementation. Particular attention was paid to recognizing values as a source of shaping the teacher’s competences and the need to aqiure such competences as understanding complex educational situations, reflective response to them, professional development and creative shaping of the class environment. In order to work effectively with students with diverse abilities, it is necessary to master communication competences and competences enabling effective cooperation with other partners, such as a support teacher and members of a specialists’ team.
One of the goals of an early education teacher is to support language development of children. The aim of the research presented in this article was to determine whether the candidates for teachers, students of pedagogy, will be able to meet this challenge. The first part of the research, the survey, concerns self-assessment of the students in the area of communication in their mother tongue. In the second part language papers of the students were analyzed to determine their real language skills. The results indicate disproportionately high self-assessment of the students in relation to their knowledge and skills, which poses a threat to the quality of early education. An incompetent teacher cannot be a role model of mother tongue communication. What is more, such a teacher is not able to consciously form language and communication skills, which leads to reproduction of ignorance.
Jednym z zadań nauczyciela wczesnej edukacji jest wpieranie rozwoju językowego dziecka. Celem badań prezentowanych w niniejszym tekście było ustalenie, czy kandydaci na nauczycieli-studenci pedagogiki będą w stanie sprostać temu zadaniu. Pierwsza część badań, o charakterze sondażowym, dotyczyła samooceny studentów w zakresie porozumiewania się w języku ojczystym. W drugiej części zanalizowano prace o charakterze językowym przygotowane przez osoby badane, aby określić rzeczywisty poziom ich kompetencji. Wyniki wskazują, iż samoocena studentów jest niewspółmiernie wysoka w stosunku do wiedzy i umiejętności, co należy traktować jako zagrożenie dla jakości edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej. Niekompetentny nauczyciel nie tylko nie może być wzorem porozumiewania się w języku ojczystym, ale także nie jest w stanie świadomie kształtować kompetencji językowych i komunikacyjnych, co prowadzi do reprodukcji niewiedzy.
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The article is an analysis of the desirability of the introduction by the reform program of course computer classes into the first stage of education. This analysis was based on a study taking account of a pedagogical experiment carried out in a primary school.
W artykule opisano zagadnienie psychologii pozytywnej oraz jej zastosowania w edukacji, a także pojęcia takie jak dobrostan i jakość życia. Zwrócono uwagę na poczucie własnej wartości oraz rolę dorosłych w budowaniu poczucia wartości u dzieci. Opisano organizację badań oraz zaprezentowano działania wspierające poczucie własnej wartości stosowane w jednej z białostockich placówek.
The article describes the issue of positive psychology and its application to education, as well as concepts such as well-being and quality of life. Attention was paid to selfesteem and the role of adults in building self-esteem in children. The organization of the study is described, and the self-esteem-supporting activities used at the one of the preschool and school institution in Bialystok.
This paper addresses the issue of preparing students for the job of early education teacher. The first part focuses both on the teacher training as carried out in various European countries according to the Eurydice report prepared for the European Commission in 2013, and on the notion, presented by Sylvia Yee Fan Tang, of the dynamics of students’ turning to teachers. The second part demonstrates the author’s own research. The participants were students of the Social Science Faculty at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The interpretation of the results is informed by Robert Kwaśnica’s two rationalities theory. The results demonstrate both the students’ attitude of entitlement and their adaptive thinking (rationality) as far as the preparing for the job is concerned. On the other hand, the results also show the participants’ emancipation rationality, which manifests itself in their constructive, though not thoroughly supported, suggestions pertaining to changes in education.
W niniejszym tekście podejmowany jest problem przygotowania studentów do zawodu nauczyciela wczesnej edukacji. W pierwszej części opracowania problem kształcenia nauczycieli w różnych krajach europejskich przedstawiony jest w świetle Raportu Eurydice dla Komisji Europejskiej z 2013 r., a także zaprezentowana jest koncepcja Sylvii Yee Fan Tang, dotycząca dynamiki stawania się studentów nauczycielami. W drugiej części prezentowane są badania przeprowadzone przez autorkę wśród studentów Wydziału Nauk Społecznych w Uniwersytecie Warmińsko-Mazurskim w Olsztynie. Wyniki badań, poddane interpretacji na podbudowie teorii dwóch racjonalności Roberta Kwaśnicy, ujawniają ich postawę roszczeniową i myślenie (racjonalność) adaptacyjne w zakresie przygotowania do zawodu, z jednej strony, z drugiej zaś widoczne są cechy racjonalności emancypacyjnej, co widać w ich konstruktywnej, choć niezbyt mocno uzasadnionej, propozycji zmian w kształceniu.
Czas nauki dziecka w wieku wczesnoszkolnym to czas intensywnej pracy intelektualnej i duchowej, czas poznawania głębiej wartości religijnych. Niesie on ze sobą wiele zmian w życiu dziecka osobistym, rodzinnym i szkolnym. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie:, w jaki sposób wartości religijne poszerzają przestrzeń aksjologiczną małego dziecka? W kontekście tego ogólnego pytania zostały sformułowane pytania szczegółowe: w jaki sposób nauczanie religii w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej wprowadza dziecko w świat tych wartości? jaka jest rola nauczyciela na tym etapie edukacyjnym w poszerzaniu przestrzeni aksjologicznej?
The time of early education of a child in school is a time of intense intellectual and spiritual work. It carries a lot of changes in the child’s personal, family and school life. This article is giving the attention to the problem of values in the child’s life. It is also an attempt to answer the following questions: how does the time of early education introduce a child in early school age to the world of religious values, what is the role of the family and teachers during this period.
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