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W artykule przedstawiono opis rekonstrukcji zabytkowej bryły XVIII-wiecznego barokowego alumnatu na Ostrowie Tumskim we Wrocławiu na potrzeby Biblioteki Archidiecezjalnej, zgodnie z intencją inwestora oraz wymogami miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Ze względu na sąsiedztwo rzeki kondygnację podziemną zaplanowano jako szczelną wannę, chroniącą przed potencjalną powodzią „tysiąclecia”. Dzięki temu zachowano i wyeksponowano oryginalne relikty dawnego alumnatu. Wśród zachowanych murów i sklepień ulokowano atrakcyjne funkcje: salę muzealną z ekspozycją starodruków, mediatekę. Dostępna czytelnia zajmuje powierzchnię pod dziedzińcem. Wejście główne do budynku, zgodnie ze stanem historycznym, zlokalizowano w północnej fasadzie. Wyższe kondygnacje, określane mianem sarkofagu, zawierają najcenniejsze zbiory archidiecezji. W poszukiwaniach materiału, który miałby reprezentować na zewnątrz konstrukcję budynku, czas budowy i współczesne przeznaczenie, zdecydowano się na zastosowanie prefabrykowanych płyt z betonu GRC. Jednorodność materiału ścian i dachu daje efekt budynku- wspomnienia po poprzedniej budowli.
The article presents the description of the reconstruction of the eighteenth-century baroque dormitory on Ostrów Tumski in Wrocław for the needs of the Archdiocesan Library, in accordance with the developer’s intentions and the regulations of the local spatial development plan. Due to the close proximity to the river, the underground level was designed as a watertight tank, protected from a potential 1,000-year flood, which allowed to keep and expose the relics of the old dormitory. Among the preserved walls and vaults attractive functions were located: a museum room with an exhibition of old prints, a media library. The available reading room is located in the space below the courtyard. The main entrance is placed accordingly to the historical state, in the north facade. The upper stories, called the “sarcophagus,” contain the most valuable collections of the archdiocese. In search for a material that could externally represent the building’s structure, the time of construction and the contemporary use, it was decided to use prefabricated GRC concrete slabs. The homogeneity of the walls and roof materials gives the impression of a memory of the old building.
W pracy dokonano analizy podstawowych składników odżywczych w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych wydawanych młodzieży mieszkających w internatach w oparciu o analizę 15 jadłospisów dekadowych pobranych do badań z 3 istniejących internatów w powiecie sokólskim w latach 2001 – 2005.
The purpose of the work was to analyse the basic nutrients found in the daily food rations served to the youths in boarding houses in the district of Sokolka during 2001 – 2005 in relation to the daily requirement for these ingredients. Fifteen 10-day cartes du jour collected in the autumn period by workers of the Department of Food Hygiene, Feeding and Utility Objects of the County Sanitary Epidemiological Station in Sokolka from the 3 boarding houses of the county in 2001 – 2005 were used as the basis for the study. The content of basic nutrients in the daily food rations was calculated using the MENU software. The results were used to calculate the extent to which the daily food rations contributed to satisfy the daily requirement for the basic nutrients as suggested by respective recommendations at the safe level for girls and boys at the age of 16-18 practising moderate exercise, while for the boys and girls at the age of 19 the daily requirement was determined from respective recommendations at the safe level for girls and boys at the age of 19-25 practising moderate exercise. The daily food rations served to the young people living in the boarding houses were characterised by non-balanced supply of energy and basic nutrients (proteins, fat, carbohydrates), including the ratio of energy supplied by proteins to the energy supplied by fats.
W CRP stołówek przy internatach we Wrocławiu oszacowano: wartość energetyczną, zawartość: tłuszczu ogółem, kwasów tłuszczowych: nasyconych, monoenowych, polienowych oraz cholesterolu. Badane CRP charakteryzowały się nieodpowiednią dla dziewcząt i chłopców w wieku 16-18 lat wartością energetyczną, jak również nieprawidłowym udziałem poszczególnych grup kwasów tłuszczowych, a także nadmierną zawartością cholesterolu, co świadczy o wysokim stopniu aterogenności CRP.
The aim of this study was to estimate the fat contents in daily food rations (DFR) in boarding houses canteens of random-selected secondary schools in Wrocław. The DFR (canteen C) provided 125% of the recommended daily intake of energy for the boys and 155% for the girls. The DFR had high energy values, but the contribution of fat in the overall energy supply was too low (24% to 29%). The DFR in canteens A, B, C satisfied the daily fat requirement of the girls in over 100% (canteen C in 140%), and of the boys only in 70% (canteens D, E). All canteens provided excessive amounts of indispensable unsaturated fatty acids (IUEA) (canteen C provided 200% of the minimum daily intake recommended for girls and 150% for boys). The examined DFR contained inappropriate energy values and improper proportion of particular fatty acid groups, as well as excessive cholesterol content as reflected by improper values of the Keys diet factor of 41-51.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wartości odżywczej i kalorycznej, poziomu zanieczyszczenia metalami szkodliwymi dla zdrowia całodziennych racji pokarmowych młodzieży zamieszkałej we wszystkich internatach szkół ponadpodstawowych województwa białostockiego, uzyskane z badań przeprowadzonych na przestrzeni roku 1997 i 1998. Stwierdzono, że przeciętna racja pokarmowa jest zbyt kaloryczna i nie zapewnia odpowiedniej ilości składników odżywczych. Zanieczyszczenie ołowiem w 26% badanych w 1997 roku i 14% analizowanych racji w 1998 roku przekroczyło wartości tolerowanego pobrania tygodniowego, podczas gdy zanieczyszczenie metalami takimi jak: kadm, rtęć nie przekraczało wartości wspomnianego poziomu.
The aim of this study was an assessment of nutrition quality of adolescents living in boarding schools at the province of Białystok. The investigations were carried out in the range of nutritional value and contamination level of lead, cadmium, mercury, copper and zinc in daily food rations given to young people. The nutrition quality was determinated by calculating the energy and nutritional components during ten days (decade), using computer programm „Menu". Chemical analysis were made on individual meals, which create daily food ration per estimated day. All the studies (in 1997 and 1998 year) were done according to the methods referred in chapter on this article „Material and methods of researchs". It was found, (during two years study) that nutrition of young people in boarding schools devites from recommended dietary allowances. High products consumption from grups: „meat and its products", „butter" and „other fats", caused too high energy contribution taken from dietary fats of whole daily energy and high iron intake. The percent proportion from energy supplied from proteins was maintained in recommended value. The consumption deficit in grups „milk and dairy products", „vegetables and fruit rich in vitamin C reflected in the low percent of realization of the requirements for calcium and vitamin C. Exceedation of permissible tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) of cadmium and mercury wasn't stated, (in 1997 year) while 26% of estimated in 1997 year, and 14% in 1998 diets were above PTWI for lead. Daily intake of copper and zinc was lower than maximal tolerable daily intake (MTDI). Some assessed (during 1997 and 1998 year) rations didn't covere the requirements for zinc, while in 81% estimated diets in 1997 and 76% in 1998, the recomended intake level of copper was exceeded. The contents of sodium chloride in daily food rations analyzed in 1997 year ranged from 13.8 g to 27.2 g and the highest source of dietary salt were dinner meals (6.9 g - 13.2 g), analogous in current year - from 10.8 g to 38.3 g, with contents of salt in dinner meals - 5.7 g to 14.4 g. The investigations from 1997 and 1998 year prove, that nutrition of adolescent in boarding schools isn't correct according to rational diet principles. There is the need of giving systematic training for people who are planing and realising nutrition in boarding schools, and taking up other activity mobilizating personnel for higher engagement in young people nutrition problem.
Zbadano zawartość ołowiu, kadmu, miedzi i cynku w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych pobieranych z domów dziecka i stołówek internatów szkół średnich na terenie wybranych województw w latach 2000-2002 oraz oceniono pobranie tych metali przez dzieci i młodzież.
Lead, cadmium, copper and zinc contents were investigated in total daily diets of children aged 1-3 and teenagers aged 14-19. Samples were taken by Sanitary-Epidemiological Stations in certain voivodship from orphanages and canteens of secondary school for 10 succesive days during the spring and autumn seasons over the 2000 (children) and autumn 2001 - spring 2002 (teenagers) period. The reported intake of these elements by children and teenagers were much lower than in 1982-1985 period. Lead and cadmium intakes didn't exceed Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake, and copper and zinc - Maximum Tolerable Daily Intake Values. However, relatively high cadmium intakes: children 50-90%, teenagers 30-42% PTWI aronse. Copper and zinc intake doesn't supply the recommended daily allowances for these elements.
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