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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of discipline and physical fitness on the performance of physical education teachers. This study uses the path analysis method. This research to find the direct effect between variables discipline and physical fitness on the work of physical education teachers. The sample used 102 certified physical education teachers in the province of Southeast Sulawesi. Discipline and performance are measured using questionnaires that have been validated by experts. Physical fitness is measured by using five items of fitness tests namely body lift test for men and elbow bend for girls, sit-ups, push-ups running back and forth and also endurance that is running with a distance of 2.4 km. Data analysis technique used path analysis. The finding of the variable such as, 1) discipline variable (X2) has a direct positive effect on teacher performance (Y), amounting to (R2 = 0.160). 2) physical fitness variable (X3) has a direct positive effect on teacher performance (Y), amounting to (R2 = 0.376), 3) discipline variable (X2) has a direct positive effect on physical fitness (X3), amounting to (R2 = 0.889). Based on the two independent variables that gave the greatest contribution to improving the performance of physical education teachers was physical fitness (R2 = 0.376). In this case a teacher who has good physical fitness will also have good performance.
The objective of this paper, taking as starting point the article of Juan Eduardo Cirlot (1916–1973) entitled “Magia y disciplina,” is to clarify one of the fundamental concepts in the worldview of this poet: his idea of discipline. With this aim, we analyze this idea, firstly in relation to the archetype of the warrior, and secondly with the magician archetype embodied by Cirlot, in the figure of Gurdjieff. In this paper the different types of relationships are described between these symbols and the concept analysed. In conclusion, we highlight the importance of Cirlot’s article in understanding the author’s work.
The article reveals the definition of the concept of «pedagogical condition», the difficulties which encountered by the researchers of this problem and their possible solutions, focusing on the specifics of determining the pedagogical conditions in the professional sphere of the security forces, which include operational and rescue service of civil protection. The author defines the general direction of scientific research in this area. A number of academic positions regarding the interpretation of the concepts of «discipline» is analyzed. The importance of discipline as psychological quality in the structure of future operational and rescue service is Substantiated. The necessity of formation of this quality in the future rescue training in core high school is proved. As evidence the statistics of Ukrainian scientific research institute of civil protection for reasons of fire in Ukraine as well as provisions of the Disciplinary regulations of civil protection of Ukraine is used, the analysis of which shows the absolute importance of discipline formed at rescuers. Discipline is generally interpreted as a conscious observance of regulations, rules and other documents that regulate the activities of operational and rescue units and ensure the preservation of life and health of their personnel. It is determined that discipline is one of the core pedagogical conditions of formation of readiness for self-preservation. A theoretical basis for ensuring the implementation of the pedagogical condition is proposed. Special attention is paid to the scientific works of V. Sukhomlinsky who has made a significant contribution to the development of pedagogy in general and addresses the issue of discipline in particular. An attempt to interpret his work in the area of training future rescuers, in particular with respect to the place and role of discipline in the formation of their readiness for self-preservation in the extreme conditions of professional activity is done. Separately, the concept of «self-discipline» is defined, which is determined by its essence as a component of a gradual transition from the concrete, expressed clear external influences promotion activities to preserve their lives and health to strengthen the state of readiness in the consciousness of a future rescuer. It is concluded that the needs of a future rescuer outlined above regulations, rules and other documents on condition of formation of the psychological quality of his discipline should be taken into consideration. At the same time it is noted that the development does not exhaust the problem of formation of readiness for self-preservation future rescuers.
One way of ensuring the effectiveness of learning of any discipline is the logical organization of the content of this discipline and the use of modern methods, forms and means of education. The study of mathematics by the students direction «Primary education» allows to raise the level of mathematical preparation of future specialists. It is known that the learning process and the control of knowledge, skills and abilities of learners are inextricably linked. Control of knowledge in mathematics in the preparation of future primary school teachers can and should combine both traditional and innovative ways of organizing it. To the latter we include testing both with separate themes of the course «Mathematics» or combine multiple topics and complete the course in general. The widespread use of computers in testing will strengthen the existing advantages of this form of control and provide additional benefits, but will also improve the efficiency of educational assessment. Through a combination of traditional and innovative forms of control the teachers systematically obtain information about the status of teacher learning and cognitive activity of students in mathematics and timely elimination of the causes that impede their effective learning. In the process of training the future teachers to testing, as well as other forms of control, has a dual purpose: on the one hand, a possibility of evaluation of educational achievements of the students, and on the other, is teaching the students the organization of control of students’ knowledge in the future professional activity. In teaching mathematics for future primary school teachers, we try to combine the multivariate techniques to organize the work of various levels of difficulty, various ways to assert the value and dignity of each member of the educational process. The article discusses the role and place of the test control in the study of mathematics for the future primary school teachers. The data of long-term foreign and domestic practices of tests in the learning process are analyzed and the positive aspects of the implementation of test technologies in the study of the organization of the future primary school teachers of the course «Mathematics» are highlighted. Sample tests are provided.
The purpose of this article is to present the multidimensional understanding of the concept of discipline and its consequences for contemporary educational practice. In the article, the understanding of the discipline was divided into two basic types. On the one hand discipline is understood negatively as an external compulsion; on the other hand positively as a socially desirable trait connected with internal organisation and self-discipline. However, it seems that those two understandings do not stand in conflict with each other and no matter how discipline is understood, it is useful in child education, depending on their age, personality traits and situation.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie wielowymiarowości rozumienia pojęcia dyscypliny oraz konsekwencji wieloznaczności tego pojęcia dla współczesnej praktyki edukacyjnej. Na podstawie analizy literatury dotyczącej historii wychowania i edukacji oraz wybranych koncepcji wychowania wyróżniono dwa najważniejsze rozumienia dyscypliny. Dyscyplina jest z jednej strony postrzegana negatywnie, jako przymus zewnętrzny, a z drugiej pozytywnie − jako pożądana społecznie wewnętrzna cecha organizacji i porządku zwana samodyscypliną. Wydaje się jednak, że te dwa rozumienia nie stoją ze sobą w sprzeczności i niezależnie, jak rozumie się zjawisko dyscyplinowania, jest ono użyteczne w zależności od wieku, cech osobowości i sytuacji wychowanka.
The field of physical (activity) and health education, or whatever it is called in any one of the world’s countries, has undergone a “determined” but often “confused” development in the 20th century. After Sputnik went up in 1957, the field sought help from a variety of disciplines (e.g., kinesiology) and professions (e.g., management) in an attempt to truly define itself. Building on what Arthur Steinhaus (George Williams College) stated were its four “principal principles” in the early 1950s, the author asserts that some 14 “principal principles” of the field can now be affirmed. Searching for consensus, a proposed taxonomy for “developmental physical activity in exercise, sport, and physical recreation” is offered here for consideration as the field moves along in the 21st century. The author argues that the field also needs to make available to the professional practitioner a computerized inventory of generalizations that represents a distillation of the field’s scientific and scholarly literature.
The subject of presented analysis is gender treated as a social category entangled in power relations. There are presented main social matrices of the gender-based power practices and it’s institutional and extrainstitutional, structural and individual expressions and consequences. The attention is focused at the classical conceptions of power and the perspectives of using it’s elements in the analysis of gender-based discipline practices in modern and postmodern society. There are also indicated - connected with queer culture - resistance strategies realized by using gender symbols and stereotypically perceived roles.
Content available Rola wychowawcza ojca według Ef 6,4
nr 3
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie kryzysu ojcostwa w świecie współczesnym. Chociaż na ten temat powstało wiele książek i artykułów, to jednak wydaje się, że należy poświęcić więcej uwagi badaniu rzadko wykorzystywanych źródeł, które zawierają ważne wskazówki pomocne dla ojców w procesie wychowania dzieci. Jednym z takich źródeł jest niewątpliwie Pismo Święte, w którym można znaleźć ogromną ilość tekstów, zawierających gruntowne analizy zagadnienia ojcostwa. Jednym z takich tekstów jest Ef 6,4, w którym autor podkreśla, że na ojcach spoczywa szczególny obowiązek znalezienia odpowiednich środków wychowawczych. Na początku autor przestrzega ojców, aby „nie pobudzali swych dzieci do gniewu”, gdyż gniew jest szczególnie gwałtownym uczuciem, nad którym bardzo trudno jest człowiekowi zapanować. W przypadku dziecka zalecenie to jest nawet bardziej uzasadnione, gdyż, będąc istotą nie w pełni ukształtowaną, dziecko nie ma jeszcze w pełni wyrobionych umiejętności potrzebnych do panowania nad sobą. W procesie wychowania ojciec powinien stosować właściwe metody, spośród których ważne miejsce zajmuje pouczenie, rozumiane jako dostarczanie dziecku wiedzy o tym co jest zgodne z wolą Bożą, przez co umożliwi mu prowadzenia owocnego życia. Niezbędną metodą wychowawczą jest również karność, przez którą należy rozumieć nauczenia dziecka umiejętności kontrolowania swojego zachowania i namiętności, co umożliwi mu uniknięcie wielu przeszkód w życiu. Metody te zachowują swoją ważność również w świecie współczesnym, gdyż podkreślają ogromną rolę, jaką pełni ojciec w procesie wychowania i edukacji swoich dzieci, a przez to czynią ten proces bardziej skutecznym.
This article is aimed at the analysis of the crisis of fatherhood that can be observed nowadays. Many books and articles have been written about various methods, means and their proper usage in the process of upbringing and education of children by their fathers. In spite of this serious research, it seems that it is still necessary to consult other sources that would include some educational instructions directed to the fathers. The Holy Bible, which offers many texts where these issues are treated in great depths, can be seen as such a source. One of these texts is found in Eph 6:4 and this article is devoted to the analysis of this passage. Eph 6:4 emphasizes that fathers are particularly obliged to find appropriate means that are needed in the process of upbringing and education of their children. The author of this text suggests that teaching and discipline can be considered as such methods. By teaching their children, fathers can help them understand what God expects from them and how they should live fruitfully. Discipline, on the other hand, will certainly help them develop self-control, which will protect them from many obstacles. According to the author of Eph 6:4 fathers should avoid making their children angry because they do not know how to deal with this issue. These methods should be recommended to contemporary fathers because they emphasize their responsibilities for the care, upbringing and education of their children and in doing so they make this process more effective.
The article reveals the specifics of the educational process in pre-revolutionary cadet corps of the Dnieper Ukraine on the basis of historical materials. In particular, it explains the way of instilling resistant behaviour to future officers by means of accustoming, associated with organization, equanimity and moderation that are inherent in the character’s feature such as disciplined behavior. The author proves, that a decisive influence on the character of the cadet had the education and the environment in which the socialization takes place. Formation of discipline as fundamental for the military character traits in the cadet corps in Ukraine in the XIX – early XX century was carried out primarily through habituation, by which pupils fixed in their minds resistant behavior related with organization, concentration, endurance. Cadets’ life and work activity were organized in such a way that the discipline as a form of behavior received both external and internal motivation. It is emphasized that Ukrainian cadet corps participated in parades and military reviews. It was considered an honor for the young men and such measures had influential educational value because of the effort, time and persistence spent on training, received a convincing motivation, and discipline, as a sustainable form of behavior of cadets, acquired scientific character. After all, a military parade is not only a solemn and outwardly beautiful action, but it is also a demonstration of strength and power of the state, the level of training of its army. At the beginning of the XX century pupils of cadet corps which operated in Ukraine have put in a particularly difficult situation, because they, unlike other members of the imperial cadet corps, had to choose between faith, Motherland and Tsar. This choice is needed not just discipline, endurance, courage, but also a deep understanding of the dialectical sense of duty. However, it was Ukrainian cadets who observed not mechanical implementation of rules and regulations, but understanding what they are doing and for what.
Spisywanie i popularyzacja historii obszaru nauki mają niebagatelne znaczenie jako praktyki akademickie. Są aktami samostanowienia, kodowania określonej tożsamości, a także świadczą o postępującej instytucjonalizacji dziedziny nauki. W ostatnich latach można zaobserwować próby sformułowania globalnej historii studiów nad grami cyfrowymi. Niniejsza praca koncentruje się na jednej próbie tego rodzaju, podjętej przez fińskiego badacza Fransa Mäyrę. Starając się zachować krytyczny dystans wobec proponowanej przez niego historii game studies jako dyscypliny, artykuł analizuje jej podłoże i motywacje, a ponadto stara się wskazać na trudności i problemy, jakie pociąga za sobą próba ustanowienia takiej historii. Podkreśla też konieczność dalszej krytycznej analizy powstających historii badań gier.
Writing and promoting the history of a field of study is a significant academic practice. In recent years, there have been attempts at formulating a global history of digital games research. This article focuses on one such attempt, by the Finnish scholar Frans Mäyrä. Distancing ourselves from the proposed representation of the history of game studies as a discipline, we analyse the basis of and motivations behind this history, and point to the problems that it turns out to pose. Finally, we also stress the need for ongoing critical scrutiny of emerging histories of digital games research.
nr 1(43)
Celem opracowania jest charakterystyka zadań członków korpusu służby cywilnej w obszarze realizacji ogólnokrajowych programów operacyjnych i określenie przesłanek przypisania członkom tego korpusu odpowiedzialności w zakresie naruszenia dyscypliny finansów publicznych. Problematyka ta eksponuje jeden z istotniejszych problemów leżących u podstaw sprawnego funkcjonowania służby cywilnej, jakim jest pogodzenie uprawnień i obowiązków piastuna funkcji organu z nadania politycznego z utrwalonymi w państwach demokratycznych zasadami funkcjonowania służby cywilnej oraz rozgraniczenia odpowiedzialności politycznej i prawnej. W praktyce istnieją obszary, gdzie sfery te się nakładają. Stan taki może powodować różnego rodzaju kolizje prawne.
The aim of the paper is to characterize the tasks of civil servants in the area of implementation of national operational programmes and to determine the conditions in which civil servants can be responsible for a breach of public finance discipline. This problem exposes one of the key issues underlying the smooth functioning of civil service, which is to reconcile the rights and obligations of a member of a body dependent on politicians, with the principles of civil service which obtain in democratic states and with the rule that separates political and legal responsibility. In practice, there are areas where these spheres overlap. This situation can cause all sorts of legal collisions.
Media studies function as an autonomous scientific discipline since 2011. Their autonomy implies naming and describing the subject of research as well as methodology to the extent allowing to make distinction of phenomenological research (literary studies and psychology) and communication research (press studies and sociology). In this context it is reasoned to employ the term “multigenomic”. The article indicates a practical range of a multigenomic approach, exemplified by the journalism education in universities of Lublin. Activities of research sections of Polish Communication Association are analyzed as indicating a new paradigm of journalism. The paper also presents subdisciplines and methodology in media studies subdisciplines consist of: history of media and media studies, media language, axiology, technology, PR and marketing. Methods are characterized by interdisciplinary. Concluding, the author states that disciplines of the so-called environment of media studies (e.g. history, sociology, political science, economics, law, cultural studies) have been a foundation of early studies on the key issues of media studies as a discipline (in Poland since 50. of the 50th century).
Nauki o mediach funkcjonują jako autonomiczna dyscyplina naukowa od 2013 r. Ich autonomia oznacza nazwanie i opisanie przedmiotu badań oraz metodologii w stopniu umożliwiającym rozróżnienie tradycji badań fenomenologicznych (literaturoznawstwa i psychologii) oraz komunikologicznych (prasoznawstwo i socjologia). W tym kontekście wydaje się uprawnione zastosowanie terminu „multigenetyczność”. W artykule wskazano praktyczny zakres multigenetyczności na przykładzie kształcenia dziennikarskiego w uczelniach Lublina. Omówiono działanie Polskiego Towarzystwa Komunikacji Społecznej przez pryzmat aktywności sekcji badawczych, która decyduje o nowym paradygmacie dziennikarstwa. Przedstawiono także subdyscypliny i metodologię nauk o mediach. W świetle najnowszej refleksji teoriopoznawczej do subdyscyplin zalicza się historię mediów i medioznawstwa, język mediów, aksjologię, technologię, PR i marketing. Metody zaś cechuje interdyscyplinarność. W konkluzji stwierdzić można, że dyscypliny należące do tzw. otoczenia (np. historia, socjologia, politologia, ekonomia, prawo, kulturoznawstwo) obecne były u podstaw pierwszych studiów nad istotą dyscypliny nauki o mediach (w Polsce od połowy lat pięćdziesiątych XX wieku).
Content available remote Authority in Education – Free Association with Authoritativeness?
The current vision of authority goes significantly beyond that of the traditional one and is being viewed within new contexts, which take into account the social status of the individual, their freedom and self-realization, and their capability to manage complicated social relations and challenging life situations. In addition, emphasis is placed on the individual and their social responsibility, self-control, inner discipline, volitional effort and other personal characteristics. The theme of authority is currently topical not only in education but also in broader social contexts, and not only in the Czech Republic. This study has a theoretical character. It explains the etymology of the term authority, compares this term with the substance of authoritativeness, analyses in brief T.W. Adorno´s theory of Authoritarian Personality, characterizes differences in parenting styles, and in particular the specifics of the authoritative and authoritarian styles.
Praktyka odbywania kongregacji dekanalnych w diecezji włocławskiej i pomorskiej sięga 1568 r. Dokładny ich regulamin ustalił bp Maciej Łubieński w 1634 r. Miały się one odbywać dwa razy w roku, od wschodu słońca aż do wieczora. Odprawiano na nich część ascetyczną, dyscyplinarną i samokształceniową. Nieobecność nieusprawiedliwiona pociągała karę 15 grzywien. W XVIII w. spotkania odbywały się raz na dwa lata. Program pozostał ten sam, złagodzono kary za nieobecność. Z treści księgi wynika obopólną niechęć kapłanów diecezjalnych i cystersów oliwskich. Oskarżali się oni wzajemnie o oszczerstwa i brak gorliwości w służbie Bożej, rozważali nauczanie Kościoła i zasady prawa kanonicznego.
The custom of organizing dean’s congregational seminars became popular in the Church after the Trent Council. As far as the Wloclawek and Pomeranian dioceses are concerned, they were first mentioned at the diocese synod held by Bishop Stanislaw Karnkowski in 1568. The most precise regulations as to how they should be organized were given by Bishop Maciej Lubienski in 1634. They were to be held twice a year, from sunrise to sunset. They were divided into three parts, namely ascetic, disciplinary and self‑study. Unjustified absence was to be subject to a fine of 15” grzywna” (units of currency). In the 18th c.the frequency of meetings went down to one in every two years. Although the agenda remained the same, the punishment for absence was commuted to 1 florin. We can draw a conclusion that there was a mutual dislike between diocese priests and the Cistercian monks from Oliwa, who manned two parishes in the Puck deanery. They accused each other of slander and lack of zeal in God’s service. During the educational part of meetings they discussed the ecclesial teaching and the regulations of Canon Law pertaining to the sacred sacraments such as the Eucharist, the sacrament of penance, the last rites and the sacrament of marriage. They were able to cite some documents of the Trent Council as well as the Canon Law and some theologians, mainly of the Jesuit Order, whose works they had studied at the seminary.
Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie różnic pomiędzy kategoriami pedagogicznymi rygoryzmu i liberalizmu wychowawczego, określić treść i zakres znaczeniowy tych pojęć oraz uzasadnić ich miejsce w strategiach wychowawczych oraz w ich różnych typach. Stąd posłużono się w artykule syntetycznym ujęciem historycznym, które ma w sposób jak najbardziej lapidarny ukazać rozwój myśli dotyczącej przymusu i swobody w wychowaniu, a zwłaszcza przejawów praktyki w tym zakresie od starożytności aż po czasy nowożytne. Przeprowadzono także analizę dwóch sprzecznych koncepcji pedagogicznych, które ujmuje się w relacji homo educandus vs homo non educandus. Koncepcje te w różny sposób odwołują się do takiej kategorii, jak wolność pedagogiczna i określają jej znaczenie w praktyce wychowawczej. Takie podejście umożliwiło przeprowadzenie typologizacji dwóch strategii wychowawczych, które ujęto w dwie kategorie: strategii autokratycznej i strategii formacyjnej. W każdej z nich pojawia się problem odwoływania się do wybranych imperatywów pedagogicznych, które zostały szczegółowo opisane. Do nich zaliczono: posłuszeństwo, dyscyplinę, karność, odpowiedzialność oraz sumienność. Ukazano także ich związek z procesem kształtowania w postawach wychowanków sprawności, zwłaszcza sprawności moralnych, które należy pojmować jako element rezultatu procesu wychowawczego. Imperatywy pedagogiczne, do których odwołują się wychowujący, mogą świadczyć o poziomie świadomości wychowawczej i kulturze pedagogicznej tych, którzy przyjmują na siebie odpowiedzialność za wychowanie młodzieży. Rolą imperatywów pedagogicznych jest wspomaganie wychowanków w ich osobistym i społecznym rozwoju.
The purpose of the article is to outline the differences between such pedagogical categories as: rigorism and liberalism of upbringing, assessing the content, range of meaning of terms and providing legitimacy for them in strategies of upbringing and their different types. Thus, a historical synthetic view is applied that should show, in a lapidary way, the development of thought connected to constraint and liberty in upbringing and in particular the symptoms of practice in that range from antiquity to modern times. Moreover, the analysis of two inconsistent pedagogical conceptions was conducted that are subsumed in the relation homo educandus vs. homo non educandus. These conceptions, in different ways, refer to such categories as pedagogical freedom and determine their meaning to education. This approach allowed two types of educational strategies to emerge that are presented in two categories: autocratic strategy and formation strategy. In each of them there is a problem referring to selected pedagogical imperatives that have been described in detail. These include: obedience, discipline, respect for punishment, responsibility and conscientiousness. It also shows their relation with the process of shaping attitudes to learner efficiency, especially the efficiency of morality which should be understood as an element of the result of the educational process. Pedagogical imperatives to that the educators referred to can indicate the level of awareness of the educational and pedagogical culture of those who assume responsibility for the education of youth. The role of pedagogical imperatives is to support learners in their personal and social development.
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