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Ładunek zanieczyszczeń zgromadzony w złożu składowiska odpadów wraz z upływem czasu przenika przez zabezpieczenie zastosowane jako izolacja odpadów od środowiska wodno-gruntowego. Przepływ różnych zanieczyszczeń w wodach podziemnych otoczenia składowiska, w pewnym okresie, można odwzorować za pomocą tzw. krzywej przepływu, opisanej funkcją wielomianu. Pole pod wykresem funkcji, obliczone jako całka oznaczona, pokazuje tzw. wskaźnik przepływu zanieczyszczenia. Do rozwiązywania problemów dotyczących funkcjonowania składowiska odpadów można zastosować modele sieci neuronowych, które potrafią odwzorować nieliniowe zależności bez znajomości matematycznych powiązań. Przykładowo zbudowany model wykorzystując dane o jakości wody z lat wcześniejszych i kojarząc zależność między nimi oraz wpływ czasu, przewiduje zmiany jakości wody.
Contaminants load, which is included in landfill, infiltrate through precautions used as a barrier from wastes to groundwater background, in the course of time. Pollution flow in groundwater surroundings in time interval, one can reflect by means of so called discharge curve, which is polynomial function. The area under function chart, calculated as definite integral, show us so called discharge pollution indicator. For solving problems related to landfill working one can apply models of neutral networks, which can reflect non-liner dependences without knowing mathematical correlations. Exemplary model used data about groundwater quality from earlier years and associated reverse dependence and time influence, predicts changes in groundwater quality.
Fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM) spectroscopy coupled with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) is an established tool of organic matter fingerprinting in aqueous systems. Recently, EEM-PARAFAC has been successfully applied in drinking water treatment for simple, rapid, and sensitive evaluation of organic matter removal during different treatment processes. This review describes some recent applications of EEM-PARAFAC in the drinking water industry. It is divided into two sections according to field of application: characterization of organic matter and its removal in drinking water treatment, and determination of contaminants in drinking water.
Content available remote The effect of helical groove geometry on journal abrasive wear
The article presents an experimental study of slide bearings operating in lubricant contaminated by Al2O3 abrasive particles. The aim of this work was the comparison of wear resistance of slide bearings with different surface geometry on the journal. It was found that helical groove on the journal significantly reduced wear of sliding pairs. The results of experiments showed that groove cross section area and helical groove lead affected abrasive wear. Valuable results concerning the sleeve wear reduction were obtained with respect to bearings with textured journals.
Content available remote Contaminant transport in fractured porous media
This work is aimed at deriving mathematical models that describe pollutant migration through fractured porous media. A homogenisation method is used, i.e. macroscopic models are rigorously deduced from the physical description which is valid within a Representative Elementary Volume (REV). The fundamental assumption behind homogenisation is the separation of scales which is expressed by: l/L = E<<1. In the present work, l denotes the characteristic size of the REV, i.e. at the fracture's scale, and L is the characteristic macroscopic size. The approach introduced by Auriault [1] is used. This methodology is based on the definition and estimation of dimensionless numbers arising from the description at the REV's scale. It is shown that the macroscopic behaviour strongly depends upon the local transport regime characterised by the Peclet number in the fractures. Four distinct macroscopic models for solute transport in fractured porous media are derived.
tom nr 6
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań zużycia łożyskowań ślizgowych smarowanych olejem zanieczyszczonym tlenkiem glinu. Przebadano sześć skojarzeń różniących się twardością współpracujących elementów oraz konstrukcją czopa. Wykazano możliwość zmniejszenia zużycia wywołanego zawartymi w oleju twardymi zanieczyszczeniami poprzez zmianę konstrukcji czopa. Przeprowadzono ponadto analizę porównawczą intensywności zużycia dla testowanych skojarzeń ślizgowych.
Results of tribological wear investigations concerning sliding bearings with six different journals in the presence of an oil abrasive contaminant are presented in the paper. The investigated variants are as follows: – Variant 1 – journal made from C45 steel (hardness 86 HB) mating with sleeve made from MB 50 alloy (79% Al, 20% Sn, 1% Cu, hardness žHV0,1 = 600 MPa), – Variant 2 – journal made from heat-treated 34CrNiMo6 steel (hardness 34 HRC) mating with a sleeve made from MB 50 alloy, – Variant 3 – journal made from heat-treated 34CrNiMo6 steel (hardness 34 HRC) with a two- component surface layer (steel-copper) mating with a sleeve made from MB 50 alloy, – Variant 4 – journal made from heat-treated 34CrNiMo6 steel (hardness 34 HRC) with two- component surface layer (steel-copper) mating with a sleeve made from heat-treated C45 steel (hardness 30 HRC), – Variant 5 – journal made from heat-treated 42CrMo4 steel (hardness 52 HRC) mating with a sleeve made from MB 50 alloy, and – Variant 6 – journal made from heat-treated 42CrMo4 steel (hardness 52 HRC) with a helical groove mating with a sleeve made from MB 50 alloy. The lubricating agent was SAE 40 oil contaminated with Al2O3 particles. Wear volumetric intensity (Iv) for all investigated bearings, as a quotient of volumetric wear and friction path, was calculated. The least tribological wear (Iv = 0.85 mm3/km) was stated for Variant 4. The research indicates that both of the investigated journal modifications resulted in a wear intensity decrease (for variant 3 Iv = 2.73 mm3/km, for variant 6 Iv = 1.21 mm3/km) in the case of an abrasive contaminant in the oil.
The article presents the results of investigations into the wear of slide bearings with a non-typical bearing journal. Pairs made up of elements of different hardness operating together and journals of different design were studied. The possibility of reducing the wear due to contaminant hard particles in the oil by a change in the journal design was pointed out. The reduced material loss in this situation is probably due to contaminants being effectively removed from the abrasive contact area owing to the belts of soft material and the grooves on the surface of the journal. It was also found that the modified journal reduces wear in concentrated linear contact. This is probably due to effective, wear reducing boundary layers which form during friction owing to the presence of a modifying material.
Constructed wetlands are artificial wastewater treatment systems consisting of shallow ponds or channels which have been planted with aquatic plants, and which rely upon natural microbial, biological, physical and chemical processes to treat wastewater. They typically have impervious clay or synthetic liners, and engineered structures to control the flow direction, liquid detention time and water level. Depending on the type of system, they may or may not contain an inert porous media such as rock, gravel or sand. Constructed wetlands have been used to treat a variety of wastewaters including urban runoff; municipal, industrial, agricultural and acid mine drainage. In this regard’s an attempted has been made to reduce the heavy metal present in waste water.
Consolidation of clayey contaminant barriers such as aquitards (natural aquifer barriers) and landfill liners can be a cause for early breakthrough of contaminants. The general objective of this research was to numerically model the rate of dissipation of pore pressures (soil suction) and change in the void ratio/soil permeability characteristics for a loaded black cotton soil (BCS) aquitard layer and thus evaluate the level of groundwater protection in semi-arid regions with BCS cover. Soil suction change was simulated by varying the degree of saturation of the expansive black clay and applying consolidation pressure. A modified Terzaghi’s 1-D consolidation equation was modeled using experimental data from the compressibility characteristics of Black cotton soils for various degrees of saturation. Proposed models for predicting the rate of dissipation of pore pressures and change in void ratio were established for the loaded BCS aquitard layer. The modeling results demonstrate the significance of evaluating the hydraulic properties of soils in relationship to their environments under simulated groundwater table and degree of saturation conditions.
W artykule prezentowano analizę zanieczyszczenia wód powierzchniowych różnymi największymi zakładami przemysłowymi, jakie pracują na terenie województwa podkarpackiego. Pokazano, że głównymi przyczynami zanieczyszczenia wód powierzchniowych jest zawartość w nich specyficznych zanieczyszczeń pochodzenia chemicznego lub mikrobiologicznego. Analiza zanieczyszczenia wód powierzchniowych została przeprowadzona pod względem stanu czystości wód trzech największych rzek, takich jak San, Wisłok i Wisłoka, występujących na obszarze województwa podkarpackiego. Analizę zanieczyszczenia wód powierzchniowych dokonano także na podstawie stanu czystości wody powierzchniowej zlokalizowanej w pobliżu składowiska odpadów przemysłowych. Stan ekologiczny rzek San, Wisłok i Wisłoka określono na podstawie wskaźników biologicznych, fizykochemicznych i hydromorfologicznych. Stan chemiczny badanych wód powierzchniowych przeprowadzono na podstawie wartości wyników dla substancji priorytetowych i dla innych zanieczyszczeń oraz substancji szczególnie szkodliwych dla środowiska wodnego (specyficzne zanieczyszczenia syntetyczne i niesyntetyczne). W przypadku większej ilości punktów pomiarowych brano pod uwagę wartość najgorszego wyniku. Jedną z przyczyn zanieczyszczenia wód na terenie województwa podkarpackiego są zakłady przemysłowe, odprowadzające ścieki przemysłowe za pomocą własnego systemu kanalizacyjnego. Monitoring wód powierzchniowych na terenie składowisk był prowadzony w zakresie pH, przewodności elektrycznej właściwej, fenoli, siarczanów oraz ChZTcr. Badania wód cieku odbywały się w dwóch punktach pomiarowych, cztery razy w roku (w odstępach trzy miesięcznych): 1) powyżej składowisk odpadów; 2) poniżej składowisk odpadów. Poprawa jakości wód rzek San, Wisłok i Wisłoka związana może być ze zmniejszoną ilością odprowadzanych ścieków przemysłowych. Dalsza poprawa stanu wód jest możliwa poprzez modernizację zakładów przemysłowych.
The article has presented the analysis of surfaces waters contamination by industrial wastes produced by the major industrial plants operating in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. It has been indicated that the main reason for the contamination of surface waters is the fact that they contain specific chemical and microbiological contamination. The analysis of the contamination of surface waters has been performed in reference to water purity of the three major rivers: the San, the Wislok and the Wisloka which can be found in the Podkarpackie region. The analysis has also been done on the basis of the purity of surface water located near industrial plants, wastes disposal. The ecological condition of the San, the Wislok and the Wisloka rivers has been assessed on the basis of biological physical-chemical and hydro-morphological indicators. The chemical condition of the tested surface waters has been specified on the basis of the calculations in reference to priority substances and other contaminants and substances especially harmful to water environment (specific synthetic and non-synthetic contaminants). In the case of greater number of measuring points, the worst result was taken into consideration. One of the reasons for surface waters contamination in the Podkarpackie region is the presence of industrial plants which dispose their wastes using their own sewerage system. Surface water monitoring in the disposal site has taken into account pH, electrical conductivity, phenols, sulfates and Chemical Oxygen Demand (using potassium dichromate) test. The watercourse tests have been done in two measuring points, four times in a year (every three months): 1) above the disposal sites; 2) below the disposal sites. The improvement of water purity of the San, the Wislok and the Wisloka rivers can be attributed to the diminished amount of disposed industrial effluents. Further improvement of water purity can be achieved by modernization of industrial plants.
Background. Bacterial contamination is a major problem for commercial fuel ethanol production in distilleries all over the world. The contaminating microorganisms produce acetic and lactic acid that has a detrimental effect on fermentation efficiency. The aim of this work was to calculate the number of bacterial contaminants in some distilleries. Moreover, in this study it was signified what kind of bacteria contaminate ethanol production process. Material and methods. Grains were obtained from five distilleries from some regions in Poland, in this work hereafter referred to as α, β, γ, δ, and ε distilleries. Corn was the raw material in the α, β, and γ distilleries, triticale in δ distillery, and rye in the ε one. From these five distilleries, sweet mashes during fermentation and after it, were also analysed. The total number of microorganisms, the number of lactic acid bacteria, the number of anaerobic bacteria and the quantity of yeasts and moulds in raw materials were calculated. Results. The number of total viable bacteria (CFU/g), lactic acid bacteria (CFU/g), anaerobic bacteria (CFU/g), moulds, and yeasts (CFU/g) occur in the samples were determined. In all distilleries tested, all groups of microorganism were present. Conclusions. The results of our study show that all tested distilleries have a lot of difficulties with microbiology pollution which leads to a decrease of ethanol production and economical problems. From the economical point of view, reduction of microbial contamination makes it possible to increase the production volume
Wstęp. Zanieczyszczenia bakteryjne są poważnym problemem w przemysłowej produkcji bioetanolu w gorzelniach na całym świecie. Niepożądane mikroorganizmy produkują kwasy octowy i mlekowy, które znacznie obniżają wydajność fermentacji. Celem pracy było oznaczenie liczebności mikroflory zanieczyszczającej gorzelnie na terenie Polski. Ponadto oznaczono najczęściej występujące gatunki bakterii. Materiał i metody. Badane ziarno pochodziło z pięciu gorzelni z terenu Polski, które oznaczono jako α, β, γ, δ i ε. Surowcem w gorzelniach α, β i γ była kukurydza, w gorzelni δ - pszenżyto, a w ε - żyto. Analizowano również stan mikrobiologiczny zacierów gorzelniczych pochodzących z badanych gorzelni. Określono ogólną liczbę bakterii, liczebność bakterii mlekowych, beztlenowych oraz pleśni i grzybów w analizowanym materiale. Wyniki. Ogólna liczba bakterii (jtk/g), liczebność bakterii mlekowych (jtk/g), beztlenowych (jtk/g) oraz pleśni i grzybów (jtk/g) została oznaczona dla surowców i zacierów pochodzących ze wszystkich pięciu badanych gorzelni. Mikroorganizmy z badanych grup występowały we wszystkich surowcach i zacierach. Wnioski. Wyniki badań wskazują, że problem zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologicznego dotyczy wszystkich badanych polskich gorzelni. Znacznie zmniejsza to wydajność produkcji bioetanolu, prowadząc do strat ekonomicznych
Monitoring of contaminants in different agricultural sectors has a long history in Poland. Regional Agrochemical Stations (OSCHR) and the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG) in Pulawy have performed analyses of chemical contaminants in arable soils within two research programs on countrywide scale in the years 1991-2001. Food and agroproduct contamination has been researched in a number of research institutions and the data were inconclusive. There was no coordination of these efforts until 1991, when the Polish Ministry of Agriculture launched a program entitled “Monitoring of the Quality of Soils, Plants, Food and Agroproducts”. For this purpose a set of 100 sampling points for the period 1995-1997 was selected. This number was increased to 300 sampling points for 1998-2000, but due to analytical and financial limitations each sampling point was monitored only once every three years. The data obtained under this program were published in Polish in the form of two reports (1997 and 2000) [1]. This paper presents and discusses the data obtained under the above-mentioned programs. It was not the intention of the authors to summarise all the published work done in Poland during the last decade concerning soil, food and agroproduct analyses, but rather based on cited programs to give a general view of the state of the art in Poland.
35 physico-chemical descriptors were used to characterize all 75 congeners of chloronaphthalene in terms of their environmental stability and specific dioxin-like toxicity. A prepared basic thermodynamic and physico-chemical property data matrix of PCNs was interpreted using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The PCA of the thermodynamic and physico-chemical data matrix created a four-dimensional model that explained 76% (58% + 9% + 5% + 4%) of the total variance. The loading plot shows that the first PC is influenced by variables describing degree of chlorination, molecular weight, polarizability and lipophilicity. The best positively correlated descriptors are: retention time, standard molar entropy, heat capacity, a first-order molecular connectivity index, logarithm of octanol-water partition coefficient, the Wiener Index, specific polarizability, a third order shape index for molecules, the sum of absolute of the charges on each atom of the molecule, molecular weight, polarizability, refractivity, solvent-accessible surface, van der Waals surface, solvent-accessible volume, van der Waals volume. Negatively correlated descriptors are: standard enthalpy of formation and energy of HOMO. The second PC is strongly influenced by energy of LUMO, while substitution pattern parameters, number of chlorine atoms at a-positions and vicinal (adjacent) carbon atoms substitution pattern are less important parameters. The third PC depends on dipole moment and the largest negative charge, and on substitution at position 2 of naphthalene nuclei, while the symmetry group parameter is determined by PC4. There are small groups consisting of compounds which have similar values of LUMO energy and substitution pattern. The congeners of CN substituted with chlorine at positions 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 (Fv/Fv PCN congeners), and next those substituted at positions 1, 2, 3 and 6 or 7 (Fr/Fv PCB congeners) are considered to be most potent in terms of dioxin-like toxicity, and followed by those substituted at four positions (Fr[Fv), at three positions (Tr/Fv) and so on. The thermodynamic stability of the congeners of CN depends on the number of attached chlorine and structure of the molecule. Among the 75 congeners of CN only a few, like PCN nos. 42, 560, 61, 66/67, are relatively resistant to biodegradation and biomagnify in animals occupying a higher position in the marine food web, and with a particular homologue group they are characterised by the lowest absolute values of energy of LUMO.
Cadmium is a widespread environmental and occupational pollutant and quercetin is a dietary flavonoid, which is reported to modulate the effects of many mutagens and carcinogens. We investigated the ability of cadmium chloride to induce DNA damage in human lymphocytes in the presence of quercetin using the alkaline comet assay. Cadmium chloride (5-150 muM) evoked dose-dependent DNA damage and quercetin at 50 muM decreased the extent of the damage. The lymphocytes exposed to cadmium chloride were able to remove their DNA damage within a time period shorter than 120 min. The cells treated with quercetin at 50 muM prior to exposure to cadmium required shorter periods of time to recover. Quercetin could chelate cadmium ions, scavenge free radicals produced by cadmium or regenerate cellular DNA-repair enzymes.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nośności i odporności na zużycie łożysk ślizgowych ze śrubowym rowkiem na czopie. Nośność badano przy smarowaniu olejem czystym, natomiast odporność na zużycie przy smarowaniu olejem zanieczyszczonym. Stwierdzono, że śrubowy rowek na czopie zmniejsza zużycie (ponaddwukrotnie) węzła ślizgowego przy zanieczyszczonym oleju. Śrubowy rowek na czopie zwiększa również wydatek oleju i powoduje zmniejszenie nośności. Uzyskane wyniki są skorelowane z bezwymiarowym parametrem w postaci ilorazu pola przekroju poprzecznego rowków do pola prostokąta o bokach równych szerokości łożyska i minimalnej wysokości szczeliny smarowej.
Hard particles in lubricating oil are one of the reasons for premature failures of slide bearings. Contaminants appear in oil in the production process, but their volume considerably increases during operation. The paper presents the results of tests concerning a slide-bearing with a helical groove on the journal. Nine variants of journals were investigated. The aim if these tests is the experimental investigation of the effect of the groove geometry on the bearing load capacity and oil flow rate and wear in the presence of abrasive particles in the lubricating fluid. The attempt was also done in order to determine the index describing the groove and helical line, and this index can be correlated with bearing characteristics and its wear. The helical groove on the journal bearing causes a decrease in its wear even in the in case of the presence of hard contaminates in the lubricating oil, depending on groove dimensions and lead of the screw line. In the conducted research, wear was smaller by a factor of two at its maximum than for a conventional journal. The helical grooves presence also decreases the bearing load capacity (up to 40% in the research) and increases the oil flow rate (more than 2x). All obtained results of investigations are correlated with a non-dimensional parameter, which is the ratio of the cross-sectional area of the grooves to the area of rectangle of the sides of the bearing width and the minimum oil clearance thickness.
W procesie prania bielizny szpitalnej zanieczyszczonej krwią powinna być stosowana dezynfekcja termiczna. Obecnie jest coraz więcej bielizny szpitalnej wykonanej z materiałów bawełniano-poliestrowych, które nie mogą być poddane działaniu wysokiej temperatury-dezynfekcji termicznej. Przeprowadzanie dezynfekcji chemiczno-termicznej w coraz niższych temperaturach stwarza drobnoustrojom większą możliwość przeżywania procesu prania. Celem badań było przygotowanie nowej metody oceny mikrobiologicznej chemiczno-termicznej dezynfekcji w procesie prania bielizny szpitalnej zanieczyszczonej krwią. W badaniach określano działanie bakteriobójcze środków przeznaczonych do chemiczno-termicznej dezynfekcji w procesie prania symulując w laboratorium procesy prania zgodnie z metodą PZH -DF/05/03. W celu określenia efektu bakteriobójczego dla bielizny szpitalnej zanieczyszczonej krwią zastosowano bawełniane nośniki zaszczepione Enterococcus faecium oraz substancje obciążające - wysokie stężenia albuminy i/lub erytrocytów baranich, imitujące ludzką krew. Badania wykazały; że działanie bakteriobójcze środków do chemiczno-termicznej dezynfekcji bielizny szpitalnej o dużym zanieczyszczeniu organicznym (krew; itp.) powinny być oceniane metodą nośnikową w następujących warunkach: organizm testowy - Enterococcus faecium, substancje obciążające - 6g/l albuminy dodawanej do preparatu.
Thermal disinfection should be applied to laundering procedures of hospital textiles contaminated with blood. Currently; there is an increasing number of hospital textiles composed of cotton-polyester blends that cannot endure high temperatures of thermal disinfection. Besides, decreasing the temperature of chemothermal disinfection enhances the possibility of microorganisms to survive the laundering procedure. The aim of this study was to prepare a new methodfor the microbiological evaluation of disinfecting laundering procedures for hospital textiles contaminated with blood. The bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants for chemothermal disinfection was determined by simulating a laundering procedure for hospital textiles in the laboratory according to procedure of National Institute of Hygiene-DF/05/03. Bioindicators cotton carriers inoculated with Enterococcus faecium were used for determinating the antibacterial effects for hospital textiles contaminated with blood. High concentrations of bovine albumin and/or sheep erythrocytes were used as substrate for simulating human blood. The results showed that the bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants for chemothermal disinfection hospital textiles in the event of massive organic contamination - heavily soiled with blood, shall be evaluated using carrier test in following conditions: test organism- Enterococcus faecium, interfering substances - 6g/l bovine albumin solution added to preparation.
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