The purpose of the study was to evaluate consumer awareness of the medicinal properties of hemp and its applications in various industries. Before commencing the survey, the following research hypothesis was made: the survey respondents would lack basic knowledge about hemp. The study group of survey respondents consisted of 50 randomly selected people from the Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland. The research tool was an original survey questionnaire containing 11 questions and a section for sociodemographic data. The survey study was conducted from October to December 2018. As a result of the study, the research hypothesis was positively verified. It was found that most members of the study group were unfamiliar with the term hemp, but still associated it positively. This was related to the erroneous attribution of its properties to Cannabis indica. More than half of the study group were unable to state whether the plant in question was used in medicine. The level of knowledge among the study group concerning the applications of hemp in various industries was low.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the consumers’ knowledge of the concept of ‘best before’ and ‘use by’ dates, and to assess how it translates into safe and sustainable food-handling behavior in relation to a specific food and a given date type. The face-to-face interview method (N = 1145) was applied with the use of the interview questionnaire. The results showed that groups of 61.1% and 79.0% of Polish consumers who selected the correct meaning of the date had problems with food handling when they were asked about a specific food product. Consumer behavior in this regard depended on the type of product, not on the date type.
The article discusses the level of consumer awareness in the context of growing indebtedness of Polish households. Some claim that low consumer awareness of Poles is one of the reasons for excessive indebtedness. The first part focuses on the definition of consumer awareness, its, importance for consumer choice, and – based on authors’ own research – its level in Polish society. The second part describes the incomes of Polish households from 2008 to 2010. It also shows consumers’ subjective assessment of their financial position and characterises consumer durables used in their households. The third part presents the tendency of Poles to incur debt and their punctuality of repayment. The sources of financing of consumption needs are described along with a scale of excessive indebtedness of Poles. The fourth part of the article focuses on consumer bankruptcy as a solution for the over-indebted consumers and describes current regulations on consumer bankruptcy in Polish law. The scale of their practical application is discussed in reference to Poles’ opinion on consumer bankruptcy, again based on authors’ own research. This part indicates consumer education as an effective instrument against excessive indebtedness.
Osoby chore stosujące dietę bezglutenową często mają problem z jednoznaczną identyfikacją bezpiecznych produktów. Istotne znaczenie dla tej grupy osób ma zatem wiedza nt. ukrytych źródeł glutenu oraz sprawdzanie bezpieczeństwa wybranych produktów na podstawie składu podanego na etykiecie i analizy laboratoryjnej – co stanowiło cel niniejszej pracy. Narzędziem badania zachowań żywieniowych był kwestionariusz ankiety. Obecność glutenu w 14 próbkach sprawdzano metodą Western Blotting i ELISA. Większość respondentów deklarowała przestrzeganie diety bezglutenowej, jednak 37,5% ankietowanych z nieceliakalną nadwrażliwością na gluten oraz 64,3% z celiakią czytało regularnie etykiety kupowanych produktów spożywczych. Obecność glutenu na poziomie powyżej 20 ppm stwierdzono w trzech badanych produktach. Mimo obowiązku deklarowania obecności glutenu w produktach spożywczych i potrawach nadal w handlu znajdują się artykuły bez odpowiednich oznaczeń na etykietach. Aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo chorym konsumentom, konieczna jest jednoznaczna informacja o obecności glutenu na opakowaniu i nakłanianie ich do czytania etykiet produktów spożywczych.
Clear identification of safe products is a problem for patients using a gluten-free diet. The aim of the study was to investigate the hidden sources of gluten among the people using a gluten-free diet and to check the safety of the selected products based on the composition given on the label and laboratory analysis. The survey questionnaire was a tool for studying dietary behaviors. The presence of gluten in 14 samples was checked by Western Blotting and ELISA. Most of the respondents declared compliance with the gluten-free diet; however, 37.5% of the respondents with non-celiac gluten sensitivity and 64.3% with celiac disease read the regulation of the label of purchased food products. The presence of gluten at the level above 20 ppm was found in 3 tested products. Despite the obligation to declare the presence of gluten in foods and dishes, there are still articles in the trade that do not have the appropriate information on the labels. To ensure the safety of sick consumers, it is necessary to clearly indicate the presence of gluten on the packaging and to persuade them to read labels of food products.
Purpose: Progressive climate change requires the implementation of this idea not only in companies or manufacturing plants, but also in households. Therefore, this study attempts to: identify the awareness and type of attitudes of Generation Z consumers toward sustainable consumption, and assess the relationship between attitudes about sustainable consumption issues among Generation Z consumers and their behavior and stated intentions to behave toward sustainable consumption. Design/methodology/approach: The survey was conducted among young consumers of Generation Z (n = 380). A non-probabilistic sampling technique known as convenience sampling was used to select respondents for the research sample. The research was carried out by indirect online survey measurement method (CAWI), using a survey questionnaire hosted on Google Form. Findings: Issues of sustainable consumption are familiar to a group of Generation Z consumers. they are aware that excessive consumption and irrational use of resources can adversely affect the environment and climate change. However, the most important criterion in choosing products is price. A favorable aspect is that more and more young consumers are purchasing used products, which may be associated with their lower cost. However, they are more likely to purchase them through online services, which is more convenient. Despite awareness of the benefits of adhering to the principles of sustainable consumption, those surveyed are quite skeptical about supporting nonprofit organizations or participating in social campaigns. Research limitations/implications: The research was carried out narrowly in terms of subjects, so it cannot be generalized to the entire segment of Generation Z consumers. The scope of the presented research is also limited. The results of the research should be considered as a pilot study. Practical implications: Findings are relevant to actors along the entire chain of production and distribution of consumer goods, allowing the identification of consumer needs and behavior. State institutions and European Union bodies should continue their efforts leading to the development of the necessary legal and financial instruments that will encourage citizens to take socially and environmentally responsible actions. Originality/value: This research underscores that sustainable consumption is increasingly important to young consumers and requires an interdisciplinary approach to pro-environmental research on their behavior.
Przemysł spożywczy jest sektorem gospodarki, którego specyfika znajduje odzwierciedlenie w preferencjach konsumenckich. Identyfikacja potrzeb i upodobań klientów oraz zdolność elastycznego reagowania na nie stymulują działania innowacyjne w dziedzinie produkcji żywności. Świadomość konsumentów na temat wpływu pożywienia na zdrowie, a także trendy żywieniowe i obserwacja rynku sprzyjają produkcji żywności innowacyjnej o wysokiej jakości i szczególnych właściwościach prozdrowotnych. Panujące trendy na rynku znalazły odzwierciedlenie w produkcji żywności minimalnie przetworzonej, funkcjonalnej, spersonalizowanej, z wykorzystaniem innowacyjnych surowców czy opakowań. Dotyczą one także poczynań w zakresie przeciwdziałania marnotrawieniu żywności, racjonalnego gospodarowania odpadami i dbałości o środowisko naturalne. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane trendy w przemyśle spożywczym oraz postawy konsumenckie obserwowane w ostatnich latach.
The food industry is a sector of the economy whose specificity is reflected in consumer preferences. Identifying the needs and preferences of customers and the ability to flexibly respond to them stimulate innovative activities in food production. Consumer awareness of the impact of food on health, as well as nutrition trends and market observation, are conducive to the production of innovative, high-quality food, often with special health-promoting properties. The dominant trends have been reflected in minimally processed, functional, personalized food, using innovative raw materials or packaging. They also relate to actions to prevent food waste, rational waste management and care for the natural environment. The article presents selected trends in the food industry and consumer attitudes observed in recent years.
The article presents the issue of consumer protection and the role which education can play in raising consumers’ awareness with regard to their rights and the possibilities concerning pursuing their claims. The author discusses priorities of the 2014-2020 EU Consumer Policy in the light of the policy adopted for 2007-2013. Consumer awareness plays an important role in the effective implementation of consumer policy. The paper presents the results of the study carried out for the research project “Consumer Protection and Education in Selected Services Markets”. As the research shows, the level of awareness of Polish consumers is low, which results in the lack of proper concern for consumer rights, lack of knowledge about consumer institutions and organisations as well as underestimation of the role which primary schools and lower secondary schools play in educating consumers.
Artykuł poświęcony jest problematyce ochrony konsumentów i roli, którą może odegrać edukacja w podnoszeniu świadomości konsumentów na temat przysługujących im praw i dochodzenia roszczeń. Omówiono priorytety polityki konsumenckiej Unii Europejskiej na lata 2014-2020 na tle realizowanej strategii polityki przyjętej na lata 2007-2013. Ważne miejsce w skuteczności wdrażania polityki konsumenckiej odgrywa świadomość konsumencka. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania przeprowadzonego na potrzeby projektu badawczego Ochrona i edukacja konsumentów na wybranych rynkach usług. Jak wynika z badań, poziom świadomości polskich konsumentów jest niski, co skutkuje brakiem należytego zainteresowania prawami konsumentów, nieznajomością instytucji i organizacji konsumenckich, a także niedocenianiem roli szkół na poziomie podstawowym i gimnazjalnym w edukowaniu konsumentów.
Статья посвящена проблематике защиты потребителей и роли, которую может сыграть обучение в повышении сознательности потребителей в отношении присущих им прав и взысканий по притязаниям. Обсудили приоритеты потребительской политики Европейского Союза на 2014-2020 гг. на фоне осуществляемой стратегии политики, принятой на 2007-2013 гг. Важное место в эффективности внедрения потребительской политики играет сознание потребителей. В статье представлены результаты исследования, проведенного для нужд исследовательского проекта «Защита и обучение потребителей на избранных рынках услуг». Как вытекает из исследований, уровень сознательности польских потребителей низок, что приводит к отсутствию надлежащей заинтересованности правами потребителей, к незнанию потребительских учреждений и организаций, а также к недооценке роли начальных школ и гимназий в обучении потребителей.
Odpady leków przenikają do środowiska i stwarzają zagrożenie zanieczyszczenia wód powierzchniowych i gleb substancjami czynnymi farmaceutyków. Do czynników sprzyjających zagrożeniu należy także czynnik społeczny taki jak brak świadomości konsumentów o konieczności odpowiedzialnego stosowania leków oraz zagospodarowania ich odpadów, tak aby zminimalizować ryzyko przedostawania się substancji farmakologicznie czynnych do środowiska. Celem artykułu była analiza wybranych informacji dotyczących gospodarki odpadami leków w obrębie gospodarstw domowych. Analizę o charakterze lokalnym wykonano na przykładzie powiatu lubaczowskiego.
Pharmaceutical wastes penetrate the environment and pose a threat to surface water and soil pollution with active pharmaceutical substances. Risk factors also include a social factor, such as a lack of consumer awareness about the need for responsible use of medicines and the management of medicines waste, in order to minimize the risk of leakage of pharmacologically active substances into the environment. The aim of the article was to analyze selected information on medicines waste management within households. Local analysis was performed on the example of the Lubaczów poviat.