Środki powierzchniowo czynne o podwójnych łańcuchach lipofilowych można syntezować w oparciu o aminy o dwu długich łańcuchach węglowych. Drogą do uzyskania takich amin jest redukcyjna aminacja ketonów dwudługołańcuchowych. Surowcem mogą być mieszaniny ketonów otrzymywane z mieszanin monoestrów z odpadowych kwasów karboksylowych lub mieszanin estrów metylowych z odpadowych tłuszczów technicznych. Reakcje ketonizacji estrów prowadzi się w sposób ciągły w zakresie temperatur 350-400 stopni C w obecności katalizatora żelazowego. Ketonizacja przebiega z dobrą wydajnością, bez uciążliwych produktów ubocznych.
Two groups of compounds were compared - boronic acids RB(OH)2 and carboxylic acids RCOOH. The similarities and differences in their acidic character, structures, esterification reactions, and anhydride formation are shown. The systems containing both the boronic -B(OH)2 and carboxyl -COOH functional groups were also discussed.
The multixenobiotic resistance (closely related to multidrug resistance) system controls transport across the plasma membrane as a defense against toxic molecules. Multixenobiotic resistance system consists of an efflux pump, ABCB1 (also named P-glycoprotein, P-gp), and/or a molecule of the ABCC family (also named multiple resistance associated protein, MRP). ABCB1 is able to increase efflux of many low-molecular foreign molecules. Measuring system induction may be used as a biomarker of cell/organism exposure to foreign substances. Various established cell lines were tested for constitutive and induced multixenobiotic resistance proteins by Western blotting immunodetection. The pumping function was indirectly assayed with Rhodamine B by visualization of cell fluorescence in the presence of verapamil. Changes in ABC proteins were measured by flow cytometry after exposition to various perfluorinated carboxylic acids. MCF7 and HeLa cells were found to contain the highest constitutive level of both ABCB1 and ABCC1. HEK293 exhibited much less ABCB1 and no activity of pumping out Rhodamine B. The pumping activity was found to be related to the amount of the cell-type specific 170 kDa ABCB1 protein. An 8-day exposure to 10–4M perfluorononanoic acid resulted in about 2–2.5-fold increase of ABCB1 level. That was confirmed also for short times by flow cytometry of cells exposed to perfluorinated acids and its natural congeners. Both ABCB1- and ABCC1-related fluorescence increased along with the carbon chain in acids from C6up to C9 and decreased for C10. Measuring of multixenobiotic resistance changes in vitroinduced by chemicals may be a convenient test for screening for their potential toxicity.
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