Prikazi sljedećih knjiga "Alice in a World of Wonderlands: Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece. Volume One: Essays, Volume Two: Back-Translations, Volume Three: Checklists" urednika Jon A. Lindsetha i Alana Tannenbauma, " Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass: A Publishing History" autora Zoe Jaques and Eugene Giddensa, "The Story of Alice: Lewis Carroll and the Secret History of Wonderland" autora Robert Douglas-Fairhursta te "Alice hinter den Mythen. Der Sinn in Carrolls Nonsense" autorice Celie Brown.
These are reviews of the following books: "Alice in a World of Wonderlands: Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece. Volume One: Essays, Volume Two: Back-Translations, Volume Three: Checklists" edited by Jon A. Lindseth and Alan Tannenbaum, " Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass: A Publishing History" written by Zoe Jaques and Eugene Giddens, "The Story of Alice: Lewis Carroll and the Secret History of Wonderland" written by Robert Douglas-Fairhurst and "Alice hinter den Mythen. Der Sinn in Carrolls Nonsense" written by Celia Brown.
Drawing on Systemic Functional Linguistics, this study explored variational use of nominalization in 600 textbook introductions and 200 book reviews in applied linguistics and medicine. The nominalized expressions were identified in the texts, the frequencies of the nominalization types were counted, and eventually a chi-square test was administered. Analysis of nominalization patterns across the different informational/promotional moves revealed divergent patterns in the two disciplines but insignificant differences across the genres in focus. The density of nominalizations was acknowledged in the applied linguistics introductions and book reviews. However, functional variations in the use of nominalizations were found only in the introductions. As for the proportion of nominalization to grammatical metaphor, results demonstrated a lower tendency towards nominalizing scientific information in the medicine corpus. Further research is needed to see how nominalization is exploited in other genres and other disciplines.
This article analyses the reviews of Polish books on the history of education and bringing up children in the years 1945-1989. It presents the ways in which critics reviewed new publications and shows the aspects which they paid special attention to. The reviews were published in the most renowned magazines among historians of education and raising children, such as ”Przegląd Historyczno-Oświatowy” (The History and Education Review), ”Rozprawy z Dziejów Oświaty” (Dissertations on the History of Education). Some of them were written by renowned specialists in the field. For contemporary historians, the reviews may constitute an interesting source of information on academic criticism from the times of the Polish People’s Republic. They may also bear witness to the hard work and efforts made towards conducting thorough studies into the history of education and bringing up children over various historical periods.
Among Henry James’s early book reviews, there is only one dealing with literature for the young. James’s opinion on Louisa May Alcott’s Eight Cousins is negative, yet the review deals rather with the didactic outcome of the novel and not with its literary aspects. James’s review is especially intriguing as it shows his attitude to matters which are definitely not the concern of his subsequent fiction – his approach to the upbringing of children.
Pośród recenzji literackich, które Henry James pisał w młodości, tylko jedna dotyczy literatury dziecięcej. James ostro krytykuje powieść Louisy May Alcott Eight Cousins, lecz jego negatywna opinia skierowana jest raczej na dydaktyczne aspekty książki, a nie jej literacką wartość. Recenzja Jamesa jest tym bardziej intrygująca, że zajmuje się sprawą wychowania dzieci – czyli tematem, który w późniejszych dziełach tego autora się nie pojawi.
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