As a « relational concept », alterity can only be defined in opposition to what sociologists call a « referential group », an entity which dictates political, religious or cultural norms in a concrete society. Our article will first explain the difference between simple « diversity » and real « alterity », which is perceived as a potential source of threat by the majority society. Using concrete figures from 19th and 20th century Quebec novels, we will illustrate various types of alterity and the general evolution of Canadian mentality in relation to various minorities.
In postmodern outlook, the boundary between the different divisions made inside the mind is blurred. It is the Other of one’s self that indirectly defines the identity of a character or makes it abject. The purpose of this study is to recognize the adjustment identity of Blanche in “The Streetcar Named Desire” in diverse social contexts. The identity of Blanche is under surveillance through some key elements in the postmodern bedrock. The chains of signifiers that are produced by the considered character distinguish the mayhem of the mind that is trying to find a new identity in the altered social context. The study aims to unravel the desire for the Other or the hidden alter that is trying to adapt itself to the new environment while the character is unraveled as abject for the others in the special context. The dangling state of Blanche’s mind is exposed through multiple features of the concepts to embody the blurring border between the Other and the self.
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Central to Ghosh’s oeuvre is the idea that the nation is a fiction whose boundaries are continuously being reimagined and redrawn. Nationalism creates binary divisions, and projects a kind of “false” history which would buttress its own interest. The ideology of modernity and its various avatars, like Western geographical and ideological expansionism, modernist knowledge production strategies, and racism, create a Manichaean dialectic between the self and its other. Ghosh’s engagement with the frequency of boundary-crossings within and outside India, challenges the essentialist definitions of nations and societies. Ghosh‘s endorsement of the syncretism and humanism that downplay cultural differences explains his antipathy towards nationalism and its divisive epistemology. Despite his celebration of cultural pluralism, an acute sense of the sameness of man across “looking glass borders” and temporal divides underlies his work. Questioning the authoritarian and coercive actions of the postcolonial nation state, Ghosh pines for the Nehruvian utopia of a secularist, democratic national unity which assimilates Indian diversity in a syncretic whole. Based on an ethically conceived solidarity, this feeling of communitarianism would provide an ideal alternative to religious and ethnic chauvinism and “Majoritarianism”, as well as political dispersal and the religious/ethnic violence rampant in contemporary Hindu nationalism. Ghosh distrusts the nationalist political and official discourse of a faceless and dehumanizing statist machinery detached from the actual lives of people. In The Shadow Lines, Ghosh thematizes the migrations of people(s), the importance of connections between the past and the present, the changing status of nation-states, the fluid nature of boundaries, intercultural communication beyond nationalism, the spread of Western modes of production, and encounters between different cultures – all of which are the fallout of globalization.
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This paper regards the analysis of commercial names found in the north of Maramureș, a county with a multi-ethnic population, consisting of Romanians, Hungarians, and Ukrainians in the north of Romania, on the border with Ukraine, and where the percentage of people going abroad is big. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the relationship between ethnicity and the language used commercially, but also the causes behind the mother tongue abandonment in the onomastics of the public space in Maramureș. The corpus consists of names of businesses, shops, products seen on the field or on specialised websites. The analysis is done from a lexical-semantic, typological and socio-cultural viewpoint, emphasising the denominator’s mindset when he resorts to a language internationally used in order to name a new business, and also how the name reflects the identity of an ethnic group or the acceptance of alterity. Since the Romanian EU integration, there are no more linguistic boundaries to speak of, because in Maramureș, in areas with an active emigrant majority, names in English, Italian, and French or hybrid denominations formed with Romanian notions and foreign terms can be found on the frontispiece of firms. It is likewise in the villages belonging to minorities, but here a greater attachment to their mother tongue is noticed, due to the position individuals have in society. Thus, an interdependency relationship is established between language and society, especially between language and community.
Tento článek přináší analýzu komerčních názvů v severním Maramureši, oblasti s multietnickou populací sestávající z Rumunů, Bulharů a Ukrajinců. Tato oblast leží na severu Rumunska na hranicích s Ukrajinou a je zde vysoký počet emigrantů. Cílem tohoto článku je ilustrovat vztahy mezi etnikem a jazykem používaným v komerční sféře, ale také důvody, kvůli kterým je upouštěno od užívání mateřského jazyka u vlastních jmen ve veřejné sféře v Maramureši. Hlavní část článku obsahuje jména firem, obchodů a produktů získaných terréním výzkumem, nebo specializovaných intemetových stránek. Analýza byla provedena z lexikálně-sémantického, typologického a socio-kulturního hlediska a zdůrazňuje myšlení pojmenovávatelů, kteří se při pojmenovávání nových obchodů uchylují k mezinárodně používanému jazyku a také, jak jméno odráží identitu etnické skupiny nebo přijímání alterity. Od doby, kdy se Rumunsko připojilo k Evropské Unii, neexistují zde žádné jazykové bariéry, protože v Maramureši, v oblastech s aktivní emigrantskou majoritou, se v pojmenování firem objevují názvy v angličtině, italštině a francouzštině nebo hybridní pojmenování tvořená rumunskými pojmy a cizími výrazy. Stejné tak je tomu i v obcích náležejících k menšinám. Zde byla však díky postavení, jaké zaujímá jedinec ve společnosti, zaznamenána Silnější náklonnost k mateřskému jazyku. To je dáno vzájemným vztahem mezi jazykem a společností, zejména mezi jazykem a komunitou.
The article deals with the subject of knowledge about Serbia and the Serbs in Poland at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. This knowledge was reconstructed on the basis of travel reports, memoirs, notes published both in the press and the books. The collected materials allow us to observe the slow evolution of the representations of the Serbs. The first reports and news can be counted as exotic presentations in the orientalizing mode of the Balkans, but over time new motifs were emerging, highlighting certain similarities between the Poles and the Serbs, such as history, slavic origin, and peculiar combative features of character. The aim of this article is to present to contemporary audience the unknown images and perceptions of the Serbs in the Polish press.
Artykuł podejmuje temat wiedzy o Serbii i Serbach w Polsce na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Wiedza ta została zrekonstruowana na podstawie opisów podróży, wspomnień, notatek publikowanych zarówno w ówczesnej prasie, jak i książkach. Zebrane materiały pozwalają zaobserwować ewolucję w przedstawianiu Serbów. Pierwsze relacje można zaliczyć do przedstawień egzotyki w nurcie orientalizacji Bałkanów, jednak z czasem pojawiają się nowe motywy podkreślające pewne podobieństwa między Polakami i Serbami, np. historię, słowiańskie pochodzenie oraz specyficzne wojownicze cechy charakteru. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie współczesnemu odbiorcy nieznanych ówczesnych obrazów i percepcji Serbów w polskiej prasie.
In one way or another, the other plays an important role in educational settings. Over the last few decades, the recourse to philosophical phenomenology has proved to be helpful for the discussion of this topic. Coming from this thematic direction, this article focuses on the other in its constitutive function for the construction of identity. Both within the phenomenologist Bernhard Waldenfels’ theory of responsivity as well as in the pedagogue Wilfried Lippitz’ theory of alterity, the other is a structural part of the self. It will be shown that within these theories the possible dangers of an encounter with the other cannot be addressed in an adequate way. However, this is especially important in educational contexts. Therefore, with regard to the philosophies of Jean‐Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, I would like to present two additional phenomenological approaches from which the pedagogical discussion can benefit. Both Sartre and Beauvoir put great focus on possible obstacles regarding the en‐ counter with the other. Whereas Sartre identifies negativity as an essential part of human existence, Beauvoir enriches these thoughts with an ethical component. Against the background of these philosophies, the other comes into view as a possible source of both objectification and empowerment. Lastly, the article shows that an implementation of these considerations in teacher training can lead to a deeper understanding of the constitution of identity and the inherent possibilities of any interaction with the other.
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