W artykule analizuje się sektor wina w Portugalii z punktu widzenia zrównoważonego rozwoju. Portugalia jest jednym z tradycyjnych jego producentów, zaś wino jedną ze strategicznych gałęzi jej gospodarki. Przemysł alkoholowy, do którego należy segment wina, jest kontrowersyjny, gdyż z jednej strony obarczony jest stygmatem "grzechu", ze względu na negatywne konsekwencje społeczne i zdrowotne, z drugiej zaś wino od dawna związane było z boską symboliką, jako element obrządków religijnych. Ponadto niektóre badania wskazują na pozytywny wpływ na zdrowie ograniczonej konsumpcji czerwonego wina. Ze względu na globalny zasięg rynku wina, w artykule przedstawiony został najpierw szerszy kontekst, który wpływa na rynek wina w Portugalii. Następnie przedstawiona została sytuacja wewnętrzna oraz wysiłki w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju tego sektora gospodarki Portugalii. Jako metodologię przyjęto analizę literatury z różnych dziedzin wiedzy związanych z winem. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In this article, we undertake the analysis of wine sector in Portugal from the point of view of its sustainable development. Wine industry is one of the strategic branches of Portuguese economy, being Portugal one of traditional wine producers. The alcohol industry the wine segment belongs to is at least controversial: on the one hand, it has the stigma of "sin" due to its negative social and health consequences, on the other hand, wine has long been associated with the divine symbolism as element of religious rites. In addition, some studies show a positive impact on health in controlled consumption of red wine. Due to global reach of wine market, the article first presents a wider context that affects wine market in Portugal, and then, puts forward the internal situation and efforts towards a sustainable development of this sector of the Portuguese economy. The methodology adopted here is the analysis of literature from various fields of knowledge related to wine economy. (original abstract)
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W artykule rozważane jest zagadnienie zadowolenia klientów sektora dóbr szczególnych. Orientując się na jeden z najważniejszych produktów tego sektora – wino, rozpatrzono bardziej szczegółowo zasadnicze aspekty satysfakcji osiąganej przez klientów. Zaprezentowano także zagadnienia statycznego i dynamicznego podejścia do osiągania satysfakcji.(abstrakt oryginalny)
In the paper the issue of satisfaction of consumers of special goods sector is considered. Focusing on one of the most significant good in this sector - wine - fundamental aspects of satisfaction are discussed in detail. Then the issue of static and dynamic approach of gaining satisfaction is presented.(original abstract)
Bohaterem niniejszego szkicu jest wino i jego szczególna zdolność polegająca na łączeniu ludzi ze sobą w ramach sytuacji jego spożywania, a w konsekwencji - zakładania i regulowania relacji społecznych. Tematem tekstu będzie społeczny charakter konsumpcji napoju, który konsumowany bywa zazwyczaj wśród innych ludzi, jednak formy i natężenie obecności innych osób mogą przybierać różne formy. (fragment tekstu)
The purpose of this article based on in-depth interviews with Polish wine consumers/amateurs is to consider whether wine consumption may be perceived as an agent of social relations. I argue that collective wine drinking occasions may be sociologically understood as exemplifications both of Simmelian idea of sociability and Maffesoli's modern tribalism. Consequently the main problem of the text is also to stress the role of social context in experiencing consumption pleasures as well as the significance of sharing common standards of taste in constructing and maintaining social relations. (original abstract)
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Table grape production plays an important role in the economy of many countries in Africa. It serves as a source of income for the people who are engaged in its production and being one of the enterprises that is labour-intensive, thereby providing employment for more people. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the economic efficiency of table grape production in Waterberg and Sekhukhune Districts of Limpopo province, South Africa. The study used primary data collected through administration of structured questionnaires on a sample of 12 farmers by employing a snowball sampling method. Analytical tools employed include descriptive statistics (such as tables and frequencies), Stochastic Frontier Model and Technical Inefficiency Model. Results from data analysis revealed that in terms of efficiency, farming experience (p<0.01), educational level (p<0.05), household size (p<0.10) and age of farmer (p<0.10) were associated with increased efficiency indicating that these factors play important roles in ensuring that resources used in the production of table grapes enhanced productivity and were not wasted. Also, technical efficiency among farmers was found to range from 0.8 to 1, with a mean of 0.89, thus implying a major possibility for improvement in production. However, the allocative efficiency was found to range from 0.47 to 1, with a mean of 0.68. This indicates that some farmers were finding it difficult to allocate their resources efficiently. Again, economic efficiency ranges from 0.56 to 1, with a mean of 0.73, an indication that most of the farmers were economically efficient. Meanwhile, some of the constraints faced by these farmers include high electricity bills and labour costs, water shortages as well as instability around land policy. The study therefore recommends capacity building of farmers through education and other skill enhancement programmes. Also, provision of incentives to encourage youth participation in farming through internship programmes is very important to increase farm productivity. (original abstract)
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu dodatku autolizatu drożdży na proces szampanizacji oraz cechy uzyskanych win musujących. Przedmiotem badań było przemysłowe białe, wytrawne wino gronowe o zawartości cukrów 30 g/dm3, suszone drożdże Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bayanus) DV 10 oraz dodatek autolizatu 5 i 10 cm3/ dm3. Wtórną fermentację prób o objętości ok. 14 dm3 prowadzono 4 tygodnie (tanki ciśnieniowe), w temperaturze 22°C. Stwierdzono m.in. zmiany zawartości azotu ogólnego i aminokwasowego, lepsze wiązanie C02 przez wina wzbogacone w autolizat oraz wyższą zawartość dwutlenku węgla po rozlaniu do butelek. Uzyskane wina musujące, kontrolne i szampanizowane z dodatkiem autolizatu, charakteryzowały się poprawnymi, zbliżonymi cechami sensorycznymi. Celowe wydaje się stosowanie przed szampanizacją dodatku autolizatu w ilości 5-10 cm3/ dm3 nastawu. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The influence of autolysed yeast extract addition to second fermentation process on properties of obtained sparkling wines was studied. White grape industrial still wine contained 30 g/ dm3 sugar, dried yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (former bayanus) DV10 and autolysed yeast extract (5 and 10 cm3/ dm3) were used in the experiment. Secondary fermentation was carried out for 4 weeks (in pressure tanks) at 22°C. The change of total nitrogen and amino acid nitrogen content, better CO2 absorption by wine with the addition of autolysed yeast extract and higher C02 content after pouring to the bottles were stated. There was no difference in the sensory properties of obtained wines. Therefore the addition of autolysed yeast extract (5-10 cm3/ dm3) to wine before second fermentation seems purposeful. (original abstract)
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The addition of nitrogen compounds during winemaking is required for the fermentation process to be conducted properly. These compounds are known to be essential to the vinification process, not only because they influence yeast growth but also because they affect the formation of main and by-products. The effect of nitrogen source on in vitro and in situ formation of hydrogen sulfide and ethyl carbamate was studied. Research material comprised two strains of wine yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In vitro model was carried out in a synthetic defined medium. In situ fermentations were carried out in musts prepared from apple concentration. The process of hydrogen sulfide formation was intensified in nitrogen deficiency. The presence of amino acids in a model substrate resulted in significant changes in the efficiency of formation of both compounds. Yeasts produced more H2S in the presence of Cys, Phe, Gly, Glu, Ile, Thr, Pro, Leu, Trp, Val and less in the presence Ala, Arg, Asp, His, Ser, Met. The formation of ethyl carbamate was limited by the amino acids, except Arg, Asp and Lys, which during fermentation with Syrena yeasts caused an increase in the efficiency of formation of this compound. The Fermivit V preparation stimulated yeasts to form H2S. In the presence of this preparation the Syrena yeasts formed more ethyl carbamate while Hefix yeasts formed about 3-fold less of this compound then in the presence diamonium phosphate. (original abstract)
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Z rozwoju enoturystyki korzyści czerpią w pierwszej kolejności właściciele winnic, sprzedając wino bez pośredników, często oferując także posiłki lub nocleg, ale co najistotniejsze otrzymują w ten sposób szansę na zdobycie 158 grona stałych klientów, którzy po powrocie do domu będą skłonni kupić wino ze zwiedzanej wcześniej winnicy. Jednak turystyka winiarska równie silnie oddziałuje na rozwój przestrzenno-funkcjonalny obszarów wiejskich, na których jest uprawiana. W Polsce niestety do czasu zmniejszenia wymagań prawnych w stosunku do drobnych producentów wina nie należy spodziewać się zbytnich zysków z bezpośredniej sprzedaży tego trunku przez rolników ani szczególnej aktywizacji terenów wiejskich. Jednak w kontekście wspomnianych korzyści oczywiste powinno być uproszczenie odpowiednich przepisów, by także polska wieś i polscy drobni rolnicy czerpali korzyści finansowe z obsługi turystów podróżujących winiarskimi szlakami.(fragment tekstu)
It is impossible to find a proper place for a wine-tourism in the taxonomy of tourism branches. The wine-tourism is sometimes believed to be a form of agrotourism and its 'happier sister'. It also constitutes an integral part of culinary tourism. As the number of participating tourists is not high and as those tourists have influence on tourist activation of rural areas, the term 'sustainable tourism' is also sometimes used to define this branch. Those who are keen on wine-tourism not only look for an opportunity to taste wine but also want to know local wine traditions such as cultivating grapevines, picking grapes and producing wine. They expect a comprehensive tourist product to satisfy their 'enotourist' curiosity and guarantee pleasant leisure time. Being in fashion and enjoying long-running fame are two main determinants to affect the choice of a destination. Although there are varied forms of enotourist product on the market, in most cases, this product is made up of four elements: - visiting vineyards - visiting wine cellars (usually not open to the public) - wine tasting - dining in restaurants in which local dishes and wine are served. In Poland there are much fewer enotourist tours on offer than in such countries like France, Italy, Spain and Portugal which proves this kind of service to be already shaping up on the Polish market. Importers, wine sellers, wine lovers associations and clubs and very few travel agencies play a great role in supplying this particular service. Although there are attempts to revive wine traditions in the Podkarpacie region and in the west of Poland (Jelenia Góra), it will be long until the wine-trail is marked out. There are still fiscal regulations which make the development of small family vineyards impossible to flourish. It causes lack of profitability of wine to production on a small scale and that is the reason for pushing all small winemakers to grey market. However, the fact of planting new grapevines in Poland is not prohibited till 2010 is an additional incentive for European investors. As mentioned above, we can say, that those who make laws are responsible for potential financial profits coming from wine-tourism development and for flowing this money to Polish farmers. If those people give a green light to produce wine, all agrotourist farms, farmers or winemakers from former EU will get a chance. It is clear that without making any chances in the present fiscal regulations, no authorized group will take advantage of wine-boom'. And it will be easier for Poland to play a role of producer of this drink than enotourist destination. (original abstract)
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