This article analyses the musical layer of the currently extremely popular short videos, circulating in cyberspace, for example, on TikTok. As a new sphere of musical practices, these forms are attracting increasingly larger audiences, with active users recruiting particularly from among the youngest. As a result, prosumers have been given an unprecedented opportunity to create short, emergent, sound-based messages using primarily popular music. The article describes the growing ties between music and other media components due to media convergence, while also highlighting the role of music in the process of media divergence. The methods of mixing musical and extra-musical meanings as part of the bottom-up remix culture are also analysed. The processes described in the text lead to the emergence of grassroots musical cyberpractices as part of a new multimedia form where the reformulated fragmented popular music – this highly intersubjective artifact of intermedia culture inseparably linked with image – plays a dominant role. As one of the most significant novelties in the recent development of cyberculture, this trend appears to be overcoming the visual centricity of the contemporary web, which has been repeatedly described in the literature of the subject.
The article addresses the potential for musical development through contemporary audiovisual social media. It also takes into account the state of music education in schools. The author of the article asks whether applications in which concise video forms circulate (e.g., the TikTok application) can contribute to the musical development of young people. For this purpose, the author provides specific examples of musical practices that take place in these spaces. As the main point of reference, he examines the relationship between institutionally conducted music education and pop culture, which is at the center of the content circulating in contemporary media.
Artykuł traktuje o umuzykalniającym potencjale, jaki kryją w sobie współczesne audiowizualne media społecznościowe. Uwzględnia też stan systemowej edukacji muzycznej prowadzonej w szkołach. Autor weryfikuje tezę, czy aplikacje, w których cyrkulują lapidarne formy wideo (np. aplikacja TikTok) mogą przyczyniać się do umuzykalnienia młodzieży. W tym celu przytacza konkretne przykłady praktyk muzycznych, które mają miejsce w tych przestrzeniach. Jako główny punkt odniesienia traktuje relacje instytucjonalnie prowadzonej edukacji muzycznej z popkulturą, stojącą w centrum treści cyrkulujących we współczesnych mediach.
The phenomenon of internet infl uencers is among the most discussed issues in marketing to children. The amount of time children spend on the internet increases every year, which increases the risk of becoming the target of infl uencer marketing. Studying the impact of infl uencers on children is of great importance not only for marketers, but also for parents responsible for upbringing their off spring. This article presents the results of a qualitative study aimed at describing three components of the attitude (cognitive, emotional and behavioural) of children and parents towards children infl uencers. The methods employed in this study are focus group interviews and individual in-depth interviews with 18 participants: children aged 8–11 and their parents. During the interviews, one sample YouTube video and two TikTok children influencer videos were presented. The analysis of cognitive aspects of attitude showed that children have a higher level of awareness of product placement in influencer video than their parents suspect. Many parents declare that they are against such content on social media, while children see nothing wrong with promotional content and believe that it is natural. As far as the emotional aspect of attitude is concerned, parents present a wider range of emotions than children, possibly because they are less familiar with such content. Being exposed to product placement in influencer videos also impacts the behavioural aspect of attitude. Children are eager to have the promoted products, but parents are sceptical about such products and declare that they buy them only for special occasions.
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