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tom 48
The history of bilingual education in Poland has its beginning in 1991, when first the French language, and later German, English and Spanish were introduced at schools at secondary level. Geography is one of the most popular subjects taught in bilingual system. In Polish schools we can observe different approaches towards bilingual education at secondary level. They are usually connected with several criteria, according to which schools in Poland organize bilingual classes. One of the most common criteria of organizing this kind of teaching is the syllabus (Polish or international) and the proportion of native and foreign languages used during lessons (usually given in percentages). Bilingual education nowadays is without doubt one of the attempts to adjust curricula to contemporary educational standards existing in Europe. A justification for encouraging bilingual approach in teaching is connected with the European Union directive, according to which all secondary school graduates should speak two foreign languages fluently. Such an idea of contemporary bilingual education is formulated in CLIL Programme (Content and Language Integrated Learning), which promotes full integration of the geography content and language learning. This is based on an assumption that during bilingual geography lessons one of the teaching goals is to practice and develop language skills, which geography teachers seem to forget. This article is an attempt to classify Polish bilingual geography education models and indicate their weaknesses and strengths.
Niniejsza praca określa minimum terminologii jakie powinien znać każdy absolwent wyższej uczelni ekonomicznej, a także określa miejsca tego minimum w programie i materiałach nauczania języków obcych przez przyszłych ekonomistów. Minimum takie bynajmniej nie wyczerpuje całej wiedzy o języku ekonomii, który jak każdy język specjalistyczny nie jest tylko terminologią. Niemniej jednak, cokolwiek na ten temat napisano, terminologia stanowi trzon każdego języka specjalistycznego, który po prostu bez niej nie mógłby istnieć. (fragment tekstu)
tom XV
The article substantiates the necessity of introducing the newest technologies of teaching English in the process of training future masters - teachers in the system of higher education of Ukraine and professionals-practitioners in other areas of public life of the state. This need is conditioned by Eurointegration processes, expansion of international cooperation of Ukraine, self-affirmation of its citizens in the European and world socio-cultural and economic space. Interactive technologies of teaching foreign languages have been recognized effective means of forming foreign language linguistic competences, tested in institutions of higher education of Ukraine, as they contribute to the formation of such vital and professional competences as information, linguistic, speech, linguistic country study, world-outlook-valuable, communicative, socio-cultural, methodical, research, and so on. This process takes place in the context of the "European Recommendations on Language Education" and the domestic linguodidactics. It is argued that the most effective technologies tested by the authors of the article and their colleagues in Ukraine are the method of projects, the method of brainstorming and the method of business role-playing games. The method of projects motivates students to find ways to independently solve practical problems and issues, develops the skills of joint educational activities in achieving a specific goal. The method of brain-storming (assault) contributes to the generation of ideas that will help in a small amount of time to solve the task, set to the training group. Its value is in the number of ideas offered, and not only in their quality, although not all ideas will be implemented. The role-playing game helps in mastering the skills of the future professional activity, provides students with communication, facilitates the transfer of acquired experience, acquires new knowledge, develops communication skills, thinking and imagination. It is concluded that the use of these interactive technologies in the teaching of English is the effective factor in improving the quality of professional and communicative training of the future teachers of foreign languages in institutions of higher and general secondary education of Ukraine, ensuring their competitiveness in the European educational space.(original abstract)
The researcher was interested to explore the possible effects of L1-L2 lexicalization mismatch on the acquisition and retention of receptive vocabulary knowledge by 90 Persian-speaking EFL learners. Lexicalization mismatch was defined in the context of this study as the lack of a lexically equivalent translation in learners' L1 (i.e. Persian) for an L2 word (i.e. English). Thus, non-lexicalized words referred to those L2 words that required a longer string of L1 words to cover their essential semantic features. The findings indicated that there were significant differences between lexicalized and nonlexicalized target words in the receptive knowledge of meaning and form and receptive knowledge of associations. Thus, it seems non-lexicalized words are most likely to cause extra difficulty for EFL learners in the semantic aspects of vocabulary knowledge. Using enhanced input within a systematic vocabulary recycling program is recommended to deal with such words. (original abstract)
Theatre/drama is an art form that conveys feelings and emotions, as well as thoughts and concerns from the history of human civilisations. Theatre and drama have been used and defined for educational purposes in many different ways. They can be effectively assimilated in language classes to achieve a communicative goal through the integration of four basic language skills (LSRW), and are a powerful tool for engaging students with content. Drama engages students in social contexts where they can think, imagine, talk, manipulate concrete materials and share their views on various social issues. This study uses a quantitative method to collect data from respondents and explores students' perspectives on the use of drama techniques for educational purposes. This paper aims to explore the main problems and challenges faced by teachers in real classroom situations. It also describes how educational drama activities can be assimilated into second-language classrooms, and highlights the strategies of role-play, visualisation and classification, as well as how they can be used in the classroom. It also aims to discuss how drama techniques can be effectively improvised and implemented in English language teaching in an EFL/ESL context(original abstract)
tom 6 (1)
The aim of this study is to seek two types of interpersonal model of Hyland (2005) used in conclusion sections of 30 Master Theses of English Teaching, English Literature, and English Translation written by male and female graduate students. These conclusion sections were categorized into two groups of male and female writers: 15 conclusion sections belonged to male writers and other 15 conclusion sections belonged to female writers. The interactive and interactional metadiscourse markers were counted and analyzed to find if male or female writers utilize these metadiscourse markers differently or similarly in conclusion sections of English disciplines (Translation, Teaching, and Literature). These metadiscourse markers were analyzed descriptively and referentially. The descriptive analysis show that both male and female writers in Translation, Teaching and Literature applied more interactional markers than interactive ones. In Translation and Teaching, female writers used more interactional resources comparing to male writers. But, in Literature, male writers employed more interactional markers than female writers. The referential statistics indicate that in English Translation and English Literature, there are significant differences between male and female writers concerning use of Interactive and Interactional metadiscourse Markers, while in English Teaching, there are not any significant differences between male and female writers regarding use of these metadiscourse Markers. (original abstract)
Wśród powodów wprowadzenia nowej ustawy dotyczącej funkcjonowania nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego, nazwanej Konstytucją dla Nauki, jej autorzy wymieniali "niewystarczający poziom znaczenia wyników badań naukowych prowadzonych w Polsce w światowej nauce" (Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, b.d.). Istotnymi narzędziami oceny międzynarodowej pozycji uczelni są rankingi dostarczające informacji umożliwiających porównanie działalności naukowej w poszczególnych krajach. W celu podniesienia pozycji polskich jednostek naukowych w światowych zestawieniach Fundacja Edukacyjna "Perspektywy" na zlecenie Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (MNiSW) rozpoczęła realizację International Visibility Project (IVP). W jego ramach prowadzony jest audyt rankingowy wybranych polskich uczelni, opracowywane są zalecenia dla jednostek naukowych, a także organizowane są seminaria tematyczne ( Jedno z takich spotkań w formie webinarium odbyło się 17 grudnia 2020 roku. Wystąpiło na nim dwunastu prelegentów, których wystąpień wysłuchało ponad 120 osób. Było ono poświęcone rankingom przedmiotowym (ang. rankings by subject)1, które w odróżnieniu od bardziej znanych rankingów ogólnych porównują uczelnie pod względem wybranych dyscyplin bądź obszarów badawczych.(fragment tekstu)
Kanner’s autism is considered a complex and severe disorder of child development. Controversy surrounds not only its etiology, symptoms (including symptoms observed in the area of interpersonal communication) or treatment possibilities, but also education – at its various levels – of people influenced by its effects. Accordingly, the idea of teaching autistic children a foreign language, e.g. English, is the subject of a heated debate – opinions are divided both among spe-cialists working with autistic children and among autistic children’s parents. The article presents the results of studies conducted among parents of autistic children, focusing on their opinions concerning the viability and usefulness of teaching English to autistic children and its influence on their general development.
Autyzm wczesnodziecięcy zaliczany jest do grupy poważnych, złożo-nych zaburzeń rozwoju dziecka. Wywołuje liczne kontrowersje nie tylko w kwe-stii etiologii, objawów (w tym między innymi objawów związanych z obszarem komunikacji), możliwości terapii, lecz także edukacji – na poszczególnych eta-pach kształcenia – osób doświadczających jego skutków. Stąd ożywione dyskusje wywołuje również zagadnienie nauczania dzieci z autyzmem języka obcego, np. języka angielskiego. Zdania na ten temat są podzielone, szczególnie w gronie specjalistów pracujących z dziećmi z autyzmem, jak i wśród samych rodziców. W niniejszym artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki zrealizowanych badań na-ukowych w grupie rodziców dzieci z autyzmem wskazujące opinie badanych na temat możliwości oraz celowości nauczania języka angielskiego analizowanej ka-tegorii uczniów i jego wpływ na ich rozwój ogólny.
The aim of this paper is to present a possible technological support for glottodidactic research. To do this the author shortly characterises eyetracking in relation to the humanities, especially glottodidactics. She introduces and describes the idea of experimental eyetracking glottodidactics on the basis of her own eyetracking research for EFL textbooks, and presents the basic results of the research and general conclusions.
tom XVII
W artykule uzasadniono celowość wykorzystania innowacyjnych technologii pedagogicznych w nauczaniu języka angielskiego magistrantów filologii na ukraińskich uczelniach w aspekcie ustaw i aktów wykonawczych oraz zapisów paneuropejskich zaleceń dotyczących edukacji językowej. Kształcenie przyszłych nauczycieli języka i literatury angielskiej odbywa się na dwóch poziomach szkolnictwa wyższego - licencjackim (I) i magisterskim (II) w zakresie unowocześniania kształcenia, zmiany jego struktury i treści, doskonalenia istniejących programów, przygotowywania nowych kursów i kursów specjalnych, tworzenia nowoczesnych mechanizmów określania jakości kształcenia w kontekście integracji w europejskiej przestrzeni edukacyjnej. Ustalono, że do najbardziej efektywnych technologii pedagogicznych w nauczaniu języka angielskiego należą: technologie informatyczne i telekomunikacyjne, praca z komputerowymi programami szkoleniowymi, zdalne kursy nauki języków obcych, tworzenie prezentacji w środowisku programowym Open Office Impress, Microsoft Power Point, a także wykorzystanie zasobów sieci www. Podkreślono algorytm wykorzystania komunikacyjnie zorientowanego zespołu technologii multimedialnych w nauczaniu umiejętności mówienia. Obejmuje on trzy etapy. Główne rodzaje zajęć, które przyczyniają się do sukcesów w nauczaniu języka angielskiego i rozwoju mowy, to: dyskusja, odgrywanie ról, powielanie informacji, uzupełnianie historii, relacja, opowieść na podstawie ilustracji (zdjęcia). Proponowane rodzaje pracy i praktyczne porady w ich organizacji spowodują, że studenci będą aktywniejsi, a proces uczenia się będzie ciekawszy i efektywniejszy, co poprawi jakość kształcenia magistrów filologii.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The article substantiates the advisability of using pedagogical innovative technologies in teaching English to masters of philology in higher education institutions of Ukraine regarding state legislation and regulatory acts and provisions of the Pan-European recommendations on language education. It is noted that the training of future teachers of English language and literature is carried out at two levels of higher education - bachelor's (first) and master's (second) in terms of modernization of education, changing its structure and content, improving existing programs, preparing new courses and special courses, formation of modern mechanisms for determining the quality of education in the context of integration in the European educational space. It is established that the most effective pedagogical technologies in teaching English include the use of information and telecommunication technologies, work with computer training programs, distance courses of learning foreign languages, creating presentations in the software environment Open Office Impress, Microsoft Power Point, use of World Wide Web resources. The algorithm of using a communicatively oriented complex of multimedia technologies in teaching speaking skills is highlighted. Which includes three stages: pre-viewing and aimed at forming the communicative competence of future teachers of philology. The main types of work that contribute to the teaching of the English language and the development of speech include: discussion, role play, reproduction of insufficient information, completion of the story, report, story according to the picture (pictures). The proposed types of work and practical advice in their organization will make students more active, and the learning process will be more interesting and effective, will improve the quality of education of masters of philology. (original abstract)
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