The article presents an overview of the situation in language teachingand teacher education in Poland. An attempt has been made to evaluatethe developments of the last 25 years in the Polish educational landscapein the field of language teaching, protection and promotion ofminority and regional languages, pre- and in-service teacher education.Special attention has been given to expectations vis-à-vis the teachingprofession in Poland and abroad, challenges arising in teacher traininginstitutions, difficulties teachers encounter in their everyday functioningas well as their training needs. Controversial issues arising from inconclusiveresearch results have also been identified. In the final partof the text ideas are provided for quantitative and qualitative researchand its role in pre- and in-service teacher education.
The article analyses main issues in the present-day SLA and FLT against the background of those aspects of the past of language education which are not particularly well covered by group memory. Emphasis is given to parts forgotten and reinvented, ideas distorted and fields revisited. An attempt is made to examine the role of past and present in shaping the outline of future trends in language policy, language teaching and teacher education.
Quality in general education has been defined through aims, key qualifications, organisational standards, didactic requirements, but also learning outcomes which depend on students’ proficiency in the language of schooling and their cognitive academic skills. New challenges bring about changes in responsibilities of schools and teachers and have a strong impact on approaches to quality assurance in teacher education, a complex process not devoid of controversies, the most important of which will be identified in the present text. Implications for the curricular content of pre- and in-service language teacher education will also be sought.
The author analyses tendencies presented in recently launched EU reports claiming that newly published data reveal a need to rethink approaches to individual and social multilingualism. In the first part of the article approaches to individual as well as to societal multilingualism are discussed from a historical perspective. In the second part meanings ascribed to the promotion of multilingualism are analysed from the language perspective together with the use made of them in the field of social and political activity. Promoting multilingualism is then looked at from the perspectives of the learner and the teacher. Implications are finally sought for teaching, learning and assessment in language education.
As motivation has been identified by the EU High Level Group on Multilingualism as the key factor in promoting language education, the author, herself member of HLGM, discusses a variety of approaches to motivation and presents guidelines for the promotional activity at national, regional and school levels, concentrating on its aims and procedures, identifying age groups and motives to be targeted, as well as arguments and strategies to be used in the process of eliciting and sustaining learners' motivation to study foreign languages.
The article analyses disappointing data concerning the status of the teaching profession and teachers’ self-perceptions revealed in recent TALIS, EURYDICE and EUROSTAT reports. Reasons for teachers’ difficulties are then analysed vis-à-vis criteria for the evaluation of quality in education. Emphasis is given to decision-making processes and the type of dilemmas encountered by teacher trainers working in the academic context and foreign language teachers employed in school systems of EU member states. Implications for educational policies of the future are sought and an attempt is made to examine the role of enabling institutions such as the Council of Europe and the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz.
The article aims to analyze meanings underlying the popular concepts of a good teacher, efficient teacher, novice, expert and experienced non-expert from a diachronic perspective. Criteria used across developmental stages of second language acquisition/ foreign language teaching in the process of teacher accreditation are examined, as well as social contexts influencing teacher evaluation. Reasons for teachers’ dissatisfaction with European school systems are presented, as well as coping strategies employed by frustrated teachers. New challenges springing from economic, social and cultural student diversity are also discussed. Implications are sought for pre- and in-service teacher education.
The article aims at identifying the roots of the dramatic changes which took place in the philosophy, curricula and methods of pre- and in-service teacher education in the early 1990s. Integration of teacher training programmes with university education, balanced introduction of theory and field experience, skills- and competence-based professional development of language teachers based on the concept of the reflective practitioner, trainee-centred teaching methodology, i.e. innovative solutions marking the breakthrough in language teacher education of the last decade of the 20th century were the result of advancements in the educational sciences, sociology, anthropology, psychology and philosophy. The main directions of influence exerted by each of these disciplines on teacher training programmes in the United States, Great Britain and countries of Central and Eastern Europe are discussed with special emphasis on developments which shape the language policy of the main European institutions at present and which are likely to continue exerting an impact in the near future.
The text analyzes routes and ways of processing feedback as well as discusses the most important psychological, pedagogical and linguistic factors influencing the effectiveness of feedback in developing learner autonomy and determining its impact on cognitive and affective processes in the learner. It also sets out to assess the place of feedback in the evaluation of educational attainment and to identify ways of promoting so-called formative feedback, both on the school-level and in the language classroom. Implications for developing teacher autonomy via pre- and in-service teacher education are also sought
Quality in general education has been defined through aims, key qualifications, organisationalstandards, didactic requirements, but also learning outcomes which depend on students’proficiency in the language of schooling and their cognitive academic skills. New challenges bringabout changes in responsibilities of schools and teachers and have a strong impact on approachesto quality assurance in teacher education, a complex process not devoid of controversies, the most important of which will be identified in the present text. Implications for the curricular content of pre- and in-service language teacher education will also be sought.
Quality in general education has been defined through aims, key qualifications, organisational standards, didactic requirements, but also learning outcomes which depend on students’ proficiency in the language of schooling and their cognitive academic skills. New challenges bring about changes in responsibilities of schools and teachers and have a strong impact on approachesto quality assurance in teacher education, a complex process not devoid of controversies, the most important of which will be identified in the present text. Implications for the curricular content of pre- and in-service language teacher education will also be sought.
The paper outlines the development of the concept of awareness across various academic disciplines and examines terminological problems involved in analysing human cognition. Approaches to awareness in philosophy, developmental psychology, neuroscience and linguistics are discussed, as well as the career of the concept in Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching (SLA / FLT). Learners’ and teachers’ language awareness is presented as a basis for the enrichment of the awareness concept by a number of psychological, sociological and pedagogical factors. Special attention is given to neglected aspects of teacher awareness, such as awareness of learners’ thinking processes and teachers’ awareness of classroom decision-making. Implications are sought for pre-service teacher education.
The author analyses tendencies presented in recently launched EU reports claiming that newly published data reveal a need to rethink approaches to individual and social multilingualism. In the first part of the article approaches to individual as well as to societal multilingualism are discussed from a historical perspective. In the second part meanings ascribed to the promotion of multilingualism are analysed from the language perspective together with the use made of them in the field of social and political activity. Promoting multilingualism is then looked at from the perspectives of the learner and the teacher. Implications are finally sought for teaching, learning and assessment in language education.
Der Artikel präsentiert Überlegungen zu den Ursachen für Missverhältnis zwischen dem durch europäische Einrichtungen im Bildungsbereich geleisteten Aufwand und der an Umsetzung von Programmzielen gemessenen Qualität einzelner Bildungssysteme. In Anbetracht dessen, dass sich die beunruhigenden Bildungstrends hauptsächlich auf dem Niveau der Schulklasse bemerken lassen, scheint es relevant zu sein, dass man in erster Linie die psychologischen und nicht die organisatorischen Faktoren unter die Lupe nimmt. Im Artikel wird die These gestellt, dass man auf der Suche nach Gründen für Misserfolge das Phänomen der Aufmerksamkeit analysieren sollte, während bisher die Motivation im Fokus des Interesses stand. Es wurden daher die Typen und Aspekte der Aufmerksamkeit, die Tendenzen zu deren Umlenkung, sowie die Techniken zur Gewinnung und Aufrechterhaltung von Schüleraufmerksamkeit erläutert, um deren Ablenkung entgegenzuwirken. Darüber hinaus wurde die Frage der Ausrichtung von Lehreraufmerksamkeit angesprochen. Auf dieser Grundlage wurden die Forderungen an Lehrprogramme und die Fort- bzw. Weiterbildung der Lehrer formuliert, die man um solche verbalen und nonverbalen Förderungsstrategien für Anziehung und Aufrechterhaltung von Schüleraufmerksamkeit erweitern sollte, die mit keiner Notwendigkeit, das vorher entwickelte Unterrichtsszenario zu modifizieren, zusammenhängen würden.
The text is an article of reflection aiming to examine causes of disproportions between the amount of effort undertaken by leading international institutions in the field of education and the quality of European school systems measured by the attainment of curricular goals. As worrying trends have been observed mainly at the classroom level, psychological rather than organizational factors need to be examined. It is hypothesized that current didactic problems should be explained by attention rather than motivation deficits. The paper, therefore, analyzes various types and aspects of attention, tendencies to misdirect it as well as ways of building and maintaining attention in order to counteract distraction, boredom and overstimulation of both teachers and learners. Suggestions are also formulated for pre- and in-service teacher education programs which are postulated to give more emphasis to the role of attention as well as to provide a toolkit of verbal and non-verbal strategies which may help language teachers to elicit and sustain learners’ attention without departing from the lesson scenario.
Współczesne kształcenie językowe dzieci staje przed koniecznością indywidualizacji procesu nauczania z uwagi na zróżnicowane potrzeby edukacyjne uczniów oraz różnorodność kontekstów, w których przebiega proces kształcenia. W rezultacie prowadzi to do kreatywności nauczycieli i powstawania innowacyjnych praktyk. Jednocześnie w efekcie procesów globalizacyjnych ma miejsce pewna standaryzacja nauczania, również pod wpływem wdrażania założeń europejskiej polityki językowej. Pojawienie się tak ważnych narzędzi jak Europejski System Opisu Kształcenia Językowego czy Europejskie Portfolio dla Nauczycieli Przedszkolnych ma istotny wpływ na proces kształcenia nauczycieli. Z tego powodu główne pytanie badawcze artykułu brzmi: na ile najważniejsze dokumenty i narzędzia UE / Rady Europy okazują się przydatne w nauczaniu dzieci. Analiza pokazuje istotność wybranych narzędzi, modyfikacje ich zastosowania na przestrzeni lat oraz nowe formy wdrażania w erze mediów społecznościowych.
Contemporary language education to young learners is seeing an increased focus on individual variation, due to students’ special educational needs and the diversity of contexts in which instruction takes place. This leads to the increased creativity of teachers and the emergence of innovative practices in various areas of teaching languages to children. On the other hand, due to globalization and international cooperation, language teaching experiences a degree of standardization. One source of this may be the impact of European education policy. Due to such influential tools as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or the European Portfolio for Pre-Primary Educators, educational systems find it convenient and useful to apply some of these assumptions. Therefore, it is important to make an overview of trends in European education policy in reference to teaching young learners, to indicate what kind of support can be given to language instructors in their work with children. The research question posed in the paper is to what extent the most important European policy documents and tools prove relevant in the practice of young learner educators? The analysis indicates the viability of selected European policy tools, modifications of their use across the years and new forms of implementation in the social media era.
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