In this article, the author explores a niche but important problem of functioning of the artistic schools during difficult times of social isolation and virtual learning. More specifically, qualitative experiences of students of artistic schools during COVID-19 pandemic were examined and reconstructed. The unusual panedmic praxis was described as percolating experiences of a sense of agency and school reality. Such a narrative was inspired by J.Bruner and H.Thierch and the concept of three dimensions: time, space and relations. Considering students as experts in their own experiences allowed the author to build a statistical model which helped to discover factors associated with the sense of agency. The author describes in depth positive factors contributing to the sense of agency. These factors can therefore be used to further improve the education system and the educational experience of students.
This paper describes the concept of the praxial philosophy of musical education by David J. Elliott. Worldwide applications of this concept are becoming increasingly apparent. It challenges the traditionally understood education through art that draws on aesthetic fundamentals. The author makes an explication of the category of competence in the praxial concept of musical education. She is inspired by the idea of the reconstructive cultural competence of a subject proposed by A. Męczkowska.
The article presents a research analysis in relation to the results of the largest so far project recently completed in poland, diagnosing the musical competence of early school pupils. From the perspective of the project Leader, the author interprets the obtained results early school education, musical competence, study as a creative actin the context of the multiannual trends, whilst she treats the research itself as a creative act,whose beginning constitutes a question, and the end – an understanding
Artykuł prezentuje refleksje badawcza w odniesieniu do rezultatów największego jak dotąd w Polsce, ostatnio zrealizowanego projektu, diagnozującego kompetencje muzyczne uczniów etapu wczesnoszkolnego. Autorka z pozycji kierownika naukowego projektu interpretujeuzyskane wyniki w kontekście wieloletnich trendów, zaś samo badanie traktuje jako akt twórczy, którego początek stanowi pytanie, a koniec zrozumienie.
Objectives of the study: The purpose of the study is to reconstruct the experiences of art students during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research question is as follows: What image of the everyday life of remote education emerges from the reconstruction of the experiences of students who were previously assigned to extreme groups in terms of their perceived proficiency? Research methods: Due to the different objectives’ for specific questions – involving nomothetic explanation in some areas (basic descriptive statistics, comparison of selected subfields, logistic regression) and idiographic explanation in others (qualitative content analysis) – the research used a quantitative and qualitative strategy. Brief description of the context of the issue: Art schools provide unique educational opportunities as teachers-artists have a personal influence on students through face-to-face interaction. The pandemic has presented these schools with an unprecedented challenge, on a scale that had not been seen before. In the research presented here, voice was given to the students, who were considered experts in their own cause. Their experiences, as a multidimensional construct, were located theoretically in the context of the threefold framework of temporal order, space and relationship, and Bruner’s concept of the role of support in child development. Research findings: The results show a link between perceived levels of ontological security and the way students functioned at school during the pandemic. Psychological well-being was affected more strongly in those with a low sense of agency, who often balanced on the verge of ontological security and experienced reality in a traumatic way, while students with a high sense of agency tended to focus on the benefits rather than losses. Conclusions and/or recommendations: Locating students on the continuum of a sense of agency brought a fresh perspective on the different ways in which young artists with and without a disturbed sense of ontological security experienced school during the pandemic. Important recommendations include continuing multidirectional support measures of a pedagogical and psychological nature undertaken by many institutions, which should be aimed at art students, their parents and teachers.
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