La obra de los poetas arabigo-andaluces es un puente entre la cultura oriental y occidental. Sus raíces se remontan al siglo VI, cuando las primeras canciones beduinas resonaron en las áreas ilimitadas del desierto de Arabia. Sus ecos resonaron en la poesía de los trovadores provenzales. Los motivos de esta poesía se pueden encontrar en las obras de los poetas del Renacimiento, incluso en las de Petrarca. Los elementos de la poesía andaluza también fueron visibles en la poesía de la corte española del siglo XVI. Las formas poéticas características de esta poesía todavía aparecieron en la poesía del siglo XX: fue alcanzada por al menos uno de los poetas españoles más destacados, Federico García Llorca. Su mayor prosperidad fue en los siglos X y XI, y entre los poetas andaluces más destacados se encontraban tanto hombres como mujeres. El motivo principal de esta poesía era el amor incumplido, que seguía siendo el elemento dominante de la poesía moderna de la corte europea.
The poetry of Arab-Andalusian poets is a bridge between Eastern and Western culture. Its roots date back to the sixth century, when the first Bedouin songs resounded in the limitless areas of the Arabian desert. His echoes resounded in the poetry of Provençal troubadours. Traces of this poetry can be found in the works of Renaissance poets, including Petrarc. Elements of Andalusian poetry were also visible in the poetry of the Spanish court since the 16th century. The characteristic poetic forms still appeared in 20th century poetry – at least one of the most outstanding Spanish poets, Federico Garcia Llorca, reached for it. Its greatest prosperity was in the 10th andd 11th centuries, and among the outstanding Andalusian poets were both men and women. The main motive of this poetry was unfulfilled love, which remained the dominant element of modern European court poetry.
Words of Arabic origin make up quite a large group in Spanish. Due to historical and cultural conditions, these words entered the Spanish language in a natural way as a result of several hundred years of symbiosis between the Arab and Spanish nations in Andalusia. Along with the Arabs, a language other than the Romance languages appeared: Arabic, with various written and oral manifestations, which became an official language and also the language of culture. The language acted as a superstratum of Andalusian romance and astrato because it influenced it through sharing the geographical area with Spanish. With many mastering both forms of the language, Al-Andalus was a bilingual society until at least the 11th or 12th centuries. The echoes of this bilingualism are still present in Spanish in the form of words of Arabic origin.
Las palabras de origen árabe (los arabismos) constituyen un grupo bastante numeroso en español. Por condiciones históricas y culturales, estas palabras ingresaron al idioma español de forma natural como resultado de varios cientos de años de simbiosis entre las naciones árabe y española en Andalucía. Junto a los árabes apareció una lengua distinta a las lenguas románicas: el árabe, con diversas manifestaciones escritas y orales, que se convirtió en lengua oficial y lengua de cultura. La lengua actuó como un superestrato del romance y astrato andaluz porque influyó en ella al compartir el área geográfica con el español. Con muchos dominando ambas formas de lenguaje, Al-Andalus fue una sociedad bilingüe hasta al menos el siglo XI o XII. Los ecos de este bilingüismo siguen presentes en el español en forma de los arabismos.
This article reviews the evolution of the most popular methods of teaching foreign languages in Europe. The history of language teaching was marked by continuous methodological changes resulting from the search for an ideal teaching method and various language currents and psychological approaches prevailing at the time of their occurrence. This discipline went through various stages, the most significant of which took place in the twentieth century, to develop a new method for more effective learning, which led to the development of a methodology that would provide clarification of answers to questions raised in the field of language learning. In recent years, what has been distinguished is a task-based language teaching field that provides students with ideal opportunities for developing communication skills and effective learning.
Teaching foreign languages is challenging for teachers, but for adults it is even more challenging, as adults often make an independent and informed decision about the specific foreign language they want to learn and have a high level of motivation to achieve it. This is due to several aspects, but most of it is due to the necessity or the consequences of working life. While learning foreign languages is compulsory for school-age children, adults do so on a voluntary basis, which places more demands on their teaching and teaching methods than on young people. Each student develops their own learning style, based on previous educational experiences acquired at previous educational levels, the social and cultural context of the family in which they lived, the models they have adopted from their peers and their application in institutions. The objective of this article is to show what andragogy is, what are the technical aspects of adult learning, as well as the motivation for adult learning and the method of teaching a foreign language to adults.
Enseñar idiomas extranjeros es un desafío para los profesores, pero para los adultos es aún más desafiante, ya que los adultos suelen tomar una decisión independiente e informada sobre el idioma extranjero específico que quieren aprender y tienen un alto nivel de motivación para lograrlo. Esto se debe a varios aspectos, pero la mayoría se debe a la necesidad oa las consecuencias de la vida laboral. Si bien el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras es obligatorio para los niños en edad escolar, los adultos lo hacen de forma voluntaria, lo que impone más exigencias a su enseñanza y métodos de enseñanza que a los jóvenes. Cada estudiante desarrolla su propio estilo de aprendizaje, a partir de las experiencias educativas previas adquiridas en niveles educativos anteriores, el contexto social y cultural de la familia en la que vivió, los modelos que ha adoptado de sus pares y su aplicación en las instituciones. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar qué es la andragogía, cuáles son los aspectos técnicos del aprendizaje de adultos, así como la motivación para el aprendizaje de adultos y el método de enseñanza de una lengua extranjera a adultos.
Mimesis as a theoretical and literary term was already formed in antiquity. Attempts to define it have already been made by Plato in his dialogues, while it was only Aristotle in his congenial Poetics who formulated this topic in a way that became the basis for scientific discussions and inquiries, many of which continue to this day. Mimetic creativity dominated art for hundreds of years, reaching the peak of popularity at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries (although earlier trends emerged and functioned that almost programmatically turned away from this creative path; an example could be art from the Romantic era with all its mystical aspects). In the 20th century, art began to change very dynamically, in a way following the incredibly fast industrial and technological development in Europe and around the world. This, in turn, resulted in the dynamic development of new trends, new ways of thinking about art.
La mimesi come termine teorico e letterario si è formata già nell'antichità. Tentativi di definirlo sono già stati fatti da Platone nei suoi dialoghi, mentre fu solo Aristotele nella sua congeniale Poetica a formulare questo argomento in modo tale da diventare la base di discussioni e indagini scientifiche, molte delle quali continuano ancora oggi. La creatività mimetica ha dominato l'arte per centinaia di anni, raggiungendo l'apice della popolarità a cavallo tra il XIX e il XX secolo (sebbene siano emerse e funzionassero tendenze precedenti che quasi programmaticamente deviassero da questo percorso creativo; un esempio può essere l'arte dell'era romantica con tutti suoi aspetti mistici). Nel XX secolo, l'arte ha iniziato a cambiare in modo molto dinamico, seguendo lo sviluppo industriale e tecnologico incredibilmente rapido in Europa e nel mondo. Questo, a sua volta, ha portato allo sviluppo dinamico di nuove tendenze, nuovi modi di pensare l'arte.
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