Commercial egg white isolates (EWI) or concentrates contain substantial quantities of minerals and they easily form heat-induced gels. An innovative, low mineral EWI was used in the present research to investigate the influence of magnesium ions on the gelation process and on the release of these ions in simulated gastric conditions. Heat-induced gelation of egg white proteins was monitored by using an ultrasound viscometer and an oscillatory rheometer. Samples behaved as weak gels with the storage modulus about 5 times larger than the loss modulus. Both methods revealed two phases of gelation. More elastic behavior of gels with an increased magnesium ion concentration can be explained by a higher number of bonds between protein molecules observed in transmission electron microscopy images. An increased concentration of magnesium ions in gel caused an increased release rate of these ions in simulated gastric conditions, which was probably caused by a higher surface roughness of the gel. Higher roughness of the gel surface enlarges the contact area and enables faster hydrolysis. The egg white isolate gels with a high bioavailability organic form of magnesium could be used as food supplement with a regulated magnesium release rate in the human stomach.
Celem pracy było wyprodukowanie analogów serów topionych, w których kazeinę kwasową częściowo zastąpiono modyfikowaną skrobią z kukurydzy woskowej (CH20) lub skrobią modyfikowaną z tapioki (V60T i VA85T) oraz określenie tekstury i topliwości otrzymanych produktów. Teksturę analogów serów topionych oznaczono za pomocą analizatora tekstury TA-XT2i. Przy użyciu próbnika cylindrycznego o średnicy 15 mm wykonano profilową analizę tekstury (TPA), w której zmierzono przylegalność, spójność i sprężystość analogów serowych. Natomiast w teście przebijania analogów serów topionych zastosowano próbnik cylindryczny o średnicy 10 mm. Pomiary lepkości analogów wykonano za pomocą reometru rotacyjnego Brookfield DV II+ przy użyciu przystawki Helipath (F). Topliwość określono zmodyfikowanym testem Schreibera. Zastosowanie skrobi modyfikowanych wpłynęło na teksturę i topliwość analogów serów topionych. Zwiększenie dodatku skrobi powodowało zwiększenie twardości oraz zmniejszenie topliwości w porównaniu z próbkami kontrolnymi. Nie zaobserwowano istotnych różnic w spójności i sprężystości pomiędzy próbkami kontrolnymi a próbkami zawierającymi modyfikowaną skrobię z kukurydzy woskowej CH20 oraz próbkami z dodatkiem skrobi modyfikowanych z tapioki (z wyjątkiem analogu z 5-procentowym dodatkiem skrobi modyfikowanej z tapioki VA85T). Zdecydowanie największą lepkością spośród wszystkich analogów charakteryzowały się próbki otrzymane z dodatkiem modyfikowanej skrobi z kukurydzy woskowej CH20, a w szczególności analogi z 3- i 4-procentową zawartością tej skrobi. Lepkość próbek z dodatkiem skrobi z tapioki VA85T zmniejszała się w miarę zwiększania w nich zawartości skrobi.
The objective of this study was to manufacture processed cheese analogues, in which acid casein was partially replaced by a modified waxy maize starch (CH20) or a modified tapioca starch (V60T and VA85T), and to determine the texture and meltability of the products manufactured. The texture of processed cheese analogues was analysed using a TA-XT2i Texture Analyser. With a cylindrical sampler of 15 mm diameter, a Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) was performed and the adhesiveness, cohesiveness, and springiness of processed cheese analogues were measured. In the puncture test used to analyze the processed cheese analogues, a 10 mm dia cylindrical sampler was applied. The viscosity of the processed cheese analogues was measured using a Brookfield DV II+ rotational viscometer with a Helipath Stand (F). The meltability of the processed cheese analogues was determined using a modified Schreiber test. The application of modified starches impacted the textural properties and meltability of processed cheese analogues. The addition of an increased amount of starch caused the hardness to increase and the meltability to decrease compared to the control samples. No significant differences were reported in the cohesiveness and springiness of the control samples, samples containing the modified waxy-maize starch CH20, and samples with the addition of the modified tapioca starch (except for the analogue with the added 5 % of the modified tapioca starch VA85T). The samples obtained with the addition of the modified waxy-maize starch CH20 were characterized by definitely the highest viscosity of all the analogues, in particular the analogues containing 3 and 4 % of that starch. The viscosity of the samples with the addition of VA85T tapioca starch decreased along with the increasing content of starch therein.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań efektywności technicznej przedsiębiorstw mleczarskich zlokalizowanych na Lubelszczyźnie. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2010-2012 we wszystkich lubelskich mleczarniach, które miały obowiązek przekazywania swoich sprawozdań finansowych do Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego (12 spośród 14 podmiotów). Oceny dokonano w oparciu o metodę DEA oraz wybrane wskaźniki finansowe. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały różnice w efektywności technicznej i efektywności skali pomiędzy badanymi mleczarniami. Jedynie trzy spośród dwunastu analizowanych podmiotów były w pełni efektywne w całym badanym okresie.
The article presents the results of the study on technical efficiency of dairy enterprises located in the Lublin region. The research was conducted in the years 2010-2012 in all dairies from the Lublin region which are obligated to submit their financial reports to the National Court Register. In order to assess the dairies performance the DEA method and selected financial ratios were applied. The study showed differences in technical efficiency and scale efficiency between dairy companies. Only three of twelve dairies were fully effective in the years 2010-2012.
Agronomic factors, and mineral fertilization in particular, have a strong impact on the quality of carrot roots. In recent years, researchers have begun to design eco-friendly agricultural practices that would stimulate the quality and yield of carrot roots. Our aim has been to analyse selected quality parameters pertaining to the chemical composition of carrot roots, and relate them to the application of different growth stimulators and cover crops. For this purpose, a field experiment was conducted in 2009-2011 investigating the effect of growth stimulators and stubble crops on the accumulation of chemical components in storage roots of carrot (cv. Laguna F1). The study included three growth stimulators: Asahi SL, Bio-algeen S 90 and Tytanit. Plots without any foliar application of these growth stimulators served as control treatment. Another factor consisted of the previous crop (spring barley) and stubble crops: tansy phacelia and a mixture of spring vetch and field pea, grown after the harvest of barley and then ploughed in. All the growth stimulators significantly reduced the NO3 content in carrot roots. Asahi SL significantly increased the phenolic content. The effects of the growth stimulators on the macronutrient content in carrot roots were statistically significant in the case of Mg and Na. Stubble cropping contributed to the reduction of nitrates and stimulated an increase in the content of phenolics as well as of P, K, Ca and Mg in carrot roots.
The aim of this experiment was to determine the effect of spent mushroom substrate (SMS), manure and mineral fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on chamomile (Chamomilla recutita L. Rausch) yield and raw material quality. Unfertilized chamomile plots were the control treatment. This study hypothesized that due to its high content of organic matter and macro- and micronutrients, SMS could be an alternative and innovative method of fertilization of this herbal plant. Given that the possibility of using organic fertilization is very limited, we should seek new methods to increase the organic matter content in cultivated soils. A three-year field experiment with a split-block design was conducted on podzolic soil under the climatic conditions of the central Lublin region (Poland). SMS used in this experiment was richer in dry matter and total nitrogen, but less rich in total organic carbon, phosphorus and potassium than farmyard manure. In each year of the study, the highest total yield of chamomile raw material was recorded in the treatment with SMS supplemented with mineral NPK fertilization in spring. The above-mentioned treatment also proved to be most beneficial for the majority of the analyzed quality parameters of the chamomile raw material. It was proved that due to fertilization of a chamomile plantation with SMS, herbal raw material characterized by the best health-promoting parameters (a high content of natural antioxidants) can be obtained.